This is a Reprint of Dr. Rima’s Comments at Open Source Truth
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Open Source Truth seeks to bring you important, actionable warnings about the issues that impact your health and freedom. In that spirit, we present to you this important warning from, the online home of the prestigious British Medical Journal. [Bold typeface for emphasis.]
“Last year’s influenza vaccine also contained the same H3N2 strain as this year’s vaccine (A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus). Many people would have developed long term IgE mediated sensitization to the H3N2 viral proteins due to last year’s vaccine [1–4]?. Those who received the Flublok vaccine can be expected to have an even stronger IgE response due to its 3X viral protein content [5,4]?. This year’s vaccine H3N2 proteins would have been neutralized by these IgE antibodies. Thus resulting in the observed low vaccine efficacy. [6?]
When a person making anti-H3N2 IgE is infected with H3N2, one can expect the course of the flu to be significantly worse. So the “cytokine storm” being observed in severe cases is likely to be an infection concurrent with an allergic reaction. Death is caused by anaphylactic shock but due to the presence of an infection, it is wrongly classified as septic shock.
In the case of food allergy for example, the allergen exposure can be large enough to cause an immediate hypersensitivity reaction and anaphylactic shock within minutes/hours. In the case of influenza allergy, it may take a day or two for the virus to replicate and produce enough viral exposure for anaphylaxis. So the anaphylaxis unfolds over a couple of days.
‘Self-reported vaccination for the current season was associated with a trend (P < 0.10) toward higher viral shedding in fine-aerosol samples; vaccination with both the current and previous year’s seasonal vaccines, however, was significantly associated with greater fine-aerosol shedding in unadjusted and adjusted models (P < 0.01). In adjusted models, we observed 6.3 (95% CI 1.9–21.5) times more aerosol shedding among cases with vaccination in the current and previous season compared with having no vaccination in those two seasons.’ [7?]”
You can read the full report here:
What does this scientific jargon mean? OST contributor, Rima Laibow MD, told this reporter:
“While the medical establishment sees the development of resistant diseases as an opportunity to develop more ineffective, but profitable, vaccines, holistic doctors know that the risk of such a tactic far outpaces any theoretical benefit. The pathogens simply continue to evolve around the medical establishment’s “big guns” — toxic vaccines. That’s why most measles outbreaks, for example, are triggered in “fully vaccinated” populations. More deaths due to the vaccine than the disease!
“Note the reference to ‘higher viral shedding…’ — the vaccine creates the pandemic.
“It’s really a simple clinical problem to solve. Focus on hygiene, sanitation and good nutrition. Natural immunity protects from disease; “herd immunity” at the point of a hypodermic breeds more deadly diseases. The preeminent nutrient for a powerful immune system is Nano Silver, which Dr. Rima Recommends. Your readers can find it at”
Another in the Natural Solutions Foundation’s White Paper Series
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When I was in Medical School (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, class of 1970), cancer survival meant that the patient had been recurrence-free for 5 years. And was still alive. Period.
There’s a war going on and it’s not the War on Cancer. That mythic “War” is not meant to be won. It’s meant to be lost by you and me with vast profits accruing to the Merchants of Death, the Princes of Big Pharma and their liege vassals, Oncologists.
Survival: a political football with enormous economic consequences.
Survival sounds simple: I got cancer, I lived to tell the tale. Cure sounds even simpler: I got cancer, I lived to tell the tale and now I do not have cancer anymore.
It is not so simple. The amount of money involved is, literally, beyond comprehension. Further, the money can only be earned if you are kept in the dark about your real choices and your real options.
let’s face it. If you knew that chemotherapy did not work, that the “cancer survival statistics” are a sham and a well-kept secret you were never meant to know, you probably would not elect chemotherapy or any other palliative therapy, especially in the face of so many natural, effective and gentle treatments that actually do work.
Cancer survival is where the rubber of profit hits the road of deceit.
Some definitions: If your cancer came back on the first day of year 6, well, you were still counted as a cancer survivor and whatever you did to get there was listed in the “Produced a Cure” column. Unless, of course, what you did was NOT chemotherapy, surgery or radiation (the 3 Weird Sisters of Allopathic Medicine, Ms. Poison, Madame Slash and Widow Burn – that’s a literary reference to Shakespeare’s Macbeth, for those of you who like that sort of thing). See, for example, or or
If you were disobedient to your doctor and actually cured your cancer with something as wildly crazy as, say, nutrition,, detoxification,, frequency/energy medicine,, black salve or anything else that actually works, supports your immune system but makes little or no money for the criminals who run Big Pharma and allopathic medicine, then your cancer cure was nullified as “placebo effect” [I’ll take some of that, please – REL], “Mistaken Identity”, also known as “Misdiagnosis of the Tissue Sample” or “Spontaneous Remission” [I’ll have a great big heap of that, too, thank you – REL] .
There is no way, you see, that the wildly profitable, and wildly destructive, cancer industry could admit what it knows full well:
Chemotherapy does NOT cure cancer, nor is it expected to: it is an adjunctive, palliative (temporarily helpful, tumor-shrinking, symptom-reducing) expedient despite what patients are routinely told by oncologists who, unlike most doctors, actually get to keep a cut of the stunningly outrageous prices insurance companies pay for the doctor to poison the cancer patient, destroying what is left of their already damaged immune system that allowed them to get cancer in the first place.
The American Cancer Society used to issue a pamphlet on chemotherapy which stated clearly that the cure rate expected from chemotherapy was in the 3-4% range under optimal conditions and that chemotherapy was a palliative treatment. Searching high and low on the internet, I can not find that information now and the pamphlet is packed away in my library, currently stored in a huge number of boxes in a warehouse which I built to house it here at the Phase II facility of the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project, That is not surprising, given that the American Cancer Society’s charter requires it to disband in the event that a cure for cancer is found. (
What I did find, however, is this terribly important statement from the National Cancer Institute’s website: “A systematic review of 17 randomized trials found that the addition of one or more chemotherapy drugs to a chemotherapy regimen in the attempt to intensify the treatment improved tumor response but had no effect on OS [overall survival – REL] Jones D, Ghersi D, Wilcken N: Addition of drug/s to a chemotherapy regimen for metastatic breast cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 3: CD003368, 2006.…/page7,
So even if you undergo more life-destroying chemotherapy than usual in the treatment of breast cancer, your overall survival rate DOES NOT IMPROVE! Why do it? Because, to be crass, your doctor makes money if you do but does not make money if you do not and, for whatever reason, you trust your doctor’s advice, no matter how self serving.
“But my oncologist is really nice and really cares about me!” Oh, Puh – leeze! If your oncologist would not use chemotherapy for him/herself (as is the case in well over 90% when they are asked), but advises it for you, then your oncologist is NOT your on your side.
If, on the other hand, he/she WOULD use chemotherapy for him/herself, then he/she is a propagandized well-meaning fool. Take your pick.
Breast cancer patients, in general, tend to do pretty well for about 4 years after chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, or whatever toxic mix they receive. Then, during the 4th year, they often have recurrences of the original disease, with one difference: increased virulence.
The previously treated cancer usually did get smaller, sometimes so small that it was pronounced “undetectable” and the cancer patient was told that there was “no sign of the cancer”. When the disease returns, however, the cancer has been altered by the “treatment” and has become far more virulent because it has literally been educated by contact with chemotherapy and/or radiation. The cells that were susceptible to the treatments, barbaric and brutal as they are, died off. The remaining cells now have two survival advantages: first, they have been genetically altered and selected for survival and have a more robust survival capacity because of a Darwinian “Survival of the Fittest” and second, they are growing and multiplying in a body whose natural defenses were under par in the first place (or the cancer would never have developed) and which has had its immune defenses intentionally devastated by the cancer “treatment[s]” themselves.
Thus, the more robust and defense-defying cancer cells are now evading destruction by the body and the recurrence is a surprise only to the patient. The oncologist has seen it before. Again and again and again.
So what did the Cancer Industry do? They got really, really clever. Since they did not want to cure cancer, only to profit from it, they changed the definition of “survival” from being alive for 5 years after the cancer diagnosis and “cure” to being alive 5 years without a recurrence to being alive (or alive without a recurrence for “cure”) for 4 years!
Mirabele! More cancer survivors! More Cancer “”CURES”. Go, Early Detection (e.g., mammograms which cause cancer!) Go, Prevention (redefined as Early Detection (e.g., mammograms which cause cancer!) Go, Pink Ribbons! Go, Kentucky Fried Chicken in pink buckets saying “Each Bucket Makes A Difference –”!
But wait! 4 year survival/cure is not good enough anymore! Nope. You see, what allopathic medicine wants next is a Breast Cancer Vaccine! Yes, something which, like all vaccines, will actually spread the disease. MMMMMM! Just listen to the salivary glands of the vaccine giants and their bankers working! MM, MMMMMM! You can hear the depopulationists’ juices running, too.
Oh, wait! Just one set of salivary glands there. They are the same folks. The salivation is so active because the double benefits of more money and more cancer deaths are working together so well!
How? Well, look at this article, taken verbatim, from Fierce Vaccines, a vaccine industry e-publication:
Breast cancer vax set for large-scale testing
A breast cancer vaccine spearheaded by the military is due to begin large-scale clinical trials early this year in preparation for FDA submission, according to a recent report by the American Forces Press Service.
Galena Biopharma ($GALE) has picked up rights to the therapeutic vaccine, which combines the E-75 peptide with the HER2/neu protein and an immune system stimulant, and was developed by the Cancer Vaccine Development Program at the San Antonio Military Medical Center. The vaccine is designed to spur immune attacks on HER2-driven cancers, and Galena’s upcoming trials for the treatment aim to combat recurrence of breast cancer, according to the the AFPS article.
Outcomes from earlier phase testing in disease-free cancer survivors at risk of recurrence were promising: “We cut recurrence in half,” center director and principal investigator, Army Col. Dr. George Peoples, told the AFPS. The new studies in 700 to 1,000 patients are expected to take about 5 years to complete, with the endpoint being recurrence after three years. [Emphasis added – REL]
Galena (formerly RXi) acquired additional patent rights to the E-75 vaccine, which it has dubbed NeuVax, from the military in July 2011. The company, which is based in Portland, OR, announced in November it is working with Genentech on a mid-size trial studying NeuVax in combination with Genentech’s blockbuster breast cancer drug Herceptin in 300 breast cancer patients currently not eligible for Herceptin therapy.
Dr. Peoples told the AFPS the center also has conducted a successful small trial of the vaccine and Herceptin together in which the recurrence rate was zero. In addition, the center has completed a trial with the vaccine in prostate cancer survivors. Prostate cancer cells also express the HER2 protein. – Janet Aker
I suggest you pay special attention to the last half of the last sentence of paragraph 3: “…with the endpoint being recurrence after three years.”
What that means is that the vaccine will be touted as a success because there will be few recurrences in 3 years. Women will get the vaccine in huge numbers, to huge profits for Galena Biopharma ($GALE) or whomever owns the company when the vaccine goes on the market.
Then, I promise you, there will be an INCREASE in the number of recurrences after the 3 year period (I would actually bet on that!) which will take years to be documented and might, or might not (I would bet not) result in the vaccine being removed from the list of approved drugs by the FDA.About half of all FDA approved drugs, by the way, are removed from the market by the FDA within about 5 years because they are too dangerous for even the Fraud and Death Administration to permit on the market.
During those 5 years, of course, incalculable mayhem and, yes, murder, will have been committed upon us and our loved ones.
I need only remind you that Vioxx(R), quite probably responsible for, some say, 27,000 to 55,000 unnecessary drug-caused deaths is back on the market and now APPROVED FOR USE IN CHILDREN!
Let me also remind you that not one single vaccine, not one, has ever been shown to be EITHER safe OR effective through scientific study against placebo although it is required under US law (which, apparently, the FDA is far, far above) that any vaccine on the market be shown to be BOTH safe and effective. Not one is. Not one.
Vaccines either contain “trace” amounts of mercury or, in the case of the flu vaccines, large amounts of it. Vaccines commonly contain aluminum, foreign DNA form sources like monkeys and aborted human fetuses, neurotoxins, antibiotics, agents known to be associated with sterility, viruses known to be associated with leukemia and other cancers, and THEY DO NOT WORK!!!
In fact, the leading cause of Polio paralysis is, according to the CDC, polio vaccine!
In Finland, the totally unnecessary flu vaccine caused children to develop narcolepsy, a life long debilitating disease with no known conventional cure. The Government of Finland has taken responsibility for the life long medical care costs of these children – and continued to demand that its citizens receive this dangerous and worthless nostrum.
The Journal of the American Medical Association, as deeply in bed with Big Pharma as the American Cancer Society, published an article in favor of mandatory participation in vaccine clinical trials because not many people want to do that, but it would be “For the common good”, “like jury duty or the draft”.
So I ask you, personally, “Who owns your body? Who owns your mind? Who gets to control the flow of information that you get, that your doctor gets, and the options that you have for your own body-related choices?”
The literally murderous policies of the FDA, CDC and FTC are, quite literally, enslaving: these agencies own your body, they control what you know and, hence, what you think and what you do.
There is only one word applicable here: “unacceptable”
So here is what I suggest that you do:
1. Here are all of the current Action Items: or Pick the ones you care about and take each Action Item once per day for every member of your family. How long? Until we win! Each Action Item attacks the problems we are talking about through PushBack, our most powerful tool.
2. Forward the link to this article to everyone you can reach electronically with a brief note asking them to take the Action Steps above and get involved, then forward the link on to their contacts with the same request and so on.
3. Join Free World Network, , Health Freedom’s own Social Network. Get involved, make it a living, breathing social network focused on health and health freedom! When you join, you will automatically receive a marvelous resource from FreeWorldNetwork, FreedomFlash(TM), emails with a compendium of news and developments selected by the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation and updated continually.
4. STOP TAKING VACCINES! ANY VACCINES! Exemptions ARE available if you ask, threaten and demand to have them. If you are denied your exemption, contact us at for our input on what to do next. Free.
5. Make a tax deductible donation here,, to support Health and Food Freedom and Justice(TM).
6. Talk to people. Spread the word. Become a thought leader and provide information. Repetition of key to making things audible. Repeat and repeat what you know and believe. To get better at being heard, join the Global Information Network, GIN,, Afilliate name: Dr.Rima
You’ve got tools and we’ve got a war to win!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Dr. Rima’s Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars:
Vaxocrats know the deal: Vaccines are neither safe nor effective, as they must be under the laws governing them in the US. That makes, according to my understanding, EVERY vaccine used in the US an illegal, improperly registered and approved drug. What’s new here is that the unreliability of the DPT vaccine has been confirmed by the CDC itself. … read the whole article below.
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Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM to 1 PM EDT
Your Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
Current Action Item: Tell the Senate to Strip S.510 from the CR –
December 20, 2010 Update:
December 10, 2010 Update:
Bloomberg reports – Headline: “Small farms would be exempt from food safety regs” — nice sounding, but false! More details below…
[5] Keep Health Freedom Strong by making your recurring tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation here:
The Congressional lame duck “leadership” have used every maneuver allowed by their parliamentary procedures to push through the fake “food safety” bills; what will be, essentially, a law that sets the stage for regulatory imposition of industrialize “farming” methods on our local, natural food production and distribution while implementing the worst of Codex Alimentarius’ international restrictions on our freedoms. It would allow imposition of what we have called “Food Fascism” and be a continuation of the Federal Administration’s policy of “seizing the commanding heights” of the economy.
One of those maneuvers has been to tempt several Senators who are normally on the side of local food production to “go along” with this Big AgBiz-written bill in exchange for some changes in the new farm order to be imposed. Those amendments, even if adopted in their most local-food-friendly versions barely begin to allay our fears of Federal Food Fascism.
Let this example suffice:
Earlier today Bloomberg reported, and the Natural Products Association (NPA) spread it around and about that:
Headline: “Small farms would be exempt from food safety regs” — nice sounding?
But read the Text: “Some small farms would be exempt…”
Read the rest here:
Bloomberg, we should point out, is the media outlet of the wealthy Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City. Just as a reminder, New York City is not what most people would call a farming community. It does not raise food and is not the home of any significant number of small farms. Just why is Bloomberg organization positioning itself as a Company Man in the food wars which have been thrust upon us by the likes of Monsanto Man, Michael Taylor, now our Food Safety [sic!] Czar? And why would the Natural Products Association take the position that industrializing the US Food Supply is a good thing? We believe that their lawyers are as capable as ours of reading the bills and discerning the disastrous consequences and stipulations. We’ve quoted specific language from the Manager’s Bill that would allow secret regulations, would pave the way to full implementation of Codex Alimentarius (the so-called ‘world food code’ that serves the globalists’ interests) and have shown how the “exemptions” will hardly protect significant proportions of local food production.
Could it be because their membership is heavily weighted to Big Pharma? Given that Big Pharma makes most of the nutrients and “natural products” with which they deal, and given the fact that clean food is a direct threat to Big Pharma, whose income rests on your impaired nutrition and immune system, and given the fact that Big Pharma is also Big AgraBiz and Big Chema and Big Biotech, could it be that NPA (formerly the NNFA) has once again acted the whore to its powerful members as it did when it produced its expensive (rumored to have cost $800,000) “Report” assuring wellness companies that Codex would prove not threat to them or their businesses? see for a detailed analysis of that report.
Make no mistake: $.510 will not only hurt small farmers, it will eventually criminalize their activity, and yours if you are growing your own food, and put them out of business. Done. Finished. Over. Ended.
But consider our $.510 Talking Points,, first published weeks ago, to see the truth is that only a small percent of local food production and distribution would be exempt from Federal controls under the best of the amendments; only partially protecting a few small family farms, representing a small percentage of local food production, and as inflation kicks in, without indexing, the “protections” will become meaningless. Under one version of the “let them eat cake” amendment, only farms grossing less than $500,000 annually would be exempt… and as inflation kicks in, even with “indexing” pegged to the manipulated CPI, the “protections” will become meaningless.
“In 2009, the majority of family farms (60 percent) had gross sales of less than $10,000, but they accounted for only 2 percent of the total value of agricultural production… Family farms with gross sales of $10,000 to $249,999 were 30 percent of the family farms and were responsible for 18 percent of production. At the other end of the size distribution, the 10 percent of family farms that grossed at least $250,000 accounted for 80 percent of the value of production…”
Talking Points:
What percent of local food production would be protected? The above Federal figures do not reveal that, but applying a reasonable distribution curve suggests less than 40%.
Bloomberg’s and NPA’s headlines are misleading and the threat from S.510 is far worse than they imagine.
But we do not need to let that happen. Here’s the plan to STOP S.510!!!
1. Flood Senators’ home offices with calls over the Thanksgiving holiday week; if you know the Senator personally, call him/her direct, or talk to him/her over the Thanksgiving Day table!
2. Begin to flood the Senate with emails starting Sunday 11.28 and peaking throughout 11.29 — our system reached over 5,000 emails an hour for several hours a day, several days last week. Other groups were similarly engaged. We need to do much better.
No time for Thanksgiving yet, no time to pat ourselves on the back! Our Senators are home… it’s time for the Home Folks to tell them what we want: Vote “No!” on S. 510. Even Sen. Testor or Dr. Coburn’s well-intentioned amendments do not go far enough to protect local, organic, family, community food production and distribution!
If the lame duck “leadership” forces this bad bill through the Senate, we will flood the House of Representatives with opposing emails; if it is sent to the White House, we will petition the current occupant to veto the bill; if he signs it, we will demand that the new Congress refuse to fund its provisions, including any funding for more FDA inspectors or for any “HARMonizing” with Codex Alimentarius, or any other provision that restricts Food Freedom!
The updated Action link, a bit of the history of the past couple weeks and more information are right here:
Right now you and I and our Freedom Mouses are all that stand between Food Freedom under a corrupt FDA and Food Fascism under an FDA on steroids… a true Food Gestapo.
Yours in health and freedom.
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
The Dr, Rima Network
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
My Valley of the Moon Updates Forum
All eAlert Permalinks now here:
On 11.30.10 the US Senate voted to end Food Freedom. Tell your Congressperson not to make the same mistake that the Senate made: VOTE NO ON S.510! Action Item Here:
Index: Red Alert! – Dr. Rima Reports – Dr. Rima Recommends: Coffee
Please donate to make sure we can continue to fight!
Take It Viral NOW!
Why $. 510 MUST NOT Pass:
Take This VIRAL NOW! Senate Adjourned Until 4 PM Today: MUST Flood Email Boxes and Switchboard
TAKE ACTION ITEM NOW For Each Member of Your Household, THEN!
CALL YOUR SENATORS – RIGHT NOW! Tell Them You Vigorously Oppose $. 510
11.17.10 UPDATE
PUSH BACK rate reaches 5,000 emails an hour to decision makers! Keep sending those messages! And PLEASE CALL YOUR SENATORS, Too
S.510, the horrific, fake “food safety” bill (and possibly its evil companions, $.3767 and the discredited S.3002) will be pushed through the Lame Duck Congress this week. It is definitely on the Obama Lame Duck Agenda. Our friends in DC have confirmed this.
Today there will be a cloture vote on Senate bill $.510. But there are two other bills whose cloture (choking off debate) votes will occur first. IF cloture passes for the first one, a “cooling off” period of 30 hours of debate must pass before the next one can be voted on for cloture and before the vote can take place, we have been informed. If the second cloture vote passed, then an additional 30 hours of debate must occur before the vote on it can take place.
On the other hand, it is possible that $ 510 will be voted upon without cloture or that a cloture vote will be taken and then it is voted on after the required 30 hours of debate.
So the exact schedule of voting is not clear. What is clear is that this bill, and its horrific companion pieces MUST NOT be allowed to pass despite the determination of the worst combination of Lame Duck destructiveness, Corporate greed and Regulatory irresponsibility.
The delays, if they occur, may, in fact, be exactly what we need. The President, Secretary Sebelius and the US Senate have been bombarded with more than 600,000 emails from you and more from the supporters of the many, many health and food freedom groups who have followed our leads and asked their supporters to send the same message to the same recipients: DON’T YOU DARE!
So we may have hours or days to make sure that we still have food freedom without having to fight for repeal or use other strategies to make sure that we control the quality of the food that we eat. Health Freedom, including food freedom, IS our first freedom.
Please forward this message widely. Please take the Action Item below each day this week, for each person in your family!
For information about the bills, see our Talking Points here:
Our action item, to email US Senators, is here:
Last November 150,000 emails held the bill in committee for nearly a year; WE NEED EVEN MORE PUSH BACK RIGHT NOW!
DID YOU KNOW ALL OUR eBLASTS ARE ARCHIVED? Access them all at Health Freedom Action eAlert eBlast Archives
DON’T FORGET: If you are involved in health care in any way, your determination to not allow your profession to be abused is of utmost importance. Take the Health Keeper’s Oath and pass it along to everyone you can reach in health care in any way.
We can’t do this without your continuing help! Please donate to make sure we can continue to fight!
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Dr Rima Recommends
Valley of the Moon™ BeyondOrganic™ Coffee!
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Don’t forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon™ Coffee,, and remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, corporate gifts, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!!
In fact, we want you to try, and then keep on drinking, our wonderful Valley of the Moon Coffee™ so we have a coffee special for you: Purchase a 1/2 pound bag of our spectacular coffee for $18.87 plus shipping. This same bag normally requires a donation of $25.00 (a savings of $6.13) plus shipping. Now, purchase 5 bags or more (including your gifts) and your price drops to $17.57 per bag – a savings of $37.15!
Just make sure that you enter “RbR01C” in the Comments Area to receive this special price for Valley of the Moon Coffee,
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New! Dr. Rima Institute Protocols and Services at the Natural Solutions Center, Volcan, Panama
Webinar Archives
1. Special Free Webinar — the Valley of the Moon Eco Community
October 27, 2010 – 9 PM Eastern
Do you sell nutrients or remedies; do you have an “alternative” health care practice?
Ralph Fucetola JD (1.5 hr – $99)
Counsel Ralph offers important information and an eBook with formats that is essential for every Advanced Health Care Practitioner — “one on one” this type of advice could cost $500 and more!
More details here:
3. Archived! Local Organizing Webinar posted (32 minutes – free).
4. Archived! The Five Elements: Video Intro for Free Webinar and more…
5. Experience Karma Singh’s Energy Transmissions, Then Tell Us What You Think:
6. ARCHIVED! Free Valley of the Moon™ Webinar 1.5 hr; 40 slides!
Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph. Password (if needed): duplex
And don’t forget to take care of yourself!
Please don’t forget to make sure you have YOUR supply of the universal remedy, Nano Silver,
And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused… this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
“Please let Health Freedom supporters know they can take advantage of our Double Dip Sale with $4.99 Economy Shipping to the entire US! All of the Dr. Rima Packs are discounted 10% with the additional option to buy 2 and get another pack of the same type added to your cart at checkout for free! You may also buy three of the same type individual bottles and receive a free bottle of the same type in your cart at checkout!” Brian
We need your help!
Please donate to make sure we can continue to fight!
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President –
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director –
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee –
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