Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom & Justice™ –
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning Starting 10 AM Eastern
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That’s right, Congress gave FDA authority to ban any food… WHY? Indeed, why would Congress believe it had power under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to control what food free Americans grow and use? We leave the answer to such questions to the philosophers and psychiatrists…
Sure enough, the ink of President Bush’s signature was barely dry when FDA moved to ban the first supplement under the new law. At the behalf of a drug company (they called it a “citizen petition”) FDA banned a form of Vitamin B6 that has been continually available for decades. This form of B6 happens to be the most bioavailable, thus the drug company “studied” it and then decided NOT to market it, but rather seek govt help in banning it! How did FDA “get around”the DSHEA Exemption? It announced that none of the vitamin companies and advocates objecting to the ban had “proven” that this particular form of B6 had been “sold to supplement the diet” prior to the “grandfathering” cut off date in 1994. The listing of this form of B6 in the “Old Dietary Ingredients” list posted on the FDA website was not to be considered proof!
We warned that the Vitamin B6 precedent would threaten all dietary supplement advances since ’94. Fast-forward to 2011… FDA announces a new guideline on New Dietary Ingredients which takes the B6 precedent and codifies this for all nutrients. Remember, FDA restricts what people can say about nutrients and then uses its new powers to ban those nutrients. This is a Freedom & Justice Issue. Below is the Comment we posted on the Federal Government’s official Comment Site that Congress requires it to maintain when issuing new regulations.
You can help educate the White House, FDA and your congress-critters about this issue her:
Our comment posted on the FDA comment site:
FDA-2011-D-0376-0079 – Comment No. 80f795ae – 12.01.11
The Foundation for Natural Solutions, with over 360,000 opt-in elist members, submits the following comment, prepared by its Counsel, Ralph Fucetola JD.
We oppose the NDI Guidance and urge that it not be finalized.
We have set up an “action item” whereby concerned citizens can petition Congress, the FDA and White House for redress of grievances regarding the “New Dietary Ingredient Guidance”:
In our opinion, as participants in the dietary supplement market for over 40 years, the FDA is engaging in an “end-run” around DSHEA and acting ultra vires — the Guidance is carefully constructed to obscure this fact. Therefore, the guidance should not be finalized.
To start with, in 2007, when the so-called FDA Modernization Act was being debated, Health & Food Freedom & Justice advocates fought hard to keep the DSHEA exclusion in that law. Congress agreed with us.
Although the protection language was in the law, within a months FDA had banned a form of B6 (pyradoximine) at the “petition” of a drug company that apparently wanted to get rid of natural competition.
FDA danced around the DSHEA protection clause by concocting a “Catch 22” situation where it claimed no commenter had proven that this form of B6 was “grandfathered” under DSHEA (no one knew that was ever an issue!) and the fact that this form of B6 was listed in the 1994 “Old Ingredients List” posted on the FDA site was not proof!
Since most of the dietary supplement industry did not exist in 1994, and those companies that did probably do not have records that old, NOBODY can actually “prove” any dietary ingredient is “grandfathered.”
Thus this Guidance is a very serious threat to supplements.
Not only must FDA not finalize this guidance, but Congress ought to divest the FDA of any authority over food, authority it continues to abuse (for example, in the case of raw milk).
With Dr. Ron Paul, we agree that allowing FDA any power at all is giving it power to abuse.
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom & Justice™ –
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM to 1 PM EDT –
Planned for October 15, 2011, the NY advocates decided to bring the Health & Food Freedom & Justice message to those occupying Wall Street, #OWS. The Natural Solutions Foundation agreed to support the action to help educate decision makers about public opposition to forced vaccination. The trustees prepared a statement from the President of the Foundation, General Bert. The statement was to be read to the rally by Counsel Ralph, as he did for General Bert in 2008 at the End the Fed Rally, which was held near the scene of the current events. You can see our video of that here:
The Health & Food Freedom & Justice Rally has been delayed due to the possibility of a dangerous situation developing at OWS in the next few days, so we thought we’d share General Bert’s statement with you all by posting it here.
The Message is on the occasion of World Food Day, October 16, 2011 – –
“World Food Day… is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger.”
In this context we also note the WHO/FAO’s 2003 Statement on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases –
Media Release regarding Gen. Bert’s Message:
Gen. Bert delivered the Message on October 16, 2011 via the Dr. Rima Reports Internet Radio Program and that discussion starts at about 65 minutes into the Program, which is archived at:
The YouTube video version of the Message is here:
There can be no true reform, no Health & Food Freedom & Justice without addressing the central issue of the control of health and food choices by the crony corporatist elite and its minions in government bureaucracy.
General Bert’s #OWS Message
Planned for Delivery on 10.17.11 [Posted as of 10.15.11]
Tiny URL for this page:
“War is not good for children or other living things…” said those who protested and resisted the Viet Nam war, at a time when I was commanding US Army intelligence units in the jungles of Viet Nam – and being doused with Agent Orange, because of which I subsequently developed three separate cancers, while my government denied they had harmed me – or the people of Viet Nam.
Today we are at war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and, increasingly involved in expansive, and expensive, imperial entanglements around the world. But there is another war being waged against US, right here at home. “Trillions and trillions wasted…” as Dr. Ron Paul says.
There is another war being waged right now, right here in America and the rest of the world; it is not a war for territory or gold or oil: this is a war for EVERYTHING! This is a war fought by the corporate state for your minds and bodies: the combatants are you and I, facing the forces of greed and corruption, the linked state and corporatist forces that want you ill and, should they chose to make it so, dead. And they do chose those fates for you and your loved ones.
This war, conceived and conducted by agents of the worst of the crony companies like Monsanto and the rest of Big Ag, Big Biotech and Big Pharma, working with their buddies in Big Oil and Big Banking, and their minions in big, bigger, even biggern government, is rapidly transforming our beautiful world into a World Weaponized Against Humanity.
You can see our videos about the Weaponized World at
Today I want to talk to you about intentional, carefully planned “genomicide”, the alteration of our very DNA so that it cannot support reproduction, health or, indeed, life itself. There are three genomicidal technologies which have the capacity to damage or destroy the genome – the DNA – of all life on earth which are the principle weapons in this war.
These technologies are also heavily subsidized and supported by the bought and paid for political leadership; they are the crony technologies which are, in truth, the Weapons of Mass Destruction which you and I must fear, and must eliminate:
Nuclear Power, Vaccines and other environmental toxins and the GMOs or genetically modified organisms.
These are the Technologies of Genomicide and they are, daily, without the sound of bombs bursting in air, without the rockets’ red glare, weaponizing the world against humanity – against you, and me and our children’s children, if there are any.
The genomicidal Weapons of Mass Destruction represent unthinkable, and, in fact, uninsurable risks to our entire world. That they are dangerous to children and other living things should be obvious to all thinking people.
Vaccines are the first threat to our children – even before they are born, now that our insane public policy is to demand that pregnant women receive vaccines! Vaccines must, MUST, be rejected by any caring, knowledgeable parent. Propaganda to the contrary not withstanding, injecting toxins into living organisms, adult, juvenile, infant or fetus, is quite literally insane. It is that simple. Although not defined as such, the reality is that doing so is child abuse. And adult abuse. And elder abuse (and, for those who are thinking about their pets, animal abuse as well!)
Vaccines have NEVER prevented or cured a single disease except the dreaded PPD, Pharmaceutical Poverty Disease. Let’s be clear: vaccines are a hoax, just as the safety of mercury or of squalene is a hoax. The “science” upon which vaccines rest is as corrupt as any pseudoscience has ever been. The health care impact of this pseudoscience is enormous. The risk-free profits are enormous.
The battle is joined. Your life and mine are under attack. Our freedoms, our survival, are literally at stake.
We demand an end to all mandated vaccines.
We demand unambiguous freedom to chose, or reject vaccines in our schools, our workplaces, in our lives, for ourselves and for our children.
We demand that the US Government and its political class, people like Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, stop supporting the voodoo “science” of vaccination and allow the People to take total control of their own health care decisions. NO MORE FORCED VACCINES! NO FORCED DRUGGING! NOW!
Nuclear Power, another of the Genomicidal technologies, is another unthinkably dangerous and uninsurable threat to our children. We mourn with the parents of Japan, faced as they are with the escalating dangers of the reactors that continue to spew forth in Fukushima and elsewhere, spreading death everywhere throughout this world. We mourn with them as they watch their children sicken and die, while their government tells them all is well… and the radiation mounts that will kill them AND their beloved children.
While the FDA tries to make nutritional supplements as unavailable as they are in the EU, taking away yet more options from you for your own health and health choices, Natural Solutions Foundation is moving in exactly the opposite direction – we know nutrition is a powerful tool for wellness and are using that tool in Japan.
You see, the Natural Solutions Foundation has established its Lollipops of Life for the Children of Fukushima initiative,, working with Dr. Chris Busby’s Foundation in Japan and Dr. Michael Sigler’s Live Well Pharmacy in Panama to demonstrate the vital importance of nutritional protection from the dangers ionizing radiation.
Dr. Rima Laibow has formulated the protective pops with the help of other nutritional medicine experts and we will be distributing them free to the children of Fukushima.
Nuclear, or ionizing radiation, like the other genome-destroying technologies, destroys through free radical formation causing free radical cascades that damage the DNA, changing it forever, down through the generations, if there are generations to come.
Dr. Rima, Medical Director of the Foundation, has created an anti-oxidant and radioprotective formula that can be added to BeyondOrganic™ candy to ensure that the Children of Fukushima have a chance to survive and thrive in this weaponized world.
Why don’t children here in the US have the Lollipops of Life option to protect them from the escalating radiation contamination they face in their food water and air? Because the FDA has made it very clear that nutritional supplements in a formulation and presentation which children like is unacceptable to them. Dr. Rima jokingly suggested that perhaps if we made dirt-flavored radio-protective lollipops for American kids, the FDA might approve them.
Please support this important initiative at and share it as widely as you can with your friends and colleagues.
My message to you today is simple, and similar to the message I asked my Co-Trustee Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, who is speaking to you today on my behalf to deliver back in 2008 at the End the Fed rally that was held a short distance from Wall Street, at the Federal Reserve Building.
At that time the Natural Solutions Foundation joined Dr. Ron Paul in warning of a pending economic crisis. That crisis is now upon us. It is a crisis created by political greed and wrong-headed economic policies.
We joined Ron Paul then calling for an end to the Federal Reserve System and a return to Constitutional Money. Those important monetary reforms are more necessary now than ever before. I urge you to become educated about Dr. Paul’s Monetary Reform Bills HR 1094, 1098 and 2768 and to help educate decision makers about them.
Yes, there is a war for, no let me correct that, AGAINST your minds and bodies. You are the front line troops in that undeclared but ultimately lethal war. It is a war where the perpetrators, the US ruling class of political cronies, claim all they need is more power over our lives and they will “save” us from the disasters their power has carefully unleashed upon us.
We reject that centralizing tyranny over our bodies, choices and minds. We reject the notion that only more power in the hands of Federal authorities will save us from the harms caused by amalgamated Corporate/Federal power.
As Dr. Paul says of the FDA, giving that agency more power over our Health and Food is giving it more “power to abuse.”
We call for the end to the abuse of power!
We call for an end to the excessive political power exercised by Wall Street and its corporate cronies in Washington.
We demand the restoration of the Constitutional Republic.
We declare sovereignty over our bodies and our lives, as the Constitution of these United States documents that we already have. And we declare an end to forced vaccination and drugging.
Our lives, the lives of our children and the survival of all living things depend on it!
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Thank you,
For Natural Solutions Foundation
General Bert
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM to 1 PM EDT
Urgent Action Item:
Why We Sometimes Agree with Republicans (or Democrats)… but Most Often Don’t. This Time Its the Republicans Have It Partly Right!
And please help Health and Food Freedom with your generous tax-deductible donations:
So, in the pre-presidential election posturing, the GOP wants to hold up payment of the USA’s UN dues and change the law so that the USA only funds those things that Congress appears to believe in… like endless war, nuclear power and mandatory vaccines (all three, unisurable risks) but withhold support to, oh, say, the Palestinians or Syrians or others whose current political system may (or may not) differ from ours.
OK. Works for me. We need to defund the UN and take away the power that it has been given over our military, our land, our water, our health, our population. [Didn’t expect to see that coming? Just why is a certified progressive like Dr. Rima consorting with fringe Republicans? rf]
The bureaucrats in the UN see the whole world as one big globalist city… but this distorted view from the glass and steel tower on the East River is a significant part of the problem. That’s why UN agencies which might have been established for good purposes (FAO? WHO?) or bad (Codex Alimentarius?) all become very real dangers to the very interests they are supposed to protect.
Our Health (and other) Freedoms demand that we NOT give the UN power over our lives. We certainly are not against peaceful resolutions of international disputes, but any agency that exists to mediate among member states should never have direct governmental control over individuals. We do not need or want a Global State. Such a state would almost certainly lead to a rapid collapse of an increasingly impoverished human population.
Big government made global is the baddest of bad ideas, especially if you believe that you might own your own body, or that your country’s constitution and free institutions have any meaning at all.
A world federalist state is a world slavery state, and your body, your water, your land, your food, your thoughts, are the battle ground. The proof of this can be found in the Globalist Genocidal Agenda espoused by the globalists, exemplified by Codex where, for example, the bureaucrats seek to set world-wide “reference values” (in reality, the first step toward “maximum values”) for all nutrients; and is demonstratively producing a list of “nutrients” set so low as to barely avoid deficiency diseases, while guaranteeing long-term illness and good customers for Big Ag Biz and Big Pharma.
That’s why We, the NetRoots Patriots, free men and women all, call on the Congress of the United States to seriously reassess the continued participation of the United States in the United Nations, given the UN’s avowed push to a false “sustainability” for the few global elitists, and slavery – or worse – for the many, as stated in the Millennium 2000 document, explicitly manifested in the now-being-implemented Agenda 21, WHO’s population reduction goals, the disastrous intentional contamination of the world’s food supply by Codex Alimentarius and more. We understand Agenda 21 is now being implemented in Portugal as a “Land Bank” to allow the globalists to seize control over natural resources. The same is beginning to happen in the United States through, it should come as no surprise, the Rockefeller Council of Foundations. You know, same old globalists with their humanitarian draperies flapping in the hot wind of the lamestream media’s puffery.
It was Henry Kissinger, who in the infamous 1974 National Security Memorandum 200 to President Nixon urged “global depopulation” as the primary goal of US interventionist foreign policy.
Compare the enslaved world which must develop from such elitist “reasoning” to the world envisioned by the traditional American foreign policy of non-intervention (or as Jefferson said, friendship and trade for all) as exemplified by the good doctor from Texas. Ron Paul, who supports not just a non-interventionist foreign policy, but also a “non-interventionist” domestic policy, exemplified, for example, by his Raw Milk Freedom bill, HR.1830 [LINK].
Achieving and maintaining Health and Food Freedom demands personal sovereignty over the inputs, and decisions, pertaining to one’s own body. The United Nations’ policies stand in total violation of that sovereignty, despite weakly worded non-binding resolutions to the contrary.
Since the US supplies fully 1/5 of the UN’s budget, its power to impact changes and reverse bad policy is enormous.
Congress holds the purse strings to that contribution. Until every UN policy is in strict and active conformity with the principles of personal sovereignty and its directors and controllers are no longer the globalist special interest groups whose policies serve themselves, but violate personal sovereignty, we call upon the US to withhold all payment for any programs or dues to the United Nations and for Congress to hold fact finding hearings into the question of why the United States should not withdraw from the United Nations.
Just as the League of Nations failed in its grandly stated objectives, so the United Nations has failed in its lofty statements of purpose.
This is a matter of extreme urgency for world, national and personal sovereignty and it is up to you, and everyone you can reach, to create the push back that will halt this part of the globalist expansion and conquest of us all. Take this Action item and forward it to everyone you can reach. Now. Today. Then do the same again tomorrow. And the next day. Until we prevail. Action Item: Protect My Personal Sovereignty from the United Nations.
And please help Health and Food Freedom with your generous tax-deductible donations:
Yours in Health and Food Freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation
The Citizens Commission for Health & Food Freedom
J’Accuse … Indictment of the FDA
Dr. Ron Paul: the FDA engages in “abuse of power…”
You of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) leadership are little more than political hacks, which means that you are little more than prostitutes for the Multi-National Corporate Persons who would poison you and your children while they poison us and ours.
You have blood on your hands, FDA officers and agents, blood mixed with chemicals. Your scientists tell you that mercury amalgams have no place in children and you choose to ignore their pleas telling you that patients need protection; instead you aid and abet mass poisoning of children and adults with toxic mercury and with toxic fluoride; you merely offer to cover-up the harm by having people sign more abusive waivers to protect the dental and corporate interests who poison their brains and bodies.
Your experts told you that “GMO” genetic modification of plants and animals was tinkering with life itself and, once released, this particularly malignant genie could never be re-contained in its flask. “Do not do this!” they said, but you rushed not to judgment, but to the condemnation of our biosphere, one nuclear DNA bundle of precious genes at a time, throwing out bouquets of infertility, cancer, brand new lethal allergies, strangely mutated bacteria, weeds that will not die, babies that cannot live and a plague of contagious genes never before seen – or experienced – on this planet. You have conspired to allow the poisoning of the biosphere.
Your bloody hands, hearts and heads have no capacity to contain all the guilt for deaths and suffering, losses and heartbreak caused by poorly tested (or in the case of flu vaccines, not safety tested at all), deceptively reported and dishonestly labeled drugs and vaccines which you had every reason to know will kill and main, but from which you make money or receive research position and money. Such a small amount of money, FDA, for so many lives despoiled and destroyed.
You are baby-killers. We accuse you of purchasing, approving, recommending, allowing, distributing and promoting the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine which has resulted in thousands of miscarriages. See our Citizens Petition demanding that you enforce the law against vaccine drug pushers:
Your dishonest and self-serving regulations make food the stuff of death and drugs the stuff of suffering. The fluoride in the water which you criminally flood us with – for genocide and mind control is a crime against humanity – is not there for us and our well being. It is there for the profit of those who would poison us and the comfort of those who would dominate us through apathy and slack-witted mindlessness.
FDA, you know that we know how to control disease and remove its underlying causes and you know that such removal and control strikes deeply at the heart of the Uber Cartel, those drug lords who will sell their contaminating agra-chemicals and provide their death-dealing seeds in order to make short term money, gain long-term control and accomplish forever-term depopulation of those of us deemed unnecessary, the “Useless Eaters”.
So J’Accuse FDA. We accuse you of murder, of graft, of extermination, of inhuman acts committed against the civilian population of the Earth, the military population of the Nation, unborn generations of the planet. I accuse you of Crimes Against Humanity through knowingly perpetrating these acts. I accuse you of fast-tracking death because it brings fast-track profits and because it brings fast-track infertility, suffering, disease and death.
We accuse you of having neither shame, compassion nor any humanity worthy of the name. You have sold your soul, FDA leadership, for a mess of guilt, crime and money.
For the brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and others of the Earth, We accuse you of genocide.
The International Criminal Court statute (echoing the Nuremberg Code) provides, in Article 7 of the Rome Treaty that Crimes Against Humanity, even when practiced against one’s own people, include “Other inhumane acts … intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.”
We therefore accuse the FDA and its officers and agents of conspiracy to cause “serious injury to body or to mental or physical health…”
FDA: how do you plead?
The Trustees will announce the membership of the Citizens’ Commission over the next few weeks and will then develop the case against the FDA for presentation to the Commission and their Moral Decision. We need a lawyer to volunteer to defend the FDA. Any volunteers?
[Update: Defending the FDA – Being the Devil’s Advocate:]
Maj Gen Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret), President
Rima E. Laibow MD, Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola JD, Counsel
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees
PS – We discuss and review Health and Food Freedom issues on the Dr. Rima Reports, Sundays 9 to noon, Central time-
PS #2 – Continuing the struggle, as we will, requires ever more resources… please help us by donating here:
PS #3 – And please “friend” us on Facebook:
2016/17 Archives Here:
Dr Rima is recovering from the devastating loss of our Founding President, Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (February 6, 2017). He was also, as you know, her beloved husband. As Dr. Rima says, “My heart is broken, but not my spirit! The Foundation’s work, General Bert’s work for Health Freedom WILL go on!” Podcasting will resume as needed.
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Meanwhile, make sure you and your loved ones are protected from vaccine mandates,
No wonder the globalists are worried!
Link to Streaming Archive Here
Inaugural Program for “Open Source Truth”
Broadcast on American Freedom Radio 18 Nov 2015
Guest: Linda Michelle –
Roger Landry, The Liberty Beacon
Tyranny and Vaccination:
09.07.15 – Heather Hawkes from and
Saul Wiener on why libertarians should oppose forced vaccines
07.13.15 – Brother Tony Muhammad
07.15.15 – Diabetes Powerpoint / Vaccine Injured Vet
07.20.15 – Tim Donnoly and SB277 / Parenting for Vaccine Injured Children
07.22.15 – Seizure Disorder
07.27.15 – Dr Rima and Ralph
07.29.15 – “The Sex Show”
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Susanne Posel: CNP: Propaganda Machine
Jan Irvin: Who Is Controlling Your Mind?
Dr. Singleton: The Ethics of Change
Atty. Tachover: Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity
Dr. Staninger: Nano Trespass
Dane Wiggington: Climate Cataclysm
Clint Richardson: Common Core and Geo-Engineering
Amb. Murata: Against the Will of Heaven and Earth
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