In response to Care2’s article Shaken Baby Syndrome: An Exercise in “Faith” or Science We Can Trust?
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Congratulations to Ms. Del Prete and kudos to Judge Kennelly.
The myth/hoax of Shaken Baby Syndrome is coming unraveled. About 12,500 babies will die of so-called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” in the US this year. But they will not die at the hands of violent, irrational caretakers.
We now know what kills these babies. The abuse from which they die comes out of a syringe, not from the hands of their care givers. And now, thanks to scientists like. Michael Innis, MD we know what the mechanism by which vaccines kill these babies.
In a powerful 3.5 our webinar + heavily referenced ebook and special Shaken Baby Sydrome Guide for Parents, Police and Prosecutors, http://TinyURL.com/SBSHoax (available in both Spanish and English) the real science of what kills babies in these cases is laid bare.
Short answer? Shaken Baby Syndrome is nearly always a vaccine injury caused by an auto immune response to the toxic materials in the vaccine. The pancreas of the baby is unable to produce insulin leading to consequences which are documented by laboratory tests (tests which usually are not done and which corrupt judges do to allow into evidence when a parent or baby sitter is being rail-roaded to jail, sometimes for life.
Why? to protect vaccine use, at the cost of life and liberty
How to save these babies, and how to stay out of jail? Simple. Get legal vaccine exemptions for yourself and your family members and stop vaccinating them.
Despite the hype, vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. Risk/benefit? All risk, no benefit.
For more information, you can access the webinar at the site given above or watch our video archives of the 2 hour Dr. Rima Truth Reports radios show at www.youtube.com/NaturalSolutions. Many shows dealing with this topic are available without charge there.
Click Here To Take Action.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to SFGate’s Andrew Coffman Smith’s article HPV vaccination bill advances, despite opposition
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Great marketing, poor science, poorer public policy.
First, the facts: HPV is a self-limiting disease which, despite the hype and distortion surrounding it, has never been shown to be the cause of cancer, nor to predispose to it.
It is a near-ubiquitous condition which resolves on its own in nearly 100% of cases within 2 years. It may reappear, or not. But consider: the HPV virus comes and goes. It might be present when a cancer is discovered. That in no way means that it caused, or predisposed to, the cancer.
Yet that is the bogus correlation which is being sold to us. Why? To sell vaccines.
You may recall that Merck received an award from the main pharmaceutical trade group, PHARMA, for, by promoting Gardasil, “creating a market out of thin air”.
And thin air it is, but the air is poisoned: Gardasil and Cervarix are highly dangerous, fraught with serious and lethal side effect reports and totally unnecessary.
Pap smears detect cancer early, are cheap and safe. Vaccines do not prevent cancer and are neither cheap nor safe.
Merck reported that 1 woman in 981 who received its vaccine would die from it. Compare that with CDC’s statement that in 2010 (the last year for which figures are available) 3,939 women died from cervical cancer in the US. At about 300 million people, or 150 million women, a similar death rate to that admitted by Merck for Gardasil would mean that about 1 in 1000 women died of cervical cancer vaccine, or 37,500 women per year!
Cervarix is more dangerous yet since it contains squalen. Although this is a normal component of the nervous system, when it is allowed to circulate in the blood stream, the body attacks it, creating often-cataclysmic auto immune disease.
In the laboratory, where it is often useful to create autoimmune conditions in lab animals, squalen is known as “Freund’s Complete Adjuvant” because it is so good at creating system-wide auto immune response.
Vaccines with squalen? We’ve seen the results before: it is called “Gulf War Syndrome”.
Then there is the issue of fertility. The US Government holds two patents on the use of squalen as an injectable for the purpose of creating permanent, irreversible infertility in both men and women.
Squalen had never been approved for use in humans until the absurd Swine Flu Level 6 Pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization.
At that point, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebalius announced on September 15, 2009, that the Swine Flu vaccine would be laced with the amount of sqalene described in those patents and the vaccine would be administered to every single person in the US.
Public outcry, led by the Natural Solutions Foundation, www.DrRimaTruthReports.com, forced the government to back down and abandon its squalen, mercury and aluminum laced mandate. But there it was, all shiny new and approved without any human testing, despite clear knowledge that it causes massive and irreversible harm when injected.
More? women who receive the vaccine and have HPV virus (as at least 80% of the female population does at any given time) actually have a 46.7% INCREASED chance of developing cervical cancer!
So why is South Carolina pushing the bill to vaccinate girls in its schools?
Clearly not because of science and clearly not because of common sense. There are not many options left: one is greed and one is stupidity. Another is studied misinformation.
Whatever the reason, the act of vaccinating with Gardasil or Cervarix is, quite literally, unimaginably harmful and should be avoided at all costs.
Become a Vaccine Refuser with Me! Click www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEwofDeUDW0
Yous in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to Cafe Mom’s Maressa Brown’s article A Mom of 3 on Why She Doesn’t Vaccinate Her Kids
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
Sarah Pope is absolutely correct. I am a physician and look at the science, not the propaganda.
I advise people to get vaccine exemptions for themselves and their children so that they have a chance to withstand the legal pressure to introduce toxins, dangerous ones, into their bodies.
The reality is that every vaccine deployed in the United States MUST, by law be tested and found to be BOTH safe and effective.
Not a single vaccine in the US has EVER been tested according to accepted scientific standards (placebo controlled, double blind study using a neutral, not a greater toxin as the placebo), making every vaccine used in the United States illegal under Federal law.
I addition, the ONLY placebo controlled, double blind study of vaccines showed that those people who got flu vaccines did not have any protection against flu that rose to the level of statistical significance, but that people who received the flu vaccine were 4.8 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO DEVELOP SERIOUS RESPIRATORY DISEASES than those who were not vaccinated.
Oh, speaking of autism, the Special Vaccine Masters Court has paid out well over 2 BILLION US to parents of autistic children even though the cover up denying the connection between vaccines and autism is in place. AND the CDC now lists autism as a side effect of the dPT shot on the required package insert and lists polio vaccination as the principle cause of Polio, by the way. I could go on and on and on and do in my blogs, ebooks, lectures, etc.
Good for Sarah Pope! How fortunate for her children that she is intelligent and well informed!
Oh, one other thing: herd immunity. Balderdash, complete and utter balderdash.
If your vaccine works (which the Mayo Clinic is not telling us it does not) whether I am vaccinated or not is of no consequence to you. If you are vaccinated, however, and I am not, you may well be shedding live mutated viruses and may well be endangering everyone else AND me!
OOOPPPPSSSS! Professor Andrew Marconi, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, shows that the best way to predict an outbreak or pandemic of something is to follow where the vaccination program has taken place and there you will find the disease breaking out shortly. See: http://www.ddponline.org/epidemics.pdf
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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to Alter Net’s Mary Elizabeth Williams’ article Alicia Silverstone´s Clueless Vaccine Advice
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
You and Alicia Silverstone are absolutely correct, Mary Elizabeth. There has been no in depth study on the relationship between tampons and infertility if you do not count the 9 peer reviewed journal articles I just found in a 10 second internet search published in no-account rags like the Journal of Reproductive Medicine and the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Care.
And you’re absolutely right that the WHO has opined that there is no connection between autism and the MMR vaccine. You forgot to mention that the private corporation called the World Health Organization gets more than 2/3 of its budget from the same pharmaceutical industry players that make the MMR.
You wrote an enthusiastic hatchet job about Ms. Silverstone but forgot to check your facts: Mercury, contained in all flu vaccines (and most others since it is used as a wash for the vials before they are filled with vaccines or included as an ingredient), and aluminum, contained in most vaccines, are wildly neurotoxic (check out Pub Med, Toxicology texts and similar if you are not familiar with heavy metal toxicity, a major cause of life-long disability and disease). I found 5765 peer reviewed articles in my first-pass search.
Injecting foreign protein is really dangerous, as every study on the topic has shown (I found 880,000 articles on Foreign Protein Injection Hypersensitivity) and that is only part of what’s being injected along with stealth viruses (like the SV-40 leukemia-causing virus that CDC recently admitted contaminated, with their knowledge, 98 million American’s Polio vaccine doses – the page was recently removed from the CDC website, by the way!). On the Polio Vaccine topic, by the way, the CDC’s website has not yet removed their clear statement that the primary cause of polio today is vaccination with polio vaccine.
Well, what about measles? Oh, yes, the dreaded childhood disease that was found in the recent New York City outbreak to be traceable to a fully vaccinated index patient who then infected 3 more fully immunized people who then spread the disease.
Right. Herd immunity works so if most people are vaccinated, all are protected, except for the fact that Epidemiology Professor Emeritus Andrew Maniotis showed conclusively that the best way to predict disease outbreaks is to track vaccination programs since the vaccines themselves spread diseases. They don’t? Then how come the main side effect of a flu vaccine is “flu like symptoms”? Read the package inserts.
Vaccination is so dangerous that it is an un-insurable risk, exactly like nuclear power plants. The public pays the freight. And the freight includes, so far, in the US, more than $2.3 BILLION DOLLARS paid out for vaccine injuries through the Special Masters Vaccine Court where virtually no claimants get their cases heard and the system is rigged against the plaintiff.
You see, there is no where else to go or damages since the FDA and US Congress colluded to indemnify the vaccine makers and the doctors who administer vaccines from any damages whatsoever, no matter what the vaccines they make or administer do to you or a loved one.
Oops! Should we listen to journalists who do not do their homework? Apparently not.
And then there’s Shaken Baby Syndrome, a vaccine reaction covered by criminal charges against innocent people – you see, ergonomic research makes it clear that it is impossible to do the damage seen in mislabeled “Shaken Babies” without damage to their spines, which is always absent. Oh, yes, how does shaking a baby produce auto immune destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas leading to insufficient insulin so that the baby develops what Professor Michael Innis, MD, a leading hematologist calls “tissue scurvy”?
Reminder, Mary Elizabeth: insulin escorts not only glucose, but Vitamin C into cells and a diabetic pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to do that job. Result? Bleeding into the brain and eyes and bruising in the skin when the parent tried to resuscitate the baby. And a jail term to keep the vaccinations going on. (http://TinyURL.com/SBSHoax).
So let’s hear it for Ms. Silverstone who got it right, celebrity or scientist.
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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to the Fox News Survey Is Not Vaccinating Children Irresponsible Or Right Parents Have?
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
There is a concerted push to remove parental rights in a variety of areas including, but not limited to, vaccination. Not only is parental decision making on a child’s healthcare, including vaccination, a right, it is a responsibility which cannot be transferred to an agency, whether local or global.
Let’s start with the cold, hard facts:
1. Every vaccine must be tested, under US law for BOTH safety and efficacy. No vaccine has EVER been tested using recognized scientific methodologies, for either.
2. NO vaccine is safe.
a. The adjuvants, including aluminum and squalene, are known and well characterized toxins with well-known profiles of neurological, immune, auto immune, inflammatory, fertility and organ damage. The proteins of the organisms are unsafe and dangerous when injected with well known, well characterized profiles of the same types of damage resulting. The preservatives like Polysorbates and MSG, also have well known and well characterized toxic profiles.
b. Stealth viruses which cause cancer and other major health problems are admitted by organizations like CDC to contaminate vaccines. An example: 98 million people in the US received oral polio vaccines contaminated with SV 40, a virus known by the CDC and others to cause leukemia. This was not discovered AFTER the fact, but was known before the vaccines were approved for use by the FDA on the recommendation of the CDC. This is believed to account for the tragic leukemia epidemic in young children in the US and elsewhere.
c. Autism has been “found” to be unconnected to vaccination through the fraudulent cover up activities of scientists like the now discredited Thorvoldson (who is criminally charged with diverting millions of CDC autism research dollars in Denmark) and others who, according to direct quotes, conspired together to cover up the relationship between mercury and autism as well as vaccines in general and autism.
d. HPV vaccines are associated with horrifying numbers of adverse events and are not only unnecessary, they are being characterized by the researchers who helped create them around the world as both unsafe, unnecessary and fraudulent.
e. FDA recently added autism as an adverse reaction linked to the DPT shot on its required package insert. So, yes, autism now officially is linked to vaccination by the FDA.
f. Finland has agreed to pay for life care for people who developed an incurable, life-destroying disorder called narcolepsy after receiving a flu shot.
g. According to CDC, the single leading cause of polio is the administration of the polio vaccine.
h. Shaken Baby Syndrome is, in fact, not the result of parental abuse since there are lab findings which show that the child died from, or was damaged by, inflammatory response to vaccines and that the mechanism of injury was the lack of insulin caused by vaccine-induced damage to the pancreas which prevented Vitamin C from entering the cells leading to what hematologist. Michael Innis, MD, has diagnosed as “tissue scurvey”. So this condition for which parents and other caregivers have been jailed, sometimes for life, is actually child abuse delivered through a syringe, not from their hands.
3. NO vaccine is effective
a. According to Professor of Epidemiology Andrew Maniotis, PhD, the single best way to predict outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics of any disease is to track vaccination programs.
b. Virtually every one of the recent outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and so forth have been traced to index patients (the person who starts the epidemic) who were fully vaccinated.
c. CDC’s answer to vaccines that do not work is to give more of the same vaccines by increasing the frequency of the shot and by given mis-named “booster shots”.
d. In the ONLY placebo controlled, double blind study EVER conducted on the flu vaccine, the level of protection for those who received the vaccine DID NOT REACH STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE and those who received the vaccine were 4.8 times more likely to contract a serious respiratory infection, requiring treatment, including hospitalization, than those who did not receive the flu vaccination.
e. Once vaccinated with live or attenuated virus vaccines, the recipient can infect others, including babies, pregnant women, people who are on steroids or chemotherapy (or have had them) or who are otherwise immuno-compromised, for up to 3 months so vaccines actually spread the very diseases for which they are allegedly protective.
f. Vaccines have been shown to produce a class of antibodies (by which their supposed effectiveness is ‘documented’) which are, according to all modern immunological studies on the topic, UNRELATED to resistance to the disease or disorder. Merck was found to have lied for years about that response in its mumps vaccine since it was adding canine antibodies to human blood taken from human vaccine recipients to bring the level of antibody protection up to the required levels since the vaccine did not produce the desired antibody response.
g. Shingles vaccine is ineffective 98% of the time according to the CDC which recommends it anyway.
In addition, their own studies show that it harms 1 person for every 2.8 people who receive it, leading to severe reactions, including death.
The data are exhaustive and conclusive: no vaccine is safe and no vaccine is effective and are, in my opinion, therefore illegal in the US.
Legal or not, however, the decision to subject a child (or oneself) to this procedure MUST remain the right of the person entrusted with the ownership of that person. For parents, it is their right to make those decisions for their children. For adults, it is their right to make that decision for themselves.
There is a concerted global effort to remove all parental decision making though such means as the bill now before the Australian Parliament, Mental Health Act 2013 which would give the government the absolute right to carry out the following procedures on children in the total absence of parental permission, consent, notification or input:
1. Vaccination
2. Sterilization
3. Psychosurgery (e.g., lobotomy)
4. Psychiatric drugging
5. Electroshock “therapy”
6. Psychiatric incarceration (indefinite)
This is part of a concerted effort to make children the wards of the state on a global basis. What is good for the child is not relevant. Parental belief is not relevant. Parental rights are certainly not relevant.
So the vaccine issue is relevant in itself because it is, and must remain, the right of parents to choose the best path for their child and it is a stalking horse for the real issue: total control of children by the state, whose interests are corporate and worse, not the care and growth of the child.
For those of you familiar with Agenda 21 and the Global Health Security Initiative, this is not a surprise.
It must not happen if we are to retain any semblance of freedom.
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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima