Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
July 1, 2010
Therapies for Airborne Poisons
Marc Sircus
The IMVA is doing what no other medical or health organization is doing – sending out an emergency alert to doctors to prepare for a serious public health threat from aerosolized oil and associated gases. This report and treatment recommendations are meant to maximize survival and health under adverse environmental conditions. The key to avoiding long-term harm is to help the body deal with the chemical assault from the very first moments when one notices foul smell, taste or flu-like symptoms.
When exposure to toxins is dramatically increased, as is the case for people in the Gulf area, the body rapidly becomes overwhelmed and the detoxification pathways normally used to excrete toxins cannot keep up with the exposure. It is well known that airborne toxins documented to be present in a number of Gulf communities are at levels that are many times the maximum allowed by the EPA.
These toxins are coming from both the oil leak and from the chemical dispersants being used to mitigate the accumulation of oil on the water surface. When the body becomes overwhelmed by this level of exposure, it will then “scramble” to store these excess fat soluble toxins in fat cells throughout the body. As these toxins accumulate, the increasing toxic burden can trigger a multitude of health problems.
This document suggests emergency medical treatments with safe non-toxic substances for anyone feeling the signs and symptoms being reported in the Gulf region. The offered protocol outlines basic treatments to capitalize on the body’s own ability to excrete toxic oil substances. By assisting the body in eliminating these toxins before they build up to critical levels, we can protect ourselves from developing the health challenges associated with exposure to these toxins. The process of detoxification is just that – a process. It is imperative to assist the body in eliminating these toxins.
See this map of complaints to see what geographic areas are most threatened.
Today we smelled for about the tenth time in a couple of months a chemical smell. It smells a bit like paint thinner- not an oil smell. We seem to smell this on less windy days here in NOLA. Usually the smell lasts a few hours, but today it was most of the day. Today is June 27.
Emergency medical treatments should be initiated immediately if you want to neutralize the hazardous toxicity from the beginning before too much damage is done. Don’t listen to any doctor or healthcare official who says negative effects are temporary. If you can smell it you are in danger. When you are poisoned with oil compounds, some of which are the nastiest chemicals on earth, like benzene, the damage is deep enough to breakup your DNA. Dr. Blanca Laffon at the University of A Coruna in Spain tested several hundred cleanup workers, both professionals and volunteers, for evidence of DNA damage in the nuclei of their cells. Laffon says exposure to oil did induce DNA damage that was greater in those with more exposure. So again do not listen to anyone who suggests exposure is not dangerous to your long-term health.
Dan Rather, reporting in the Huffington Post, says (incorrectly), “What will be the long-term effects of those large oil plumes, now called clouds, far below the surface? We don’t know. What is the toxicity of all that chemical dispersant being used at the site of the gusher and in the open waters of the Gulf? We don’t know.” We do know and the medical community has to know with precision what is going on or our ignorance is going to hurt a lot of people. We can look at worse-case scenarios and see situations that exceed anything medicine has ever faced. It is ill-prepared for this emergency that will gather itself up with each million gallons more leaked into the Gulf.
The United States government should organize a worldwide effort to provide to the citizens of the affected area large tonnages of sodium bicarbonate and magnesium salts of different types. Clay also should be provided for both internal and external cleansing. Glutathione suppositories need to be taken instantly upon symptom onset. For intense exposure, glutathione IVs are required; selenium IVs should be high on the list as well, though oral dosing will do for mild cases. Highly concentrated medicinal baths with baking soda and magnesium is also an excellent emergency procedure that can be done at home. The government needs to be called in or perhaps some rich family will have a heart and organize relief efforts for the exposed. Some organized help is necessary for if even only a small percent of the people in affected areas try to order necessary supplies stocks will be overwhelmed quite quickly.
There are several ways to increase your glutathione levels. It is a good idea to proceed slowly at first if your glutathione has been depleted for an extended period of time (months to years), because toxins and infections may have been allowed to build up in the absence of sufficient glutathione to keep them under control. If glutathione is then brought up rapidly, the mobilization of toxins can produce a Jarisch Herxheimer reaction, which is an exacerbation of symptoms that can make a person feel very unpleasant.
Intravenous glutathione is best for emergency application but our recommendation for treating Gulf Toxicity Syndrome is to use suppositories, which are about 60 percent as effective as IVs. Transdermal application would probably come in at around 40 percent with oral glutathione supplements being of questionable use. The highly vascular intestines provide a perfect way for beneficial substances to be absorbed into the bloodstream without being broken down by the stomach’s acids or deactivated by the enzymes in the liver. My recommendation is to start doses at one suppository a day of 500 mg to monitor for reactions, then work up to 3-4 a day if exposure levels are high, and do this for an extended period of time.
The foundation of our protocol is based in nutritional not pharmaceutical medicine. Using toxic drugs on top of the toxic exposure does not make any sense. People new to this type of medicine might be comforted to know that some of the best emergency room and intensive care medicines are in reality nutritional medicines. Sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are both used to save lives every day but the medical industrial complex does not like to brag about this because there is no money in these common substances. We have a real problem though for doctors can’t hold an intelligent conversation about nutrition.
“For every molecule of pesticide that your body detoxifies, you throw away or use up forever a molecule of glutathione, magnesium and more,” says Dr. Sherry Rogers, who goes on to say that, “Your body uses nutrients to make this glutathione and it uses up energy as well. Every time we detoxify a chemical, we use up, lose, throw away forever a certain amount of nutrients.”
Under No Circumstance Underestimate the Danger
“People, including pregnant women, can be exposed to these chemicals by breathing them (air), by swallowing them (water, food), or by touching them (skin). If possible, everyone, including pregnant women, should avoid the oil and spill-affected areas,” writes the CDC (Center for Disease Control). They suggest that people stay indoors and turn their air conditioners to internal venting to avoid exposure when they can smell it.
The President’s Cancer Panel issued a landmark report last month suggesting that public health officials have “grossly underestimated” the extent of environmentally-induced cancer among the 1.5 million Americans diagnosed with the disease annually. So don’t believe a word more you read on the CDC site for surrounding their clear statement of warning and danger – everything else they say detracts and makes light of the threat.
Acute inhalation exposure to high levels of methylene chloride in humans has resulted in effects on the central nervous system (CNS) including decreased visual, auditory, and psychomotor functions.” – EPA
This document outlines a basic core protocol using, in order of priority: sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, selenium, glutathione, clay, concentrated superfoods like spirulina and chlorella, and formulations like Rejuvenate. The entire cadre of essential nutrients is needed for detoxification to work properly (e.g. vitamins, minerals, essential fats, antioxidants such as vitamin C and bioflavonoids). Most of these are in the spirulina and chlorella, but many more are in the Rejuvenate, which tastes a whole lot better.
Sodium bicarbonate is a vitally important part of the detoxification process because of its ability to modulate body pH. But that is only one of the many reasons everyone needs to turn their attention to the single most helpful substance in an environmental disaster. That good old Arm and Hammer baking soda can save the day. It is very important for doctors to know that even a slightly over acidity in the body can impede detoxification.
Activated charcoal and distilled (or other very pure water) are other super essential substances to have on hand to maximize the body’s ability to excrete highly toxic oil gases. Instructions on teaching people how to make homemade gas masks is on the list of poison gas threats so one will really need that charcoal for anyone downwind of the Gulf disaster. A testimony in John Dinsley book Charcoal Remedies tells an important story about severe benzene exposure. “After taking the charcoal capsules, I made an appointment with my family doctor. I told him about the benzene and asked for another blood test. When the test came back a week later, it showed that I had no benzene in my system.” There is also the coffee enema (organic), which detoxifies the liver, our most important toxin filter.
According to Parris Kidd, PhD and nutritional researcher, “Detoxification capacity varies widely from person to person and what one person can effectively detoxify may cause liver damage or cancer in another. The liver relies heavily on antioxidants and antioxidant cofactors for its detoxification work, so supplementation with vitamins B (complex), C, E, and glutathione precursors have top priority.”[1] Dr. Kidd recommends glutathione precursors alpha-lipoic acid (100 mg/day) and N-acetylcysteine (600 mg/day) along with B, E and C vitamins, phosphatidylcholine and taurine.
The Rejuvenate formulas cover all of this nutritional territory in a most superb way. Spirulina and chlorella cover most but they do not contain any C. Full hydration with pure fluids is absolutely essential in any detoxification protocol thus organic juice fasts or eating very lightly as one flushes and nourishes the system with fluids with these superfoods dissolved is central to an effective protocol. Dr. Leonard Mehlmauer, a naturopath says that, “Each case would be different but diet would be a primary medical tool with the use of pure and raw liquids playing a large part in recovery. The more severe cases would very likely go on all pure raw liquids, especially green smoothies laced with superfoods.”
One needs to know how vitally important magnesium and selenium are for increasing glutathione, the cornerstone enzyme that we need to detoxify chemicals and heavy metals from our body’s tissues. Order a supply of glutathione suppositories as well as supplies for IVs if you are a doctor that uses them. Activated charcoal should also be brought into the area in large quantities for it holds the potential to help a lot of people in the Gulf Region.
It is crucially important that in our diagnostic model of Gulf Toxicity Syndrome the local populations of the southern states are already exposed to the highest airborne mercury levels; so these people’s toxic levels are unusually high and their immune and detoxification systems are unusually low. Glutathione levels have been diminished and then crashed down even further due to inhaled VOCs. Thus, replenishing glutathione levels quickly is an essential foundation for appropriate emergency and long-term treatment.
Dr. Garry Gordon agrees, suggesting, “IV Glutathione is at the top of the list for effective detoxification for virtually every toxic exposure. Those who are already showing serious symptoms need IV glutathione and vitamin C and extra magnesium – often called a MYER’s cocktail. The doses of C we like are from 8 to 16 grams a day and there are specialized products that most people can tolerate in those higher levels without upsetting the intestine too much. When we give vitamin C IVs we use from 25 to 100 grams in a slow drip and do this 2-4 times a week for as long as needed; but always use high dosages of oral C too. I am very impressed with NAC (N-acetyl cysteine); take 500-600 mg capsules at least twice a day for a few months.
A great part of the idea is to increase cell adaptability and resistance to chemical stress, open detoxification pathways, increase cell wall permeability to allow more nutrients to enter and toxic wastes to exit, increase available glutathione, and provide a large influx of minerals that will increase enzyme activity and help neutralize heavy metals and noxious chemicals from the system. We concentrate on high oral intake of medicinals with high ORAC values. The idea is to increase Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC), an assay that measures the degree of inhibition of peroxy-radical-induced oxidation by the compounds of interest in a chemical milieu. One of the Rejuvenate formulas has an ORAC reading of 14,300 for a 41-gram serving. An equal amount of spirulina measures around 3,600. For reference sake approximately 5 servings of fruits and vegetables would typically have an ORAC value in the range of 3,000-5000 units.
There are many ways that spirulina and chlorella helps us and both have always been known to facilitate detoxification during fasting and thus they are also very useful during chelation. One of their functions, through their high concentration of amino acids and carotenes, is to raise glutathione levels, thus reducing kidney and liver toxicity caused by the heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs and other toxins. One of the reasons that spirulina and chlorella are so effective in cases of radioactivity is the discovery that they do in fact increase glutathione levels.[2]
A large adult man would probably want to take as many as fifty tablets of 500 mgs of spirulina or chlorella (25 grams) but would have to work up to that and be taking lots of fluids. With a Rejuvenate I would easily double or triple the serving, which would then add up to 90 grams. This gets expensive and British Petroleum should be paying for all of this but they won’t of course.
The influence of spirulina extracts significantly increased GSH (glutathione) levels compared with untreated cells according to Dr. H. Hana et al at the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt. The GSH level of untreated cells was 6.1µg10G cells while those treated with S. plantensis and S. maxima increased the GSH level to 70.32µg10G and even higher. Mike Adams recommends taking chlorella powder in a jar of strong unsweetened lime or lemon water creating a mix that bypasses the unpleasant taste.
Detoxification through the skin is also a very important pathway for healing oneself from chemical overexposure. Besides the bicarbonate and magnesium salt baths the two most useful methods of transdermal elimination are clay baths or clay packs and saunas. Taking a clay bath is one of the most effective methods in existence to help assist the body in the elimination of toxic substances which have accumulated in the body. Applied over one’s organs, such as the liver, clay poultices and packs aid in detoxification and not quite as messy as a bath. Once you have used the clay, it will be full of toxins, so please dispose of it and wash your skin off with a good natural soap.
Clay is very important to have on hand for medical, environmental and nuclear emergencies. Clay baths are a very strong way of removing heavy metals from the body and would increase our chances of survival if exposed to nuclear fallout. In addition, clay can be ingested and is very effective in removing toxins through the process of elimination. For ingestion, I recommend the daily use of a product called Edible Clay from LL’s Magnetic Clay. The use of clay for both internal and external use puts in our hands the healing power of mother earth and there is little that can compare or compete in the world of medicine.I explain this fully in my recent essay Edible Clay; Healing with Mother Earth. For general health, one heaping teaspoon of Edible Earth in an 8 oz glass of water daily is sufficient. And study your iodine, you will need that on hand as well.
Far Infrared saunas (FIR) in particular stimulate multiple pathways in the body including the liver detoxification metabolic pathways. They also supports kidney filtration and elimination. Most importantly far infrared sauna triggers subcutaneous toxin release via perspiration – thereby bringing “online” this additional detoxification pathway. Families and organizations can share the cost of a FIR sauna, which can be used round the clock by many when situations call for such use.
First Steps
One can be overwhelmed when first introduced to nutritional medicine, detoxification principles and chelation of heavy metals. There is a lot to learn and a lot of people say different things about it. Orthodox medicine has taken a strong stand against any of these processes so it will be impotent in its response to this expanding health nightmare. Almost forty thousand people are working in or around the Gulf and a few million on shore are in harm’s way.
The average life span of a person who did cleanup on the Exxon Valdez is 51 years meaning almost all of them are already dead yet British Petroleum is not informing doctors nor making communications that help the public.
It’s important to always remember that the first rule is to avoid exposure for even the very best protocol cannot save you if you have been hit by a toxic truck. When told by the CDC not to touch the oil it is good to remember one of the greatest lessons in the field of toxicology. There once was a scientist, Karen Wetterhahn who was an internationally respected Professor of Chemistry, an expert researcher in the field of the effects of heavy metals upon living systems, especially in their role in causing cancer. Wetterhahn spilling a drop or two of Dimethylmercury ((CH3)2Hg) on her gloved hand. Less than a year later, she was dead from the effects of mercury poisoning.
Dimethylmercury, a colorless liquid, is one of the strongest known neurotoxins. It is described as having a slightly sweet smell, although inhaling enough vapors to detect its odor would be extremely hazardous. Test showed subsequently that Dimethylmercury would have penetrated the glove and started entering her skin within 15 seconds.
Shortly after the accident she began to notice definite symptoms that worried her – tingly fingers and toes, slurred speech. She began to have problems with her balance and her field of vision started to shrink. When one is exposed to oil smell and its accompanying chemicals or even oil on the beach or in puddles from rainfall should beware and take great care. Though oil toxicity might not be as dangerous as Dimethylmercury one should remember the lessons of Karen Wetterhahn, who was wearing protective gear. It was a great lesson because no one dreamed it was as dangerous as it is and they are repeating the same mistake in the Gulf.
A new chemical dispersant is being used in the cleanup effort — it’s toxic, it’s largely experimental, and it’s being sprayed in abundance into the ocean. It’s unclear at this point what exactly its long term impact on life. The active ingredient of the toxic chemical dispersant is a neurotoxin pesticide that is acutely toxic to both human and aquatic life, causes cancer, causes damage to internal organs such as the liver and kidneys simply by absorbing it through the skin and may cause reproductive side effects. The main ingredients of Corexit it is 2-Butoxyethanol, which is known to cause cancer, birth defects and has been found to cause genetic mutations and is a delayed chronic health hazard as well as an environmental hazardous material. Corexit also contains Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, and Cyanide.
My suggestion for first steps is to read our site on sodium bicarbonate and then on magnesium chloride. Purchase and immediately get familiar with what is called magnesium oil and learn about trans-dermal medicine, for that’s how these medicinals are best applied. If you’re anywhere near where the wind could blow the poisons that are gathering in and above the Gulf, go to Costco or the supermarket and buy fifty pounds of bicarbonate, you just might need it. The affected area will eventually include much of the southern and southeastern United States – probably an area that includes upwards of 50 million people, so expect supplies to sell out from all possible domestic sources very quickly for most of the substances if this information gets out and the oil flow is not stopped, which no one at this point is indicating or promising.
Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association
[2] Spirulina Species as a Source of Carotenoids and “-Tocopherol and its Anticarcinoma Factors. Hanaa H. Abd El-Baky, Farouk K. El Baz and Gamal S. El-Baroty National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt. Biotechnology, Volume 2 Number 3: 222-240, 2003 ISSN 1682-2978
Legal Notice:The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2009 by Mark Sircus
Copyright © IMVA International Medical Veritas Association 2009 all rights reserved
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Three short, hard-hitting video reports from Dr. Rima at Codex meeting:
Report Number 1: Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) Another Codex trick: set nutritional levels so low that everyone will be in chronic nutritional deficit – and think that it is normal. How? By food labels which teaches consumers that the daily levels are “normal intake levels” when, in fact, they are designed to have no impact on anyone, no matter how sensitive. This connects directly to S. 510, the Food Fascism Bill, and S. 3218, the Wall Street Reform Bill that contains language which can kill dietary supplements through hostile regulation. 5 minutes, 7 seconds.
Report Number 2: US wants to prevent labeling of GMOs anywhere in the world! More on health claims and NRVs. 9 minutes, 57 seconds
Report Number 3: Degrading Organic standards. What can you do about it? Plenty. Watch the video and take the Action Steps. 9 minutes, 45 seconds
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Nano Silver and Mold
Is Killer Mold the Next Big Thing? The next pandemic panic? And is Nano Silver the Antidote? We are keeping a close eye on the potential for a pandemic mold, Cryptococcus gattii, possibly spotted in the north west. Some researchers are concerned that this infectious mold, with a fifty percent fatality rate, is another example of a weaponized pathogen that has been released, intentionally or not, into the public. If this mold responds to biological terrain including nano silver, silver may be a very useful nutrient to have on hand!
We recommend Silver Biotics Nano Silver available at
Index: Dr. Rima Reports (from Canada) Internet Radio
Sunday 10 PM to Midnight EST
Codex Food Labeling Committee Meeting Analysis
We are at the CCNFSDU Meeting in Quebec City
See Dr. Rima’s Daily Video Reports!
2. FTC Power Grab, Threat to Natural Solutions!
Wall Street Reform Act may threaten natural products claims…
3. Stop Fake “Food Safety” Bill S.510
Two Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
4. Dr. Rima Reports – Sunday Night Internet Radio
Topic this week: The Water Doc – What you need to Know
5. Codex Meets this Week –
We are there for you!
6. Holistic Ear Candle Case Filed in US District Court
Natural Solutions Foundation and others suing the FDA!
7. Dr. Rima Network
Ideas and products recommended by Dr. Rima
New Cognitive Enhancement Pack!
8. Dr. Rima: Globalist Eugenicidal Agenda
This YouTube must go viral… important message!
9. Action Items!
[Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert are at the Codex meeting in Canada, this week, starting with workshops and discussion groups. Please support this important trip HERE. Dr. Rima is posting daily video reports over the next few days, so remember to check our homepage, often!]
Here is the special link for Dr. Rima’s daily video reports:
There is a GMO showdown occuring at the Codex Committee on Food Labeling. But from the actions of the US delegation, you wouldn’t know it, since they do not want the phrase “Genetically Modified” in the title of the Codex guideline document that is supposed to address labeling GMO products, and GMO-Free products. Dr. Rima reviews the curious goings-on at the meeting, in her “blow by blow” video reports at
The United States is vigorously pursuing its policy to prevent the labeling or identification of GMOs (or GMO-Free) anywhere in the world. That means that no one on this planet will be able to protect self or family from the dangers of GMO plants or animals. No one will ever be able to determine that the fact that they cannot have children is due to the GMO food they have been eating, unknowingly. Or their Cancer, or their Lupus, or the death of their babies. Without detailed traceability, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Jains and others whose religion teaches that the must not eat certain foods will ever again be able to determine that they have avoided the foods that will make them religiously impure.
Organic will cease to have any meaning whatsoever and all food will be contaminated, given sufficient time.
This is what is at stake at the Codex committee meeting beginning this weekend. Codex is the battleground for the future of food — will the pro-GMO Globalist Agenda prevail, or will enough nations stand up for their traditional agriculture and customs and refuse to engage in a false “consensus” that benefits only the Bigs — Big AgBiz, Big Pharma, Big Finance and Big Govt?
The United States FDA approves GMO foods and feeds without any safety testing of significance. Early on in the process of releasing GMOs, the company which owns the patented gene provides the FDA with whatever edited data it chooses to show that the organism is “safe”, no matter how weak, contrived or meaningless that data may be.
No further safety testing is carried out by the FDA, nor are further safety data reviewed, if they exist.
But, in the largest involuntary human experiment ever conducted, with zero informed consent possible, the world’s food, as it comes through the US food system, its seed system and its feed system, is contaminated with unlabeled, un-traceable GMOs. Any long term (or, for that matter, short term) effects will never be known because who is eating what GMO gene, promoter virus or bacterial marker sequence is totally unknowable. This is the effect of FDA refusing to require “truthful and not misleading” GMO labeling. In deed, the agency, in a true display of the arrogance of power, believes it has authority to censor even “GMO Free” labels!
See Dr. Rima’s short, hard-hitting video reports from Codex; three are already posted:
Read more here: GMO Files: GMO Crops Fail, Cost More, Increase Toxin Use
2. Waxman’s Bill Threatens to Kill Dietary Supplements Through Hostile Regulation. Thousands Have eMailed Their Senators! We Need Millions!
The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), just adopted by the House of Representatives (and sent to the Senate as S.3217) includes language giving more power to the Federal Trade Commission to make general rules for interstate commerce that could be used to restrict truthful information about dietary supplements, by requiring expensive, “drug company” level clinical trials before vitamin companies could make claims about their products. This “reform” could hand-over the natural products industry to Big Pharma, which, over the past few years, has bought up most of the larger vitamin companies. The new rules could become a “barrier against entry” driving many smaller companies out of business.
We address this issue in a new Action Item telling the Senate to provide protective language for natural products which do not need the same level of substantiation (called “significant scientific agreement”) that drugs should require for public safety. The existing commercial standard of “competent and reliable scientific evidence” allows natural product marketers to rely on published literature and small-scale clinical studies appropriate for food products. As we have been warning, the attacks on Natural Solutions will continue and will escalate. BUT, YOUR CONTINUED PUSH BACK WILL PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO ACCESS NATURAL SOLUTIONS!
Action Item:
3. Just Days to Stop Food Fascism!
THREE Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
S.510 STILL has not made it to the floor of the Senate this week! Your continued PUSH BACK is still holding it off. Please read below and TAKE THE ACTION ITEM AGAIN! We must continue to inundate the Senate with emails to stop this travesty!
Rumor in DC is that the forced-industrialization of food production bill, S.510, will come to a vote in the Senate this week or next week. If you value local, natural food production, NOW is the time to act! Please use this Action Item and send the message to the Senate: “NO FAKE FOOD SAFETY BILL”. Demand strong, unequivocal protection for local, natural food production! Please forward this message to everyone you know and ask them to act too!
Two critically important action steps to take:
[1] Send an email to your Senators:
[2] CALL your US Senators’ offices; Just dial 800-828-0498 and make a call registering your strongly negative opinion of S. 510! If not now, when? For 9 “talking points” about why the bill is as bad as we’ve described it, see –
4. Dr. Rima Reports – Internet Radio
You are invited to join us this Sunday, May 2, 2010, 10 PM to Midnight (Eastern Standard Time). Please in us at
Listen to the Dr. Rima Reports, Your Health Your Way!
You can also listen by calling in: 347-324-3704
To Join the Chat Room for the show, Register at
Archives: You’ll Find the “Dr. Rima Reports” at When You Fast Forward to the Second Two Hours of the Archive File
5 Support Natural Solutions Foundation Attending
The Codex Committee on Food Labeling in Canada, May, 2010 For You
If so, Click here, now:
IF not, do nothing.
S. 510, the Fake Food Safety Bill [And now even the “Financial Industry Reform” bill!]Advances the Globalist Agenda by Degrading and Industrializing ALL US Food. That’s Why The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Community Exists: to Reclaim the Production of Food in a Sustainable Community.
New Video Gives You a Quick Tour, with General Bert, of Land We Are Considering!
Interested in Natural Solutions Foundation’s ground-breaking program to reclaim the production of food in a sustainable teaching and living environment in the Highlands of Panama? The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project is a place to live, to support, to practice your healing arts or other skills. It is also a perfect project to use as a qualified offshore vehicle for your tax deferred IRAs or 401s and other funds. Perhaps more than one of these areas interests you. Visit for more information.
If so, or to find out more, please join us for a free Conference Call Sunday night, 9 PM to 9:55 PM (EST), one hour before the Dr. Rima Reports at 10 PM Eastern.
Conference Bridge line: 219-509-8322 pin 937848#
6. Holistic Ear Candle Case Filed in Federal Court! We Sue the FDA Again!
Even while we get ready to file the “third round” of the Stop the Shot litigation, challenging all influenza vaccines, the Natural Solutions Foundation has become one of the plaintiffs in the case of Holistic Candlers & Consumers Association et al v FDA et al, Civil Action Number 1:10-cv-00582, filed on April 12, 2010. Yes, we stand with all holistic approaches for freedom of choice in health. You can read this 19 page legal Complaint here:
And we haven’t forgotten the “Stop the Shot” flu vax case that was originally filed last autumn. We expect to have an announcement about that case very shortly…
7. The Dr. Rima Network –
All Natural… Powerfully Antioxidant…
What? You’re Still Drinking Ordinary Chemical Coffee?
You Have No Idea What You Are Missing!
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, Valley of the Moon Coffee, Will Delight You, While You Support the Natural Solutions Foundation With Your Morning Java! Make a donation and get your coffee:
Important announcement: Virtual Malls about to reopen! and have been temporarily shut down for new site design testing. In a short time we will be up and running again (when the computer geniuses tell us we are ready to go!) In the meantime, please continue to purchase the following products from the Natural Solutions Foundation.
[1] Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Dr. Rima has designed a third, very special
Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Pack!
To learn more, go to:
You know there is a battle going on for your mind (or maybe against it!). Part of the Globalist Agenda to reduce human population and restrict our freedoms goes on in our own heads, as we are subjected to a level of propaganda that can only be termed “mind controlling.” Its success depends on making sure that we are dumb, dull, deluded and distracted….
See the video interview with Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert:
Let me quote General Bert, “‘Focus and clarity’ were the words Ralph used to describe the Cognitive Enhancement nutrients, and that is exactly what I experienced. Both my long and short term memory are enhanced by these products and my thinking processes are noticeably sharper. I am very impressed and intend to continue using them.”
There are numerous smart nutrients, but few of them, working synergistic ally, have the capability of doing what these products actually do. In this battle to take back our food, our health and our freedoms, we must all be as mentally sharp as possible. That is why the genocidal elitists want us under-nourished and unable to think. I was so impressed with these products that I immediately began to study them and their impact. I researched the ingredients and am satisfied that there is no indicia of a lack safety when used as directed. That’s when I decided to create combination packs that would support mental function without agitating; would enhance cognition without later let-down.
Dr. Rima
All Natural, all wonderful! Our gift to you with a $25 donation!
[3] Nano Silver,
Is Killer Mold the Next Big Thing? Then next pandemic panic? And is Nano Silver the Antidote? We are keeping a close eye on the potential for a pandemic mold, cryptococcus gattii, possibly spotted in the north west. Some researchers are concerned that this infectious mold, with a fifty percent fatality rate, is another example of a weaponized pathogen that has been released, intentionally or not, into the public. If this mold responds to biological terain including nano silver, silver may be a very useful nutrient to have on hand!
And this from the Sorcha Faal [who may be a Russian disinformation agent, US disinformation agent or the 79th Mother Superior of a mysterious Sisterhood… take your pick!]: “…Most important to note about [“ex”-Nazi scientist] Schaefer’s adoptive daughter Rebeca, these reports continue, is that she is one of the World’s leading researchers into the tropical fungus ‘cryptococcus gattii’, specifically its bio-engineering into a ‘weapons format’, and which makes her the ‘main suspect’ in the unleashing of this most dangerous Nazi ‘germ weapon’ upon North America during the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, and which to date has killed over 23 people, thousands of animals, and has spread from its ‘release point’ in Canada’s British Colombia and is now reported invading the United States largest State of California…”
[4] StemEnhance,
[5] Detox Foot Pads,
Please watch my brief lecture on the Globalist Agenda and then share it with everyone you know:
Now take this video viral along with an invitation to everyone you send it to inviting them to join the
Health Freedom Action eAlerts to become involved and powerful
8. Urgent Action Items: Calling All Mouse Warriors!
Take these Action Items Once for Every Member of Your Family and Then Pass Them On to Every Person in Your Circle of Influence
[1] Fake “FOOD SAFETY”[SIC] BILL ON THE MOVE AGAIN. Protect Your Access to Clean, Non Industrialized Food
Click here,
To beat back the phony “Food Safety”[sic] bill, S. 510, designed to end access to clean, healthy food and “HARMonize” us with Codex by industrializing all food production in the US. This week’s “amendments” are not enough! Now is the time to push even harder!
[2] GMOs are Not Tested for Safety. Science Shows They Are Dangerous.
Demand a GMO Ban — Now!
Click here,
To demand a total ban on GMO products and strong scientific study to find out just how bad the damage has been and how to correct it.
[3] Tyrannies Enlist the HealthCare System to Enforce Their Tyranny. Stop This Dangerous Trend Which Is Already Being Brought Into Play in the US –
Click here,
To take the Health Keeper’s Oath and make it very clear that you will not be swept up into the misuse of medical and allied personnel in the coming health tyranny, either as uniformed Ready Reserve or as non uniformed health personnel.
[4] HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Asked the Press to Violate the First Amendment, Violating Her Oath of Office to Defend the Constitution of the United States. She Should Be Removed Immediately.
Click here,
To demand the removal, through either resignation or impeachment, of HHS Secretary Sebelius, who not only presides over one of the most corrupt federal agencies in history, but asked the press to suppress our constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech concerning vaccines, autism, mercury and damage to ourselves and our children.
[5] FTC Rule Making Authority: Protect Dietary Supplements and Natural Remedies from enhanced FTC power which may be used to restrict access to truthful information about Natural Solutions!
Remember, Health Freedom Isn’t Free.
Please Set Up Your Recurring Tax Deductible Donation Now!
100% of Your Donation Goes to Defending YOUR Health Freedom
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima’s video reports from Codex meeting here:
Counsel Ralph’s report from DC meetings here:
There is so much going on right now… the attacks by the Powers that Be are, as Bill Faloon of Life Extension Foundation stated in a recent urgent message, echoing our own concerns: “The threat of a regulatory stranglehold over dietary supplements has intensified.”
We have at least three dangerous bills pending in the US Senate, any one of which could be a real disaster for Health Freedom.
S.3002 – the happily stalled McCain bill. We pushed back against this one so hard that even McCain withdrew his support from his own bill just one month and a day after introducing it! This took about 300,000 emails. However, the Senator from Arizona is still hovering around, trying to get parts of his “HARMonization” with Codex bill terms into the other pending bills.
S.510 – the fake “Food Safety” bill. The “natural products” industry shills and astroturf groups are now backing this disaster, after promises of a Manager’s Amendment to exempt DSHEA products. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Over a million and a half emails continue to pour in, demanding real protection in these words:
“Rule of Interpretation – No provision of this act shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”
Action Item:
S.3217 – the Senate version of the financial institution “reform” law. California Rep Waxman included more power for the FTC to abuse in the bill that passed the house. Congress took away from FTC in the 80s its general rule making power, due to abuse. Now, in the “new” socialist DC environment, the agency is about to get the power it wants to force Dietary Supplement companies to meet drug-company substantiation standards that are totally inappropriate for food products and that could destroy small nutrient companies.
Action Item:
And the above does not include such extraordinary assaults on Health and Health Freedom as are embodied in the new nationalized illness payment system… but that’s going to get repealed sooner than its proponents can imagine! These other legislative assaults therefore demand our attention — we need millions of emails to the Senate to push back and stop them!
As all this is occurring, a Codex Alimentarius (the World Food Code) committee on nutritional labeling is meeting in Canada perhaps defining the fate of world food trade for decades to come. Health Freedom is at stake there too. See Dr. Laibow’s daily video reports from Quebec City here:
Health Freedom isn’t free… to be effective we need your support!
Thank you!
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee and Counsel
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Fatal FDA Follies
You know that the FDA is so riddled with corruption and industry influence, that the good men and women who work there as scientists wrote to Obama after his election, but before his inauguration, pleading with him to clean house there1. Of course, no new broom swept the FDA clean.
New Users Fees will increase the ownership of the FDA by Big Pharma to the tune of a 65% increase, we have learned. All in all, the increase means the Fraud and Death Administration, which approves the leading cause of death in the US, properly used drugs and vaccines, will get a budget increase of a whopping 23% from $3.3 Billion to $4+ Billion.
Big Pharma, Big Chema, Big Agribiz and, even more horrifyingly, Big Biotech literally own the decision makers there. Big Pharma provides more than half of the FDA’s operating budget through “User Fees”, which are, in essence a tax on the end use, the patient, since the cost is passed directly on to the consumer. Worse, these User Fees turn the FDA, which is supposed to regulate the drug industry, into its client.
Add to this the fact that FDA decision makers are, astonishingly, permitted to own patents, stock options, shares, receive research grants, speaker’s honoraria and other significant financial rewards from the companies, and for the products, that they are approving and you can see why so many deadly drugs, like the Rotovac© Vaccine, Vioxx© and Avianda©, along with dangerous ingredients like Thimerosal, are regulated into high-profit marketability.
The User Fee hikes mean that Big Pharma’s contribution to its own regulatory agency will provide more than $1.1 Billion of the Agency’s 2011 budget.2
The LA Times Reports:
“The healthy increase in the face of the sagging economy and a debt-ridden federal government is a testament to 1) the FDA’s increasingly complex responsibilities monitoring a global supply chain in both food and drugs, 2) to a perception that the agency has been underfunded for many years, and 3) to its new duties as a regulator of tobacco. The FDA’s budget has swelled by 78% since 2008 and no agency programs are on an Office of Management and Budget hit list of line items slated for extinction or downsizing.
The increased spending would allow the FDA to add 1,200 jobs, expanding its workforce by 10%. Key boosts in spending for 2011 include $318 million to improve food safety, $215 million for anti-smoking programs and $100 million to improve the safety of drugs and medical devices.
More than one-third of the 2011 budget — about $1.5 billion — would come from user fees paid by businesses that make payments for FDA services such as evaluating new applications for drugs and medical devices. The FDA is collecting about $920 million in user fees this year, so the new figure represents a whopping 63% increase.
The increase in the “budget authority,” or tax-funded component of the budget, is relatively modest by comparison, rising 6% to $2.5 billion from $2.36 billion.”3
What does that mean for you? That more dangerous drugs and vaccines will be on shelves and in doctor’s offices, waiting to make a profit that is to die for.
Bill Gates Opens the Depopulation Floodgates
Oh, yes, the FDA, along with its playmate, the Phama Phunded WHO, has another little surprise in store for you: Permanent infertility without your knowledge or wish.4
Dangerous vaccines, approved at the behest of the FDA’s ownership, Big Pharma, are not only untested, unnecessary, unsafe and uninsurable (which is why we are suing the FDA to prevent any influenza shots, including the H1N1, from being used on people) but that they are knowingly designed to produce widespread permanent infertility and thus, population reduction against the wishes, and without the knowledge, of the women rendered infertile.
The Natural Solutions Foundation has been telling you this for quite some time and have so stated publicly. Many people have a hard time believing it, especially since it involves the World Health Organization, a seemingly high minded and benign organization. We know, of course that it is no more that than the FDA is.
“The idea of using vaccines to covertly reduce births in the Third World is also not new. Bill Gates’ good friend, David Rockefeller and his Rockefeller Foundation were involved as early as 1972 in a major project together with WHO and others to perfect another ‘new vaccine.’
The results of the WHO-Rockefeller project were put into mass application on human guinea pigs in the early 1990’s. The WHO oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program and decided to test numerous vials of the vaccine and found them to contain human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG. That was a curious component for a vaccine designed to protect people against lock-jaw arising from infection with rusty nail wounds or other contact with certain bacteria found in soil. The tetanus disease was indeed, also rather rare. It was also curious because hCG was a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated formation of antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion. Similar reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua.”5
AOf course, once the citizens of the developed nations stayed away in droves from the bogus H1N1 “Pandemic” vaccination, their governments came up with a plan to get rid of multi billions of dollars worth of useless vaccines: dump it on the third world!
“In the aftermath of the most recent unnecessary Pandemic declaration of a global H1N1 swine flu emergency, industrial countries were left sitting on hundreds of millions of doses of untested vaccines. They decided to get rid of the embarrassing leftover drugs by handing them over to the WHO which in turn plans to dump them for free on select poor countries. France has given 91 million of the 94 million doses the Sarkozy government bought from the pharma giants; Britain gave 55 million of its 90 million doses. The story for Germany and Norway is similar.
As Dr. Thomas Jefferson, an epidemiologist with the Cochrane Research Center in Rome noted, “Why do they give the vaccines to the developing countries at all? The pandemic has been called off in most parts of the world. The greatest threat in poor countries right now is heart and circulatory diseases while the virus figures at the bottom of the list. What is the medical reason for donating 180 million doses?” As well, flu is a minor problem in countries with abundant sunshine, and it turned out that the feared H1N1 Pandemic “new great plague” was the mildest flu on record.
The pharmaceutical vaccine makers do not speak about the enormous health damage from infant vaccination including autism and numerous neuro-muscular deformities that have been traced back to the toxic adjuvants and preservatives used in most vaccines. Many vaccines, especially multi-dose vaccines that are made more cheaply for sale to the Third World, contain something called Thimerosal (Thiomersol in the EU), a compound (sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate), containing some 50% mercury, used as a preservative.
In July 1999 the US’ National Vaccine Information Center declared in a press release that, “The cumulative effects of ingesting mercury can cause brain damage.” The same month, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) alerted the public about the possible health effects associated with thimerosal-containing vaccines. They strongly recommended that thimerosal be removed from vaccines as soon as possible. Under the directive of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, the Food and Drug Administration also determined that infants who received several thimerosal-containing vaccines may be receiving mercury exposure over and above the recommended federal guidelines.”6
GMOs: Genocidally Modified Organisms
If you have been following the Natural Solutions Foundation’s health Freedom Action eAlerts for some time, you have read numerous articles and studies showing just how dangerous GMO “foods” really are. You know that they contaminate species other than their own, increase herbicide and pesticide use and intake, reduce genetic diversity, sow economic and social havoc, cause infertility, auto immune problems, loss of babies in the womb, and a host of other serious problems. You also know that they are approved for sale in the US without any labeling by the industry-friendly FDA. You recall that Dr. Barbara Schneeman told a Codex meeting on labeling GMO “foods” that the US knew that consumers overwhelmingly rejected GMOs but the FDA thought that was a mistake, so they forbade the labeling of GMOs to prevent people from rejecting them in error! (Oslo, 2008). You know that they are untested and that the FDA and USDA MAY NOT examine safety testing, or conduct any, yet they approve them for widespread human and animal use. If you visit our Health Freedom Blog and look for “GMO Files” in our search engine, you’ll find a great deal of scientific documentation making it clear that GMOs are astoundingly dangerous and shockingly untested.
You will also know well that GMOs are being pushed on Africa as a way of controlling the population there? Studies show that organ damage follows ingesting GMO corn for just 90 days7 and that fertility and successful pregnancies are strikingly reduced through eating GMO foods8 and that cancer is related to eating GMO “food” as well.9
“GMO crops have never been proven safe for human or animal consumption. Moreover, they are inherently genetically ‘unstable’ as they are an unnatural product of introducing a foreign bacteria such as Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) or other material into the DNA of a given seed to change its traits. Perhaps equally dangerous are the ‘paired’ chemical herbicides sold as a mandatory part of a GMO contract, such as Monsanto’s Roundup, the most widely used such herbicide in the world. It contains highly toxic glyphosate compounds that have been independently tested and proven to exist in toxic concentrations in GMO applications far above that safe for humans or animals. Tests show that tiny amounts of glyphosate compounds would do damage to a human umbilical, embryonic and placental cells in a pregnant woman drinking the ground water near a GMO field.
One long-standing project of the US Government has been to perfect a genetically-modified variety of corn, the diet staple in Mexico and many other Latin American countries. The corn has been field tested in tests financed by the US Department of Agriculture along with a small California bio-tech company named Epicyte. Announcing his success at a 2001 press conference, the president of Epicyte, Mitch Hein, pointing to his GMO corn plants, announced, “We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies.”
Hein explained that they had taken antibodies from women with a rare condition known as immune infertility, isolated the genes that regulated the manufacture of those infertility antibodies, and, using genetic engineering techniques, had inserted the genes into ordinary corn seeds used to produce corn plants. In this manner, in reality they produced a concealed contraceptive embedded in corn meant for human consumption. “Essentially, the antibodies are attracted to surface receptors on the sperm,” said Hein. “They latch on and make each sperm so heavy it cannot move forward. It just shakes about as if it was doing the lambada.” Hein claimed it was a possible solution to world “over-population.” The moral and ethical issues of feeding it to humans in Third World poor countries without their knowing it countries he left out of his remarks.
Spermicides hidden in GMO corn provided to starving Third World populations through the generosity of the Gates’ foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Kofi Annan’s AGRA or vaccines that contain undisclosed sterilization agents are just two documented cases of using vaccines or GMO seeds to “reduce population.”10
By the way, what makes people in the Third World sterile, sick and suffering when they eat it, makes you that way, too. This is not a problem of the haves and the have nots. This is a problem of they tyrants and the free men and women they are seeking to oppress and kill – us.
Click here,, to tell the US Government in our millions, that we demand an immediate ban on all GMO life forms. If enough of us wage this battle, we will win it. Click here, now, and then send it to your contacts!
And for more about the FDA’s new budget increases, based on a hidden consumption tax, see our Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD’s comments:
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom eJournal
International Decade of Nutrition
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
Virtual Malls Supporting Health Freedom
3 ibid
5 ibid
6 ibid
Natural Solutions Foundation The Voice of Global Health Freedom (TM)
Make your tax deductible donation here Please give generously now.
1. Protect access to supplements and clean food You can read more here:
2. Ban All GMOs Now
Food additives are regulated by the FDA and USDA. These two organizations have the power to make sure you food is clean, wholesome, accurately labeled and free of both filth and contaminants. But, tragically for freedom, food and your health, they do not.
Instead, they bow to industry pressure to lower standards, hide contaminants and toxins, thus increasing the dangers of foods to consumers, the unimaginable horrors of food production at every step along the way, agricultural labor, factory food operations, slaughter, harvest, processing, and, finally, the horror of what that food does to you and your loved ones: the preventable, needless and tragic diseases that cost us our lives, our health and, ultimately, our freedom to make other choices.
Even organic standards are degraded both by the USDA and Codex (which are, in many ways, one and the same) to the point where they are becoming meaningless, with virtually unlimited GMO contamination permitted in the US, more chemicals permitted in the production of organic vegetables, fruits and animal products and a softening of procedural safeguards and product restrictions in those standards – all unlabeled, of course!
And deeply embedded in this slavish subjugation of real regulation and protection, corruption and callous disregard of our health and that of our planet, is Codex Alimentarius,, the United Nations Commission which sets up standards and guidelines covering every single bite or drink of food, every nutrient, every swallow of everything that can legally go in your mouth except drugs.
And who runs Codex? Basically, the US, in cahoots with the EU, decides what they want and then bulls it through the process to ratification by the annual Codex Alimentarius Commission.
The Natural Solutions Foundation attends some of the huge numbers of Codex meetings each year (there is one just about every week somewhere in the world) and what we see is that the US is serving its lethal constituency, the Bigs: Big Pharma, Big Agribiz, Big Biotech, Bic Chema and Big Medica. Of course, we undersand that the same companies which make the agricultural chemicals and additives are also the drug companies. They are also the industrialized agriculture companies.
Just as Big Pharma is working very hard to drive natural medicine out of existence since that is its primary competitor, so it and its sister industries, its sister Bigs, are working just as hard to take over all food production all over the world. After all, healthy people mean sickly profits for an industry that makes money only when you are sick, healthy profits mean sick people. And healthy food means slickly profits for the chemical, irradiation and GMO companies, all tightly tied to Big Pharma.
‘Whoever controls food controls the world’, Henry Kissinger told President Nixon in 1974 when he authored his then-secret National Security Memorandum 200. That same document stated what the World Health Organization would state at around the same time: that it was ‘necessary’ to hold depopulation as the primary goal of US foreign policy, “starting with the third world”. That is the reason that WHO gives for creating, and continuing to deploy
And that is precisely what Codex is: an extension of the US foregin policy of depopulation, with a huge dollop of greed and immoral deception thrown in for good measure. It is, in fact, nothing short of a globalist conspiracy, at the top levels, using food to contaminate our food supply and eliminate the “useless eaters” of the world, those who are consuming the non-renewable resources which the elite believe they own by some sort of diving right of Illuminati kings. If you want more information on this aspect of Codex, and I recommend that you do, please spend 40 minutes or so watching “Nutricide“, . I do not think you will look at Codex again, or the US involvement with it, the same way again.
Ah, you say, not in the US. Our food is clean and industries are held accountable for what they put in our food, do to our food, allow to happen to our food. That depopulation stuff is just for the third world, isn’t it?
Dream on. The very industries which FDA, EPA and USDA were created to curb, control and corral have become the owners, though intense corruption and vastly deep pockets, the dictators of the limp regulations which do not curb them, control them, nor protect anything but their interests, public be sickened and be dammed. Our food supply is horrifyingly degraded, minus accurate labeling.
How degraded? Take a look at the article following this article and realize that you are looking at Codex on the hoof, that, with a few minor differences, the contamination and adulteration described here, making you sick with illnesses of supposedly unknown origins like cancer, heart disease, MS, MD, arthritis, diabetes, auto immune disease, chemical sensitivity, birth defects, autism, infertility, psychiatric illnesses and on and on and on are also Codex on the hoof.
Wrap you mind around the reality that clean food is not easy for mega industries to produce, so it is not profitable. What is not profitable is not produced and, if someone else, for example, small farmers, produce it, they will be driven out of business.
With the help of the US Congress. The House of Representatives has passed legislation which, if passed by the Senate, will criminalize the production and sale of clean healthy foods. Senator Harkin’s bogus Food “Safety” Bill, S. 510, will give the entire food supply to Big Agribiz with no checks, balances or redress AND give vast amounts of power to the FDA, which Rep. Dr. Ron Paul says is already abusing its power to our detriment. We agree with Dr. Paul. Giving more power to what is arguably the most corrupt organization in the developed world is not a reasonable action.
Worse yet, our contaminated food requires an increased supply of nutrients but Senator John McCain has introduced another bogus Food “Safety” bill, S. 3002, which will destroy the legal basis for your access to the nutrients that over 90% of the US Population chooses to use to maintain or regain health.
The Natural Solutions Foundation knows that these bills are intended to destroy access to clean, unadulterated food, a prime requisite for health and freedom. We know that the high likelihood is that these two dangerous and anti-health, anti-freedom bills will be merged into a single omnibus piece of death-dealing legislation which will literally criminalize the production, sale or consumption of clean food and nutrients.
Please take a moment to take this Action Item once for each member of your family and then send it on to everyone you can reach asking them to do the same: You can read more here:
Please note that the contamination, irradiation, adulteration, chemicals permitted (including sprays of fluoride produced by Dow Chemical Company at 3300 ppm on your food to prevent it from getting moldy, for example), are just as much a problem as the meet additives listed below.
From where I sit, every single decision made by Codex, which really means made by the US Government on behalf of the multinational corporations, is a decision to degrade your health, curtail your freedom, mandate under nutrition and then use your suffering to ruthlessly control you and yours by eliminating all options for health choice and natural health options. Unless and until we take control of our health, our freedom and our food, things will just get worse.
This is a war that we cannot afford to lose. If you are not already a member of the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Health Freedom Action eAlert, go to or and sign up now. If you are not growing your own food in tiny spaces yet, go to and start learning how to do that either by yourself or with friends and neighbors. And if you want to know more about the Foundation’s pilot project in Panama to reclaim the production of food, and how you can be a part of that project, go to
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom eJournal –
International Decade of Nutrition –
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project –
Valley of the Moon Coffee –
Virtual Malls Supporting Health Freedom
Food is List of Additives Allowed in Meat & Poultry (Yum!)
Want to know what’s in your meat and/or poultry? The government’s got a new 40-page PDF document,, with a complete list of allowed additives. And, to help you decipher the list, they also provide a Glossary of Commonly Used Meat and Poultry Additives and Terms,
Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find in meat & poultry. By the way, many of these chemicals do not need to be labeled on the products you purchase. Honestly, some of these things might be harmless. Even water can sound like a dangerous chemical if you refer to it as dihydrogen oxide. But the sheer length of this list as well as the fact that consumers are in the dark about most of them makes me very glad that I’m a vegetarian and that what little meat I’ve eaten in the past several years came directly from farmers I know.
Acidifiers: Ammonium hydroxide, an aqueous solution of acidic calcium sulfate, an aqueous solution of hydrochloric and acetic acid, an aqueous solution of citric and hydrochloric acid, an aqueous solution of citric acid, hydrochloric acid, and phosphoric acid, an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, citric acid, and phosphoric acid, sodium bisulfate, and sulfuric acid.
Anticoagulants: Sodium tripolyphosphate
Antimicrobials: An aqueous solution of sodium diacetate (4%), lactic acid, (4%), pectin (2%), and acetic acid (0.5%); an aqueous solution of sodium octanoate or octanoic acid and either glycerin and/or propylene glycol and/or a Polysorbate surface active agent (quantity sufficient to achieve the technical effect of octanoic acid emulsification) adjusted to a final solution pH of 1.5 to 4.0 using sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or an acceptable GRAS [generally regarded as safe] acid;… (the list goes on for many pages and includes such gems as anhydrous ammonia and chlorine gas)
Antioxidants: BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)
Binders: A mix of sodium alginate, calcium sulfate, glucono deltalactone, and sodium pyrophosphate; a mixture of carrageenan, whey, protein concentrate, and xantham gum; beef collagen; binders listed in 9 CFR 424.21(c) for use in cured pork products and poultry products; carboxymethyl cellulose (cellulose gum); carrot fiber; cellulose, powdered conforming to the specifications in the Food Chemicals Codex 5th Edition; guar powder, micronized; hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; inulin; konjac flour; methylcellulose; oat hull fiber; oat fiber; orange pulp, dried; orange pulp, dried and orange pulp, dried with guar gum; partially hydrolyzed proteins; pectin; pork collagen; pork skin proteins; rice bran; rice starch; sodium alginate; “(species) protein” (e.g., chicken protein); transgultaminase enzyme; trehalose, xantham gum (purified by recovery with ethyl alcohol)
Colorings: Carmine (cochineal)
Curing Accelerators (must be used only in combination with curing agents): Potassium erythorbate
Denuding agents (may be used in combination. Must be removed from tripe by rinsing with potable water.): Calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium hydroxide, potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, potassium hydroxide, tricalcium phosphate, tropotassium phosphate
That’s just the first 24 pages or so. The list goes on with film forming agents, flavoring agents, “Miscellaneous,” packaging systems, poultry scald agents, and tenderizing agents. Yum!