A Thousand Signatures Yesterday
Must Sign White House Petition Now!
The forced-vaccine crisis is upon us.
We have a small window of opportunity to turn back the assault on our universal right to Informed Consent, with two coordinated petitions: a White House Petition (we got over a thousand signatures on it yesterday) and a formal FDA Citizens’ Petition at Regulations.gov – FDA-2019-P-1130-0001. The White House Petition compels President Trump to force the FDA to obey the law. Since 1986, when Congress required an Annual Report on the safety and efficacy of each vaccine approved by FDA for use in the United States, that agency has flaunted the law and failed to test even one vaccine and produce even one report. What does that mean for you?
EVERY vaccine has been illegally approved by FDA since 1986 and is an illegal drug. As such, no mandate forcing you or your children to take that vaccine can be lawful! You have your universal right to Informed Consent to refuse all vaccines.
Click here to stop the madness: https://tinyurl.com/stopillegalvaccines — SHARE THIS LINK EVERYWHERE!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Counsel Ralph
Ralph Fucetola JD
Link to this Page: http://drrimatruthreports.com/we-can-stop-the-mandates/
Your Health & Food Freedom Portal: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510-Related Emergency!
Internet Radio that Matters:
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more…
Permalink: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=7351
November 3, 2010
Harry Reid Wants to Outlaw Your Garden? NOW! NOT LATER! NOW! S.510 is Worse than Even We Thought! NO! to S.3767: Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead! |
Index: Perfect Coffee Gift – GMOs are Dangerous – Free Archived Panama Webinar
Short Take from Ron Paul – Dr. Rima Reports – Dr. Rima Recommends & Webinars
First, A Word From Our Sponsor:
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
Why Is Natural Solutions Foundation Growing Coffee? And Why Should I Drink It?
Because part of health & food freedom is the right to access clean, unadulterated food.
Rather than just talk about clean food, the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation decided to become involved in actually reclaiming the production of clean, unadulterated food. We created the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project, www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org
, in Panama to do just that. Our first practicum was coffee: transforming the growing of this important beverage, and vital cash crop, from a toxic mix of horrific chemicals to a clean, non-toxic activity producing magnificent coffee. Now, other farmers are following our lead!
That’s only part of what the Natural Solutions Foundation is doing to lead by example and teach by doing. Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project is richly varied. To learn more, you can watch our special free Webinar on how to participate in this amazing adventure, http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=7098
. AND you can drink, and give, Health Freedom’s Own Coffee. Every bag you purchase supports the Natural Solutions Foundation and, of course, your health. Without the toxins found in other coffee, your tongue can tell you how good this excpetional coffee is and your body can tell you how good it is for you. Yes, good for you. Increasing numbers of scientific studies make it clear that coffee, clean coffee, fo course, is good for what ails you across many systems of the body.
Don’t forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon™ Coffee,
www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org, and remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, corporate gifts, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!!
In fact, we want you to try, and then keep on drinking, our wonderful Valley of the Moon Coffee™ so we have a coffee special for you: Purchase a 1/2 pound bag of our spectacular coffee for $18.87 plus shipping. This same bag normally requires a donation of $25.00 (a savings of $6.13) plus shipping. Now, purchase 5 bags or more (including your gifts) and your price drops to $17.57 per bag – a savings of $37.15!
Just make sure that you enter “RbR01C” in the Comments Area to receive this special price for Valley of the Moon Coffee, www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org
812,660 “DON’T YOU DARE!!! emails sent!
Can we make it 1,000,000 by the 15th of January?
All it takes is you to get 10 people to get 10 people to get 10 people……
Can we do that? HOW CAN WE NOT DO THAT?
GMOs are Dangerous, period.
GMO DANGERS Talking Points
GMO Action Item
Health and Food Freedom: For You, For Your Kids, For The Future
Please Help! Make Your Tax Deductible Donation Now
We need recurring donations so we cover our expenses and plan ahead. Whatever your recurring donation is, it will help to make the difference. We are hacked and attacked for a reason: because we are having an impact.
The other side has huge power. We have more. Together. You see, we have your Push Back power!
The other side has huge budgets. We do not need that much.
The other side deals in lies. We deal in truth. The other side is truly dangerous because they are wreaking havoc and leading people to disease and death.
We are “dangerous” solely because we are telling truth to power.
Thanks for your help. Please take the actions below and please, please make a donation. Your health and food freedom literally depend upon it.
What can you do about the Uber Cartel?
Here are those Action Items so you can take them and share them for others to take:
Send Congress 4 Push Back Messages:
“Don’t You DARE!”
Use the Action Items Below; Email Everyone You Know Urging Them to Do the Same and Forward to Their Contacts!
Stop S.510! Stop S.3767!
NO! to S.3767: Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
NO! to GMOs
NO! To Forced Vaccination
Thanks! Now spend a few minutes disseminating these Action Items to your contacts so they become part of the Incredibly Powerful Mouse Warrior Army!
That’s why our visits to the offices of both incumbents AND candidates, when we come in groups, armed with the talking points, are so very important. That’s why viralizing the Action Items (see above) and the Talking Points (see below) is so very, very, important.
NO! to FOOD FASCISM Talking Points
GMO DANGERS Talking Points
OF COURSE “they” are attacking us! If you were the Uber Cartel and the other side were this successful, wouldn’t you attack them this way if you had no scruples and no desire to see anything like freedom for anyone but yourself?
A bit of inspiration: The Uber Cartel and the Peasants of the Dawn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNj00lBDHo
We can only take this level of attack as a powerful confirmation that we, you and the Natural Solutions Foundation, are exerting a meaningful force against globalization, genocide and the contamination of our food! And that is why we cannot let up!
We need your recurring donations and coffee orders now!
New Eco Demonstration Project Development:
Duplex Participations in the Project!
Special free Archived Webinar!
It’s easy to watch; just click a couple times and relax…
Lovely BeyondOrganic™ Restaurant Review!
There are a number of reasons, all of them good ones, that I can think of to buy that ticket to Panama!
Here are some reasons to come to Panama, in no particular rank order:
1. You are interested in finding out more about the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Valley of the Moon™Eco Demonstration Project and how it might fit your needs. You have visited www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org and www.MyValleyoftheMoon.org and you are intrigued. Of course, you are welcome at any time but you might want to join Trustee Ralph Fucetola and a group of people for their next visit here (tentative dates: January 19 – 27, 2011). Contact us at dr.laibow@gmail.com, subject PANAMA, for more information.
2. You know that the US is in the process of seizing both IRAs and 401s and “guaranteeing” them with the “strength” of the US Dollar to provide you with an “annuity” of 3% interest and you are not at all happy with this option. You know that you can still place your retirement funds offshore and are seriously considering this option.
3. You want to live in a community of like-minded people with a secure, BeyondOrganic food supply, natural medical center and other services and you want to do it outside the US.
4. You want to help to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food around the world through your support of, and connection with, the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Panama. You don’t have to be a farmer to do so!
5. You want to attend our outstanding seminars and workshops, like Angela Malek’s “Living, Eating and Healing with the 5 Element Theory” Workshop from January 9 – 15, 2011. Watch a short video with Angela here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKmOB6VdctQ to get the “flavor”. Interested? Contact us at dr.laibow@gmail.com with “5 Elements” as your subject line. More information: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=7035 — Space is strictly limited!
6. You love good food and the idea of reclaiming its production. You love eating it, too, and you can’t wait to eat at our gourmet organic restaurant!
7. You want to volunteer your time and talents at the Valley of the Moon! Again, use our dr.laibow@gmail.com address with “Volunteer” in the subject line.
Short Takes
A couple days ago at the University of Indiana Dr. Ron Paul said,
“I don’t think the FDA protects us; I think the FDA exists for the drug companies. That’s what I think… Now the FDA wants to get into regulating every single thing you eat… and regulate everything that might be holistic medicines and vitamins and they want worldwide regulations… I try to teach others including my patients that the use of prescription drugs is very dangerous….”
Minute 39/40 at http://vimeo.com/16348205
Dr. Rima Reports
Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time
Listen and Chat: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org
Just Listen: www.OracleBroadcasting.com
This coming Sunday at 10 AM – 1 PM Eastern
Election Analysis Round-Table
To Listen or Ask Questions Call: 512-904-8014 or Toll Free 866-841-1065
(If www.HealthFreedomPortal.org is down, we have an alternative program link at www.DrRima.net)
How will the results effect health and food freedom issues…
We will have some surprise guests then too!
Click Here For More Information on Dr. Rima Reports:
Dr. Rima Reports Archives http://www.oraclebroadcasting.com/archives.php?who=Rima
New! Dr. Rima Institute Protocols and Services
NATURAL SOLUTIONS CENTER WEBINARS Webinar Archives 1. Special Free Webinar — the Valley of the Moon Eco Community 2. Archived! ESSENTIAL CAUTIONS FOR CAM PRACTITIONERS – Ralph Fucetola JD (1.5 hr – $99) 4. Archived! The Five Elements: Video Intro for Free Webinar and more… 5. Experience Karma Singh’s Energy Transmissions, Then Tell Us What You Think: 6. ARCHIVED! Free Valley of the Moon™ Webinar 1.5 hr; 40 slides! |
Please don’t forget YOUR universal remedy, Nano Silver, www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions |
And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused… this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
“Please let Health Freedom supporters know they can take advantage of our Double Dip Sale with $4.99 Economy Shipping to the entire US! All of the Dr. Rima Packs are discounted 10% with the additional option to buy 2 and get another pack of the same type added to your cart at checkout for free! You may also buy three of the same type individual bottles and receive a free bottle of the same type in your cart at checkout!” Brian
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President – www.FoodFreedomeJournal.org
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director – www.DrRima.net
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee – www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org
Support Health & Food Freedom:
Donate Here, http://drrimatruthreports.com/?page_id=189
Shop for Natural Products Here, www.Organics4U.org or www.NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace.org
Our Seminar and Webinar Program Here, http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=6588
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Forced Vaccination is Medical Fascism
Rx: Health Keepers’ Oath and Dr. Ron Paul’s Health Freedom of Choice Amendment
Dr. Laibow posted on the No Forced Vaccination Group.
We’ve all been duly shocked by the story of the screaming child held down by uniformed agents of the state, being forceably vaccinated… http://deathby1000papercuts.com/2009/11/h1n1-police-hold-down-wv-boy-during-forced-swine-flu-vaccination/
Consider: West Virgina does not permit religious or philosophical exemptions for mandated vaccinations (a legal position we consider a gross violation of basic human rights). BUT there is another issue not mentioned here: the child’s mother was in the gym and fled (emotionally abandoned the child for her own comfort, you could say) but did not try, at least according to the story, to protect her child, either because of his extreme distress (“Well, we’ll come back another day after we’ve had a chance to work this through” – compassionate, but not particularly sensible, given the dangerous vaccination realities we talk about on this forum – or because the vaccines are unnecessary, untested, unsafe and uninsurable.
What this says, to me, folks, is that while we have a clear picture of just how dangerous these vaccinations are, we have been a lot less active than we could/should be getting the word out. Far too many members of the general public still believe in the vaccination myth.
How many of us on this forum are Health Care Workers of any type, associated with health care organizations or know such people? A lot. And how many of us have taken, and then disseminated, the Health Keeper’s Oath?
It is here: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=1614
Or, if you are not a Health Keeper, how many of you have taken a moment to disseminate this pledge to not allow oneself to become a cog in the inappropriate use of the health system, to forward the domination agenda of both local and international organizations?
Why not?
There is no adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine available in the US right now, although there is in Europe, Canada and the UK.
Why not? Because of Push Back. All of our Push Back!
There is no mandatory vaccination in the US from the Federal Government right now.
Why not? Because of Push Back.
New York suspended its “emergency” Health Care Worker mandatory vaccine regulation.
Why? Because of all our Push Back!
There is a huge, huge global anti-bogus pandemic, anti-bogus vaccination movement (90% of all health workers in France have refused to take the vaccine, more than half in the UK, more than half in the US, etc.)
Why? Because of Push Back.
Yet I read the posts (all of them) on this Forum and I see precious little about moving this information out, out, out to a still largely uninformed public
There are just under 1900 people on this Forum. If each of you has 20 emails in your address book, then that is 38,000 folks. If you can motivate 5 of them to mobilize 5 more people, you have now reached 950,000 people, or just shy of 1 million people.
Assume that each email reaches a couple and 1 child, on average. Now you have signatures for Action Items and demands for 2,850,000 people.
Add in a few blogs, newspaper articles, church and town meetings, facebook, Twitter and other sharings in the social network sphere and we’ve got an avalanche of voices demanding an end to this syringe-mediated madness.
You are busy. Too busy to save life and liberty? Where would we be if the founders of whatever you believe in had been busy and not founded whatever moves you?
This is a crisis time.
The official documents have been published: the WHO is set to assume ALL power in every country in the world if they can pull off this scam pandemic and scam mass vaccination putch.
The reports we are getting show that vaccine adverse events are wildly under reported: miscarriages, Guillian Barre, infertility, Gulf War II Syndrome… cancer, etc., etc. And of course, the next one: Swine Flu Vaccine Syndrome… (wait – it is coming in those foolish enough to get vaccinated with the adjuvanted vaccines).
So what is it going to be? The choice is yours.
A good place to start would be with the Health Care Workers you know (and you, if you are one) since right now the police state is tied to the medical system. If the Health Care Workers refuse to become “Good Germans” in the control mechanism, Medical Fascism is impossible.
You are aware, are you not, that the new Health Care Bill makes vaccination a condition for all other, read that again: all other, medical services. Not just some vaccination. Full vaccination. Dr. Ron Paul tried to have a provision added to the pending health care legislation, with this language:
“An individual may not be denied access to a federal health care program for failing to comply with a vaccination requirement, or any other required form of medical treatment, under federal law or under a federal health insurance mandate.”
The majority in the House rejected this simple, common sense provision. Now it’s up to the Senate to protect us from Medical Fascism. Tell your Senators: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=1677
Right now, despite our Push Back, Medical Fascism is where we are headed. And when we get there, if we do not collectively Push Back even harder, to keep us from getting there, the idea of two cops holding a screaming child down for an injection will look astoundingly mild.
You know we need serious resouces to carry-on this struggle to educate people and decision makers. Please remember us during this season and every season; donate here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?page_id=189
Your in Health and Freedom,
Dr. Rima Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee
PS – This interesting update on the live-virus contaminated vaccine story from earlier this year:
Natural Solutions Foundation
From: Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Foundation Counsel
Health Freedom Citizens Petition tell FDA:
STOP the “Swine Flu” Vaccine Rush to Approval
Docket No. FDA-2009-P-0418
Follow this issue on http://www.Twitter.com/HealthFreedomUS
Hashtags: #selfshield #pandemic #noforcedvax #vaccine #healthfreedom
Action item to Support the Citizens Petition, Individuals Sign Here:
Action item to Support the Citizens Petition, Organizations Sign Here: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27793
September 4, 2009 Update: Preparations for Legal Action to “Stop the Shot.”
August 31, 2009 Update: FDA Docket Number issued:
August 17, 2009 – Led by such health freedom luminaries as Gary Null, PhD, Human Nutrition & Public Health Science, Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, and Dr. Tedd Koren, DC of Citizens for Health Choice, we filed a formal Citizens Petition to the FDA today expressing our serious concerns about the approval of dangerous Swine Flu vaccines BEFORE ANY SAFETY TESTING IS COMPLETED. A Citizens Petition, unlike an internet petition, is a formal statement of grievance which challenges the government’s actions, asks for specific protection and redress, as provided for by the Constitution of These United States:
“Pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of America, First Amendment, Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. §§ 321 et seq., and the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. § 553(e), to amend the FDA’s rules respecting the safety, effectiveness and availability of vaccines said to be useful for swine flu (A-H1N1-09)…”
The goal of this regulatory intervention is to stop FDA’s headlong, dangerous and unjustified rush to approve the so-called “swine flu” vaccination, even before safety testing has been completed. If FDA fails to act on our Petition in a timely fashion, a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) can be sought from the Federal Courts to stop the alleged “emergency” approval process.
The Petition details, in ten pages of carefully structured and well supported reasoning, the legal and factual basis for a formal stay of the approval process, citing issues of transparency and science-based decision making, which the President claims to be the hallmarks of his Administration. The FDA has failed to follow statutory and case law requirements for the emergency approval of these un-insurable, untested and unproven vaccines which have been recently cited for their potential dangers to health and safety here and abroad.
Within the next couple days, when a formal Docket Number is issued, Natural Solutions Foundation will set up an Action Item to allow the public to express support to “Stay the Shot”, Stop the Swine Flu Vaccine rush to approval. That link will be posted here.
FDA requires a snail-mail copy of a signed document to issue a Citizens Petition docket number. You can track the progress of the document sent today with this US Postal Service tracking number: EO 964 064 326 US.
Here is what the Petition demands:
(a) The first action sought is an emergency Temporary Stay of the pending Vaccine approval applications. The applications should be denied. Petitioners request a Public Hearing. Petitioners are in immanent peril of irreparable harm if the Temporary Stay is not granted immediately.
(b) Additionally, the Petitioners petition the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to open and accept public comments and include, as part of any approval of the Vaccines, requiring strong warnings to the public of each age groups, geographic location and any other relevant demographics, that a process be developed for individuals to opt out of any mandatory program and that clear instructions be given on the risk and benefits of the vaccine:
“This Vaccine has not undergone FDA safety or efficacy testing and its risks are unknown in all age groups. This Vaccine contains ingredients previously rejected for use in the United State and/or never evaluated by the FDA which have been shown in animal studies to cause significant adverse biological response when injected.”
(c) Furthermore, the Petitioners petition the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to recommend to all implementing agencies, such as State Departments of Health that the Vaccines not be subject to any legal mandate requiring their use by any class of persons in order for such persons to receive government services, or to work in particular employments, or to travel or to attend any public places or for any other purpose.
(d) The Petitioners petition the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to recommend to all implementing agencies, such as State Departments of Health that these un-insurable, unproven and untested Vaccines not be subject to any legal mandate, whether direct or indirect, perceived or actual, requiring their use by any class of persons in order for such persons to receive government services, such as schooling, or to work in particular employments, such as first responders or health care workers, or to travel or to attend any public places or for any other purpose.
(e) The Petitioners petition the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to recommend voluntary Self-Shielding at home in preference to vaccination or removal to FEMA or other relocation facilities in the event of a Declared Pandemic Emergency.
Read the full text of the Petition is here:
The petitioners believe that halting these approvals is literally a matter of life and dealth since the new vaccines are made with adjuvants based on injected oil-in-water preparations based on squalene which are known to cause profound, chronic inflammatory response throughout the body, leading to ailments similar to those known was “Gulf War Syndrome”. These adjuvants, or immune system irritants, are so toxic that they have been rejected for testing in the US previously and no vaccine containing them has ever been approved in the US.
For more information, please sign up for the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Health Freedom Action eAlerts, http://drrimatruthreports.com/?page_id=187.
Tax deductible donations to support this legal challenge to the FDA’s rush to approve these vaccines are gratefully acknowledged and may be made here, http://drrimatruthreports.com/?page_id=189.
Yours in health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
Natural Solutions Foundation
This Media Announcement issued as a media release on Free-Press-Release.com August 17, 2009
Natural Solutions Vaccine Portal:
August 31, 2009 Update:
FDA issues Docket No. FDA-2009-P-0418 — the Petition should be available for review on www.Regulations.gov within a couple days.
August 20, 2009 Update:
Citizens Petition Tracking per USPS.gov:
Label/Receipt Number: EO96 4064 326U S
Class: Express Mail®
Status: Delivered
Your item was delivered at 10:51 AM on August 18, 2009 in ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 to HHS . The item was signed for by P ZIEDMAN.
Detailed Results:
Delivered, 08.18.2009, 10:51 am, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850
Arrival at Unit, 08.18.2009, 10:37 am, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850
Processed through Sort Facility, 08.18.2009, 4:54 am, GAITHERSBURG, MD 20898
Processed through Sort Facility, 08.18.2009, 2:48 am, LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MD 21090
Processed through Sort Facility, 08.17.2009, 7:06 pm, NEWARK, NJ 07114
Acceptance, 08.17.2009, 3:27 pm, NEWTON, NJ 07860
Electronic Shipping Info Received, 08.17.2009
August 23, 2009 Update:
After a discussion with FDA on Friday, August 21, 2009, the following email was sent:
From: “Ralph Fucetola JD”
To: [redacted]@fda.hhs.gov
Cc: [redacted]
Subject: Revised Petition to Stay “Swine Flu” Vaccine Approvals
To: FDA Dockets Management Division
Att: [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted],
Pursuant to the Petition submitted under date of August 17, 2009 and our
discussion of August 21, 2009, I submit herewith the following:
1. [3.4b1.rev] A revised Petition which addresses, by way of Addendum 1.01 and
1.02 the requirements of 21 CFR 10.30 and 10.35, and which includes the
Certification specified in the regulation. Petition includes signature.
2. [3.4b1.yhl] A yellow-highlight copy showing the changes. Only copy #1 above
is submitted for filing; this yellow-highlighted copy is for convenience
3. Copies of the four articles referenced in the Petition, which have been
downloaded from the Internet and saved to be attached to the Petition.
Thank you for your attention to the emergency Citizens Petition. I will
follow-up with a phone call this Monday to confirm your receipt.
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee
All rights reserved . . .
Application FDA-Vaccine-Petition.3.4b1.rev.doc 98K
Application FDA-Vaccine-Petition.3.4b1.yhl.doc 99K
Application Fucetola-Self-Shield.doc 80K
Application Holcomb-MedVeritas6-2009.pdf 158K
Application Laibow-True-Lies.doc 46K
Application Maniotis-Timeline.doc 78K