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Dr. Rima Replies: Vaccine Conscientious Objectors Are Not Baby Killers! Vaxxers Are!
[Dr. Rima Replies to Australian “journalist” Claire Harvey’s claim in the Daily Telegraph that those who oppose forced vaccinations are “baby killers…” and “terrorists” despite the clear record that it is vaccines that kill babies. (1)]
Why are pro vaxxers so absolutely nuts/bonkers? Hate filled? Irrational? Filled with the same zeal that fed the fires of the Inquisition burning millions of “witches” for God all over Europe?
Why are vaccines not debated, but diatribed?
Let’s be very clear here: vaccines have absolutely no real scientific justification. They do not exist because of the science. They exist IN SPITE of the science which, in condensed form, is contained on the Package Inserts: not tested in pregnant women, massive numbers of disastrous side effects, more unanswered questions than answered ones, toxic ingredients with poor results.
But they serve multiple agendas so the hype has been massive, unrelenting and deafening for decades.
Claire Harvey, a poor excuse for a journalist in Australia published a ridiculous article called “Anti-vaxers, you are baby killers…” in the Sunday Telegraph on March 22, 2015.
My good friend Adam Crazz, of the Crazz Files Podcast, sent me the link and I responded in depth.
Right into the middle of the predictable feces-storm.
The emotions, lack of science, nasty names, irrelevant and illogical personal stories (“my kids had vaccines and the’re fine so you should all get your kids vaccinated to protect my kids” [say WHAT????] are out in full force.
I can tell you why from a social, psychological and psychiatric point of view. But it doesn’t matter.
I can, and did in my response, cite powerful refutations to their bought-and-paid-for science but it doesn’t matter.
They are like the cult members in a cult whose prophet is supposed to live forever but dies. Some few adherents typically drift away but the studies of such cults show that most of them remain, as tightly bound to their illogic as ever: they just make a couple of minor tweaks to their passionately-held beliefs and go on believing even though, in this case, the pertussis vaccine has failed, the measles vaccine has failed, the flu vaccine has failed,, the tetanus vaccine has failed, the rotovirus vaccine has failed, the shingles vaccine has failed, the meningitis vaccine has failed….. It’s OK. Just get a booster or use the new one or even just keep on using the old one.
The great God Vaxus is with us, may His Syringe be ever full, testing our faith by these apparent failures.
There is no speaking truth to these zealots (“I will sacrifice my children on the altar of Vaxus, from whom all Public Health comes! The Faithful will be spared the tribulation of Autism, for they believe!).
Their crony science is corrupt and their brains are addled. So there is only one argument worth making in these public forums: FREEDOM. We own our bodies, you don’t own them. We have the right to self-determination, you cannot take that away from us. How do I know whether these vaccines contain unannounced passengers like SV40, which causes leukemia? Can you force me to risk my life?
How do I know if they contain infertility chemicals? Can you force me to give up my reproductive rights?
How do I know that they will not cause me a serious adverse event or terminate my life? Can you force me to accept the risk that you assign me but that I do not accept?
Will I allow you to do that? Informed Consent is only meaningful if you can refuse the medical intervention!
The science is settled: vaccines are an uninsurable risk because they are so dangerous. The debate is irrational. The ONLY rational aspect of the otherwise hysterical debate is freedom. Mine, yours, your neighbor’s and the guy across the country.
Nothing else will work. Nothing else makes sense.
And the way to maintain freedom is with massive, and I mean massive, push back. That means that everyone you can reach needs to tell their legislators to back away from mandated vaccines and don’t even think about picking it up again.
Here’s the link: http://TinyURL.com/VaccinationISViolation. Use it. Share it. Take responsibility for generating a pool of push back in your own circle of influence.
We did it in 2009 with the mandatory universal Swine Flu vaccination program. We can do it again. Together.
Alone, they win. Together, Lady Liberty triumphs. [REL]
.Notice that in general, the more vaccines, the higher the death rate.
Here is What Dr. Rima Wrote in Reply to the Telegraph Article.
Claire, let’s give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your frothing “outrage” is based swallowing poor science lock, stock and barrel plus a heartfelt concern for the general good and that you are not a shill for the Big Pharma fellows.
Sadly, even if your motivation is pure as the driven snow your outrage is anti-scientific and your blind faith in vaccination’s safety and efficacy is badly misplaced.
I am a physician, a scientist and a strong advocate of both public safety and health freedom. In your mind, they do not go together. Another serious error.
By the way, I have no commercial ties to anything that would shape my views. I hope the same is true of you.
I recently presented a paper to the First All India Congress on Medical Education (Feb 7, 2015, Nitte University, Mangalore, India) in which I looked at the widely available and well-substantiated data that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ONLY thing that has decreased the incidence of infectious disease is a combination of hygiene, clean water, sufficient protein and other nutrition and sanitation. ALL childhood and other infectious diseases, and their associated morbidity and mortality, Claire, were radically reduced BEFORE the introduction of a single vaccine.
In every case, the slope of the decrease either remained the same or the decrease slowed down when the vaccines were introduced. In the case of smallpox, when the British government enforced its vaccine mandate, the incidence of death from smallpox increased by nearly 300%.
Here is the link to the article so that you can actually look at some cold, hard facts to quell your anti-freedom hysteria, Claire: http://drrimatruthreports.com/wp-content/uploads/Final-All-India-Medical-Congress-Paper.020415.pdf
Here is the Power Point presentation in case you do not have the time to read the whole paper:
Here are some cold, hard facts:
- Dr. Andrew Wakefield did NOT say that MMR vaccine causes autism. He said that 12 autistic children had the same virus that was in the vaccine in their GI tracts, a finding that has been replicated by others.
- The books have been repeatedly cooked over vaccines and mercury. When the data, the actual science, not the cover up, politicalized make-believe-science is examined, the results are absolutely clear: Yes, vaccines, with or without mercury, cause a host of ills, including autism. Mercury, as a recent highly credible MIT study showed, is not the only heavy metal culprit: aluminum, with which vaccines are adjuvanted, causes serious brain and other organ damage as well.
- Vials of vaccine that do not contain mercury are washed with Thimerasol, leaving a residue of biological significance. According to the renowned Dr. Paul G. King, PhD, the total amount of mercury received by children who are fully vaccinated today in the US is GREATER THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF MERCURY THEY RECEIVED BEFORE THE WILDLY ACCELERATED CURRENT VACCINE SCHEDULE WAS IMPLEMENTED. MUCH GREATER.
- The Council on Foreign Relations recently released a detailed study on national health status around the world. They showed conclusively that the more vaccinated a nation is, the worse the health of its people in terms of chronic degenerative disease and the higher the infant mortality. Um, that would make vaccination advocates baby killers and terrorists according to your irrational and rabid schema.
- Under US law, and I would imagine that the same is true in Australia, a vaccine MUST, by statute, be shown to be BOTH safe AND effective before it can be deployed. The number of vaccines which have been shown to be EITHER safe or effective is a shocking zero. That’s right. Only one placebo controlled, double blind study of vaccines, in this case, the flu vaccine, has EVER been done. The results? People who got the vaccine were not protected against the flu and were, in fact, nearly 5 times as likely as non-vaccinated or placebo recipients, to have serious complications, pneumonia, hospitalizations and other major consequences including, rather embarrassingly, death.
- Vaccinated people infect others. The New York City measles outbreak a couple of years ago was due entirely to vaccinated people shedding viruses and infecting other vaccinated people. In China, where virtually every single member of the society is fully vaccinated, measles outbreaks occur regularly. In South Korea where pertussis vaccination is a mandated procedure with 97% coverage of the population, pertussis deaths have more than tripled since the achievement of full population coverage and those who contract pertussis are sicker and have more complications than was seen before vaccination was implemented.
- The lock and key, stimulated antibody response is now known to be very poor, outdated and inaccurate science, which might explain the fact that vaccines actually do not (see my paper for the citations) prevent disease and actually spread it.
- The notion that vaccines prevent disease outbreaks has no basis in fact. Like the Gardasil/Cervarix nonsense, it was made up out of the whole cloth to sell vaccines, an uninsurably dangerous procedure.
- Vaccines CAUSE diseases that they are supposed to prevent, they do not prevent or eradicate them. That’s marketing, not science, no matter how widely believed it is.
The CDC’s website says that the cause of polio is polio vaccination. In India, in the 13 short months before it was declared to be Polio Free by WHO, more than 53,300 cases of the newly “discovered” Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis which only occurs in children who had been vaccinated against polio and whose incidence is in direct, linear proportion to the vaccine coverage. How do we know it really is polio? Because the virus found in those kids is the exact same one as they received in the vaccine. Sort of like the Measles virus in the guts of the kids whom Andy Wakefield studied.
How, then, can we say that polio (or small pox, for that matter) have been eradicated? Read my paper. The answers are there and they will shock and dismay you. Perhaps you will then turn your fury to the deception with which you have been intentionally misled. That would be a good use of your outrage, in which I would definitely support you!
Epidemiologist Professor Maniotis of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine showed in his seminal paper on predicting epidemics and pandemics that the best way to do that is to track where vaccination programs take place. There’s your next epidemic of that disease. Sorry to burst your bubble with a syringe needle, Claire, but those are the facts. And facts do not yield to hysteria whether you like them or not.
By the way, pertussis is easy to treat with Vitamin A supplementation. Vitamin C helps the kids out, too. The pediatrician who allowed the baby to die left that out of the regimen, did s/he? Not surprised, since there has been a war against natural options in Australia for some years now and most physicians are afraid to use nutrients, I understand, since they can be deregistered if they do. Now that is second hand knowledge, Claire, so if it is wrong, please correct me.
- The vaccine schedule is nothing but marketing. Take boosters, for example. Or rather, don’t take them. There is absolutely no science backing up the idea that if you give another shot of a vaccine that your response to is poor, it will increase your response.
People who receive boosters are back to the same antibody levels as before the booster within a year or less. Much less usually. Why give boosters, then? Simple. Anytime a vaccine has been shown, like the measles vaccine (Mayo Clinic Journal) or the Pertussis Vaccine (numerous professional journal articles) the every-compliant conflict of interest ridden Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the US CDC, a leader in marketing useless and deadly vaccines, adds a “booster” shot to the schedule. And it does boost. Profits.
- The downstream harm of vaccines is enormous. The reporting system is weak and voluntary in the US and is generally acknowledged to capture between 1-10% of all adverse events, but if you give even that weak reporting data set a cursory glance you will see clearly that vaccines cause enormous harm to large numbers of people. Oh, yes, the US government has paid out nearly $3 Billion US to families of vaccine injured or killed people. And most people never even make it to the vaccine court because of the high barriers set for entry and success in the system, which is, by the way, a US national scandal. Vaccine makers in the US are virtually totally free of any liability and are free to profit with whatever unclean and unsafe products they choose to. And they are free to profit from the downstream gain as well.
Like, for example, childhood leukemia.
CDC has publicly admitted that it knew that the polio vaccines (safe? effective? ) that 98 million Americans received were contaminated with the CV40 virus which causes leukemia. But in order not to increase the financial burden of manufacturers, they chose not to require the simple one pass filtration process that would have eliminated the virus. Baby killers? Terrorists? Looks like it to me, Claire. How about to you?
I think that makes the point.
There are baby killers among us. They are on the payroll of Big Pharma and various governments as regulators. Then they leave those jobs and go back to their large salary Big Pharma jobs, by the way. And we, you and I and the babies, pay the heavy personal, social and financial price.
Oh, yes, one more thing, Claire: infertility. The UN commissioned WHO in 1974 to find ways to render the undesirable population infertile through vaccines. They were successful and their witches’ brew has shown up in the Philippines, for example, where the High Court found WHO guilty of genocide because of the involuntary sterilization of more than 3 million women there. How many more? Only WHO and the US government knows. And Kenya. And India.
How about Australia? Really, when you think about it, the only thing you know about what’s in a vaccine is what you read on the label. Is that good enough for you to trust your health and your child’s health to, knowing that stealth viruses, toxic heavy metals, infertility agents and other poisons are intentionally added to vaccines which, as it turns out, don’t work?
If so, you are a very trusting soul.
I am not. I value my health and freedom as highly as I value yours, Claire.
Use that outrage wisely and go after the REAL baby killers. They are out there and they have syringes in their hands.
Yours in health and freedom,Dr Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
[1] http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/claire-harvey-anti-vaxers-you-are-baby-killers/story-fni0cwl5-1227272923247 – text of article.