If We continue to Push Back!
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™ –
The various attempts by Big AgraBiz and DC Politicians to force the fake “food safety” bill, actually the food control bill, through the Congress is failing because hundreds of thousands of messges are flooding the “lame-duck” Congress from citizens demanding: Don’t Adopt Any Bill that Includes S.510!
The counterpoint rumor is that Sen. Harry Reid is desperate to add S.510 into one of several more bills that may reach the floor of the Senate before adjourning for the Holidays…
New Action Item: Support Simple C.R.
From the Senate Calendar: “Thursday, Dec 16, 2010 – The Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and adjourned at 8:36 p.m. No record votes were taken.”
From Breitbart: “Democrats controlling the Senate have abandoned a 1,924-page catchall spending measure that’s laced with homestate pet projects known as earmarks and that would have provided another $158 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan”
“Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) touts his one-page continuing resolution that would “simply continue the government through February 18th.”
From RealClearPolitics: “I would hope that it would make sense on a bipartisan basis, this one-page continuing resolution on Feb 18th as an alternative to this 2,000-page monstrosity that spends a half a billion dollars a page,” McConnell said on the Senate floor.”
Congratulations Mouse Warriors!
This message from Health Freedom USA’s President, Gen. Stubblebine: “The smell of victory is in the air… we must encourage the faint-of-heart Senators to persevere. And get ready to blast ‘em if they turn-tail to run! By the end of any battle, both sides are exhausted, but the side that perseveres just a little longer… wins! That is where we are now, and that is why massive Push Back is more important now than before! We are flooding the Congress with a clear message: No New Programs in the Continuing Resolution; Strip S.510 out of any funding bill! Keep at it! Victory is within our reach. Keep pressing forward while you recruit your contacts to act with you now!”
Health Freedom USA
Dr. Rima Reports: Sunday 9 to Noon, Central