Follow-Up Articles:
And from General Bert:
In response to The Guardian’s article <a “”> Seven Dead in ‘Premeditated Mass Murder’ Shooting Near California College Campus
Which psychoactive drugs was this young man taking, for how long and in what combination?
Sadly, many people have thoughts like these. Psychoactive medication protentiates their being acted upon through suicide and/or homicide.
Guns rarely kill people. Psychoactive drugs often do, sometimes with a gun as a tool, sometimes not.
I made a video called “I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor” in response to a blog from the mother of a young man like Adam Lanza [the video is a metaphor as I make clear in its opening section]. In it I elaborate on the dangerous use of psychiatric medication and how it is inextricably linked with the epidemic of mass murders and suicides we experience in the US and other heavily medicated societies.
I would be more than a little astonished if Elliot Rodger’s despair and desperate actions were not the result not only of psychiatric illness, but of the drugs mistakenly, but all-too-commonly used as if they actually treated the illness.
There are good and effective means to help those with emotional and psychiatric illnesses which do not involve toxic chemicals. I know.
I have been practicing drug free psychiatry and medicine for nearly 45 years.
Find someone who practices nutritional/orthomolecular psychiatry and medicine and treat the issues, don’t make the worse.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to AlterNet’s Frank Schaeffer’s article Why Jesus Would Have Hated Most Modern Day Religion
You, Sir, are not an atheist. You are an ardent theist (which is fine: you have every right to whatever belief to which you choose to adhere) who is a passionate non-religionist.
But let’s not conflate “I do not believe in what some religions do/hold/promulgate and do not believe in their version of my god” with “I do not believe in god”. They are not even closely related, let alone identical.
I cannot even begin to imagine why you would style yourself an atheist when you are so passionately connected to, and devoted to the study and examination of Jesus from a theological perspective.
He is one of those things you claim not to believe in: a god, or godhead, or son of god or some other theistic entity.
You cannot have it both ways.
I do not care which way you have it but I am disturbed that you wrote a whole book and at least one article identifying yourself and your credo totally incorrectly. Why? For shock value and book sales?
Because as a true non-atheist believer you function like every true believer rejecting whatever does not support our religious preferences?
You share the penchant for jargon (the use of words by ascribing a private meaning to them which is unlike the meaning they generally are believed to have) with globalists who use words like “sustainability” as a cover for rationalizing depopulation and forcing the human population into Agenda 21’s “transit villages” where each of us is allotted 625 square feet of living space and “re-wilding” destroys private property rights for everyone except the favored few?
Nope, sorry about that, but atheism means you do not believe in god, any god, not that you have one you like and because everyone else seems to be getting the PR about that one wrong, you believe in the god, but not what the others are saying about your particular god.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to Wired’s Christian Jarret’s article Brain Watch
Psychologists Give People Control of Their Dreams Using Brain Stimulation. Really?
Interesting article except for one thing: as a physician using NeuroBioFeedback, the technology offhandedly dismissed as “neurobunk”, and having published a number of peer reviewed papers on the effects obtained, I can definitively state that it is far from bunk, neuro or not.
NeuroBioFeedback is a powerful treatment modality with enormous potential in pain management, emotional and psychological disorders (including depression, anxiety, panic, schizophrenia and more, attention and learning disorders (including the wildly overmedicated group of people said to have ADD and ADHD), auto immune problems, addictions of all types, neurological disorders (including head injury) and much more.
It works through voluntary training of brain activity and the results are substantial, long lasting and achieved without pharmaceuticals.
Sorry, Mr. Jarrett, you got that one wrong.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to CafeMom’s Forum Advice for Moms: Circumcision
Beg to differ. There most certainly IS a normal and an abnormal (mutilated). Normal is unmutilated. Mutilated is abnormal.
Let’s face it: ritual mutilation (male or female) is still mutilation. ALL of the science that supposedly justified this barbaric practice has deteriorated to puffery on closer examination.
You know, in parts of Africa and Australia, the practice of slitting open the length of the penis at puberty (subcision) is still practiced and any member of the group that does it, male or female, will give you what are, to them compelling reasons that it should be done.
So will the groups that practice female circumcision. either partial or total.
Mutilation is, as I said above, mutilation.
The body is perfect in its unmutilated state. That is the meaning of normal. Familiar is NOT necessarily normal.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to AlterNet’s Paul Buchheit’s article 8 Things Mainstream Media Doesn’t Have the Courage to Tell You
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
Here’s No. 9: Vaccines are a dangerous hoax, killing and maiming their recipients. In fact, they have been a dangerous hoax since the days of Edward Jenner, the mountebank who bought his MD degree from the University of Edinburgh for 25 Pound Sterling and published the “results” of his “experiments” before he did them, if he bothered to do them at all.
When the British Government, which had made smallpox vaccination mandatory, was confronted with the fact that by jabbing babies with needles dipped in open syphilitic sores (there is no such thing as “cowpox” – the pox was “the great pox”, syphilis”, after a 2 year Blue Ribbon Panel investigation, the British Parliament debated whether to admit its mistake or cover it up.
Predictably, as politicians, they chose the latter, enacted stricter penalties, including jail time, for non compliance by parents and doubled Jenner’s life time stipend from 10,000 Pound Sterling per year to 20,000 Pound Sterling per year.
The only thing that has changed is that there are more vaccines, they are more toxic individually and in the aggregate and the stakes are higher.
They didn’t work then, they don’t work now and the cover up is just as vicious and wrong headed. Oh, and, by the way, as part of the cover up, no court of law will ever be able to demonstrate their dangers since vaccine manufacturers are covered by blanket immunity to the dangers their vaccines cause, no matter how clear that causality is. Vaccines are, in fact, an uninsurable risk for which the tax payer has already paid out nearly $3 Billion US in a special Vaccine Masters Court where almost no victim gets their day in [Master’s] court.
No. 10: Chemtrails are real, they are wildly dangerous and they are not for our own good. Geoengineering is destroying the planet.
No. 11: Agenda 21 is not for anyone’s benefit except the Globalists’ who will gain total control of all resources and labor while the rest of those allowed to survive the depopulation which is a part of it, will be limited in every aspect of life while Malignant Sustainability is used to corral and control us.
Under this insane plan, humanity will be restricted to “Transit Villages” comprising 1% of the land mass of the planet while the rest of the planet will be returned to the wild. Schooling will produce workers (Common Core Education) and children will be under fed and under educated to prevent them from consuming “more than their fair share” of the global resource base, as the well educated and well fed now do.
Hard to believe? Read the 40 chapter blueprint for the most tyrannical system ever devised here,
No. 12: Psychiatric and other drugs are expensive, ineffective and toxic, accounting for the majority of deaths in the US, according to sources like the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Chairman of Merck and the British Parliament.
Orthomolecular medicine and psychiatry, natural treatments like herbs, homeopathy, frequency medicine, vitamins and minerals, clean unadulterated food like fish oil, nano silver, biofeedback, chelation and frequency medicine make these dangerous drugs unnecessary except in emergency or surgical situations.
I have been practicing drug free medicine and psychiatry for 44 years, as have a forward-thinking group of colleagues and we typically accomplish what other doctors fail to do: cure the underlying cause of the patient’s disease or condition.
No. 13: Genetically Modified Plants and Animals represent a massive danger to personal and biosphere genetic integrity..Every independent study conducted by reputable scientists makes it clear that GMOs and the chemicals that are used in GMO plant cultivation pose massive risks to us all. Yet governments and the lap dog media act as if their safety were established.
The scientifically illiterate George Bush, Sr., declared that GMOs, which can be patented, are “substantially equivalent” (a scientific oxymoron) to naturally occurring organisms, which cannot be patented.
Because they are “substantially equivalent”, their safety cannot be reviewed by the FDA once a preliminary safety assessment is given to them by the patent holder which can withhold data with impunity.
There are more. Conspiracy theory is a wonderful way invalidate inconvenient truths. But if the mainstream media were anything more than a government-legitimized propaganda machine, it would be investigating, exposing and, where necessary, disproving inaccuracies, where they exist.
I invite you to visit the website of the Natural Solutions Foundation, and subscribe to our Health Freedom Action eAlerts for more documented information that you need and that the mainstream media is not giving you.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima