Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM to 1 PM EDT
War is hell. Anyone who has lived through one knows that in their bones and can never forget it. One part of the hell is what war does to the helpless, the innocent, the civilians, the children, the land, the unborn.
Wars are fought for ideas that cloak economic motivation, for flags that cloak aspirations of empire, for oil, for water, for food, for greed and for dominance. They are fought, in the main, by good men and women led to believe that they are serving an ideal worth laying down their lives.
But what of a war in which the weapons are stealth, the victims are everyone who is not anointed as part of the elite or their servants and the means of death are food, water and air? Where the very genomes of the plants and animals of the world are altered into weapons of mass destruction?
What of a war so vicious that it is fought to destroy not just the will to resist, but whole populations; whole genomes. What of a war waged with a willingness to despoil a whole planet?
Is this a war or is this an extermination campaign without borders, order or sanity; authorized not by politicians and generals and publicists, but by faceless, nameless, shameless and truly irredeemably evil genocidal (and genomicidal) madmen.
We did not elect them. We did not select them. We did not anoint them. We did not appoint them. They have done so themselves in secret, over many generations. They view themselves as the hidden masters of the world.
And are we to die for their whim and convenience? I think not.
We have natural, legal and effective means of thwarting their plans.
Take, for example, nano silver. Please. I do. A cap full a day if you are well, more if you are ill. There is no organism which can become resistant to it and it leaves the beneficial ones alive and well. Therefore it must be made unavailable, demonized, criminalized, before the killer bug, riddled with the Black Death’s DNA, is unleashed on a vulnerable and trusting Europe.
Take Vitamin C. Please. I do. On a regular basis. Cancer loses its deadly threat when met with sufficient IV Vitamin C. So it is turned into a NEW drug by the genocidal organization called the Fraud and Death Administration.
Take EDTA chelation. Please. I did. To prevent cancer, premature aging, cure osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Since it cuts into cardiac surgery and medication profits, it, too is demonized.
Take vaccination – in mental form, only, please. There is no scientific evidence that injecting foreign proteins, heavy metals and other poisons prevents or cures ANY disease, yet that is what we do on a wildly increasing basis to create permanently immune-impaired customers for Big and Bigger Pharma.
I would love to be able to reject the notion that we are fighting for our lives against an enemy of freedom and of our survival. How comfortable that would be! If it were only corporate greed; if it were only grasping politicians…
General Bert’s Risk Assessments and
Dr. Rima video on the Global Elite Genocidal Agenda
Gen. Bert Risk Assessment #1: Threats to Health and Food Freedom:
Gen. Bert’s Risk Assessment #2: Genomicide Warning:
Dr. Rima on the Globalist Agenda:
The fact is that genocide (and we’ve coined the word “genomicide” to extend this) is the 9th circle of Hell — we are being driven there by the monsters who, without compassion or compunction, wish all of us “Useless Eaters” dead.
I will not help them. Neither, I believe, will you.
Here is a link to our donation page. We need your donations to fight these monsters.
Here is a link to our Green Funding page. We have developed a program to fund OUR side of the battle and earn you a profit at the same time
Here is a link to our Eco Demonstration Project information in Panama. Perhaps you want to get out of the States and this works for you. Perhaps not. But examine the options.
And, last but most assuredly NOT least, here is a link to our Daily Push Back Action Item page:
PUSH BACK is our artillery. We must fire it hot, heavy and hard. And you are the gunner.
Yours, for Health and Food Freedom,
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.) – President
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
How to Listen
Dr. Rima’s Guests
Donate to Keep us on the Air –
Due to Continual Interference with the Program, we are refraining from announcing guests in advance.
Here are some of our recent guests:
October 31, 2010: General Bert and Tim Bolen — — on What is to be Done? Strategy for Health & Food Freedom in the Months Ahead…
October 24, 2010: Larry Becraft Esq. and Dr. Paul G. King on Recent Vaccine Litigation
October 17, 2010 – Mark Lerner- Opposition to Real ID –
October 10, 2010 – Eileen Dannemann – Vaccine Liberation Army –
October 3, 2010 – Dr. Paul G. King PhD –
September 26, 2010 John D. Crockett –
September 19, 2010 – Mike Adams, the Health Ranger:
September 12, 2010 – Charlotte Gerson- daughter of Dr. Max Gerson
September 5, 2020 – Karma Singh — Karma Healer — discusses healing energies with Dr. Rima
See: for some of Karma’s energy transmissions.
Also, Nicholas Cremato tells us about the Natural Solutions PEL Seminar and Webinar on September 19th in NYC — “Find Yourself, Map Included…” — see:
August 29, 2010 – Dr. I.C. Rose: Changing Mindsets – Workable Solutions…
August 22, 2010 – Inaugural Program.
Please Donate to Keep Us On The Air:
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
February 15, 2010
Hello, Gen. Bert, Dr. Rima and Ralph:
Would HealthFreedomUSA be willing to sign on as a supporting organization? (see below)
We will be launching our website tomorrow and it will have details. We want as many nongovernmental organizations as possible on the list when we announce.
You’re doing important work. I think there are many points of cross-over and confluence, where we can work together… to do this type of collaboration justice… I am hoping 2010 is a turning point…
Trust all is well…
All Best,
Louise Kuo Habakus, MA, HHP, AADP
Vaccination Choice * Parental Consent
We believe in the rights to life, liberty, and personal security for ourselves and our children.
We demand the universal human rights standard of informed consent for all medical interventions. Compulsory vaccination cannot be legally and morally justified.
We affirm the sanctity of personal space, the right to be left alone, and the freedom to make personal health care decisions guided by the professionals of our choosing.
We invite all people, families and organizations committed to protecting these fundamental rights to stand with us in downtown Chicago on May 26, 2010, and to work with us after the rally to support grassroots advocacy, education, and leadership in defense of our personal – individual, legal, moral, religious, civil, and human – rights.
Vaccination Choice * Parental Consent
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Grant Park, Downtown Chicago
CDC and WHO are “cooking the books…” |
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One, Two Punch: Codex Attacks Nutrition; Countering the Vax Threat |
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