Health Freedom eAlert
May 31, 2008
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never been in bed with a mosquito.”
In this issue:
Connecting the Deadly Dots
– Deadly Vaccines
– Deadly Spraying
– Deadly Drugs
– Deadly GMOs
– Deadly Foods
– Deadly Codex
– Deadly ChemTrails
– Deadly “cancer treatments”
— Connecting the Dots
– What you can do
– eAlert List
– Support Natural Solutions Foundation
– Use Natural Solutions
– Strategic Health Freedom Alliance
It sometimes seems almost impossible to keep up with the onslaught of serious threats to our health and health freedom. The Natural Solutions Foundation is unique because our focus is wide and comprehensive. Like you, we do not limit our focus to one or two areas of concern. Because we share your deep understanding that freedom, like health, is an indivisible whole which is far, far more than the sum of its parts, we choose the harder path, rather than the easier one: we keep you informed on what is actually happening, not what would lull you into complacency. And we give you meaningful action steps to change what needs to be changed. After all, you “can take it” or you would not be on our distribution list. Besides, the Media of Mass Deception (and fluoride…) does quite enough lulling without our help! This Health Freedom eAlert will take a look at some of the biggest of the dangerous and deadly dots and then tell you:
A. How we think these dots are connected
B. What we are doing about it and
C. What you can do about it.
A word of warning, though: before you get to the end of the bad stuff (and it is, I am afraid, really very bad) you may become discouraged and want to click off to something lighter. Please don’t. There is hope, and a good deal of it, at the end of this trail of deadly dots, but we need to be clear on what the problems are before we can solve them! It’s odd, you know: sometimes when we talk about all these issues, people, feeling overwhelmed, say things like, “I don’t want to hear anything negative! I only want to focus on the positive.” Natural Solutions Foundation knows that the solutions are positive, no matter how bad the problems seem.
SO these two girl ostriches are walking down the beach and two boy ostriches see them and decide to catch up with them. The girl ostriches are not very pleased and see that the boys are going to catch up in a very short time. They look at one another and immediately stick their heads in the sand. The boy ostriches come to a screeching, skidding halt, look at each other and say, “Where’d they go?”
Sticking our heads in the sand is not going to get us out of the spot we are in now.
Understanding, connecting and then dealing with the underlying cause of the dots, however, may save us.
A psychiatrist might say that vaccination is pretty close to a cultural obsession. Anyone daring to even question it is, automatically unpatriotic, irrational, part of the lunatic fringe, a bad parent or a hippie. However, asking these questions is actually logical, wise and prudent. The questions we should be asking include, “How is it that thimerisol, which killed all the patients receiving it in its very first tests, and has been known for its horrific biological impact has been so valiantly defended by the supposed “health watchdogs” in and out of government? These failed guardians include, for example, the American Pediatric Association, the AMA, the FDA, the FTC and the EPA.” and “Why are ineffective and extraordinarily contaminated vaccines permitted at all? Why are cancer causing and other stealth viruses, aluminum hydroxide, monosodium gultamate, and dozens of other dangerous chemicals injected into us at all?” and “Why is the government covering up what they already know about vaccines?” Beyond greed, are we systematically being exposed to dangers we may not suspect, but the government and drug companies know very clearly? Why?
The well-established connection between mercury and autism needs no repetition, although the financial Pretorian Guard of the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA, continues to defend this archaic and misguided practice as “safe and effective”. Click here ( to learn how BARDA, the FDA’s secretive Vaccine Police is poised to compel mandatory vaccination for whatever they declare has become “a Pandemic” using whatever they decide to inject. That’s not OK with us and I know it’s not OK with you, either. Click here ( to join the vigorous on-line No-Forced-Vaccination Forum to learn and share more about your rights and freedom from forced vaccination. The
Natural Solutions Foundation has filed a highly innovative legal action, in the form of a Citizens Petition, with the Federal Trade Commission to compel it to hold hearings on whether the advertising and information put out by vaccine makers saying that vaccines are both safe and effective is truthful. We know it is not and so do you. We are also urging the FTC to ban such advertising and information until it is proven to be truthful. The FTC has “lost” and denied our petition unlawfully several times. Clearly, we have hit a nerve, and we did not use a syringe to get there. Stay tuned on this action: we’ll need your vigorous support as soon as the FTC gets around to fulfilling its legal obligation to formalize our ability to send comments in, under the issued FTC document number! Meanwhile, remember to take each of the actions in the side bar to protect your health and freedom. Congress needs to hear from millions of us on this issue. That’s why it is so important to get your contacts active, too. Forward this email and ask them to sign up for the Health Freedom eAlerts ( and take all the action steps. And ask them to forward it again to THEIR contacts when they have finished the Action Steps.
By the way, the long-awaited Vaccine Exemption eBook is nearing completion. Those of you who donated during our funding campaign for this book will receive your eBooks shortly. The book has grown and expanded into an even more impressive document with the help of experts and advisors. Thanks for your patience! We believe the Vaccine Exemption eBook will prove to be a major resource and well worth the wait!
The State of California and the EPA have decided to spray cancer-inducing, environmentally destructive chemicals over the entire San Francisco Bay area (including waterways, wetlands, homes, playing fields, cities, farms and towns) to “control” a “pest” which has not even been confirmed to exist there and certainly does not present a hazard to any crop or plant species. Eradicating the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) is apparently such a high priority that, should the Governor of California decide to prohibit the spraying of Checkmate (R), a nano-plastic delivery system bonded to an insect pheromone, the EPA will step in and take over jurisdiction to make sure that the spraying takes place EVERY 30 DAYS FOR 5 TO 10 YEARS.
The nano-particle plastic breaks down in the environment in about 70 days. How long does it take to break down in your lungs and what happens when it does? Who knows. Why is San Francisco being punished — or experimented upon? Or is it slated for extermination? Under the US Biological Agents Act such experimentation is terrifyingly legal. See Did we also mention that no one knows the impact of the nano particles to which the moth hormone is bonded when they lodge deep in the lungs of people who have no choice but to breath them? And did we also mention that while severe physical problems accompany the spraying of this compound on human populations, there is no credible evidence that the LBAM actually presents any threat to anything at all?
The Natural Solutions Foundation has been watching this situation since Santa Clara and Monterey were sprayed last year resulting in serious and prolonged mass illness. In fact, you can click here ( to see what General Stubblebine and I had to say at a meeting a few months ago in California about this genocidal program. And don’t miss the chance to click here ( to see a music video with General Stubblebine!
Our collaborators, the Ecological Options Network,, suspended work on our Health Freedom Documentary collaboration and the Health Freedom Video Library because of the emergency presented by the LBAM spraying so that they could document and support the community organization against this atrocious program which threatens the environment and the residents of Northern California and, we believe, the rest of the country, too.Your continued support in funding the Health Freedom Video is very important. Click here ( make a donation to help fund the film. Donors of $100 or more will be thanked personally in the final version of the documentary. We are concerned that the Bay Area may a “belle weather” or early indicator experiment for the spraying which can be imposed on the rest of the US for reasons as far fetched and fatuous, and as potentially deadly, as those used in California.
It is imperative for us to be informed about this program because although the target is California now, there is no reason to believe that it will be limited there. Make-believe “pests” can be imagined anywhere and massive spraying programs called ChemTrails already exist. The EPA is willing to seize jurisdiction if California refuses to spray. Could this happen in your community? Click on these links to learn more:
Public Service Announcement
Ecological Options Network’s page
Ecological Options Network’s 2 volume DVD sets, STOP THEM BEFORE THEY SPRAY AGAIN, is available now The 2-volume, 3-disk set is $33.00 (Volume 2 is a 2-disk set.)
Why would such dangerous, untested and patently absurd spraying, and sprays, be poured on us and on the environment every 30 days for 10 years without any pest to kill or safety studies to rely upon?
It is no secret that properly used prescription drugs rank at the very top of causes of death in the US. It’s also no secret that drugs, which work by poisoning enzyme systems, lead to side effects which are frequently treated by more drugs which lead to side effects which are frequently treated by more drugs…. An untested and potentially deadly soup of drugs interacting with each other in unpredictable ways means patients getting worse, not better, or dying from their medical “care”. We all know the results and they are not pretty. It is also no secret that psychiatric drugs cause permanent changes in the brain and that they can stimulate deadly consequences in those who take them or those who are around those who take them. It is also no secret that the profits in these, and all other drugs, including chemotherapy drugs, are astonishingly high. The more we take of them, the richer the drug companies become.
Therefore, we are urged, through every possible channel, to take more and more drugs. I have speculated before in this forum, and will repeat my speculation, that the deadly consequences of these drugs, prescription and otherwise, and the vigorous propaganda war against the inexpensive, safe and effective alternative to these high cost toxins, are no accident.
There are too many smart scientists and doctors involved in drug research, and too many documented instances of industry and government colluding to suppress information about dangerous compounds which are approved for sale despite their known dangers for me to believe that this is an accidental state of affairs. Why would such dangerous drugs be allowed on our shelves and in our bodies?
The biotech industry may have done something good for humanity and the planet. If so, I am unaware of it. Some people hold out the idea that GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are safe or good for the economy and the environment. They are, in my opinion, simply wrong. Dead wrong. Here ( is a briefing on that topic which I prepared for the people I am talking to in Panama right now, including folks in the Ministry of Agriculture.
Biotech does nothing to inspire or impress me.
In fact, it scares me silly. I am unimpressed by dangerous drugs produced through recombinant DNA techniques, foods that can destroy the environment and have unintended health consequences in the near term or a score of years from now but which cannot be traced because the US will not allow labeling of these experimental foods. I am underwhelmed by hormones given to animals and people which have been made by shooting high energy “bullets” into DNA to make it serve commercial purposes which make the recipients sick.
I am not impressed by seeds which produce poisons and tolerate wildly dangerous chemicals in high concentrations so that they become vectors for environmental illnesses when their crops come to harvest. I find nothing to be joyous about in food and feed and super weeds that transfer their DNA into my cells (and my fetus’s) where that DNA and its promoter partners induce my DNA to produce proteins which have never existed before on the face of the earth and which have totally unknown consequences. Or, perhaps those consequences are not totally unknown to the purveyors of these Franken-foods, Franken-feed, Franken-Crops and Franken-animals.
And the more I learn what the Biotech firms like Monsanto are up to, the less I like the fact that they are taking over our food supply. Click here to spend some time learning about The World According to Monsanto ( This remarkable film, originally made in French, was available on the internet and then disappeared. It is archived here. Please watch and share it. And when you do share it, please ask your contacts to join the Health Freedom eAlerts distribution list at
One of the Codex activities which has been occupying a good deal of our time here at the Natural Solutions Foundation is making sure that our African, Caribbean, South Pacific and other health-friendly allies are so well informed, and so upset, by the US policy at Codex of totally unlabeled GMOs that they take action. And they have begun to do exactly that. But looking at the dots, why would an industry which despoils the planet, sickens and kills people and animals, be permitted, at least in the US, a totally free hand to market its products in the total absence of safety testing and precautions to protect people and the planet?
Pesticides and herbicides, fungicides, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, Splenda (c), Aspartame (c), hydrogenated fat, high fructose corn syrup, high saturated fat, “food” deconstructed from genetically modified corn and soy and rebuilt from the vat up, so to speak, are killing us.
There is not much new in that. But why? Why are our shelves filled with stuff with which we are killing ourselves, mouthful by mouthful?
. Why are we buying it and why, from a regulatory point of view, is it on our shelves to buy?
. Why are supplements filled with synthetic “nutrients”, including those derived from genetically modified plants, bacteria, yeast and animals on our shelves?
. Why are our water, toothpaste and medicines filled with fluoride, a carcinogenic, diabetogenic, endocrine poison and neurological poison that mining companies find too expensive to dispose of legally and sell to food and water companies?
. Why is this known neurotoxin which creates complacency in those who are exposed to it (discovered first by Stalin’s prison camp wardens) allowed in increasing amounts in our food and drink and sprayed at incredible concentrations on our food?
. Why are our children bombarded with advertisements for things to eat that will kill them? Profit for the “food” makers, surely, but are there other reasons?
Perhaps social strategies are in place which do not favor strong, clear thinking, active and informed citizens. Perhaps those strategies are working hand in glove with the policies which allow deadly fake foods to stand in for the nutritious foods we need will support and sustain us. And perhaps those strategies and policies are consistent with Henry Kissinger’s now public 1972 secret assessment for President Nixon that the first consideration of America’s foreign policy needs to be depopulation.
Dot, dot, dot . . .
Codex is the wagon of the multinational corporations and its driver is the United States. True, each sector influencing Codex decisions wants more money. True, Big Pharma founded Codex in order to make sure that the food supply was sufficiently contaminated to make sure that people sickened from preventable diseases of under nutrition from which it could then make a lot of money.
(Watch Nutricide,, and read The Killing Camps of Codex,, for more detail on this process.
But if you need consumers, more consumers, yet more consumers, why would you feed them food that is inevitably going to kill them? By the way, the next major Codex meeting is coming up in Geneva from June 30 to July 4, 2008. If you value our attendance there and want to have your usual ring-side seat as we participate in organizing the pro-health forces there and give you blow-by-blow reporting on who is doing what to whom and how it impacts your health and life, it is time to donate ( to send us there. The only way we can attend these meetings is through your generous tax deductible donations ( It is very helpful to us if you can make a recurring donation ( so that we can count on the income and make our plans accordingly. Thanks for your support!
ChemTrails have been denied since they first started appearing in the late 1970s. Recently the US General Accounting Office (GAO) admitted that there were, indeed, fluffy white ChemTrails being laid down in the skies. While the GOA tried to make it seem as if these innocent-looking white, red or black trails left as planes fly through the sky were of not particular consequence, there is a huge body of information that draws very different inferences from this world-wide activity. See, for example, for a wide-ranging look at many points of view on ChemTrails.
Take a look at: and the following 8 segments of this interview with a noted ChemTrail researcher by Alex Jones.
So my question here is, what is this program for? Who is responsible and what possible goal could be served by showering us with desiccated red blood cells and pathogens which are, in many cases, not previously identified? The government says there is nothing there.
As Chico Marx said in Duck Soup, “Who are you going to believe? Me or your eyes?” …And your lungs and the increased number of emergency room visits and deaths when ChemTrails are in your skies?
And then there is cancer, the single most economically productive disease ever encountered by humankind. Tragic, disastrous, largely preventable and oh-so-profitable. Big Pharma is big, in large measure, because of big cancer.
The World Health Organization includes cancer in its list of “non communicable preventive diseases of under-nutrition.” Within your lifetime and mine, cancer has gone from being a rare disease to one so common that anywhere from
* 1 child in 2 born after 2000 and
* 1 adult in 3
will develop cancer in the US ( the figure was 1 person in 5 in 1989!) The rest of the world is, sadly, playing catch-up with us.
Cancers are primarily environmentally caused: pesticides, fungicides, injected viruses like the MKV 40 virus in Polio and other vaccines, synthetic additives, mold contamination, industrial toxins, synthetic hormones in food or as medicine, heavy metals, etc., etc., etc. Now what if cancer were an easy to cure, easy to control and easy to prevent disease.? The consequences would be, quite simply, disastrous for the industries which profiteer from this dread and largely preventable scourge. For example, in 2007, cancer patient Jeanne Sather wrote,
“Every three weeks, always on a Thursday afternoon, I amble on over to the cancer center for my IV treatment.(I also take Cytoxan, a chemo drug that comes in pill form, every day, plus a handful of other pills to help deal with the side effects and fringe benefits of being in cancer treatment-anxiety, high blood pressure, occasional depression, insomnia.)The total bill for each treatment session at the cancer center is something north of $20,000. The annual cost of my cancer care is more than $300,000. That’s three hundred thousand dollars a year.Almost $30,000 a month to keep me alive.”
Jeanne switched cancer treatment centers and, later that year, noted,
“… I was left to wonder why one cancer center charges $9,496.47 for one dose of Avastin and another cancer center in the same city charges $22,739.31. [for one afternoon’s treatment]… the same thing for the Herceptin. SCCA [a cancer treatment center – REL] charged me $6,254.95 for one dose of Herceptin, and Swedish [another cancer treatment center – REL] charged me $9,599.10.”
Before you do a little intuitive math and come up with numbers so staggering that they take your breath away, here’s a little chart from 2006 compiled from manufacturer’s information. Today’s prices, of course, would be significantly higher:
Drug Company Monthly cost
Avastin Genentec $4,400
Erbitux ImClone/Bristol-Myers $10,000
Gleevec Novartis $2,600
Herceptin Genentech $3,000
Nexavar Bayer Pharmaceuticals $4,300
Revlimid Celgene $4,500
Rituxan Genentech $4,200-$13,000
Sutent Pfizer $4,000
Tarceva Genentech/OSI Pharma. $2,400 to $2,700
The same article notes, “many of the new drugs work only when combined with chemo, he says. Adding drugs such as Erbitux and Avastin to older therapies increases costs as well as side effects. Patients today still don’t live very long on most of the new medications.” which leads manufacturers to justify their costs this way, “Officials from Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., which sells Erbitux, note that patents offer companies a limited amount of time to recoup their investments.” [Emphasis ours]
The US National Cancer Institutes 2007 Updates notes, “Cancer treatment accounted for an estimated $72.1 billion in 2004-just under 5 percent of U.S. spending for all medical treatment. Between 1995 and 2004, the overall costs of treating cancer increased by 75 percent. In the near future it is expected that cancer costs may increase at a faster rate than overall medical expenditures.”
By comparison, today all forms of supplements constitute a mere $24 billion in sales ($20 billion in 2004). IF all supplements were used as nutritional therapy for cancer (which they are not), then the total savings in 2004 for cancer treatment would have been $52.1 billion! Of course, the fact that, in my experience and that of many other health professionals, that people with cancer who use natural therapies fare better and live longer, is not represented in these numbers. Nor is the vastly increased quality of life for naturally helped patients reflected in these numbers.
There is no room here for a full discussion of the fraud known as “Cancer treatment” nor the complex dishonesty by which dangerous, ineffective, but highly profitable cancer treatments continue to rob cancer sufferers of their immune capacity, their chance at survival and their money. For a typical, information-rich examination of these issues, read the now slightly outdated, but very informative article at
Here is how the dots look to me: I see level upon level of complexity.
At the bottom, simplest level of the problem, I believe that major companies and their executives are often driven by pure, unadulterated, mindless, heartless and soulless greed in the same way that ethics-free researchers are driven by mindless, heartless curiosity in a corporate ‘science for hire’ environment. There are no limits to what they will do because they know no ethical constraints.
These “Captains of Industry and Science” are so far removed from their hearts and values that they rationalize what they do as somehow good for themselves and their families without any concern whatsoever (unless they stumble upon a good death bed experience) about their extended families: that is, the rest of us, and our universal mother, the earth. They are the pride of the dominance system. They believe they can own land, lives, food, and other commodities and, having acquired ownership, they can do with them exactly as they like since, for them, social contracts do not exist, only a legal ones. Knowing no limitations for their greed and need to dominate, they corrupt and control governments as if they were their natural sandboxes filled with their toys. What happens next is of no concern to them. Power does corrupt
Next, there are the “Shapers”. These are people like Henry Kissinger and his ilk who believe that it is their right to make life and death (heavy on the death, here) decisions about who lives and who dies, who is worthy and who is not. Like my patient, the Head of State, they see people as either useful to them (e.g., themselves, their minions and their technicians) or of no value — “useless eaters” to be disposed of when their plans have ripened to the point where they can “clean the earth” of these encumbrances.
They have decided that population reduction is good through any means, however hidden or cruel, because it serves their purposes. They have brought to its highest level the split between “I” and “Thou” since the “I” sees no mutual, holistic existence of the other, the “Thou”, and can do away with the other person (or populations) at his own whim or economic impulse. These people see no relationship between themselves and anyone who does not serve them. They plan things like population reduction in order to achieve a “sustainable” planet for themselves AFTER 90% of the world’s population has been conveniently exterminated.
Schemes like ChemTrails and depleted uranium and Codex make horrifying sense to them and then they implement these schemes for their own purposes, hidden behind their minions like Monsanto and the US FDA operatives, and their useful Big Industry Captains (see above).
And then, if I am correct, there is the third level: the “uber-masters”, the shadowy levels of puppeteers, the behind-the-scenes controllers. Their shadowy existence is only guessed at through hints and suggestions, but the information pointing to their manipulative existence is persistent and, to me, appears compelling. As the levels go up, so does the power and the hidden nature of their control.
But all of them, from the scientists who experiment on people as if they had no meaning or worth to the agents of the corporations to the “Policy Makers” and on up to the Shapers and the uber-masters, all of them have one Achilles heel, just one. Their plans whither like poisonous mushrooms in the glare of information and the light of truth. That is what they fear and that is what destroys them at the same time that it liberates us! Truly, it is YOU who are the light of the world.
You are a light bearer if you choose to be. Tell your friends, neighbors and associates how important it is for them to be involved in the health freedom struggle.
1. Set yourself a goal and get, say, 10 new people signed up for this Health Freedom eAlert dissemination list. Send them this link, and ask them to sign up or ask if you can sign them up instead. The list is safe, secure and never, never shared or sold. We promise.
2. And don’t forget that health freedom costs money. We have no corporate sponsorship so we depend totally on our supporters to make the campaign for health and freedom possible.
Your tax-deductible donations are essential to us. Recurring gifts, big or small, allow us to continue our work. Click here ( to make your generous donation now. There is not much time before we have to set off for Geneva for the next Codex meeting at the end of June. We need your help to be there.
3. Visit, our wonderful virtual store featuring clean, wholesome, organic supplements and products. Every purchase supports your health and your health freedom at the same time!
4. A few eAlerts ago, I mentioned the Strategic Health Freedom Alliance that we and the Institute for Health Research were urging Nutrient, Natural Remedies and Advanced Health Care Practitioners to form. That “C4” organization will be able to directly lobby legislators, while our “C3” NGOs can only educate and demonstrate. The announcement email to leaders in the industry is on its way now. If you are involved in a company and may be able to help with a grant that can be expensed as a business cost, please contact Ralph Fucetola JD, who is coordinating this effort. You can reach him at – please put “Strategic Alliance” in the subject line and he will send you the special email announcement about this important initiative. Be sure to let Ralph know the name of the company you represent and the best time to contact you.
So times are grim and there, apparently, a concerted effort to use us badly, or terminally. That is not our agenda. We want to prosper and thrive. We want to make our choices for ourselves about how we live, how we pursue health and how we age.
We want our path to be illuminated by the bright light of truth and we want to be able to shed that light for others. What can we do? WE can be the light!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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