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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The author of this impassioned plea for nutritional strategies instead of pharmaceutical ones is right on target in my opinion. As a psychiatrist practicing drug free psychiatry and medicine for nearly 40 years, I have skepticism and scorn for psychiatry as a bogus diagnostic system designed to “pathologize” everyone, from as early as possible, for the purpose of making sure that everyone can be drugged. Psychiatrists are not usually aware of this motivation and corruption, but their education, and their mindless acquiescence in the nonsense drummed into them that they follow, regardless of the inherent contradictions in the information they are given make the good that lies within psychiatry – and psychiatrists – close to invisible.
Just say “NO!” to psychiatric drugs, “No, no, no!” and keep on saying “NO!” Find an orthomolecular (literally, correct molecules) physician or psychiatrist at or an organization like The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, hppt://, check out a page like, contact the Pfeiffer Treatment Center, or other reputable treatment options for yourself or a loved one.
Mental illness is painful and can distort and disorder lives. I do not agree that it does not exist. But I do agree with the author that one of the key ingredients to solving the problem of mental illness is nutritional therapy. Other highly useful tools include BeuroBioFeedback to literally help the brain learn better patterns of neuronal communication through feedback techniques, detoxification to eliminate neurological and physiologoical poisons, dietary strategies to eliminate foods that precipitate aberrant brain function, neutralization for allergies, herbal and acupuncture treatments. And careful, skilled listening, a much undervalued, much underused tool in effectively dealing with mental health issues.
Psychiatric drugs are a shameful sham, in my opinion, purveyed through corruption and propaganda reaching into virtually every medical journal, most clinical studies and the halls of every medical school. The FDA is, in effect, regulated by the regulated industries and you, the consumer/patient/person impacted by their decisions and deceit are at risk. Children, especially, should never, that is never, in my opinion, be exposed to psychiatric medications. We simply do not know enough about their impact on the developing nervous system to say that these dangerous and toxic substances are even remotely close to “safe” for children. There is no excuse for their use which can possibly justify it and other alternatives always, at least in the course of my long experience, exist which are safer and more effective.
And psychoactive medications carry the risk of suicide and homicide with them. Every, that is every, school shooting, and many tragic disasters outside of schools, involves psychoactive drugs either being taken by the shooter/slayer or being withdrawn from by the shooter/slayer. Psycoactive drugs are a danger to society.
Just Say “NO” and find a better option. They are out there. Maybe that’s the real reason we have the internet!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Truth About Mental Illness…
What I’m about to state may seem incredible and unbelievable. The truth is, there is no such thing as MENTAL illness!!! Mental illness is mostly the manifestation of the human mind going awry due to the assault on it by our empty, polluted and highly toxic food! Note, lest I be misquoted, I said ‘mostly’, you see, the other causative factors like stress, are not anywhere near as important as the polluted, toxic and empty food that we ingest.
Introduction: “He is a schizophrenic, she’s bipolar. She’s on Prozac… her child is on Ritalin…, he has ADHD/ADD…†I’m sure that most of you have heard such whisperings…, and these statements are whispered as if a great plague has descended upon people who are schizophrenic or bipolar or ADHD/ADD. People who suffer from these conditions are looked upon as if they’re mentally ill or insane or mad or all three! The question I want to ask and answer tonight, is this:
Is the condition of being schizophrenic or bipolar or ADHD/ADD or depressed psychological or is it physical in nature, and what kind of protocol if any would heal people who suffer from these conditions?
Each of us has innate biochemical factors which influence mental health, immune function, allergic tendencies, and more. Scientists tell us that the number of different genetic combinations possible in a child from the same two parents exceeds forty-two million. Except for identical twins, each human being has unique biochemistry resulting in quite diverse nutritional needs. Shakespeare was correct when he wrote, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” For example, some of us are genetically suited for a vegetable-based diet and others are not. Some people can satisfy their nutritional needs by programme A, whilst others for the same condition must be on programme B to overcome genetic aberrations. This is a big key in healing my friends, what will work for one, will not necessarily work for another. Because of genetic differences in the way our bodies process foods, most of us are quite deficient in certain nutrients and overloaded in others. Even with an ideal diet, which is almost impossible these days, most of us have certain nutrients that are at very low levels causing us to require many times the Recommended Daily Allowance to achieve a healthy balance.
As we progress in the new millennium, the medical and scientific communities agree on the tremendous influence of neurotransmitters like Serotonin on behavior disorders like “ADHD” (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), depression, and “schizophrenia”, bipolar disorder, etc., etc. People can have a predisposition for these problems due to genetically aberrant levels of specific neurotransmitters. Our mental health is hugely dependent upon having the proper amount of these critical brain chemicals. Some psychiatrists express their scorn for nutrient therapies, claiming that they are too puny to have any real clinical potency. They often say, “You really need a drug to get the job done for a serious condition like depression.”
My favorite response begins by asking the question, “Where do our neurotransmitters come from?” The brain is a chemical factory that produces serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and other brain chemicals 24 hours a day. The only raw materials for their syntheses are nutrients, namely, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. If the brain receives improper amounts of these nutrient building blocks, we can expect serious problems with our neurotransmitters.
For example, some depression patients have a genetic pyrrole disorder which render them grossly depleted in vitamin B-6. A pyrrole is a basic chemical structure that is used in the formation of heme, which makes blood red. Pyrroles bind with vitamin B6 and then with zinc, thus depleting these nutrients. These individuals cannot efficiently create serotonin (a neurotransmitter) since B-6 is an important factor in the last step of its synthesis. Do you understand this my friends? If you want to understand the reason for mental illness, you have to understand this, that:
The brain is a chemical factory that produces serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and other brain chemicals 24 hours a day. The only raw materials for their syntheses are nutrients, namely, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. If the brain receives improper amounts of these nutrient building blocks, we can expect serious problems with our neurotransmitters.
Many people who suffer from depression appear to benefit from Prozac (c), Paxil (c), Zoloft (c), or other serotonin-enhancing medications. However, as with all mind-altering drugs, horrendous side effects occur and the true cause of the mental difficulties remains uncorrected. Similar – and more healthful – benefits can be achieved by simply giving these people sufficient amounts of B-6 along with supporting nutrients.
“Most neurotransmitter problems appear to be genetic in nature and involve abnormal absorption, metabolism, or storage of key nutrients. As neuroscience advances, biochemical treatments to correct brain chemistry become better defined. Nutrient therapy can be very potent and does not involve side effects, since no molecules foreign to the body are needed. This therapeutic approach may eventually eliminate the need for most psychiatric medications. The Pfeiffer Treatment Center has amassed a large database of biochemical information from more than 10,000 patients with mental health problems. Examination of this data shows that most of these persons have striking abnormalities in specific nutrients required for neurotransmitter production.†Extracted from: ‘The Critical Role of Nutrients in Severe Mental Symptoms’ by William Walsh, Ph.D. Senior Scientist, Health Research Institute and Pfeiffer Treatment Center, 1804 Centre Point Circle, Suite 102. Naperville, IL 60563
The Pfeiffer Treatment Center, in Naperville, IL. is world famous for it’s outstanding contribution to curing mental illness, my friends, and the message fro that center, as I just read to you is loud and clear, when our brain has the necessary nutrients, mental illness disappears, so, we see that so-called ‘mental’ illness is not mental at all but physical in nature.
Now, what I’m about to expose to you next, is not for the weak of heart, so get ready for some horrible facts.
As reveals, in 2005, Massachusetts General Hospital conducted an 8-week trial study that recruited children as young as four years old to be drugged and monitored, including having their blood drawn, to see if their tiny four-year-old bodies would tolerate a powerful psychotropic drug called Seroquel.
The following quote is extracted from
[This is an 8-week open-label study aimed at assessing the effectiveness and tolerability of Quetiapine (c), in the treatment of preschool children aged 4 to 6 years with bipolar and bipolar spectrum disorder. This is an exploratory, pilot study, seeking to determine whether Quetiapine (c) is efficacious and well tolerated in the treatment of preschoolers with pediatric bipolar and bipolar spectrum disorder in this age group.
Ages Eligible for Study:4 Years – 6 Years, Genders Eligible for Study: Both
Subject must be able to participate in mandatory blood draws.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, United States; Recruiting
Joseph Biederman, MD, Principal Investigator ]
In my view, this exploitation of young children for drug testing amounts to nothing less than crimes against humanity, these people should be tried as international criminals of the worst kind and as demented child abusers. What possible medical justification could these doctors, hospital staff and drug pushers have for prescribing mind-altering drugs to four-year-olds? Even the “disease” being treated here is entirely fictional. So-called “bi-polar disorder” was wholly invented by psychiatrists with strong financial ties to drug companies. The purpose of this disease is not to help children, but to sell drugs to anyone and everyone, including toddlers. I often wonder when the world will wake up and notice that the mass-drugging of our children has gone too way, way too far. Why isn’t the mainstream media giving this front-page coverage? Why aren’t lawmakers demanding an end to the chemical abuse of our children? Why isn’t the FDA halting these trials on toddlers out of plain decency?
You already know the answer: Because they’re all making money from this chemical assault on our children. The doctors, hospitals, drug companies, psychiatrists and mainstream media all profit handsomely from the sales of mind-altering drugs to children. Ethics will never get in the way of old-fashioned greed, even when we’re talking about the health and lives of four-year-olds. Modern psychiatry, with all its false authority, drugging of children and rampant disease mongering, is an affront to all people who believe in honest medical science and basic human decency. Armed with the DSM-IV, on-the-take psychiatrists invent diseases out of thin air (like “bi-polar disorder”), then vote official treatment protocols into the reference books. Yet a recent review of such decision panels reveals that one hundred percent of the psychiatrists and doctors involved in such decisions have financial ties to the drug companies that coincidentally happen to manufacture the recommended drugs.
Now, let me remind you of the facts about so-called ‘mental illness’ as outlined by Natural medicine clinics like the Pfeiffer Treatment Center, in Naperville, IL. Clinics like these with databases exceeding 10,000 clients have irrefutably proven that NATURAL MEDICINE WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS ROUTINELY HEALS MENTAL ILLNESS, HOW COME, THEN, THESE CRIMINAL EXPERIMENTS, SANCTIONED BY GOVERNMENTS AND SO-CALLED MEN OF SCIENCE? This is a life-threatening scandal of such proportion that it deserves a World Court investigation, complete with criminal charges being brought against many of these so-called “doctors.” To characterize this as a crime against humanity is not an exaggeration.
Let’s face it: Modern psychiatry and its incessant disease mongering amounts to quackery at its worst. This group both invents the diseases, then hawks the ‘snake oil’ that “treats” those diseases. Many so-called ‘mental’ diseases can be diagnosed in children on a whim, based on a mere sixty seconds of casual observation combined with the biased opinion of a drug-pushing psychiatrist being bribed by Big Pharma.
This is not medicine, folks. And it’s certainly not science. It’s just plain medical fraud. Yet the whole of conventional medicine goes along with it, pretending that nothing is amiss. Doctors, hospitals, FDA bureaucrats, teachers and even many parents just pretend that all these mysterious brain chemistry diseases have spontaneously appeared in the world over the last ten years, suddenly afflicting tens of millions of children. And thank goodness the drug companies just happened to have invented all these treatment drugs at the exact same moment in history when these psychiatric diseases became so widespread! Imagine the odds…
Where are the skeptics on this issue? Where are the quack busters on the drugging of our children? The silence is deafening. They have nothing to say about the lack of science behind psychiatric disease mongering. They aren’t skeptical at all. Clear thinking, it seems, isn’t allowed when the conclusions might question the institutions of modern medicine. And thus, the skeptics reveal themselves as little more than purveyors of medical dogma; protectors of a drug-the-children medical cult that demands unquestioning obedience to its profit-minded beliefs.
Good science has long since left psychiatry, my friends. And if you want to know the true, horrifying history of the mental health industry, visit the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights. Prepare to be shocked.
Psychiatry believes there is no child too young to diagnose as having psychiatric disorders. There’s no end to the evil that psychiatry might do in the years ahead. As long as society continues to give psychiatrists carte blanche to invent fictitious diseases, there is no human behavior, emotion or condition that’s safe from being labeled a pathology. So-called “adult ADHD screening tests” label a whopping 80 percent of participants with the disease. Behavioral disorders screenings for children demonstrate similar numbers. And the things that can get you labeled as “diseased” are all too mundane: Feeling overwhelmed, feeling distracted by modern life, handling too many projects at once, being afraid of public speaking, feeling shy in social situations… gee, is there anyone who doesn’t experience these sooner or later?
A couple of decades ago, psychiatry started drugging teens with antidepressant drugs. Then they attacked younger schoolchildren with Ritalin. Now they’re targeting preschoolers, and the trend is clear: Children will soon be “born psychotic” if psychiatry has anything to do with it.
Years ago, the giant soda companies handed out baby bottles emblazoned with the logos of their flagship soft drink products. The idea was to get mothers to feed their infants soda instead of infant formula, thereby altering the taste of the infant for life, creating a lifelong consumer of soft drinks. When we first uncovered this disturbing report, we thought it was perhaps the most evil thing a corporation could do to the health of infants. But now, psychiatry takes the prize. Using four-year-olds as guinea pigs to test psychotropic drugs is more than merely unethical; it’s predatory. It’s Nazi-esque in its use of human beings for medical experiments, and yet it remains strangely acceptable across society. Child Protective Services does nothing. Hospitals gladly run the trials (they get paid, of course). Psychiatrists and doctors happily drug these children, observe them, then draw their blood, all in the name of corporate profits. And thus, they all join the long and sordid history of human medical experimentation that demonstrates ethics, or human lives, or plain decency will never get in the way of the forward march of medicine.
Now, in life we need balance. There are a handful of doctors, not many, but there are a handful of doctors, authors, organizations and celebrities that dare tell the truth on this issue, and they are singled out for incessant ridicule. Take Tom Cruise, for example. Although he speaks the truth about the drugging of children, he is endlessly dragged through the mud of public opinion simply because he expresses authentic passion for ending this chemical child abuse. Cruise should be applauded for his efforts, not ridiculed.
When it comes to mental health, there is one group of people that truly needs to be drugged: Those who run and own the huge multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical companies and anyone who peddles their filth. Because to encourage and support the mass drugging of toddlers and schoolchildren, is to demonstrate a deep-rooted madness that definitely justifies chemical restraint. To drug toddlers, or to use them for medical experiments, should be rightly regarded as a crime. And there’s no question whatsoever that the children of our nation would be safer, healthier and happier if the practice of modern psychiatry simply disappeared.
Besides, the real cause of depression, mood swings, emotional disorders or other so-called “diseases” mostly comes down to polluted food. Remove the food additives and refined sugars from a child’s diet, and he returns to normal in about two weeks. Feed children healthy oils, live foods, whole grains and super-foods, along with NATURAL MEDICINE and you automatically create energetic, curious, fast-learning children who need no drugs. Give children some sunshine, play time and some time with nature, and you get balanced, healthy children. It’s no secret, it’s just common sense. But psychiatry has no common sense, and no one in the industry dares mention that most so-called mental disorders are really just caused by nutritional imbalances, AS I HAVE SHOWN YOU TONITE BY QUOTING THE EXPERTS, MY FRIENDS. Because to admit to the truth about the mental health of children would be to render their careers irrelevant. And no psychiatrist is going to commit career suicide by admitting that bi-polar disorder was just made up, or that toddlers need good food and natural medicine, not expensive drugs. Just like conventional doctors, psychiatrists have to protect their egos and revenue streams, and that means convincing parents that little Johnny has a brain chemistry imbalance and he’ll have to take psychotropic drugs for life. The parents, as gullible as ever, naively go along with the scam, usually after being frightened into compliance by a psychiatrist who warns them what might happy to little Johnny if they don’t drug him. “He might commit suicide,” they’re sternly warned. Will the scams of modern medicine never cease? Is there no child too young to be targeted for medical experiments? Will the sinister desire for Big Pharma profits ever be balanced against basic human decency? I don’t know… Big money and governments have indeed, gone mad. And psychiatry is standing by, ready to drug everyone, regardless of their age or mental health status.
Holistic Healing South Africa