Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Waiter: “Shhh! Be Quiet! Or Every One Else Will Be Wanting One, Too!
How Will Sibelius Use Her $16 Billion Slush Fund?
“In section 402 Health and Human Services Director Kathleen Sibelius was given a $16 Billion slush fund to use as she sees fit…”
Will this slush fund provide the cash needed to hire the 4,000 new FDA agents authorized by the lame-duck 2010 Congress when it passed S.510, the Food Control Law? Tell Congress, “No!” – Action Item here: nofoodcontrol
Hey, Kathleen! Just how did you get a $16 Billion slush fund and can I have one, too?
I need to help farmers all over the world reclaim their food production to stop the failure of their farms and the resulting famins around the world. I need to fund natural health research which has not been funded because there is no way to patent natural products (unless, of course, one is a Biotech company like Monsanto, given permission by a scientifically illiterate court system and a massivly corrupt regulatory agency to do just that – and hide it from the American people).
I need resources to hire staff to share real, scientific information with people who need to know that information about the cure, treatment and prevention of the huge cash cows of the illness management organization in the US, often known by the incorrect name “Health Care”. I need a modest amount, say, $100Million, to create urban sustainable, chemical-free food growing programs around the United States, giving the newly homeless, the newly poor and their long-time counterparts the seeds, soil and skills to grow their own clean food to feed themselves and share with others while the dollar is collapsed around their ears.
I need some funds to hire a team of researchers and international lawyers and communications folks to visit governments of the poorest.most nutritionally vulnerable people in the world and share with them the solution to the globalists’ genocidal agenda – Oh, but I have a question to ask you before I tell you what I would like you to make available some of your slush fund, perhaps 1/12 of it. That would be a billion dollars. Given that you already have a Health and Human Services Department budget of hundreds of billions, you probably have a bit more than even you need.
The question:”Ms. Sebelius, have you been, as they say in all the spy and national security novels, ‘read into the program’? Do you know about the genocidal agenda of the World Health Organization, with which your agency works so closely or are you an ignorant dupe, too besotted with the power you are allowed to wield and totally disconnected from common sense or honest analysis by the career trajectory you have followed to see what is really happening and protect the people of the country as you have taken an oath to do?”
Our vocal analysis of your inner realities shows that you really want to do the right thing but that you are, quite literally, besotted by misinformation and the deceit you have been handed. But, unlike many at various helms, it does not show you to be an evil, malignant or cruel person.
Given that, Secretary Sebelius, I would like to ask no only for a small portion of your slush fund (slightly more than twice the combined national budgets for the Pitcairn Islands, Zimbabwe, Wallis and Fortuna and Todelau combined). Now it is true that they are small countries, but how about if you do the following things, Secretary Sebelius:
1. Donate 1/12 of your discretionary slush funds to the Natural Solutions Foundation to promote healthy food, healthy choices and health promoting information in the US and abroad. After all, such health promotion is part of your Agency’s charter, which states “FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.” on your official website,
You are also concerned with food and medicine as a counter-terrorism strategy but seem to have neglected the connection between weakening the nation’s collective immune system through dangerous drugs, contaminated foods and irresponsible vaccinations, but everyone has those lapses!
[While writing this letter to Kathleen Sibelius, Dr. Rima, the Queen of Multi-Taskers, was also in a meeting with a Panamanian cattle farmer. You can see where the discussion went and then return to her letter to Secretary Sebelius, below.]
Alonso is here to talk about stuff and we need to get to the formulator we discussed to make a product sample for the udders of drying cows. We are talking about a masters project in which Alonso is involved. The project is that they want to study the influence of the levels of energy and protein from the feed we give to the cows and all the influences from food on reproduction.
They want to study how long it takes the cow to be breeder based on food inputs.
There are different things that influence this: most important is the precalving period.
They want to study how we do it and how long it takes the calf to become estrous
This is from National University: They want to measure the body condition, weight, blood samples, rectal palpation.I think the food is important, but also the presence or absence of drugs, vaccines and similar.
Now, 20 days previous to calving, Alonso analyzes for worms, I put some vitamin E and selenium and magnesium injected into the cow. Then we feed it with a formula with minerals which makes the cows take calcium from their bones (anionic minerals) so that the cows have enough calcium to give birth. Then you get a lot of diseases like placental previa, if there is a calcium failure, they get “downed cow syndrome” and they will not be able to let down their milk. In t he 9 months previous they accumulate the calcium in the bones. The signal in the brain is from selenium to help her take Ca from the bones.
That is standard practice.
We feed with a ration that is similar to the milking cow but different becuase of the minerals and a lower energy level than milking cows. Milking cows get more energy because they are producing milk. IF there is too much energym they get too fat.
After calving we check the cow for placenta and if not expelled in 24 hours, give Ca and Vit B12, 3 different types of calcium. IF that does not work, then we use antibiotics intravaginally. Right now if the cow is doing fine, they only get feed and observation. If the cow has a problem, sometimes they expel the placenta but still get milk fever. In the 15 days after calving they can get detosis, then we use dextrose and calcium 5%, then 50% dextrose. Ketosis from previous programs. Previous partum problmes because they do not eat enough feed in the right way.
Maybe sometimes when a cow has a higher condition score, that is the best. 5 is the best. If you get 4, you have ketosis and retained placenta and if it gets worse, then you get torsion and death.
We will have the opportunity to put our methods into practice and the student will study two types of rearing and feeding. He wants to know about our working and our minerals and about his shot. Minerals by mouth are fine, these are from Brazil. I want to make sure that the injection minerals are working in the organic way.
Most common worms in mature cows. They can have pulmonary worms.
Right now Alphonso is no longer treating with ivermectin because there were some complaints in the food industry about it; some cows get virus earlier, they get ivermictin, if later, we use something to which people do not have allergies.
Used to give ivermictin when they got dry because the time before milking is longer, now using f-albendisol which works against mature and eggs; both mature and immature forms. Only check the eggs in feces. The people who see the eggs in the lab tell us whether they are pulmonary or intestinal. We give the selenium as prevention because we know if they do not get it, some cows do not do well.
This is not a disease that effects humans now. It only effects the cows. The thing is that it lowers the defense of the cow so they lose the ability to fight pathogens.
END OF INTERRUPTION – The above is an example of what we mean when we say we are seeking to “discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions…
Anyway, Madam Secretary, the point is that as far as I can tell, health and health freedom are more like four letter words to your agency than concepts to be supported and developed.
Take vaccines, for example. Your agency appears to pretty much never have met a vaccine it did not like. Why, without a disease of note, you purchased half a billion dollars worth of an adjuvant, squalene, also known as Freund’s Adjuvant, to mix into 6 billion dollars worth of unapproved vaccines to make them go further and do more damage. We are talking about the biggest non event of the 21st century here, Swine Flu.
And then there is Rotovac, which causes pneumonia AND meningitis in babies who didn’t need the vaccine in the first place. And there’s the mrecury whiich is used in pediatric vaccines to “wash” the vials leaving dangerous “trace” levels, and is full strength in flu vaccines, which is allowed because of shameless corporate shenanigans back in the early 20th century when your agency was just a baby.
Rima Laibow, MD: And there is the pesky fact that the flu vaccines are associated with increased levels of dangerous diseases like asthma and neurological and learning problems in the young, the old, the middle aged, in us all, with an increased all-cause mortality in people who get them compared with people who do not. And the autism white wash.
Then there are the scientifically and physiologically disastrous GMOs and other poisoned “PHUDES” [“They look a bit like food; they may even smell and taste a bit like food, but they aren’t!”] with which your agency is literally killing us and spreading your contagion of false information and deadly profits around the world.
Your war on the wellness industry is simply breathtaking. You have teamed your agency, already a pit bull guarding Big Pharma and Big Agribiz, Big Biotech and Big Chema, all in the service of Big Medica, of course, up with the FTC to make sure that small and medium sized manufacturers of vitamins and supplements, healthy foods and other dangerous commodities would be driven out of business. After all, if they manged to survive your draconian and rather batty “Good Manufacturing Practices” regulations (against an industry without health problems in its products, instead of against the pharmaceutical industry that kills hundreds of thousands of people each year), they will go under in your 2 agency united front against them.
So I am proposing, in the interests of the First Amendment, fairness, common sense, common decency and the basic human right of self determination granted by the UN Charter on Human Rights (oops! scratch that one: the US is not a signatory to that document or to the Nuremberg Convention prohibiting experimentation on people without informed consent, which is what your sub agency, the CDC, now admits they and you have been doing with fluoride and other goodies) that you share the wealth provided to your agency by the Obamacare legislation and, since you have $16 Billion to play with in your slush fund, that you share the wealth and give the other side, the loyal opposition that wants to have the research and the tools to make their case to the people – and to you, if you will listen, for natural health and clean food and natural health care options (like cancer treatment that works, for example) even though, gasp, the money might must take profits out of the hands of the gigantic industrial forces that are killing us all.
One final note, Madam Secretary, your body, and that of your family and loved ones, will need natural treatments or already do. What will you do when the antibiotics you permit in the vicious factory farm industy and the out-of-control medical industry no longer work for the newly resistant organisms that are eating your flesh, or destroying your organs? Will you have made nano silver illegal as your counterpart in Europe has done?
What will you do when anti depressants do not work? Will you seek in vain for the nervine tonics an herbalist might have made for you had you not made the herbs needed illegal?
What will your daughters and sons do when they are injected with Gardasil or Cevarix and develop a brand new disease, never before seen on the planet: juvenile ALS?
Or when your mother develops Alzheimer’s Disease because of the ful shots she dutifully took – or you do – and you have driven the chelating doctors out of business by criminalizing their knowledge and communication about what they do and what they know?
Seems like a good bet to me, Kathleen. You have so much money. Give us a $1Billion crumb and let us see what we can do to help you pick up the pieces when your disastrous, short sighted, unscientific and anti-physiological methods fail, as they already are doing.
Action Item here: nofoodcontrol
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima Laibow, MD: Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Protecting Your Health and Food Freedom!