We’re Back! Truth WILL Out!
We Must Be Doing Something Right!
Over the years, Natural Solutions Foundation has been subjected to repeated cyber attacks, financial crimes apparently directed from “Operation Chokepoint” White House command center and personal assaults.
Why? Because we not only speak truth to power (which really, really does not like hearing it!) but we speak truth to you.
Most recently, the company that handled our email capacity for several years gave us 48 hours to find another email company because they were [allegedly] going out of business. When? the day before Christmas!
That’s distressing for us, but, like all the other assaults it confirms that we are doing a very good job of saying what those in power do not want you to know.
This goes along with the fact that dozens of thousands (!) of double opted in email addresses were lopped off our lists by the major “providers” at a wallop, gutting, once again, our ability to communicate with you.
And our FB page was sabotaged, too. No surprise there.
BUT, despite all that, perhaps even because of it, Natural Solutions Foundation is even more determined than ever to do our job: find out what the truth really is and bring it to you along with powerful, potent, practical and lawful solutions.
For us to communicate with you all you need to do is sign up for Dr. Rima’s Health Freedom Newsletter at this link — https://secure.campaigner.com/CSB/Public/Form.aspx?fid=633242&ac=gafw.
We’ll tell you the news that no one else will and give you our medical, legal and situational analysis of what is going on – and what you need to do to protect yourself, your family and your rights.
Our news aggregation site, www.opensourcetruth.com is a mine of vital information and our website, www.drrimatruthreports.com, is, too.
Health supporting products and life-saving books? Check out www.nsfmarketplace.com.
A word of history: Natural Solutions Foundation was created in 2004 when Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (my deceased husband) and I closed our practice of drug free medicine in New York to take on the threats to our health and health freedom represented by the globalist pharmaceutical, economic and anti-health forces gathering strength.
We knew that bad things were in store for the ordinary person and we believed then, and believe now, that if you know that evil is being perpetrated and you do nothing to stop it, then you are a part of the evil itself.
Neither General Bert nor I could tolerate that, so we committed ourselves to this battle. And what a battle it is: our lives, our genes, our rights and our future are all very much at stake.
We, you and I, in our huge numbers and justified outrage, are the only force that has the willingness – or the ability – to protect these precious rights.
If, like our Founding President General Bert, our Trustee Counsel Ralph Fucetola and I value these rights and freedoms, we invite you to join us. And we promise you that your data will never be compromised by us.
We also promise that we will never tell you what we do not believe to be the truth and will never hide what we know from you.
We wish the US Government and privatized participants in the surveillance state would make the same promise!
There is a reason that public and private forces try so hard to silence and stifle us. It’s because they urgently do not want you to know what they are doing. That’s exactly why you need to know!
Click here, LINK, to opt in for news you need and solutions you can effectively use.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
You can also find Dr. Rima’s Truth at these Facebook pages: