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Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510-Related Emergency!
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November 3, 2010
Harry Reid Wants to Outlaw Your Garden? NOW! NOT LATER! NOW! S.510 is Worse than Even We Thought! NO! to S.3767: Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead! |
Index: Perfect Coffee Gift – GMOs are Dangerous – Free Archived Panama Webinar
Short Take from Ron Paul – Dr. Rima Reports – Dr. Rima Recommends & Webinars
First, A Word From Our Sponsor:
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
Why Is Natural Solutions Foundation Growing Coffee? And Why Should I Drink It?
Because part of health & food freedom is the right to access clean, unadulterated food.
Rather than just talk about clean food, the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation decided to become involved in actually reclaiming the production of clean, unadulterated food. We created the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project,
, in Panama to do just that. Our first practicum was coffee: transforming the growing of this important beverage, and vital cash crop, from a toxic mix of horrific chemicals to a clean, non-toxic activity producing magnificent coffee. Now, other farmers are following our lead!
That’s only part of what the Natural Solutions Foundation is doing to lead by example and teach by doing. Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project is richly varied. To learn more, you can watch our special free Webinar on how to participate in this amazing adventure,
. AND you can drink, and give, Health Freedom’s Own Coffee. Every bag you purchase supports the Natural Solutions Foundation and, of course, your health. Without the toxins found in other coffee, your tongue can tell you how good this excpetional coffee is and your body can tell you how good it is for you. Yes, good for you. Increasing numbers of scientific studies make it clear that coffee, clean coffee, fo course, is good for what ails you across many systems of the body.
Don’t forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon™ Coffee,, and remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, corporate gifts, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!!
In fact, we want you to try, and then keep on drinking, our wonderful Valley of the Moon Coffee™ so we have a coffee special for you: Purchase a 1/2 pound bag of our spectacular coffee for $18.87 plus shipping. This same bag normally requires a donation of $25.00 (a savings of $6.13) plus shipping. Now, purchase 5 bags or more (including your gifts) and your price drops to $17.57 per bag – a savings of $37.15!
Just make sure that you enter “RbR01C” in the Comments Area to receive this special price for Valley of the Moon Coffee,
812,660 “DON’T YOU DARE!!! emails sent!
Can we make it 1,000,000 by the 15th of January?
All it takes is you to get 10 people to get 10 people to get 10 people……
Can we do that? HOW CAN WE NOT DO THAT?
GMOs are Dangerous, period.
GMO DANGERS Talking Points
GMO Action Item
Health and Food Freedom: For You, For Your Kids, For The Future
Please Help! Make Your Tax Deductible Donation Now
We need recurring donations so we cover our expenses and plan ahead. Whatever your recurring donation is, it will help to make the difference. We are hacked and attacked for a reason: because we are having an impact.
The other side has huge power. We have more. Together. You see, we have your Push Back power!
The other side has huge budgets. We do not need that much.
The other side deals in lies. We deal in truth. The other side is truly dangerous because they are wreaking havoc and leading people to disease and death.
We are “dangerous” solely because we are telling truth to power.
Thanks for your help. Please take the actions below and please, please make a donation. Your health and food freedom literally depend upon it.
What can you do about the Uber Cartel?
Here are those Action Items so you can take them and share them for others to take:
Send Congress 4 Push Back Messages:
“Don’t You DARE!”
Use the Action Items Below; Email Everyone You Know Urging Them to Do the Same and Forward to Their Contacts!
Stop S.510! Stop S.3767!
NO! to S.3767: Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
NO! to GMOs
NO! To Forced Vaccination
Thanks! Now spend a few minutes disseminating these Action Items to your contacts so they become part of the Incredibly Powerful Mouse Warrior Army!
That’s why our visits to the offices of both incumbents AND candidates, when we come in groups, armed with the talking points, are so very important. That’s why viralizing the Action Items (see above) and the Talking Points (see below) is so very, very, important.
NO! to FOOD FASCISM Talking Points
GMO DANGERS Talking Points
OF COURSE “they” are attacking us! If you were the Uber Cartel and the other side were this successful, wouldn’t you attack them this way if you had no scruples and no desire to see anything like freedom for anyone but yourself?
A bit of inspiration: The Uber Cartel and the Peasants of the Dawn:
We can only take this level of attack as a powerful confirmation that we, you and the Natural Solutions Foundation, are exerting a meaningful force against globalization, genocide and the contamination of our food! And that is why we cannot let up!
We need your recurring donations and coffee orders now!
New Eco Demonstration Project Development:
Duplex Participations in the Project!
Special free Archived Webinar!
It’s easy to watch; just click a couple times and relax…
Lovely BeyondOrganic™ Restaurant Review!
There are a number of reasons, all of them good ones, that I can think of to buy that ticket to Panama!
Here are some reasons to come to Panama, in no particular rank order:
1. You are interested in finding out more about the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Valley of the Moon™Eco Demonstration Project and how it might fit your needs. You have visited and and you are intrigued. Of course, you are welcome at any time but you might want to join Trustee Ralph Fucetola and a group of people for their next visit here (tentative dates: January 19 – 27, 2011). Contact us at, subject PANAMA, for more information.
2. You know that the US is in the process of seizing both IRAs and 401s and “guaranteeing” them with the “strength” of the US Dollar to provide you with an “annuity” of 3% interest and you are not at all happy with this option. You know that you can still place your retirement funds offshore and are seriously considering this option.
3. You want to live in a community of like-minded people with a secure, BeyondOrganic food supply, natural medical center and other services and you want to do it outside the US.
4. You want to help to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food around the world through your support of, and connection with, the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Panama. You don’t have to be a farmer to do so!
5. You want to attend our outstanding seminars and workshops, like Angela Malek’s “Living, Eating and Healing with the 5 Element Theory” Workshop from January 9 – 15, 2011. Watch a short video with Angela here: to get the “flavor”. Interested? Contact us at with “5 Elements” as your subject line. More information: — Space is strictly limited!
6. You love good food and the idea of reclaiming its production. You love eating it, too, and you can’t wait to eat at our gourmet organic restaurant!
7. You want to volunteer your time and talents at the Valley of the Moon! Again, use our address with “Volunteer” in the subject line.
Short Takes
A couple days ago at the University of Indiana Dr. Ron Paul said,
“I don’t think the FDA protects us; I think the FDA exists for the drug companies. That’s what I think… Now the FDA wants to get into regulating every single thing you eat… and regulate everything that might be holistic medicines and vitamins and they want worldwide regulations… I try to teach others including my patients that the use of prescription drugs is very dangerous….”
Minute 39/40 at
Dr. Rima Reports
Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time
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Just Listen:
This coming Sunday at 10 AM – 1 PM Eastern
Election Analysis Round-Table
To Listen or Ask Questions Call: 512-904-8014 or Toll Free 866-841-1065
(If is down, we have an alternative program link at
How will the results effect health and food freedom issues…
We will have some surprise guests then too!
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Dr. Rima Reports Archives
New! Dr. Rima Institute Protocols and Services
NATURAL SOLUTIONS CENTER WEBINARS Webinar Archives 1. Special Free Webinar — the Valley of the Moon Eco Community 2. Archived! ESSENTIAL CAUTIONS FOR CAM PRACTITIONERS – Ralph Fucetola JD (1.5 hr – $99) 4. Archived! The Five Elements: Video Intro for Free Webinar and more… 5. Experience Karma Singh’s Energy Transmissions, Then Tell Us What You Think: 6. ARCHIVED! Free Valley of the Moon™ Webinar 1.5 hr; 40 slides! |
Please don’t forget YOUR universal remedy, Nano Silver, |
And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused… this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
“Please let Health Freedom supporters know they can take advantage of our Double Dip Sale with $4.99 Economy Shipping to the entire US! All of the Dr. Rima Packs are discounted 10% with the additional option to buy 2 and get another pack of the same type added to your cart at checkout for free! You may also buy three of the same type individual bottles and receive a free bottle of the same type in your cart at checkout!” Brian
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President –
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director –
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee –
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Natural Solutions Foundation
You know the old adage, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach him to farm, feed him for life.” Change the word “Fish” to “Farm” and you’ve got a way to solve the hunger problem not only in the US, but in the entire industrialized world. Intensive urban agriculture is that powerful And, in addition to providing food, indoors or out, in-ground or in containers, for people, thus ending food shortages on a family-by-family basis, reclaiming the production of food, again on a family-by-family basis, this simple strategy can end, yes, END, the high calorie under nutrition that is killing us.
You will recall that both the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization, in their Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (2002 : Geneva, Switzerland) noted that the chronic, non communicable, PREVENTABLE [emphasis added – Dr. Rima] diseases of under nutrition are –
Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
Diabetes and
You will also recall that these are the principle killers in the developed nations and, as the developing world moves toward consuming the Standard American Diet, or “SAD”, these PREVENTABLE killers are making their inroads in their lives (and deaths), too.
You will surely recall as well that these PREVENTABLE diseases are also the principle money makers for the pharmaceutical industry, which is behind Codex Alimentarius (the World Food Code), which corrupts and weaponizes food on a world-wide basis to make as many of us as sick as possible for as long as possible with diseases which could have been prevented – and can be cured – by nutrition.
So when a suggestion arose to feed the hungry in the US by recycling food to give to them, that suggestion, while kindly in its intent, literally appalled me. Why not, I thought, teach the hungry to use tiny pieces of land, or easily available containers, to feed themselves, helping our efforts to reclaim the production of food world-wide, and eliminating the high calorie under nutrition that is killing so many of us to the misery of ourselves and our communities and the profit of the illness mongering so-called “health care industry”?
I hope that you will take this idea seriously, apply it to yourselves and teach your neighbors.
Step 1: look around your garden (if you have a year-long growing season where you live) or your home if you do not, and find a place to plant a garden in your yard, your closet (with grow lights), a corner of your apartment, your balcony or wherever.
Step 2: Start thinking about the veggies you would like to eat. Start making a list of them now so you will be ready to plant when the time comes (shortly).
Step 3. Enlist your kids, if you have them. If you home school, make this a project. If you do not home school, make it a project, anyway. It is vitally important now, and will be much more important in the near future, for everyone to know these techniques, and kids naturally take great pleasure in making things grow.
Step 4. Go to or and sign up for the Natural Solutions Health Freedom Action eAlerts so that you will be sure to get notification of the new eNewsletter now in planning. Within a short time we’ll be able to send you regular eNewsletters to guide you through the process on your own, get your feedback and share our accumulated wisdom as we reclaim our nutrition and our birthright to healthy, unadulterated food, despite the plans of the disease mongering forces. Once you do that, of course, you will be able to take action to protect your health freedom, too.
In the meantime, join our Food and Farming Forum –
Step 5. Talk to your friends, church groups, neighbors, relatives, anyone you know who eats. It is especially important to alert anyone you know who has children so that they can start growing healthy, unadulterated food for them to protect their immune systems and assist their bodies – and brains – to grow to their maximum health and functional potential. Healthy food, as we all know, does all of that and more. But the food that we eat, especially if it is prepared food, meets few (or none) of those characteristics since it is grown in demineralized soil, laden with dangerous chemicals and irradiated, to say nothing of the fact that some 90%+ of our prepared food contains GMO ingredients. Why are we so sick, so young and so long? Because of our food supply.
These Intensive Urban Gardens cost virtually nothing, require little labor and will feed you and your family abundantly, at least as far as vegetable crops go. This will help us all reclaim the production of food while protecting our health.
Oh, yes, there is one more advantage: President Obama and his First Lady, Michelle Obama, have begun planting an organic vegetable garden on the White House lawn. This, at least for this one time, is immensely important to us. Even while the Congress is preparing to pass HR 875 (HR 759) and S 425, disastrous legislation which will plunder the ability of small farmers to stay in the game, leaving ALL food production to the industrialized food chain forces, including GMO and nutrient poor, chemical rich, irradiated food producers, the thrust for clean food production through organic small gardens has been put into our hands by this disingenuous move on the part of the public face of control, the While House.
So let’s use this initiative for all that it is worth and create V2-Gardens. And, while we are talking about it, please visit:
RIGHT NOW, while you are thinking about it, to tell Congress not to pass these horrific bills. I hope you’ll take a moment, too, when you have finished reading this article, to send everyone on your contact list the link I just gave you so that they, too, can help defend their right to clean, unadulterated food and the right to grow it.
Victory Gardens (V-Gardens) were encouraged during WW II so that effort could be diverted from food production and transportation to war efforts. People grew their own food in huge numbers. Today, the victory is over those who would take away our health AND our health freedom. They will not gladly see us healthy and prospering through the ingestion of nutrient-dense food. But that is exactly what these gardens will allow. This is the second time in modern American history that it is necessary to route the forces we are struggling against through ensuring our nutrition. Therefore, the Natural Solutions Foundation, always the leader in health and freedom protection, urges V2 Gardens to protect our freedoms and our health at the same time.
Stay tuned for the launch issue of the Natural Solutions Foundation’s “Freedom Food eNewsletter: V2 Gardens for Health and Freedom“. Happy gardening.
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Posted blog:
Food is astonishingly important both as a human necessity and as a weapon – history shows us that over and over again. The Natural Solutions Foundation,, of which I am the Medical Director, is deeply concerned with the weaponization and contamination of food on a global basis.
Codex Alimentarius, the UN’s “Food Code” sets standards and guidelines for everything that goes into the mouths of the world’s population (voluntary as the Codex texts are, they are backed up the by WTO unless a country follows several very specific procedure which our Foundation has determined exist and has promulgated to these countries through our work at Codex meetings in in their home countries).
Tragically, these standards and guidelines are set at the request and wishes of the US Government, the “Big Dog” at Codex. Armed with the wishes of the multinational corporations, the US makes sure, through its might and economic weight, that Codex is run for the benefit if the “Bigs”, Big Pharma, Big Agribiz, Big Chema, Big Biotechna and Big Medical.
In fact, the US comes to the Codex meetings around the world with representatives of these industries on its delegation, unlike virtually any other country in the world.
So the quality of food is rapidly being degraded world wide.
Nowhere is this more true than in the US where the nutritive value of food is decreasing with the intensification of industrial food production (indeed, even Avian Flu outbreaks have been laid squarely at industrial food production of poultry AND VACCINATION WITH AVIAN VACCINES WHICH PRECIPITATE THE DISEASE IN VACCINATED BIRDS).
At the same time, Codex permits contamination of food through unlimited irradiation, permitted dangerous chemicals at high levels, hormones and dangerous drugs like antibiotics and hormones permitted in the rearing or animals, biotech crops and animals, degradation of “organic” standards and a host of other affronts to ALL food consumed by humans is being met by the introduction of laws like the devastatingly dangerous HR 875 (HR 759)and S 425 in the US. Similar laws, to which the US statues “HARMonize”, have been adopted in Europe and elsewhere.
It is useful to note that Codex was created on the inspiration of Convicted WWII War Criminal Fritz ter Meer, the head of Germany’s IG Farben during that war, and Beyer Pharmaceutical head before – and after – the war. More information on the pharmaceutical industry’s attempt -so far lethally successful – to degrade food to the point that it will not support health and therefore will support illness very well, is available in our video “Nutricide”, available under the video section of our websites, and
To remedy this situation, it is absolutely necessary to reclaim the production of food. There is, it seems to me, little point to wasting the opportunity to feed hungry Americans by allowing the food they eat to consist of the same deadly mix of irradiated biotech food, both demineralized and filled with dangerous chemicals, of which the Standard American Diet, aptly called “SAD” for short, consists.
The Natural Solutions Foundation has created a the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in the temperate, bountiful and magnificent Highlands of Panama to teach farmers how to grow without chemicals. More information on this project is available at But we are also focused on the need to grow our own food, something that HR 875 (HR 759) and S 425 could forbid.
On a 4×4 patch of ground, or set of pots, it is possible to create an outdoor – or indoor – garden which can grow enough food for a family of four with nearly no expense and at minimal effort.
Why not teach the hungry to grow clean, unadulterated, safe and nourishing food, not give them recycled junk, whether it is considered “junk food” or not?
In the ancient wisdom of giving a man a fish, or teaching him to fish, why not teach him to garden and feed his family, his friends and himself?
If you believe in a vegetarian diet, you would thus be teaching people to find the means to achieve and sustain it. If you do not, you are giving people the means to acheive and sustain a healthy crop portion of their diet. Those whose physical situations allows them to grow healthy chickens can obtain inexpensive protein from them – both meat and eggs.
This, it seems to me, is the answer to the problem in the US and elsewhere.
The Natural Solutions Foundation will be teaching Intensive Urban Agriculture at its Panama Center and is also instituting a special e-newsletter to assist people in doing just that: taking back the control and quality of their own food supply.
People interested in this option can go to or in order to sign up for the free, secure Health Freedom Action eAlerts where they will be able to join in the fight to protect our health freedom AND sign up [shortly] for our new e-Newsletter.
The initiative to feed the US is a good one. Why not use it as the opportunity to create a healthy food supply under the control of each and every household or person?
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation”
Posted to
The Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project is an activity of the Natural Solutions Foundation’s International Decade of Nutrition. You can visit for an Executive Summary and more information about both.
Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project is named to honor the name originally given to the Ciriqui region of Panama by the Noble-Bugle people, its original inhabitants. The name they gave this region was “Valley of the Moon” and once you see the magnificent, temperate and beautiful region for yourself you will understand why.
We have chosen to build our demonstration project here in order to create a farm and farm school to teach farmers from Central America and the world how to farm without chemicals once again and give them the techniques and technologies they need to raise safe food in a sustainable way while gaining the economic advantage necessary to resist being pushed off their lands by the industrial food supply corporate forces.
Valley of the Moon(TM) Project will be fully off the grid and will consist of
Housing for permanent residents built on the Natural Solutions Foundation Land Trust property (lease renewable in perpetuity, houses the property of their owners)
A Seminar and Education Center
Green Housing for Visitors and those who do not wish to build houses of their own
A Headquarters for the Natural Solutions Foundation
A Leading Edge Health and Medical Center using advanced practices without drugs
A BeyondOrganic BioDynamic(TM) Farm and Farm School consisting of
– 5 Commercial Greenhouses
– Open Field Agriculture
A Restaurant for visitors and guests serving only BeyondOrganic BioDynamic(TM) food
A Teaching Kitchen
A Cafe
A Meditation Area
A Yoga, Movement and Performance Center
Intensive agriculture classes for non-farmers so that families can have fresh vegetables year-round
What’s happening now is exciting! We have harvested the first of our GMO-, Pesticide-, Herbicide- and Chemical-free coffee and many of you have already received it. To do that, we had to use natural means to solve the terrible fungal problem which destroys so much coffee here in Central America and we have done that. We will be entering into a Joint Venture (JV) with the farmer whose process we tested and refined. That is the first of our NSF JVs. All participants in the Valley of the Moon(TM) are invited to propose JVs which will forward the goals of the Foundation and provide financial reward to all participants. We have two other JVs in formation and are discussing two more with potential participants. Everyone who becomes a participant will receive the financial benefit of these JVs. Please contact Ralph Fucetola for more information after you have visited His email is
We are in the process of purchasing a piece of land with 2 houses and enough room for the Headquarters, Hotel, Cafe, Teaching Kitchen, Seminar Center, Intensive Agriculture Center, Medical Center Yoga/Performance/Movement Center. That process should be completed within 2 weeks or so.
The first of two houses on this piece of land has been painted, repaired and is already receiving guests.
The second house will be available as soon as the people living there move out this week. We are about to start construction on the intensive agriculture education area and we have chemical free chickens clucking in their open enclosure as I write this.
We are receiving guests on a regular basis who want to come and experience the Valley of the Moon(TM) for themselves to see if this is something they want to participate in.
We are also in the process of purchasing the farm with 5 greenhouses and open fields about 5 minutes from the first piece of land. Once purchased, that farm will provide our food and our farm school where we will teach farmers and learn from them. Our leading-edge technology can help them – and the rest of us – push back the industrialized food so dear to Codex hearts and so toxic to us.
The contract for that purchase is being drawn up as I write this.
Next, the buildable lots will be purchased. The area near both of those pieces of land is available and we are investigating those purchases so that we have the land to build on that our participants have been told about.
We have secured approval from US IRA and 401 Custodians for the investment of those funds into our offshore entity, Natural Solutions Corporation, here in Panama. Several people have already made that investment and we know that others will want to do the same as the very real threat to their IRAs and 401s takes shape during the early days of the next Congress. But for those whose motivation is not simply protecting their investments, but building a piece of the future as well, this is an ideal off-shore opportunity through loans (at much better than US Prime rates), donations (fully tax deductible in the US), acquiring Beneficial Interest Certificates or BICs which come in two types:
1. Founder’s BICs which convey financial participation in the productivity of the Valley of the Moon(TM) and
2. Participant’s BICs which convey no buildable lot but a higher level of financial participation in the productivity of the Valley of the Moon(TM).
Ralph Fucetola,, 973-300-4594, is available to answer questions and discuss these options. Please feel free to contact him.
We hold an open Conference Call each Sunday night at 10 PM Eastern time. Please contact Ralph for the phone number and an invitation to join the NSF-Panama Forum on Yahoo! Groups. This forum allows discussion and information sharing, has our Foundational Documents, Photos and more. You are welcome to join if you are interested.
We also have photos available at
There is a great deal happening to move us forward. Interested? Please contact us.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation