Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Heath Care is the New Nazi State tool for getting rid of the old, ill and vulnerable. No civilized country can allow its health care system to become a death system. That is precisely what could be happening in the US, UK and EU…
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Obamanation: Euthanasia for the Oldest Useless Eaters
Heath Care is the New Nazi State tool for getting rid of the old, ill and vulnerable. No civilized country can allow its health care system to become a death system. That is precisely what could be happening in the US, UK and EU. Take the Health Keeper’s Oath and refuse to become part of that death industry.
Please take the Health Keeper’s Oath while there is still time if your job is in the health industry and share it with others whether you are or are not in that industry.
Oldest “Useless” Eaters To Die First, But It Will Not Stop There
Pastor Martin Niemöller lived in Nazi Germany and was, for a considerable time, an ardent Nazi supporter. Ultimately, he realized that, although a passionate German nationalist, he could not support the Nazi regime any longer because, despite early appearances, it was a dictatorship.
He wrote the following enduring and painfully meaningful lament about apathy and inaction and its devastating consequences:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
We, today, in the United States, the UK, Canada and the EU are watching the intentional repeat of the same policies which characterized one of the most loathsome regimes ever to contaminate the face of the earth. Let Iran deny the Holocaust. The Holocaust occurred. Let Rob Emanuel and his brothers “re-frame” the thinking of doctors so they will comfortably participate in the elimination of the Useless Eaters as ‘conserving resources for the good of society’. Let all the fine sounding “Pathway” palaver of the King’s Society (UK) and Obamacare (US) make its way through the subservient, lapdog mainstream media, the truth is the truth. Killing at the whim of the State is on the march, dressed up this time not as racial purification but as economic stimulus.
Do we in the United States love money so much, and life so little, that we will allow this to happen to our elderly, our ill and our deformed? Are we truly monsters?
For the Germans, national pride was everything. Purity was their obsession. Are we the nation so besotted by gold, goods and gewgaws that we will allow ourselves to go down in history as a nation that committed mass murder to make ourselves wealthier? If so, then only God alone is able to help us.
The Natural Solutions Foundation asks every single person engaged in any aspect of the Health Care Profession, doctors, janitors, bookkeepers, auditors, nurses, clerks, food preparation personnel and dietitians, administrators, psychologists, social workers, every one involved in any activity that touches patients and residents in care facilities, to declare now, before it is too late, that they are not part of, and will not become part of, a system of convenient, State-mediated death.
Here is the web page for the Health Keeper’s Oath.
Please take it now if your job is in the health industry and share it with others whether you are or are not in that industry.
If you want to read how this decline of decency was accomplished in 20th Century Germany (and I believe there is no escaping the parallels any longer), please click here,
I believe fervently that each of us owns, controls and has ultimate authority over our own bodies. Without State interference. Period. For me, that means that the State may not, must not, may never, NEVER, interfere with the right of any person to make the choices which pertain to their own body or that of their children. There is not, must not be, a slippery slope of interference for this or that or the other purpose here. Never.
What other freedom matters if our lives are subject to the whim of the State, no matter what the rationalization.
If you think this is not your issue, then think again. There is no shortage of resources. There is a super abundance of greed and malicious self-serving rationalization. There is a deadly abundance of psychopathic beliefs which is rising, like a tide of deadly algae, to kill everything in its path.
The time has come to say “NO!” and “NO!” again. And the Health Care Profession, along with every allied worker whose activities touch the welfare of patients, must be the bulwark against that tide. Here is your opportunity to make that declaration, and share it with everyone you know what are called “The Helping Professions” To earn that name, we must keep health care free from New Nazi State control.
David Icke is a tireless champion of in-your-face-how-the-elite-are-going-about-their-dirty-work information. Thank you, David, for your hard and persistent work. David’s latest newsletter article, reproduced here, is of massive importance. You may have heard rumblings about legalized, mandated, not-your-choice-but-their-choice euthenasia in the ObamaCare plan.
Those rumblings are accurate. This is the Nazi-fication of medicine. Those who do not serve the State must die to CONSERVE RESOURCES for those whom the State deems more useful.
The old.
The ill.
The deformed and defective.
The marginal
The poor.
The political.
The …..
Who is next?
Who will speak for you when they come for you (or your child, or your parent) if you do not speak now?
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom eJournal
International Decade of Nutrition
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
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Copyright David Icke, 2009. All Rights Reserved.
The David Icke Newsletter, December 13th, 2009
Hello all …
There is a very clear and emerging policy of seeking to kill people once they get into what we call old age. That is quite a statement, but perfectly supportable by the evidence.
The Control System sees humans as cattle or slaves who are only here to serve their masters, the bloodline families, who have no empathy or compassion whatsoever for the human population.

How the Bloodlines See the Human Population
How the Bloodline Families See Humans.
People are only useful when they are young and well enough to work and serve and once those days are over they want to eliminate them. This is the plan and we are seeing it introduced by stealth and steps all over the world, especially, as usual, in Britain and the United States.
I have mentioned before the story about Dr Richard Day, the head of the Rockefeller-created-and-controlled Planned Parenthood that was founded by eugenicists. Day told a meeting of doctors in Pittsburgh in 1969 to turn off all recording equipment and stop taking notes before detailing a long list of appalling plans to transform human society.
One doctor did take notes and he exposed what was said in a series of taped interviews before he died a few years ago. Today all that Richard Day said in 1969 has either happened or is happening – everything.
Day was an insider closely connected to the Rockefellers and therefore had access to the projected agenda. This is why people like Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and mentor of Barack Obama, could write books 40 years ago that predicted with such accuracy today’s fast-emerging global dictatorship.
One of the predictions that Richard Day made in 1969 was that the elderly would be culled by blocking their health care. ‘Limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating the elderly easier’, as he put it. This is now clearly happening.
Obama’s health policies hand decisions about patient care to presidential appointments who would decide what medical plans covered, what doctors can and cannot do and the extent of treatment allowed for elderly people.
Tom Daschle
There were also laws to this effect hidden away in the Obama ‘stimulus’ package and one of the main people involved in this was Tom Daschle, the former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, who was Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, but he had to withdraw over non-payment of taxes.
Daschle wrote in his book, Critical: What We Can Do About The Health-Care Crisis, that ‘seniors’ should be forced to sacrifice their heath care in favour of younger people by denying them treatment. He added that seniors who receive a ‘hopeless diagnosis’ need to accept their condition and not seek treatment for it.
Obama himself has stressed that ‘the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill’ and when asked how he proposed to deal with this he said ‘ …you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance’.
‘Independent’ group?? Oh yeah, sure. Obama said that various options would be
’emerging out of the various health care conversations that are taking place on the Hill right now’. It is so obvious where this is all meant to go.
One of Obama’s presidential appointees to dictate ‘health care’ for Americans is, well, well … Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. They are both the sons of an operative with the Irgun terrorist group, funded by the Rothschilds, that bombed Israel into being.
Another brother is Ariel ‘Ari’ Zev Emanuel, the Hollywood agent who represents people like Martin Scorsese, Jude Law and film-maker, Michael Moore.
Dr Ezekiel Emanuel was appointed to the key position of health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget to advise Budget Director, Peter Orszag. Emanuel has been quoted as saying the following:
* Cost savings would require changing the way doctors thought about their patients.
* Doctors take their Hippocratic Oath too seriously and treat it as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others.
* Doctors should look beyond the needs of their patients and consider other issues like whether the money could be better spent on somebody else.
* ‘Communitarianism’ should guide decisions on who gets care and it should be reserved for the non-disabled and not given to those ‘who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens’. An example would be not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
He is further quoted as saying:
‘Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds.’
Emanuel says his words were taken out of context, but it’s hard to see how. The theme of removing health care for the elderly is becoming common. A group of experts caring for the terminally ill wrote a letter to the London Daily Telegraph highlighting the way that people, mostly the elderly for obvious reasons, were wrongly being diagnosed as ‘close to death’.
This is extremely important because the UK National ‘Health Service (NHS) is introducing a policy of withdrawing food, fluid and treatment once the close-to-death judgement has been made to put them on what they call the death ‘pathway’. The patient is also fed sedative drugs continually until death which can mask the fact that their state of health has improved.
The letter was signed by, among others, Professor Peter Millard, Emeritus Professor of Geriatrics, University of London, and Dr Peter Hargreaves, a consultant in Palliative Medicine at St Luke’s cancer centre in Guildford.
It said that patients are being diagnosed as being close to death ‘without regard to the fact that the diagnosis could be wrong’. Dr Hargreaves said that some patients were being wrongly put on the ‘pathway’, which created a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ that they would die.
He said that he had personally taken patients off the pathway who went on to live for ‘significant’ amounts of time and warned that many doctors were not checking the progress of patients enough to notice improvement in their condition.
‘I have been practising palliative medicine for more than 20 years and I am getting more concerned about this “death pathway” that is coming in’, he said.
Hazel Fenton, an 80-year-old British grandmother, had her drugs and food stopped under this ‘scheme’ when doctors said she had days to live and yet nine months later she was still alive after her outraged daughter, Christine Ball, fought with doctors for four days to have the drugs and food restored.
Christine and mum Hazel.
A nurse even asked Christine what she wanted to do with her mother’s body. Christine was exactly right when she said: ‘My mother was going to be left to starve and dehydrate to death. It really is a subterfuge for legalised euthanasia of the elderly …’ It is indeed the drip, drip, drip to forced euthanasia.
Age Concern, the British charity for the elderly, called for a government inquiry over claims that health officials are practicing ‘involuntary euthanasia’ on elderly patients to free up beds in overcrowded hospitals. Many societies throughout history have had a policy of the voluntary or involuntary killing of old people and it is covertly being practiced now.
The Dutch introduced legalised euthanasia in 2002, the first country to do so, but this week it was revealed that the law has led to a severe decline in the quality of care for terminally-ill patients. Dr Els Borst, the former Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who guided the legislation through the Dutch parliament, now says it was brought in ‘far too early’ and not properly thought through.
Dr Anne-Marie The, author of a history of euthanasia, Redeemer Under God, says that many old people in the Netherlands now ask to die ‘out of fear’ because of an absence of effective pain relief.
Dr The, who has studied euthanasia for 15 years, said that a crisis had developed and ‘to think that we have neatly arranged everything by adopting the euthanasia law is an illusion’.
A constantly-repeated Illuminati technique to enforce its agenda is to arrange for protest groups to campaign on its behalf while claiming to be righting wrongs and injustices. This is what happened in the Netherlands.
Phyllis Bowman of Right to Life, a British group opposed to euthanasia, said she saw pro-euthanasia campaigners picketing Dutch hospices. ‘People were marching round the building shouting and roaring and were screaming that the hospice was denying people their right to die,’ she said.
‘The pro-euthanasia campaigners set out to smash the hospice movement. People can no longer get palliative care when they need it – they just get an injection.’
She said it was so bad that Amsterdam, with a population of 1.2 million, now has just two tiny hospices. Doctors in the Netherlands have immunity from prosecution if they help to kill patients over the age of 12 who are suffering from ‘unbearable’ pain from incurable illnesses or who repeatedly request euthanasia.
But, of course, the system is open to manipulation. It has been claimed there have been thousands of cases of involuntary euthanasia since the law was introduced and dozens of killings of disabled new born babies.
Patients are normally killed by administering a strong sedative that puts the patient in a coma, followed by a drug to stop breathing, and this is happening to more and more people every year. Assisted deaths in the Netherlands have increased from 1,626 in 2003 to 2,331 in 2008.
As Dr Peter Saunders, from the UK group, Care Not Killing Alliance, said: ‘If you introduce guidelines that help people to avoid prosecution then you will get a huge escalation of cases.’
We are seeing the stepping-stones appearing in many countries for the introduction of Netherlands-type euthanasia laws. Quebec in Canada is now holding ‘roving public consultations’ on the question of euthanasia. The national assembly’s standing committee on health and social services is hearing from ‘experts’ and preparing a consultation document.
Keir Starmer, the UK’s Director of Public Prosecutions, was asked to ‘clarify’ when someone would be prosecuted for assisting suicide and in September he said that prosecution was likely if the ‘victim’ was under 18, had a mental illness or was in good physical health. Anyone involved in more than one case or those paid to do it would also be prosecuted, he said.
But that leaves a wide open door with prosecution unlikely if the person has a ‘grave’ illness or disability and the killer is a close friend or helper motivated by compassion. This is just asking to be abused and it is another step on the road to legalised euthanasia and, the long-term goal, forced euthanasia.
I can see the case of assisted suicide for those in great pain with no hope of recovery, but that is not the motivation for the force that is covertly pressing the euthanasia agenda and we need to be aware of that.
They don’t say ‘we are going to invade Iraq because we want to takeover the country for our own ends’. They say there are weapons of mass destruction that threaten the world and they have to be removed.
In the same way, they don’t say we want to introduce euthanasia or death ‘pathways’ to kill as many old people as we can’. They say we want to do it for compassionate reasons.
So many facets of the Control System have been sold to the public in benevolent terms when a malevolent agenda lie behind them. Euthanasia is another.