Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedomâ„¢ –
Action Item Updated:
For those of you who didn’t follow Wednesday’s events on Twitter or C-Span, the House lame-duck “leadership” pushed the “Food Safety” Bill, formerly known as S.510 into the “Continuing Resolution” Funding Bill to keep the Federal Govt running for another year, passing this Hot Potato to Senate again.
It is apparent how important this fake “food safety” bill is to The Powers That Be — it is very unusual to attach a major regulatory initiative to the Continuing Resolution.
The House vote appears to have been 212 to 206, with no Republicans voting for the bill. The next step is to continue inundating the Senate with voter outrage.
1. It is bad legislative practice to combine a controversial regulatory bill with the Continuing Resolution needed to fund govt activities.
2. It is unprincipled to push this bill against the clear will of the voters that the Federal govt is too big and must stop over-regulating.
3. A clean Continuing Resolution is needed so that Congress can decide to continue funding at a certain level without muddying the process with extraneous matters.
4. The vote was nearly a pure partisan vote, with no Republicans in favor of this maneuver, and only a few Democrats standing against the lame-duck “leadership.” We will remember!
5. The People will keep a close eye on all GOP Senators and expect them to act from principle and not add this budget-busting bill, with its 4,000 new FDA agents to harass local food production and distribution.
We were “on the Hill” today to let our friends in Congress know that “CAM” health care practices (what we prefer to all “Complementary and Advanced Modalities”) need to have a voice in the debate over health care and to re-enforce our opposition to S.510, the fake food safety bill.
We agree with Congressman Paul (who we also saw today) that it is bad legislative process to tack a a very controversial regulatory bill to the Continuing Resolution needed to fund govt activities.
This bill will impact dietary supplements. That is clear from the way the FDA used section 301(11) of the 2007 FDA “enabling act” to outlaw a form of Vitamin B-6, although Congress put a clause in that bill “exempting” DSHEA products.
FDA will use any new food authority to attack supplements and natural remedies, just as it used its enhanced powers under the 2007 FDA “enabling act” to ban the interstate sale of a form of Vitamin B-6.
Please help us stop S.510 as a tack-on to HR 3082.
Action Item Updated:
Ron Paul, me and some of our Heroes…