Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedomâ„¢
A Petition to the President of the United States
Dear President Obama,
I am writing to you in order to exercise my rights under the First Amendment Constitution of These United States for the redress of grievances. Your Declaration of Health Emergency on October 23, 2009 gives appointed officials illegal, and unconstitutional powers which threaten my life, liberty and well-being in a clear and present way. This Petition urges you to remove this threat from me and my fellow Americans immediately since the only possible outcome of the unnecessary Declaration is to use the medical system to abridge my Constitutionally protected liberties. I am writing to you at the suggestion of the Natural Solutions Foundation, a preeminent Health Freedom organization.
Other decision makers are receiving copies of this Petition. They include Secretaries Sebelius, Napolitano, the Governor of my State, my State Legislators and my Federal Legislators.
Many Americans strongly challenge and oppose your declaration of a “Swine Flu National Health Emergency” in the absence of science or clinical reality. Political issues and a desire to curtail all Constitutional rights appear to be driving this unwarranted and excessive exuberance to push for dangerous and untested vaccines, with this Declaration that provides for internment and forced treatment. I fear that the same kind of “eugenicide” now being practiced as cost containment-mediated death strategies in the UK will be used to reduce the costly population of such medical gulags. Given the co-option of medical systems in recent genocides, this is not an unlikely outcome to this policy. As a Constitutional scholar and student of history, you should be well aware of this.
I urge you, Sir, to reverse your policy and your position as Secretaries Napolitano and Sebelius have already done both in statements and before Congress concerning any “Health Emergency”. They agree. There is none. The danger here is from the unwarranted powers assumed by the Executive under the guise of an “emergency.” History suggests to us dangerous precedents. We cite, as just a few examples, the “false flag” Reichstag fire; the faked Gulf of Tonkin attack and the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.
As an American, I value the Constitutional rights that you are sworn to protect and which you, as a Constitutional scholar, well understand. I am stunned and dismayed by your pronouncement of a National Health Emergency on October 23, 2009, regarding the 2009-H1N1-A “Swine Flu”, given the following facts:
– According to Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius’ announcement on October 21, 2009, and her Congressional testimony the following day, the incidence of H1N1 Swine Flu will peak in the next week
– 40% of the population has already been infected
– The arrival of the $6.4 Billion dollars’ worth of vaccine, including $485 million dollars of unapproved, injectable squalene designed to serve as an external adjuvant, will come “too late” to provide any protection against the Swine Flu.
– More than $485 million dollars of a dangerous, untested and unapproved adjuvant, squalene, has been purchased for injection well in advance of the first appearance of the supposedly novel Swine Flu in April
– Neither squalene itself nor its proprietary versions are approved for injection into humans
– Good Manufacturing Practices make it impossible to admix squalene at the 90,000 innoculation sites now being set up around the country. The extreme danger such a variation from proper medical manufacturing practice standards should be obvious.
-Squalene, at the high doses found in both the Novartis and GSK approved vaccines, and in the admixture program announced on the FDA’s website, causes, in the presence of glycoproteins, an irreversible infertility because of immune system stimulation. The human body is rich in glycoproteins, including hormones necessary for fertility.
-Incarceration at sites remote from hospitals, administered through medical systems, which your declaration allows, is a position very far down the slope of medical systems being co-opted into participation with extermination programs which we have seen all too recently. The Nuremberg Code [ ] does not have an exemption for “declarations of national emergency.”
-No redress, appeal or other Habeas Corpus remedies are provided for under the powers available to the Secretary in your Declaration making these powers unconstitutional.
The facts, reported by your Secretary in a Press Conference on September 20 and again before Congress on September 21, 2009 make it very clear that the alleged intense danger cited of a “Swine Flu” outbreak prior to her announcement and testimony is no longer a reality, making your Declaration unnecessary.
If your Declaration was intended to legalize the bizarely dangerous admixing of adjuvant and vaccine outside of pharmaceutical or medical facilities, you must take full responsibility for the resulting harm. Not even, however, in a declared emergency can any national authority allow the violation of basic medical standards nor their distortion into the administrative and action arms of incarceration and extermination policies.
I petition you as Chief Executive to abide by the restraints and protections afforded me by the Constitution of These United States, the legislative and regulatory protections afforded me in consequence of the Constitution and, indeed, the basic standards of civilized behavior with regard to medical treatment, In short, I appeal to you to stop this madness now! Your Declaration will only precipitate public panic over what has proven to be a relatively mild flu.
Further, the number of flu cases cited by the CDC, as with those cited by the World Health Organization, are based in speculation, not science. The WHO and CDC asked countries, states and counties to cease counting cases of “Swine Flu” several months ago since laboratory confirmation was inaccurate at least 90% of the time, making any morbidity and mortality numbers meaningless.
A recent study, conducted over the past 3 months by CBS found that Swine Flu “cases” were inaccurately diagnosed between 83 and 97% of the time (average inaccuracy rate: 90%) which is consistent with the FDA’s and CDC’s announcements in the past several months that accurate diagnosis was not possible 90% of the time, making the effort to achieve such diagnosis meaningless and futile.
In the complete absence of any accurate morbidity and mortality data, and in the presence of a stated peak of this coming week, followed by the logically necessary decline in even estimated cases, there is not now, nor has there ever been, a health emergency that would give you the authority to make the Declaration you have made.
What there has been, Mr. President, is a shamefully deceptive marketing campaign to defraud the American people and those around the world who look to our good science (here absent), our good public policy (here absent as well) and our good sense (nowhere currently in evidence concerning this “pandemic”).
Instead, 5 vaccines which are dangerous and totally untested have been approved in the total absence of any information on their specific safety profiles while we know that their principle components are dangerous in themselves. Two of these vaccines are, in contradiction to the testimony of Secretary Sebelius on September 15, 2009, adjuvanted with highly toxic substances.
Medimmune’s Live Attenuated Influenza Virus nasal mist vaccines are associated with profoundly unacceptable adverse events including meningitis, Guillan-Barre Syndrom, sudden death and a host of other documented dangers including a documented overall three fold increase in hospitalizations for all causes in children who recieve them.
Secretatry Sebelius stated in her testimony before Congress on September 15, 2009 that these four approved vaccines are not adjuvanted (extended with the use of immune system irritants). In fact, the other three vaccines approved at that time, all without any testing, contained aluminum (a potent neurotoxin adjuvant) and, in the case of the Novartis vaccine, according to Novartis itself, MF59, its propriatary squalene adjuvant. However, your Department of Health and Human Services did not know, when we discussed this with the Secretary’s office, what MF59 contains and told us to check that with Novartis. We did. They pointed us to a web page that said the “oil in water” adjuvant was “proprietary” — so the government doesn’t even know what is in the vaccine it approved!
According to our information, Mr. President, another vaccine has been added to the roster of “Swine Flu” vaccines for this non-event of a “Public Health Emergency”: GSK’s oil and water and aluminum adjuvanted vaccine. This was the fifth vaccine which your government purchased, but could not approve because, as Secretary Sebelius testified, “our scientists don’t want us to go down that road…” If your Declaration was intended to legalize the use of this dangerous, unapprovable drug, you must accept full responsibility for the harm it will cause.
Whether injected either through on-site admixture or in-vial contents, squalene is the undisputed source of profound disability and, in a high percentage of cases, death from the pervasive and irreversible auto-immuner disorder it precipitates.
“Breaking tolerance”, or stimulating the immune system to attack its own body – eventually in every tissue, is, in fact, what injected squalene is used for in the laboratory, where it is known as “Freund’s Complete Adjuvant” after its discoverer, Dr. Jules Freund. The disorders it causes in experimental animals are so profound and debilitating that there is considerable debate in the scientific community over whether it can ever be used ethicially within the boundaries of humane animal experimentation. In humans, these disorders are known collectively as “Gulf War Syndrome” which felled and eventually killed more than 25% of the healthy young service men and women into whom it was experimentally injected – and still is being used. The doses of squalene being used in the Swine Flu vaccines and admixtures are one million times stronger, in line with the 1998 patents which show that such doses will create sterility in those who receive them.
Mr. President, this means that an entire generation of children and fertile adults (the pregnant women in the high risk group of first vaccine recipients) will be rendered sterile. This constitutes willful negligence on the part of the US Government, its agents and all manufacturers.
No wonder vaccine makers and the US Government are eager to see these vaccines administered quickly, before any formal safety testing has been done.
There is more grievance that I urge you to redress, Mr. President: all multiple dose vials contain one of the most potent neurotoxins known to man: mercury in the form of Eli Lilly’s creation, Thimerisol. This product was grandfathered in on the Generally Regarded As Safe (“GRAS”) list after one of the most shameful travesties of scientific investigation ever perpetrated this side of the Nazi concentration camps: 22 patients in coma from meningitis were injected with thimerisol, which is 49.6% pure mercury by weight. All of the patients died.
Lilly reported out to the newly formed FDA that Thimerisol did not harm the patients because “they would have died from other causes anyway”. The Agency accepted this obvious assault on logic, truth and decency and we have been facing the tragic results of neurological poisonings in our children’s – and our – syringes since the early 1930’s.
Mr. President, you are a father. The precious daughters whom you cherish could be destroyed by these vaccines, yet there is no danger to them from the Declared Public Health Emergency.
You clearly see that because you have not chosen to submit their young bodies to these vaccines despite the fact that the CDC and FDA have declared them to be in the highest risk group for Swine Flu: healthy children.
We therefore petition you to issue another Declaration to make it clear that no person shall be mandated to receive any of these vaccines under any conditions and to rescind your current Declaration so that the medical system is not used to create gulags.
You have full control of the issue now, by your Declaration, and must therefore accept full responsibility: will you force Americans to receive these drugs and accept medical internment without Constitutional or scientific justification or will you affirm our right to free choice in these matters and rescind your dangerous and unnecessary Declaration?
The other highest risk groups, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases, are at highest risk for damage, often irreversible, from these vaccines. This irreversible damage includes death all too often, as the emerging data in Sweden, Hungary and other countries using GSK’s squalene adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine are demonstrating right now, following early vaccinations in those countries.
There are other dangers, Mr. President, in vaccinating against a non-existant threat. Under the best of circumstances, using the most favorable of assumptions, the FDA estimates that at least, at LEAST, Mr. President, 30,000 people will die from the vaccines and at least 100,000 will suffer serious adverse events. That is not an inconsequential estimate, Sir.
In fact, there is not one whit of scientific evidence to demonstrate that the desired antibody titer of 40:1 has any protective value against the Swine Flu, or that any other flu vaccine has any protective value against any flu and, for that matter, the necessary (and widely assumed to be present) double-blind, placebo controlled studies, or the long term follow up studies demonstrating long term safety are absent, as well.
Moreover, there is grave danger to the future of your Country and mine, Mr. President, because of the use of the AS02,3,4 and MF59 adjuvants at all and especially in the doses in which they are being injected into our youngest, fertile and most vulnerable population. I am gravely concerned that the WHO, which required that the oil and water adjuvants be put into the vaccines which have been produced in the absence of either safety or sense, and at doses 1,000,000 times that present in the dangerous experimental Vaccine A will, in the presence of both naturally occurring and introduced glygoproteins (richly present in the human body), produce an immune-mediated, irreversible sterility. And I am concerned that the US will help them in this long-sought, but genocidal destruction of global fertility. Surely you know that the education of females, in every culture, is the surest way to a substantial reduction in birth rate while the quality of life of the community these women live in rises dramatically along every parameter. If your concern is for well-being on either a local or a global basis, why is the global education of girls and women not your priority?
Given that the WHO has been working vigorously on infertility vaccines through its special commissions since 1974, and has deployed them against third world populations in every part of the world, and given that two patents filed in 1998 make such permanant and irreversible sterility an irreversible consequence of these adjuvanted injections, I have grave concerns for the continued ability of the US population to reproduce. Given also that the Workd Health Organization has stated that massive population reduction, which is in line with the stated goals of US Foreign Policy for global population reduction, the use of these dangerous vaccines on pregnant women and children FIRST is of overwhelming concern to me and must be to you as well, Mr. President.
The Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, Janet Napolitano, stated on October 23, 2009 that there would be no economic consequences to the Swine Flu in the US. On October 22, 2009, the Governor of New York State recinded the mandatory vaccine health care worker mandate placed upon those workers on 2 months earlier citing “vaccine shortages”.
The only economic impacts which will result from this Swine Flu non-pandemic are the waste of $6.4 billion dollars in a severely damaged economy and the loss of the inestimable income to the illness care industry which the chronic, degenerative and disabling diseases caused by these vaccines would generate.
Your daughters are unvaccinated, Sir, as are you. Surely if there were a health emergency, you and your family would be treated with a meaningful preventive strategy which differed in no way from that offered to other Americans and might, indeed, exceed that available to others. I believe that your lack of vaccination is, in fact, a superior health care strategy reserved for the powerful.
In Germany, politicians like you have exempted themeselves and members of the military from adjuvanted vaccines decreeing, at the same time, that the rest of the German population is to receive vaccines with adjuvants.
Are we secretly playing that game, Mr. President, with the lives and the health of every American, or is the game plan that the powerful and their children, including your own, will abstain from the dangerous “treatment” forced upon the rest of us?
The irrational haste with which innoculation of unsafe, untested, unnecessary and uninsurable Swine Flu vaccines has moved forward seems to me to correspond with the veil of immunity which manufacturers, the Federal Government and their agents which prevents any tort or other liability for dangerous, or even deadly, vaccines unless those companies, agencies and person act with willful negligence. Once the safety testing has been carried out, and the dangers of the vaccines have been abundantly document, their use would likely constitute “willful negligence”, leaving all involved organisms, both corporate, private and government, liable to enormous damages from the grieving and ill patients and parents who were damaged by this vaccination program.
There is no Health Emergency to derclare, nor has there ever been. To make it even slightly plausible to declare a Level 6 pandemic on June 11, the World Health Organization had to eliminate the concepts of a novel agent causing widespread serious disease and death from the definition of “Pandemic”.
This “Pandemic” is a non-threat. The vaccines, and the distortions involved in manipulating the people of the United States and, through its leadership, the rest of the world, are the real dangers and they are considerable.
I have signed this letter, Mr. President, in order to petition for a redress of the grievences which you are overseeing and which you have perpetrated through your Declaration of Health Emergency on October 23, 2009. I urge you in the strongest terms to abandon a strategy based on failed science and dangerous consequences of unprecedented proportion.
My future, America’s future and the future of freedom depend on it.
You have chosen to transform a non-pandemic which was, by your own Secretary’s testimony, peaking next week, into a nation emergency. You must therefore now show us that you will treat this process with the transparancy you have repeatedly promised the American people and the world.
Will you tell us that we need to sacrifice more of our freedom for some alleged pandemic security, or will you now publicly affirm that none of the vaccines covered by the Declaration shall be forced upon any person, by mandate, or by threat to withhold public benefits, jobs and schooling? Will you incarcerate us in medical gulags or will you allow us to move freely without the fear of medical concentration camps, detention centers and eugenicide?
The entire nation, and because of the position of leadership which the US has earned in the past, the entire world, awaits your answers will hold you accountable.
Is your legacy to be our illness, sterility and death through dangerous drugs which have no medical reason for their use?
I petition you for, and expect, your unequivocal response in restoring freedom and restoring sanity to the man-made debacle confronting us. Announce that no American will be forced to receive any alleged pandemic treatment or alleged preventative measures. Rescind your Declaration of Health Emergency and officially end the Swine Flu Pandemic.
Yours in health and freedom,