Natural Solutions Foundation The Voice of Global Health Freedom (TM)
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1. Protect access to supplements and clean food You can read more here:
2. Ban All GMOs Now
Food additives are regulated by the FDA and USDA. These two organizations have the power to make sure you food is clean, wholesome, accurately labeled and free of both filth and contaminants. But, tragically for freedom, food and your health, they do not.
Instead, they bow to industry pressure to lower standards, hide contaminants and toxins, thus increasing the dangers of foods to consumers, the unimaginable horrors of food production at every step along the way, agricultural labor, factory food operations, slaughter, harvest, processing, and, finally, the horror of what that food does to you and your loved ones: the preventable, needless and tragic diseases that cost us our lives, our health and, ultimately, our freedom to make other choices.
Even organic standards are degraded both by the USDA and Codex (which are, in many ways, one and the same) to the point where they are becoming meaningless, with virtually unlimited GMO contamination permitted in the US, more chemicals permitted in the production of organic vegetables, fruits and animal products and a softening of procedural safeguards and product restrictions in those standards – all unlabeled, of course!
And deeply embedded in this slavish subjugation of real regulation and protection, corruption and callous disregard of our health and that of our planet, is Codex Alimentarius,, the United Nations Commission which sets up standards and guidelines covering every single bite or drink of food, every nutrient, every swallow of everything that can legally go in your mouth except drugs.
And who runs Codex? Basically, the US, in cahoots with the EU, decides what they want and then bulls it through the process to ratification by the annual Codex Alimentarius Commission.
The Natural Solutions Foundation attends some of the huge numbers of Codex meetings each year (there is one just about every week somewhere in the world) and what we see is that the US is serving its lethal constituency, the Bigs: Big Pharma, Big Agribiz, Big Biotech, Bic Chema and Big Medica. Of course, we undersand that the same companies which make the agricultural chemicals and additives are also the drug companies. They are also the industrialized agriculture companies.
Just as Big Pharma is working very hard to drive natural medicine out of existence since that is its primary competitor, so it and its sister industries, its sister Bigs, are working just as hard to take over all food production all over the world. After all, healthy people mean sickly profits for an industry that makes money only when you are sick, healthy profits mean sick people. And healthy food means slickly profits for the chemical, irradiation and GMO companies, all tightly tied to Big Pharma.
‘Whoever controls food controls the world’, Henry Kissinger told President Nixon in 1974 when he authored his then-secret National Security Memorandum 200. That same document stated what the World Health Organization would state at around the same time: that it was ‘necessary’ to hold depopulation as the primary goal of US foreign policy, “starting with the third world”. That is the reason that WHO gives for creating, and continuing to deploy
And that is precisely what Codex is: an extension of the US foregin policy of depopulation, with a huge dollop of greed and immoral deception thrown in for good measure. It is, in fact, nothing short of a globalist conspiracy, at the top levels, using food to contaminate our food supply and eliminate the “useless eaters” of the world, those who are consuming the non-renewable resources which the elite believe they own by some sort of diving right of Illuminati kings. If you want more information on this aspect of Codex, and I recommend that you do, please spend 40 minutes or so watching “Nutricide“, . I do not think you will look at Codex again, or the US involvement with it, the same way again.
Ah, you say, not in the US. Our food is clean and industries are held accountable for what they put in our food, do to our food, allow to happen to our food. That depopulation stuff is just for the third world, isn’t it?
Dream on. The very industries which FDA, EPA and USDA were created to curb, control and corral have become the owners, though intense corruption and vastly deep pockets, the dictators of the limp regulations which do not curb them, control them, nor protect anything but their interests, public be sickened and be dammed. Our food supply is horrifyingly degraded, minus accurate labeling.
How degraded? Take a look at the article following this article and realize that you are looking at Codex on the hoof, that, with a few minor differences, the contamination and adulteration described here, making you sick with illnesses of supposedly unknown origins like cancer, heart disease, MS, MD, arthritis, diabetes, auto immune disease, chemical sensitivity, birth defects, autism, infertility, psychiatric illnesses and on and on and on are also Codex on the hoof.
Wrap you mind around the reality that clean food is not easy for mega industries to produce, so it is not profitable. What is not profitable is not produced and, if someone else, for example, small farmers, produce it, they will be driven out of business.
With the help of the US Congress. The House of Representatives has passed legislation which, if passed by the Senate, will criminalize the production and sale of clean healthy foods. Senator Harkin’s bogus Food “Safety” Bill, S. 510, will give the entire food supply to Big Agribiz with no checks, balances or redress AND give vast amounts of power to the FDA, which Rep. Dr. Ron Paul says is already abusing its power to our detriment. We agree with Dr. Paul. Giving more power to what is arguably the most corrupt organization in the developed world is not a reasonable action.
Worse yet, our contaminated food requires an increased supply of nutrients but Senator John McCain has introduced another bogus Food “Safety” bill, S. 3002, which will destroy the legal basis for your access to the nutrients that over 90% of the US Population chooses to use to maintain or regain health.
The Natural Solutions Foundation knows that these bills are intended to destroy access to clean, unadulterated food, a prime requisite for health and freedom. We know that the high likelihood is that these two dangerous and anti-health, anti-freedom bills will be merged into a single omnibus piece of death-dealing legislation which will literally criminalize the production, sale or consumption of clean food and nutrients.
Please take a moment to take this Action Item once for each member of your family and then send it on to everyone you can reach asking them to do the same: You can read more here:
Please note that the contamination, irradiation, adulteration, chemicals permitted (including sprays of fluoride produced by Dow Chemical Company at 3300 ppm on your food to prevent it from getting moldy, for example), are just as much a problem as the meet additives listed below.
From where I sit, every single decision made by Codex, which really means made by the US Government on behalf of the multinational corporations, is a decision to degrade your health, curtail your freedom, mandate under nutrition and then use your suffering to ruthlessly control you and yours by eliminating all options for health choice and natural health options. Unless and until we take control of our health, our freedom and our food, things will just get worse.
This is a war that we cannot afford to lose. If you are not already a member of the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Health Freedom Action eAlert, go to or and sign up now. If you are not growing your own food in tiny spaces yet, go to and start learning how to do that either by yourself or with friends and neighbors. And if you want to know more about the Foundation’s pilot project in Panama to reclaim the production of food, and how you can be a part of that project, go to
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom eJournal –
International Decade of Nutrition –
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project –
Valley of the Moon Coffee –
Virtual Malls Supporting Health Freedom
Food is List of Additives Allowed in Meat & Poultry (Yum!)
Want to know what’s in your meat and/or poultry? The government’s got a new 40-page PDF document,, with a complete list of allowed additives. And, to help you decipher the list, they also provide a Glossary of Commonly Used Meat and Poultry Additives and Terms,
Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find in meat & poultry. By the way, many of these chemicals do not need to be labeled on the products you purchase. Honestly, some of these things might be harmless. Even water can sound like a dangerous chemical if you refer to it as dihydrogen oxide. But the sheer length of this list as well as the fact that consumers are in the dark about most of them makes me very glad that I’m a vegetarian and that what little meat I’ve eaten in the past several years came directly from farmers I know.
Acidifiers: Ammonium hydroxide, an aqueous solution of acidic calcium sulfate, an aqueous solution of hydrochloric and acetic acid, an aqueous solution of citric and hydrochloric acid, an aqueous solution of citric acid, hydrochloric acid, and phosphoric acid, an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, citric acid, and phosphoric acid, sodium bisulfate, and sulfuric acid.
Anticoagulants: Sodium tripolyphosphate
Antimicrobials: An aqueous solution of sodium diacetate (4%), lactic acid, (4%), pectin (2%), and acetic acid (0.5%); an aqueous solution of sodium octanoate or octanoic acid and either glycerin and/or propylene glycol and/or a Polysorbate surface active agent (quantity sufficient to achieve the technical effect of octanoic acid emulsification) adjusted to a final solution pH of 1.5 to 4.0 using sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or an acceptable GRAS [generally regarded as safe] acid;… (the list goes on for many pages and includes such gems as anhydrous ammonia and chlorine gas)
Antioxidants: BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)
Binders: A mix of sodium alginate, calcium sulfate, glucono deltalactone, and sodium pyrophosphate; a mixture of carrageenan, whey, protein concentrate, and xantham gum; beef collagen; binders listed in 9 CFR 424.21(c) for use in cured pork products and poultry products; carboxymethyl cellulose (cellulose gum); carrot fiber; cellulose, powdered conforming to the specifications in the Food Chemicals Codex 5th Edition; guar powder, micronized; hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; inulin; konjac flour; methylcellulose; oat hull fiber; oat fiber; orange pulp, dried; orange pulp, dried and orange pulp, dried with guar gum; partially hydrolyzed proteins; pectin; pork collagen; pork skin proteins; rice bran; rice starch; sodium alginate; “(species) protein” (e.g., chicken protein); transgultaminase enzyme; trehalose, xantham gum (purified by recovery with ethyl alcohol)
Colorings: Carmine (cochineal)
Curing Accelerators (must be used only in combination with curing agents): Potassium erythorbate
Denuding agents (may be used in combination. Must be removed from tripe by rinsing with potable water.): Calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium hydroxide, potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, potassium hydroxide, tricalcium phosphate, tropotassium phosphate
That’s just the first 24 pages or so. The list goes on with film forming agents, flavoring agents, “Miscellaneous,” packaging systems, poultry scald agents, and tenderizing agents. Yum!