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Guns Don’t Kill People. Psychiatric Drugs Kill People!
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Protect Children from Forced Psychiatric Drugging!

Yet another tragedy to lay at the feet of Big Pharma and the corrupt regulators at the FDA they control occurred this week. It was frighteningly similar, but at an even more horrific level, to other tragic mass killings in recent years.
This incident is also being cynically spun as a “reason” to suspend the fundamental human right to self-defense, recognized by the Second Amendment. Perhaps an even more fundamental issue is the mayhem and destruction caused by unnecessary, wildly dangerous toxic molecules called, as a group, “Psychotropic Medication”.
These drugs kill. They induce thoughts, impulses and actions around death. Even the shamefully dishonest FDA has capitulated to reality and added the risk of suicide and homicide as “black box side effects” of these drugs.
I know of no school, theater or mall massacre which was NOT linked to the shooter being on, or recently discontinuing, these dangerous medications. Often the medications are required by school or court authorities, or are otherwise forced upon families, trying to deal with children who have been previously damaged by the Genome Disruptions of dangerous vaccines.
Lay out the guns. Put them at the doorsteps of the schools. Line the students up in the cafeteria, classrooms, halls. The guns will not kill them. However, put those guns in the hands of GDS victims and the outcome can be horrendous.
These drug-addled, Genome Disrupted brains respond to neurotransmitters in literally lethal ways, brains whose impusivity thresholds are lowered far more than alcohol can lower them, people whose ability to examine and evaluate their thoughts and impulses have been severely damaged by the poisonous drugs they have been given DO kill people.

As Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret.), President of the Natural Solutions Foundation has noted with horror, these are the same drugs, the use of which would have, two decades ago, taken soldiers off the front lines, which 20% of all combat soldiers now use. How many war crimes are attributable to this dangerous psychiatric drugging? It is a further tragedy that so many soldiers and vets are killing themselves, reacting to the drugs they are given exactly as the “side effect” literature says.
Half of all suicides in the United States occur when people are on these drugs, given out like PEZ candies: pop open the container, gulp one, two, three or more down rather than use sensible, safe and inexpensive options to assist people with overwhelming issues.
Of course, unthinking physicians (but I repeat myself!) fail to read, understand and heed the FDA’s Black box warnings, failing to identify the very symptoms they should be on the alert for as attributable to the drugs!
So when “side effects” occur, they are the trigger for more drugs, often a cocktail of death and despair.
What are called “side effects” are often the symptoms of Genome Disruption Syndrome — the failure of the brain to properly process neurotransmitters because the brain has been damaged on a deep level, resulting in the accumulation of toxins and distorted proteins, the “plaque” seen in many degenerative brain conditions.
There is, in my opinion, absolutely no reason to write a drug prescription for someone with psychiatric or psychological symptoms and issues. And these drugs are being given out for reasons so trivial that it is hard to believe a thinking being is on the other end of the pen writing the prescription. Oh, sorry, generally they are NOT thinking beings. They are physicians who are NOT required to think, only to write prescriptions.
Harsh? Not really when you consider that every instance of psychotropic (psychoactive) medication is caused by a doctor giving a prescription to a patient. The patient makes a mistake which can be, quite literally, fatal and fills the prescription. Bad enough, but the next mistake compounds the situation in ways that could kill not only the patient, but everyone in his gun-sight: he takes the pill.
In more than 40 years of medical and psychiatric practice I have never found it necessary to employ a medication, psychiatric or otherwise.
We have better ways: NeuroBioFeedback, Orthomolecular Medicine, Yoga and Meditation, effective psychotherapy, acupuncture and more. They work. They prevent brain damage from these toxins, they prevent suicides and homicides and they prevent the Genomic Disruption which leads to permanent brain damage, even after administration of the poison is stopped. The very genes are changed by these disastrous compounds. That is what I have identified as “Genome Disruption” caused by what Foundation President, Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army Ret.) has called the “Genomicidal Technologies,” among which is the dangerous brew of psychiatric drugs linked to violent behavior.
Of course, if someone is killed, that is a pretty radical change in their life, too, whether that someone is the person taking the medication or the person in their gun sights.
Isn’t it time to stop poisoning ourselves and our children? Isn’t it time to tear up the prescription and look for healthy ways of becoming well? If we fail to stop this epidemic of deadly drugging, we will have to face the consequences in yet more violence, not just on the battlefield, but perhaps most tragically in the theaters, malls and even schools.
I believe it is time to act.
Help us educate decision makers about this serious threat to Health Freedom.
Protect Children from Forced Psychiatric Drugging!
More information is in my GDS White Paper, which is a free download here:
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E Laibow, MD
