Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM to 1 PM EDT
Urgent Action Item:
Educating Decision Makers Makes Strange Bed-fellows!
Why We Sometimes Agree with Republicans (or Democrats)… but Most Often Don’t. This Time Its the Republicans Have It Partly Right!

And please help Health and Food Freedom with your generous tax-deductible donations:
So, in the pre-presidential election posturing, the GOP wants to hold up payment of the USA’s UN dues and change the law so that the USA only funds those things that Congress appears to believe in… like endless war, nuclear power and mandatory vaccines (all three, unisurable risks) but withhold support to, oh, say, the Palestinians or Syrians or others whose current political system may (or may not) differ from ours.
OK. Works for me. We need to defund the UN and take away the power that it has been given over our military, our land, our water, our health, our population. [Didn’t expect to see that coming? Just why is a certified progressive like Dr. Rima consorting with fringe Republicans? rf]
The bureaucrats in the UN see the whole world as one big globalist city… but this distorted view from the glass and steel tower on the East River is a significant part of the problem. That’s why UN agencies which might have been established for good purposes (FAO? WHO?) or bad (Codex Alimentarius?) all become very real dangers to the very interests they are supposed to protect.
Our Health (and other) Freedoms demand that we NOT give the UN power over our lives. We certainly are not against peaceful resolutions of international disputes, but any agency that exists to mediate among member states should never have direct governmental control over individuals. We do not need or want a Global State. Such a state would almost certainly lead to a rapid collapse of an increasingly impoverished human population.
Big government made global is the baddest of bad ideas, especially if you believe that you might own your own body, or that your country’s constitution and free institutions have any meaning at all.
A world federalist state is a world slavery state, and your body, your water, your land, your food, your thoughts, are the battle ground. The proof of this can be found in the Globalist Genocidal Agenda espoused by the globalists, exemplified by Codex where, for example, the bureaucrats seek to set world-wide “reference values” (in reality, the first step toward “maximum values”) for all nutrients; and is demonstratively producing a list of “nutrients” set so low as to barely avoid deficiency diseases, while guaranteeing long-term illness and good customers for Big Ag Biz and Big Pharma.
That’s why We, the NetRoots Patriots, free men and women all, call on the Congress of the United States to seriously reassess the continued participation of the United States in the United Nations, given the UN’s avowed push to a false “sustainability” for the few global elitists, and slavery – or worse – for the many, as stated in the Millennium 2000 document, explicitly manifested in the now-being-implemented Agenda 21, WHO’s population reduction goals, the disastrous intentional contamination of the world’s food supply by Codex Alimentarius and more. We understand Agenda 21 is now being implemented in Portugal as a “Land Bank” to allow the globalists to seize control over natural resources. The same is beginning to happen in the United States through, it should come as no surprise, the Rockefeller Council of Foundations. You know, same old globalists with their humanitarian draperies flapping in the hot wind of the lamestream media’s puffery.
It was Henry Kissinger, who in the infamous 1974 National Security Memorandum 200 to President Nixon urged “global depopulation” as the primary goal of US interventionist foreign policy.
Compare the enslaved world which must develop from such elitist “reasoning” to the world envisioned by the traditional American foreign policy of non-intervention (or as Jefferson said, friendship and trade for all) as exemplified by the good doctor from Texas. Ron Paul, who supports not just a non-interventionist foreign policy, but also a “non-interventionist” domestic policy, exemplified, for example, by his Raw Milk Freedom bill, HR.1830 [LINK].
Achieving and maintaining Health and Food Freedom demands personal sovereignty over the inputs, and decisions, pertaining to one’s own body. The United Nations’ policies stand in total violation of that sovereignty, despite weakly worded non-binding resolutions to the contrary.
Since the US supplies fully 1/5 of the UN’s budget, its power to impact changes and reverse bad policy is enormous.
Congress holds the purse strings to that contribution. Until every UN policy is in strict and active conformity with the principles of personal sovereignty and its directors and controllers are no longer the globalist special interest groups whose policies serve themselves, but violate personal sovereignty, we call upon the US to withhold all payment for any programs or dues to the United Nations and for Congress to hold fact finding hearings into the question of why the United States should not withdraw from the United Nations.
Just as the League of Nations failed in its grandly stated objectives, so the United Nations has failed in its lofty statements of purpose.
This is a matter of extreme urgency for world, national and personal sovereignty and it is up to you, and everyone you can reach, to create the push back that will halt this part of the globalist expansion and conquest of us all. Take this Action item and forward it to everyone you can reach. Now. Today. Then do the same again tomorrow. And the next day. Until we prevail. Action Item: Protect My Personal Sovereignty from the United Nations.
And please help Health and Food Freedom with your generous tax-deductible donations:
Yours in Health and Food Freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation