In response to Children Screaming To Be Heard’s article THE PAEDOPHILE RING THAT CHANGED THE LAWS
Yes, high (and low) level pedophiles stalk and abuse our children with impunity. Yes, they are trafficked and murdered.
Yes, this is condoned by the criminals in high places.
No, sex education is not the cause, nor is it the problem.
Children should be educated about their bodies by their parents, but parents may be both lax and ignorant. It should not fall to the schools, but then to whom should it fall if the parents are not able/willing to do that?
Children growing up in ignorance about how their bodies function run the very real risk of not use them very well, according to my experience.
When I was in Medical School, my Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology asked me if I wanted to participate in a unique sex education class: The Board of Education of New York City had changed its policy and allowed girls who had gotten pregnant and had babies to return to High School to finish their public education.
The girls had requested a sex education program.
I attended the class as their instructor with the assumption that they actually knew all about sex.
They knew virtually nothing.
Some of them had been having sex since early childhood with relatives and family “friends” so they honestly did not know that the same activity that they had been participating in since age 3 was responsible for their getting pregnant.
These were not stupid girls/women. They were uneducated and lived in a culture where sex was taboo, but their bodies, though mysterious, were not. They literally hung on my every word and could not wait for the next session. Had they been informed and protected, the likelihood that they would now be 13, 14, 15 and 16 year old mothers was, I believe, very low. But part of this information and protection would have been education on how to protect themselves, whom to turn to for protection, etc.
Indeed, if our children are being preyed upon, keeping them in ignorance that they are prey, and thus giving them no tools with which to protect themselves, is the wrong approach.
Pedopheliacs are criminals, as is anyone who forces physical contact on those below the age of real, meaningful consent or on anyone above it. We need to teach our children that so they do not become either prey or predators.
It is, after all, the truth that will set you free, not ignorance.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to the Fox News Survey Is Not Vaccinating Children Irresponsible Or Right Parents Have?
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
There is a concerted push to remove parental rights in a variety of areas including, but not limited to, vaccination. Not only is parental decision making on a child’s healthcare, including vaccination, a right, it is a responsibility which cannot be transferred to an agency, whether local or global.
Let’s start with the cold, hard facts:
1. Every vaccine must be tested, under US law for BOTH safety and efficacy. No vaccine has EVER been tested using recognized scientific methodologies, for either.
2. NO vaccine is safe.
a. The adjuvants, including aluminum and squalene, are known and well characterized toxins with well-known profiles of neurological, immune, auto immune, inflammatory, fertility and organ damage. The proteins of the organisms are unsafe and dangerous when injected with well known, well characterized profiles of the same types of damage resulting. The preservatives like Polysorbates and MSG, also have well known and well characterized toxic profiles.
b. Stealth viruses which cause cancer and other major health problems are admitted by organizations like CDC to contaminate vaccines. An example: 98 million people in the US received oral polio vaccines contaminated with SV 40, a virus known by the CDC and others to cause leukemia. This was not discovered AFTER the fact, but was known before the vaccines were approved for use by the FDA on the recommendation of the CDC. This is believed to account for the tragic leukemia epidemic in young children in the US and elsewhere.
c. Autism has been “found” to be unconnected to vaccination through the fraudulent cover up activities of scientists like the now discredited Thorvoldson (who is criminally charged with diverting millions of CDC autism research dollars in Denmark) and others who, according to direct quotes, conspired together to cover up the relationship between mercury and autism as well as vaccines in general and autism.
d. HPV vaccines are associated with horrifying numbers of adverse events and are not only unnecessary, they are being characterized by the researchers who helped create them around the world as both unsafe, unnecessary and fraudulent.
e. FDA recently added autism as an adverse reaction linked to the DPT shot on its required package insert. So, yes, autism now officially is linked to vaccination by the FDA.
f. Finland has agreed to pay for life care for people who developed an incurable, life-destroying disorder called narcolepsy after receiving a flu shot.
g. According to CDC, the single leading cause of polio is the administration of the polio vaccine.
h. Shaken Baby Syndrome is, in fact, not the result of parental abuse since there are lab findings which show that the child died from, or was damaged by, inflammatory response to vaccines and that the mechanism of injury was the lack of insulin caused by vaccine-induced damage to the pancreas which prevented Vitamin C from entering the cells leading to what hematologist. Michael Innis, MD, has diagnosed as “tissue scurvey”. So this condition for which parents and other caregivers have been jailed, sometimes for life, is actually child abuse delivered through a syringe, not from their hands.
3. NO vaccine is effective
a. According to Professor of Epidemiology Andrew Maniotis, PhD, the single best way to predict outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics of any disease is to track vaccination programs.
b. Virtually every one of the recent outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and so forth have been traced to index patients (the person who starts the epidemic) who were fully vaccinated.
c. CDC’s answer to vaccines that do not work is to give more of the same vaccines by increasing the frequency of the shot and by given mis-named “booster shots”.
d. In the ONLY placebo controlled, double blind study EVER conducted on the flu vaccine, the level of protection for those who received the vaccine DID NOT REACH STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE and those who received the vaccine were 4.8 times more likely to contract a serious respiratory infection, requiring treatment, including hospitalization, than those who did not receive the flu vaccination.
e. Once vaccinated with live or attenuated virus vaccines, the recipient can infect others, including babies, pregnant women, people who are on steroids or chemotherapy (or have had them) or who are otherwise immuno-compromised, for up to 3 months so vaccines actually spread the very diseases for which they are allegedly protective.
f. Vaccines have been shown to produce a class of antibodies (by which their supposed effectiveness is ‘documented’) which are, according to all modern immunological studies on the topic, UNRELATED to resistance to the disease or disorder. Merck was found to have lied for years about that response in its mumps vaccine since it was adding canine antibodies to human blood taken from human vaccine recipients to bring the level of antibody protection up to the required levels since the vaccine did not produce the desired antibody response.
g. Shingles vaccine is ineffective 98% of the time according to the CDC which recommends it anyway.
In addition, their own studies show that it harms 1 person for every 2.8 people who receive it, leading to severe reactions, including death.
The data are exhaustive and conclusive: no vaccine is safe and no vaccine is effective and are, in my opinion, therefore illegal in the US.
Legal or not, however, the decision to subject a child (or oneself) to this procedure MUST remain the right of the person entrusted with the ownership of that person. For parents, it is their right to make those decisions for their children. For adults, it is their right to make that decision for themselves.
There is a concerted global effort to remove all parental decision making though such means as the bill now before the Australian Parliament, Mental Health Act 2013 which would give the government the absolute right to carry out the following procedures on children in the total absence of parental permission, consent, notification or input:
1. Vaccination
2. Sterilization
3. Psychosurgery (e.g., lobotomy)
4. Psychiatric drugging
5. Electroshock “therapy”
6. Psychiatric incarceration (indefinite)
This is part of a concerted effort to make children the wards of the state on a global basis. What is good for the child is not relevant. Parental belief is not relevant. Parental rights are certainly not relevant.
So the vaccine issue is relevant in itself because it is, and must remain, the right of parents to choose the best path for their child and it is a stalking horse for the real issue: total control of children by the state, whose interests are corporate and worse, not the care and growth of the child.
For those of you familiar with Agenda 21 and the Global Health Security Initiative, this is not a surprise.
It must not happen if we are to retain any semblance of freedom.
Click Here To Take Action.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima