[April Fools’ Day Satire]

Agenda 1 eBook
Filed: April 1, 2013
United States Court of Public Opinion
In the Matter of FDA Regulations
To the Honorable Jury of the Court of Public Opinion: the People of the United States.
Now comes Counsel Ignoramus D. Pettifogg, Esq. representing the Foods are Drugs Administration (FDA), seeking a Permanent Injunction and Declaratory Judgment of Carte Blanch from the Court, allowing the Fraud and Death Administration to do whatever it will do when claiming to act in “the public interest” for the benefit of its primary source of revenue, Pharmaceutical Company fees.
Plea for Exceptions to Constitution
POINT ONE: Writ of Replacement of Rights
POINT TWO: Agency Administration of Illness Control
POINT THREE: First Amendment No Guarantee
POINT FOUR: Food Control is People Control
Prayer for Relief
Certifying dangerous drug manufacturing facilities as “clean”, and approving the “Good Manufacturing Processes” or GNPs of filthy facilities assures that collateral damage will aid and abet the already massive profits of the genocidal globalist cronies controlling the pharmaceutical industry.
Anti-Constitutional suppression of free speech and the free flow of information about both drug and vaccine dangers, and the massive benefits of supplements, herbs, detoxification and other natural remedies and strategies, is essential to perpetuate the useful myths of drug and vaccine safety and effectiveness, coupled with loudly proclaimed, alleged, dangers and ineffectiveness of natural approaches to wellness.
These inversions, which present drugs and vaccines as positive while natural health care is demonized, are, in and of themselves, responsible for a massive forward march in profitability for our real employers, the Pharmaceutical Phascists, while weakening both the public trust and the public access to the single greatest economic competitor to drugs and vaccines – natural health care.
Without such consistent and persistent demonization, supported by book burnings, illegal labeling and claim restrictions, vicious court and FDA Marshall/Thug actions, Medical Journal propaganda and congressional intimidation and lobbying, the potentially catastrophic undermining of the profit and genocidal consequences of allopathic medicine could be deeply threatened and perhaps eliminated altogether. Truthful and not misleading speech about natural health must not be allowed!
The Fear and Dearth Administration has, single-handedly and courageously, abrogated both US law and common sense objections and virtually eliminated conflict of interest as a bar to regulatory decisions which further the drug/vaccine/genocide bottom line. Highly compromised “scientists” are encouraged to approve their own products, while dangers inherent in such potent chemical antagonists are suppressed to allow the use of drugs and vaccines known to be lethal. While over half of all FDA-approved drugs are removed from the market, or have their indications restricted, within five years of approval, the Court should not assume this means the FDA is failing to assure “safe and effective drugs” as the Agency is tasked with making sure regulated Drug Companies remain profitable.
In fact, lethality is not frequently a bar to the use of drugs, vaccines, adjuvants, contaminants and other frequent drug components and may even, within those inner circles who guide the profit pogrom so successfully, be considered an added benefit. This is not a matter for the Court of Public Opinion to consider, as it is the Agency that determines who lives and who dies.
After all, properly used drugs, to say nothing of vaccines, are, according to the complicit and helpful American Medical Association, the leading cause of death in the United States. A blue ribbon parliamentary investigation by our cousins across the pond in the UK tells us that they, too, have achieved the same stellar results. The Global Depopulation Agenda 21 is at the heart of our Mission.
Consider how well administered this Agency is in order to accomplish its objectives: honorable and honest scientists working there are routinely censured and punished administratively and otherwise for objecting to the agenda of the higher-ups, which, of course, they are not privy to, lest they become whistle-blowers. Those who do, are, of course, ruthlessly, and extra-legally, attacked at every level, thus keeping those who remain in the Agency, in line and suitably cowed.
But even when, as HHS Secretary Sibelius testified to Congress in 2009 during our manufactured “Swine Flu Vaccine” panic, Agency scientists “would not sign-off” on the use of deathly, injectible Squaline as a vaccine “adjuvant” the Agency’s mentors in the White House declared a National Health Emergency so scientific approval, or even safety testing, was not necessary. This honorable Court is not permitted to question the Declarations of Our Dear Leader, Occupant-in-Chief of the White House. He knows his place, naming virtually all his health related appointments from Big Pharma and Big Ag Biz.
The regulation of “food,” including the irrational permissiveness and laxity shown to Big Ag Biz food contaminants (such as the renal toxin melamine, which is now permitted in milk and milk products at a wonderfully genocidal 1% simply because this intentionally- introduced milk contaminant is convenient for the Chinese dairy industry to use as a profit enhancer) creates a mist of reverence and trust for regulated factory food which is totally unjustified. At the same time, the Agency continues its campaign against risks to Big Ag Biz profits such as organic, lower radiation or home-grown foods, or, we shudder to add, Raw Milk.
Because that hazy mist of trust exists, and is carefully nurtured, the US food supply has become the deadliest on the planet. While producing its own wildly profitable picture for the Big Ag Biz companies who grow PHUDE (looks a bit like food; may even taste a bit like food, but it’s not!) using agrochemicals and irradiating the food, all at an amazingly high self-dealing profit, the diet of the average US eater is literally killing him or her. Which is a large part of the point. Patriotic Americans, especially useless eaters such as Baby Boomers, need to do their part and just die faster. That will solve so many of the problems our Intervene Everywhere programs have not solved.
Of course, the skill and elegance of the disinformation which the FDA continually spews forth is a testament to the midnight oil and emotional commitment which the leaders of this unfailingly corporate-friendly agency demonstrates. The Agency has made it clear in case after case that Americans do not have a right to truthful and not misleading information about wholesome food. There is no Constitutional Right, the Agency and its lawyers from the Department of (sic) Justice, have repeatedly asserted, to choose what you put into your own body. The Thirteenth Amendment does not apply to criminals, and all non-govt persons are deemed, by the Agency and its controllers, to be potential criminals, seeking to use nutrition illegally to cure, prevent or mitigate FDA recognized diseases.
Making food denigration a priority, the FDA has created a brilliant playing field on which the food it regulates does not promote or protect health at the biochemical and toxicological level but generates fantastic amounts of money for corporations. The poor quality of the food then necessitates the use of treatment for the diseases produced. With natural medicine shoved aside and, as it were, locked in a closet, the road is clear for what then becomes the only logical option: drugs and vaccines.
The strategy is brilliant, the implementation is flawless and the needs of the Uber Cartel is perfectly served: deep profits and depopulation.
To recap, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, the same companies who are merchants of drugs and vaccines are merchants of the agro-chemicals and synthetic fertilizers used to grow the food that makes people sicker younger and longer, and which kills them after long and gold-producing illnesses. Those same companies modify the food (creating GMOs) which are so dangerous that even the FDA admits that the public would reject them wholesale if they knew what they were eating that is genetically modified. Those modifications are, in essence, a global experiment with all lives and our genes. But, after all, that is only a bad thing if the Agenda is to keep people healthy and alive.
Since the underlying agenda is just the opposite, you must admit, Ladies and Gentlemen, that their position on GMOs, like their position on drugs and vaccines is, from the point of view of deep profits and depopulation, exquisite. And not explicitly forbidden by Congress.
Weak-kneed and lily-livered oppositionists, organic food nuts, raw milk crazies, vaccine refusers and the like, will ask whether, and why, the Agency wants to see the American population increasingly sick and dying. They, like half of the US population, need to be on psychiatric mood and thought altering drugs, to supplement their daily doses of neurotoxin fluoride. Now that’s the type of supplementation the Agency can support.
Despite their profound dangers, these drugs are, first and foremost, enormously profitable in part because they are, contrary to deceptive advertising, allowed by the Fraud and Death Administration, after all, addictive and so destructive that drug after drug must be added to the regimen of the patient, and once they are started on psychiatric medicines to offset the “side effects” of polypharmacy, the downward spiral is guaranteed.
Not only that, but they cause such pervasive damage that the treated individual may never recover full function, even if they do manage to resist the homicidal and suicidal urges inherent in this class of drugs or even stop taking them altogether. Their revolutionary potential (or even activist impulses) are quashed in most cases since the very chemicals of personality and experience are distorted by the use of these drugs and may never recover. Yes, a properly drugged population is a docile population, assuring social peace through complete disassociation.
The brilliant extension of these drugs to the very young pediatric population, coupled with ever increasing numbers of vaccinations delivered before birth and early and often thereafter, and fluoridated water, has delivered to the globalist elite a complacent and vulnerable profit stream which, without the collaboration of the FDA and its officials, would be difficult to imagine. So, I say to you, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, that this organization, this powerful regulatory system now seeking additional powers, yet again, through the complicity of a Congress, which knows where its duty lies, since it is loyal to its contributors to an astonishingly satisfying degree, this organization which holds so much power and offers so much benefit to so few, but to such a powerful few, should be praised by the small, weak, vulnerable and disposable — by you, in other words.
Guided by United Nations Agenda 21, the Agency is ready to do its part to solve the population problem. Will the Court of Public Opinion not fall in lock-step behind the Agency in this Nobel Crusade? Hasn’t our President done his share by appointing only corporate cronies to all important Agency positions?
Without this regulatory organization, who would cover the fact that factory food is toxic, and continue making it more so? Who would persist in the scientific fiction that toxins injected into the bloodstream of babies and children could be good for them and insist on ever more vaccine and drug injections? Yes! Psychiatric drugs for little kids! It’s all the rage!
Who but this organization could ignore constitutional and legislative restrictions on its power with such élan and breath-taking, flagrant disregard for the rule of law, using legal, but unlawful, as well as blatantly illegal tools against truth and freedom?
What other organization could present to a US Federal Judge the position, seriously uttered in a formal brief, that persons in the US have no right to choose the food they wish to eat, nor to know what is in that food?
What other official body could presume to allow aspartame and other known toxins, unlabeled, in the foods that children take into their bodies in huge quantities (along with hugely elevated count of pus-cells from the chronic diseases that rBGH-treated cattle regularly experience) while adding materials to food and feed that other countries have banned outright or banned after experience with them?
No, Ladies and Gentlemen, while the list of audacious departures from the expected bounds of safety and protection which we might think are the purpose of the FDA is enormous beyond counting, in truth their purpose is none other than to serve the genocidal and economic agendas of the major multinational organizations and the nations, legislators, elected and appointed officials who serve them.
And serve them they do, at every turn. The Agency is committed to business profit and depopulation efforts, hoping that the Globalist Elite will let them and their families survive the predicted “Great Culling.” With the support of the Court of Public Opinion, this fond hope of the bureaucrats may not be totally ignored by the Neo Aristocrats of the New World Order. Yes, Agency ciphers and place-servers can expect to get exactly what they deserve for so loyally serving the interests of the Eugenicidalists.
You know in your hearts that everywhere you look there is another genocidal, profit-enhancing decision touching your lives – and you know that each of them is courtesy of the Fraud and Death Administration.
So rather than condemning the FDA, Ladies and Gentlemen, rather than holding them up as a reviled, failed and deadly organization that ought to be abolished; rather than considering that this Agency is responsible directly and indirectly for more deaths in the last 100 years than all the wars that the US has ever fought combined, we should acknowledge those same deaths and destroyed lives as a triumph of regulatory efficiency in serving an agenda which, until recently has been known only to such a tiny number that it seemed insanely laughable and preposterous to everyone else!
The UN Agenda 21 global depopulation plan does not exist. I never said it did. If it did, the Agency would be in charge. If there were an elitist plan to depopulate the world, surely the Agency would take actions to implement it. Don’t go there, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury. You don’t need to think about that. Thinking can be painful, so don’t. Just let those who know best run your lives for you. Plenty of GMO corn syrup and fluoride will keep you, if not happy, at least docile.
Since you are sufficiently anesthetized, the truth can now be told: the few WILL, with the help of the FDA, destroy the many. And the FDA, whose numbers will also be reduced to a (excuse the expression) skeleton crew, will stand in history as a shining example of death of the many for the good of the few, in the same unhallowed halls of the history of genocide as IG Farben, Pol Pot, Mao Se Tung, Adolf Hitler and Kaser Wilhelm’s Children’s Killing Commission. Yes, a proud heritage of depopulation eugenics.
Ladies and Gentlemen, “Long Live, I say, Long Live Agenda 21!” And if you know what’s good for you, you’d better say it too. Will you be one of the few to be allowed to live and reproduce? Not if we can help it.
Therefore the Agency comes before the Court of Public Opinion demanding relief from Constitutional and Common Law restrictions on Agency intervention in local food production and distribution, local health care, and anything else we want to control. Your health, our way, for as long (or as short) as you may live!
Say it loud, say it proud: “I am a happy slave.”
Toadily submitted,
I.D. Pettifogg, Esq.
Natural Solutions Foundation
Agenda 1 eBook
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