Advance Vaccine Directive — AVD Card
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Posted 08 October 2016
Posted 23 October 2015
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Foundation Counsel’s General Brief for Informed Consent:
The AVD FAQs Page:
Special Note to Parents & Guardians:
How to Sign for Another Person
“The Advance Vaccine Directive is a valid Advance Health Directive or Living Will binding on the medical community under the law of Informed Consent. The Wallet Card our legal team developed is based on the latest US Supreme Court “I Do Not Consent” case, Missouri vs McNeely (2013). It covers circumstances in which you may find yourself facing not-consented vaccination, such as being brought into an ER and being subjected to immediate vaccination.” Ralph Fucetola JD
Please note that once you select the number of Advance Vaccine Directive
Cards you prefer and make your payment,
You will receive an email verification of that transaction.
Please expect your card(s) within two weeks via USPS.
US Supreme Court Says: Your Right to Refuse Only Exists IF You Assert It!
Assert Your Right to Refuse ALL Vaccines
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each Member of Your Family Must Carry His/Her Own Signed Card
Advance Vaccine Directive Card: Wallet Sized and Laminated.
Sign Immediately and Carry With You At All Times.
Signing an AVD card for yourself does not assert your child’s right to Informed Consent. Each child should have his or her own card which you, as the guardian, sign in the following way: “Jan Smith by Marty Smith, Guardian/Parent” where Jan Smith is the Child and Marty Smith is the parent or guardian.
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Advance Vaccine Directive
PROFESSIONAL OPINION: “Declared Informed Consent protects you from forced vaccination.”
Assert Your Legal Right with an “Advance Vaccination Directive.”
Wallet Card format available now.
You cannot afford to be without your
“I Do Not Consent” Card for each family member!
The special link is at the top of this page.
The essential importance of asserting the Right Informed Consent to preserve it is shown by the 2013 US Supreme Court case of Missouri vs McNeely, where the warrantless extraction of blood was ruled illegal as the defendant “refused to consent.” Had McNeely remained silent, the blood test would have been allowed –
Even “…diminished expectation of privacy does not diminish their privacy interest in preventing a government agent from piercing their skin. And though a blood test conducted in a medical setting by trained personnel is less intrusive than other bodily invasions, this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests…” (page 15). – Ralph Fucetola JD
Obtain Your AVD Card at the NEW
Natural Solutions Marketplace Here:
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Dr. Rima about the Dead Holistic Doctors:
How to Protect Yourself from Vaccines
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation are deeply concerned by the tainted and damaging vaccines that we are increasingly mandated to receive and permit our children to receive. They may contain not only the cancer causing viruses and toxic metals we already know about, but the horrifyingly dangerous enzyme Nalgalase which stops your immune system dead in its tracks.
This must stop. It stops with us: you and the Natural Solutions Foundation can, in fact, stop it.
Here’s how:
1.Place an Advance Vaccine Directive card in your wallet instructing any healthcare provider NOT to vaccinate you or your children. This card has the force of any other advance care health directive.
.2. Think of it as REAL Herd Immunity: we are protecting the innate immune capacity of the herd by halting the damaging vaccine mandates that make so many of us ill in so many ways.
We are, in effect, creating a Personal Vaccine Moratorium. This personal vaccine moratorium will only stop the vaccine juggernaut when it becomes a People’s Vaccine Moratorium, when huge masses of people participate. So your next step is to notify and encourage your circle of influence that adulterated vaccines are a highly likely cause of not only autism, but cancer, infertility and a host of other tragic disease.
Send the link to this video to everyone you care about, know and can reach.
Let’s look at the background of some of the most important of the recent events:
The social media has been full of speculation regarding the dozen or more holistic doctors who have been murdered in the US and Mexico (or have died or disappeared under suspicious circumstances) over the past month or so. This is, frankly, quite frightening to me both as a holistic doctor and as an outspoken member of our society, as well. It is imperative that we understand clearly what is happening, why and how to stop it.
We have been researching and communicating with our insider contacts with great urgency in order to unravel this horrifying story.
I’ve prepared a dossier about what we know so far – and it is not good. If you know me, you know very well that I am one holistic doctor who does not intend to disappear or be silenced. I am in excellent health and am careful about my whereabouts and security. Having a retired major general as a husband helps.
It would appear that there are several important connections among these tragically deceased doctors. The link is not in how they died but that they were onto a potent cure that would make Big Pharma’s toxic drugs and vaccines obsolete.
Obtain Your AVD Card at the NEW
Natural Solutions Marketplace Here:
Of course, these good doctors were using natural, non-toxic means to cure, yes, CURE, autism, cancer and other degenerative diseases of immune distortion and failure. That’s the link..
Two of the most recent, and unexpected, deaths, autism doctor Jeff Bradstreet and cancer doctor, Nick Gonzalez, appear to point to the fact that both of them were looking at, and using, supplementation with a naturally produced immune factor.
Take a deep breath. What I am about to share with you is, as I see it, willfully and criminally negligent at a level so breathtaking that its magnitude is literally hard to wrap my mind around. It appears that the very companies that make a profit from every illness we experience, have been doping their vaccines, causing autism, cancer and a wide variety of other diseases. They and the complicit criminals in our regulatory agencies, the FDA, CDC, etc.- claim these vaccines are “safe and effective” — while the science shows what the Supreme Court said, vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.”
Yes, it appears that they have been making intentionally tainted vaccines.
The doctors I mentioned above believed that the deadly substance Nalgalase was being intentionally introduced through vaccines to CAUSE autism and cancer and that the treatment for that, supplementation with a signaling molecule made by our own bodies when it is not shut off by Nalgalase, was so threatening to the illness industry that they were killed to silence them.
So the masters of death and their government minions didn’t stop when the SV40 cancer-causing virus was removed from the polio vaccine (after knowingly infecting 98,000,000 Americans). They appear to have gone on to lace our vaccines with a substance with almost endless immune suppressant capacity so that they could the sell us drugs and chemotherapy agents when our immune systems failed us.
We pay for these vile brews and infect them into ourselves and our children while they make a ghastly blood profit from the needless suffering that they have induced.
Each of us must obtain, and carry a legally valid Advance Vaccine Directive to create our own PERSONAL VACCINE MORATORIUM – refusing all vaccines for yourself and your children.
To do so, the card which we will send to you must be carried on your person at all times and displayed if vaccine use is threatened.
Remember, as many people as possible must carry these cards and present the Advance Vaccine Directive, creating a People’s Vaccine Moratorium while we prepare to use the Court system to our advantage.
There is important information in the Dossier at the link on the bottom of the screen.
Go “On Record” with your own Advance Vaccine Directive card which provides you with the “I Do Not Consent” Statement that you cannot afford to be without! You’ll be able to secure your place at the head of the line for your Advance Vaccine Directive Card now when you donate at the Donation Button above.
Oh, yes, one more gift.
When you donate, we’ll add you to our list of Health Freedom Newsletter subscribers at no cost to you so your donation will serve as an Opt In for the newsletter.