Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™ –
This web page records the First Annual GallaLuna event, held December 11, 2010.
2 Raffles for Organic Goody Baskets were provided to support Clean Food For Chiriqui Project.

May we have the pleasure of your company at the GallaLuna Arts Fair?
We have 16 Chiriqui artists and artisans offering paintings, woodcarving, jewelry, dressmaking, textile crafts, ceramics, painted silk, tiles, leather work and more. Each hour a singer, dancer, troupe of dancers, band, guitarist or other musical treat will be available for your pleasure.
Of course, the wonderful BeyondOrganic™ food that Valley of the Moon is becoming so well known will be available both for fine dining and for hand-held snacks (including our signature chocolate cake, certified organic popcorn, cookies, fresh juices, etc.) If your pleasure runs to fine dining, we offer a luscious a la cart buffet with vegetarian and non vegetarian entrees, salads, soups, desserts and, of course, our own Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic coffee plus organic teas.
Roster of artists and artisans includes –
Jose de la CRUZ, better known as Arte Cruz, the world famous wood carver.
Enrique QUNITERO, Arte’s first teacher and a master woodcarver
Ofelia ADAMES, with her own jewelry to delight you and your gift recipients this holiday season
Rosa SANCHEZ, bringing sophisticated ethnic jewelry from Niger and elsewhere – I personally own a lot of her wonderful pieces!
Patsy UNDERHILL, THE RHINESTONE COWGIRL, brings her wonderful, whimsical and delightful costume jewelry to brighten any outfit and any day
Rebecca de MURILLO, who studied her fabric art in Panama City at a special 6 month program creates whimsy and sparkle with her charming pieces
Eca Patrica ADAMES, a Professor of Crafts and Handwork, brings her wonderful pieces to decorate your home and give as remarkable gifts
Idiana ARROCHA, offers local crafts with a difference. This is another wonderful source of unique gifts that you won’t want to miss.
Andrei GONZALES is a master painter whose work we are honored to show you.
Virgillio CASTILLO, brings work which will simply take your breath away with its passion, simplicity and grace
Lourdes de HILS, a local lady whose lovely paintings exude grace and direct beauty
Walter VILLARREAL, is not yet 20 years old, but his beautiful paintings will charm your heart and take your breath away.
Manuel MONTILLA, an experienced and talented Chiricano, is another painter we are honored to have with us to share his talent
Jane Oliverira de Russo, creates ceramics and tiles (Tejas) of note
Elturina MORANTE, another ceramic and Tile artist joins us for GalaLuna, honoring us with her art
Katherine Espionage de MIGUEL, shares her wallets and other items perfect for souvenirs and lasting gifts
Our Artists, who perform every hour on the hour on our stage, include –
Luis ZAPATA, Singer
Alejandra RAMIREZ, Singer and Guitarist
A Troupe of Tipico and Congo Teenage Dancers
The California School Tipico Dance Troupe
Flavio IBARGUEN and his Dance Academy who will perform several different demonstration dances during the afternoon
We will be joined by other singers, dancers and performers throughout the day.
If you like what you hear you can sign up for lessons with the singers and dancers, musicians and performers you enjoyed most. Sign up sheets will be available.
At the Natural Solutions Center
Volcan, Chiriqui Province, Republic of Panama
Here are the directions to the Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic Restaurant and Cafe: Follow the signs and PLEASE, PARK NOSE IN SO THAT THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PEOPLE CAN PARK ALONG SIDE YOU. THANKS!
From Boquete or Conception: Come up the road to Volcan (the Via Vulcan). When you see Cabanas Reis on your left side, start looking for a round, brown building on your left. Make the left turn there.
From the center of Volcan: When you see the round, brown building on your right, make a left turn there.
Now that you have made that turn from either direction:
In one block you will see a white wall in front of you. You must turn right or left. Turn Right, and make an immediate Left (you will be following the corner of the wall around to the left). Continue to follow the wall, going STRAIGHT (DO NOT TAKE THE ROAD THAT GOES OFF TO THE RIGHT) and look for a large building with a thatched-roof patio on your left – 7 houses down. Please park in front of the building (nose in, please) and come on in!