About the Natural Solutions Foundation
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™

The Natural Solutions Foundation is an exempt international NGO (non-governmental organization). The Mission of the Foundation is to discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the problems facing us and threatening our health and food freedom. Since its founding in 2004, the Natural Solutions Foundation has pursued a vigorous program on many fronts, including natural solutions to significant social problems involving health and wellness. We consider health and food freedom to be part of those solutions. The threats to health and food freedom are both domestic and international, as are the solutions.
The Natural Solutions Foundation has no other goal than to support advanced healthcare and health & food freedom here in America and around the world by educating members of the US Congress, other world legislators, agencies and decision makers. Our US Foundation has no commercial interests and no conflict of interest in what we do: demonstrate natural solutions.
Here is a link to some of our accomplishments: Accomplishments
We know that alone we cannot safeguard our health freedoms. Therefore, the Natural Solutions Foundation is a “network of networks” created to disseminate the facts, challenges and triumphs in our shared battle to protect, preserve and defend our right to make our own health choices based on what we, not the government, believe are the best choices for ourselves.
Promoting natural solutions means more than just talking about what is wrong; it’s mostly about what we do to “discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate” those natural solutions. In this context, we are sponsoring, through the Natural Solutions Foundation of Panama, the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Community in Chiriqui, Panama. Currently the Natural Solutions Center in Volcan, Panama and the All Natural Valley of the Moon Coffee Finca outside the town are the first two properties in the development.
You can learn more about this exciting project here:
The Fund for Natural Solutions: www.FundforNaturalSolutions.org
Our All Natural Coffee:

More important Health and Food Freedom links:
Read our manifesto.
For Dr. Rima Reports Weekly Radio Program (Thursdays – 10 to midnight, Eastern): www.HealthFreedomPortal.org
For the Health Keepers Oath: www.HealthKeepersOath.org
For the Food Freedom eJournal: www.FoodFreedomeJournal.orghttp://twitter.com/healthfreedomus
To Friend us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_49374475384&ap=1
The Natural Solutions Foundation was created to protect, promote and defend Advanced Healthcare and Health Freedom when Rima E. Laibow, M.D. and Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Ret.) took stock of the dismal state of health freedom in the United States.
Domestically, the U.S. faces threats such as privacy violations (HIPPA, Real ID, etc.) continuing assaults on DSHEA, witch hunts against advanced medical practitioners, stifled new medical technologies, “practice guidelines” designed to straight jacket doctors and force them into pharmaceutical treatment of diseases and conditions that are better treated in other ways. Internationally, we face Codex Alimentarius. Domestically, we face harmonization with Codex if DSHEA and other protective laws are overturned or gutted.
General Stubblebine and Dr. Laibow looked at the current legislative climate and health-focused personnel and their stance on health and health freedom and then counted up the votes needed in Congress to push back the deadly incursions being made by Codex Alimentarius (the World food Code) and domestic health freedom threats. They felt they had no moral and ethical choice but to close their successful full-time medical practice of natural and nutritional pharmaceutical-free Advanced Healthcare so that they could tend to the body politic which was sick and suffering.
Successful Medical Experience
General Stubblebine and Dr. Laibow were used to helping people who came to them in extremely grave condition. Their typical patient had “been there, done that” in both the conventional and the so-called “alternative medicine” worlds and was still either intractably ill or dying.
By finding the basic underlying issues and then helping to correct them with natural healthcare, those patients would often go from grave ill health to robust, glowing well-being. Individually, both Dr. Laibow and General Stubblebine have always been active in making the world a better place through creative and change-agent activities. Together, this husband-and-wife team felt that their combined strategic and tactical knowledge, along with their organizational and communication skills, dedication and medical expertise (and General Stubblebine’s unique career as a professional warrior-strategist) made them credible organizers, spokespersons, effective educators and motivators to help shift the balance from a seriously ill “health freedom patient” to a vigorous and robust one.
Mobilizing the Power of the People
The Natural Solutions Foundation is predicated on the belief that people own this Republic of ours. Decisions that impact the lives of people must be made through a democratic process in which their voices are heard and counted and, in so far as possible, should be left to the individual to make for him/herself. That is the United States left to us by our Founding Fathers, the United States we believe in and the United States we participate in. We do not warm to the prospect of a United States of America controlled and run through the lies by huge multi-national corporations and deceptive special interests. General Stubblebine gave 32 years of his life to defend the freedom of this country, not surrender it to an “economitocracy”.
Focus: Education and Inspiration
Thomas Jefferson understood that a free people must have both education and the will to remain free. This is not very different from what people need to remain healthy: education on how to protect and defend their health and the will to take the necessary steps to do so.
“Fighting for freedom and warding off tyranny is part of our American heritage. We see it as our duty to contribute to the vision of a truly vibrant America. The Natural Solutions Foundation and the campaign to protect America from threats to health freedom such as Codex Alimentarius is our way of contributing to our country.”
More about the International Decade of Nutrition and the projects under it at: http://www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org
– Dr. Laibow and General Stubblebine
Board of Trustee Members
- General Albert Stubblebine (U.S. Army Retired)
President - Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director - Ralph Fucetola, JD, VP-Legal