In response to Children Screaming To Be Heard’s article THE PAEDOPHILE RING THAT CHANGED THE LAWS
Yes, high (and low) level pedophiles stalk and abuse our children with impunity. Yes, they are trafficked and murdered.
Yes, this is condoned by the criminals in high places.
No, sex education is not the cause, nor is it the problem.
Children should be educated about their bodies by their parents, but parents may be both lax and ignorant. It should not fall to the schools, but then to whom should it fall if the parents are not able/willing to do that?
Children growing up in ignorance about how their bodies function run the very real risk of not use them very well, according to my experience.
When I was in Medical School, my Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology asked me if I wanted to participate in a unique sex education class: The Board of Education of New York City had changed its policy and allowed girls who had gotten pregnant and had babies to return to High School to finish their public education.
The girls had requested a sex education program.
I attended the class as their instructor with the assumption that they actually knew all about sex.
They knew virtually nothing.
Some of them had been having sex since early childhood with relatives and family “friends” so they honestly did not know that the same activity that they had been participating in since age 3 was responsible for their getting pregnant.
These were not stupid girls/women. They were uneducated and lived in a culture where sex was taboo, but their bodies, though mysterious, were not. They literally hung on my every word and could not wait for the next session. Had they been informed and protected, the likelihood that they would now be 13, 14, 15 and 16 year old mothers was, I believe, very low. But part of this information and protection would have been education on how to protect themselves, whom to turn to for protection, etc.
Indeed, if our children are being preyed upon, keeping them in ignorance that they are prey, and thus giving them no tools with which to protect themselves, is the wrong approach.
Pedopheliacs are criminals, as is anyone who forces physical contact on those below the age of real, meaningful consent or on anyone above it. We need to teach our children that so they do not become either prey or predators.
It is, after all, the truth that will set you free, not ignorance.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Follow-Up Articles:
And from General Bert:
In response to The Stir’s Kiri Blakeley’ article Military Mom Who Killed Her 2 Kids Didn’t Want Them to Become Like Her
There is no doubt in my mind that this woman was on psychoactive drugs when she made the decision, and carried out the action, killing her children.
Every single mass murderer, in or out of schools, in the US in the last decade or more has been on psychoactive drugs. Many, many people on these drugs kill themselves and sometimes they kill others along the way.
These drugs do not decrease deaths, they increase them. Psychoactive medication does that. Often.
As a psychiatrist who has practiced drug-free medicine and psychiatry for 44 years, I can definitively state that nutrition, neurobiofeedback and other safe, effective means work while drugs do not, and have disastrous consequences.
You really do not have to fill that prescription! And since these drugs inevitably, often permanently damage the brain and body, they should not only never be taken, but NEVER given to children.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to Cafe Mom’s Maressa Brown’s article A Mom of 3 on Why She Doesn’t Vaccinate Her Kids
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
Sarah Pope is absolutely correct. I am a physician and look at the science, not the propaganda.
I advise people to get vaccine exemptions for themselves and their children so that they have a chance to withstand the legal pressure to introduce toxins, dangerous ones, into their bodies.
The reality is that every vaccine deployed in the United States MUST, by law be tested and found to be BOTH safe and effective.
Not a single vaccine in the US has EVER been tested according to accepted scientific standards (placebo controlled, double blind study using a neutral, not a greater toxin as the placebo), making every vaccine used in the United States illegal under Federal law.
I addition, the ONLY placebo controlled, double blind study of vaccines showed that those people who got flu vaccines did not have any protection against flu that rose to the level of statistical significance, but that people who received the flu vaccine were 4.8 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO DEVELOP SERIOUS RESPIRATORY DISEASES than those who were not vaccinated.
Oh, speaking of autism, the Special Vaccine Masters Court has paid out well over 2 BILLION US to parents of autistic children even though the cover up denying the connection between vaccines and autism is in place. AND the CDC now lists autism as a side effect of the dPT shot on the required package insert and lists polio vaccination as the principle cause of Polio, by the way. I could go on and on and on and do in my blogs, ebooks, lectures, etc.
Good for Sarah Pope! How fortunate for her children that she is intelligent and well informed!
Oh, one other thing: herd immunity. Balderdash, complete and utter balderdash.
If your vaccine works (which the Mayo Clinic is not telling us it does not) whether I am vaccinated or not is of no consequence to you. If you are vaccinated, however, and I am not, you may well be shedding live mutated viruses and may well be endangering everyone else AND me!
OOOPPPPSSSS! Professor Andrew Marconi, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, shows that the best way to predict an outbreak or pandemic of something is to follow where the vaccination program has taken place and there you will find the disease breaking out shortly. See:
Click Here To Take Action.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to Alter Net’s Mary Elizabeth Williams’ article Alicia Silverstone´s Clueless Vaccine Advice
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
You and Alicia Silverstone are absolutely correct, Mary Elizabeth. There has been no in depth study on the relationship between tampons and infertility if you do not count the 9 peer reviewed journal articles I just found in a 10 second internet search published in no-account rags like the Journal of Reproductive Medicine and the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Care.
And you’re absolutely right that the WHO has opined that there is no connection between autism and the MMR vaccine. You forgot to mention that the private corporation called the World Health Organization gets more than 2/3 of its budget from the same pharmaceutical industry players that make the MMR.
You wrote an enthusiastic hatchet job about Ms. Silverstone but forgot to check your facts: Mercury, contained in all flu vaccines (and most others since it is used as a wash for the vials before they are filled with vaccines or included as an ingredient), and aluminum, contained in most vaccines, are wildly neurotoxic (check out Pub Med, Toxicology texts and similar if you are not familiar with heavy metal toxicity, a major cause of life-long disability and disease). I found 5765 peer reviewed articles in my first-pass search.
Injecting foreign protein is really dangerous, as every study on the topic has shown (I found 880,000 articles on Foreign Protein Injection Hypersensitivity) and that is only part of what’s being injected along with stealth viruses (like the SV-40 leukemia-causing virus that CDC recently admitted contaminated, with their knowledge, 98 million American’s Polio vaccine doses – the page was recently removed from the CDC website, by the way!). On the Polio Vaccine topic, by the way, the CDC’s website has not yet removed their clear statement that the primary cause of polio today is vaccination with polio vaccine.
Well, what about measles? Oh, yes, the dreaded childhood disease that was found in the recent New York City outbreak to be traceable to a fully vaccinated index patient who then infected 3 more fully immunized people who then spread the disease.
Right. Herd immunity works so if most people are vaccinated, all are protected, except for the fact that Epidemiology Professor Emeritus Andrew Maniotis showed conclusively that the best way to predict disease outbreaks is to track vaccination programs since the vaccines themselves spread diseases. They don’t? Then how come the main side effect of a flu vaccine is “flu like symptoms”? Read the package inserts.
Vaccination is so dangerous that it is an un-insurable risk, exactly like nuclear power plants. The public pays the freight. And the freight includes, so far, in the US, more than $2.3 BILLION DOLLARS paid out for vaccine injuries through the Special Masters Vaccine Court where virtually no claimants get their cases heard and the system is rigged against the plaintiff.
You see, there is no where else to go or damages since the FDA and US Congress colluded to indemnify the vaccine makers and the doctors who administer vaccines from any damages whatsoever, no matter what the vaccines they make or administer do to you or a loved one.
Oops! Should we listen to journalists who do not do their homework? Apparently not.
And then there’s Shaken Baby Syndrome, a vaccine reaction covered by criminal charges against innocent people – you see, ergonomic research makes it clear that it is impossible to do the damage seen in mislabeled “Shaken Babies” without damage to their spines, which is always absent. Oh, yes, how does shaking a baby produce auto immune destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas leading to insufficient insulin so that the baby develops what Professor Michael Innis, MD, a leading hematologist calls “tissue scurvy”?
Reminder, Mary Elizabeth: insulin escorts not only glucose, but Vitamin C into cells and a diabetic pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to do that job. Result? Bleeding into the brain and eyes and bruising in the skin when the parent tried to resuscitate the baby. And a jail term to keep the vaccinations going on. (
So let’s hear it for Ms. Silverstone who got it right, celebrity or scientist.
Click Here To Take Action.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to Cafe Mom´s Nicole Fabian-Weber´s article Parents Are Hiring $250-an-Hour ‘Coaches’ to Make Their Picky Kids Eat
Actually, I would look in to why the child was a picky eater (whatever that means to you and your family).
Children who are not attaching excessive meaning to food are usually pretty good about supplying their own nutritional needs if the food available is wholesome, varied and not larded with familial meaning, giving the child and the food undue power in the dynamics of the family.
But the article starts off with kids who are goldfish and french fry loving: these foods are made with components designed to addict the consumer (“Betcha Can’t Eat Just One!”). Why in the world would a loving parent feed these PHUDES (looks like food, may even taste or smell like food, but it is not food and does not support life and health) to kids whom they have a responsibility to take care of? Oh, wait! Mom and Dad eat this garbage, too.
OK! So now the problem is what the kid won’t eat because food scientists have addicted the kid to chemicals like MSG (which goes by over a hundred different names) and unregulated the neurological satiety center with fake fats, flavors, etc.?
If the issue is not emotional, then here is the solution: clean up the entire family’s diet and learn, together, what real food is, what it looks, tastes and smells like and what it actually feels like in your body.
Go organic. Make food (in advance, if necessary) and eat it. Together. At the table. In a pleasant setting where eating good, wholesome food is a pleasurable experience. And don’t break training. MacDonalds is a health catastrophe, not a reward!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima