Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports: Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Community
It has been a very busy couple of weeks since we returned to the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project, the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Headquarters Finca (farm) in the Highlands of Panama, from our Health Freedom USA 2010 War Council. I was way too jammed up with things I had to attend to in order to write to you all and tell you what is going on, but I am carving time out of a very, very busy day to share with you what is happening because it is so interesting and important.
General Bert and I were in the States for 3 weeks (willing to travel there only because your Push Back has – so far – managed to avert both an overt closing-down of society into a police state and mandatory H1N1 (or other) vaccination for all seeking to enter or leave the US.
As some of you may know from my interview with Gov. Jessie Ventura on his Conspiracy Theory show, mandatory vaccination is, in our opinion, still a very real threat. And yes, to answer the questions of some, I do see very serious threat to our freedoms or I would not be devoting my life, without pay, 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, to this work – nor would the other Foundation Trustees! So it is not a ‘victim consciousness’ which drives us, but a freedom awareness and a sense of deep and abiding empowerment. We know, as “Push Back” changes to “Take Down”, we are succeeding to a greater extent than our detractors imagine! See:
During that time, we actually did take a 6 day vacation and went Contra Dancing (Don’t know what it is? Google the term and then find a dance near you or go to for a basic description and then find a dance near you!)
Following that, we attended the Health Freedom USA 2010 Health Freedom War Council, Jan. 2,3, 2010, in New Jersey. That amazing information and potential-packed 2 day seminar will shortly, by the way, be available for download. If you missed it and you want to listen to the lectures and get the amazing ebook, please go to If you are interested in health freedom and science-based information about what is happening and what to do about it, you definitely need to attend this webinar,
We spent the next few days meeting with people who are interested in our Eco Demonstration Projects. One of the Joint Ventures which will function at the project has created a structure for Clinical Trials here in Panama to support the Wellness Industry in the US, EU and elsewhere — to help it defend itself from intended extinction (and I am not using these words lightly) by the US and international forces (represented in the US by FDA/EPA/FTC, the minions of the pharmaceutical industry, and internationally by such forces as Pharma-funded WHO, Codex Alimentarius, etc.). These trials will be conducted in Panama at the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project and will help the industry which provides us with the products and devices upon which we depend for natural health (e.g., supplements, herbs, energy devices, etc.) while contributing to the funding stream which will make the Project self-sustaining. See:
The Wellness and Seminar Center, here at the Headquarters Finca, is nearing completion and will provide an invaluable resource for us and for the community: There is not a single full-service Advanced medical center in Panama and, as the pressures against this type of health care (as opposed to Big Pharma’s disastrous and rationed illness un-care), this resource will become even more precious.
The kitchen is currently being finished so that we will be able to serve totally Beyond Organic meals, snacks and, of course VALLEY OF THE MOON COFFEE,, to guests and everyone else who values this kind of food. The chef? Our marvelous Gail Coba, whom some of you already know. What that means, of course, is that we will need people to replace many of the functions that Gail currently fulfills as Executive Director of the Valley of the Moon. One of the really nice things that happened yesterday is that we found someone who may do just that. Maciel is coming on board this coming Monday and is a highly accomplished young woman from this area who is fully bilingual (7 years in the US). She comes equipped with a lively mind and high level administrative skills – and cares passionately about food.
Today, Patrica, our Administrator (who was hired to be my Personal Assistant but whose skills and connections are so immense that she has morphed into our Panamanian Liaison and Administrator, leaving me without a Personal Assistant – hint, hint, hint!!!!) and I are going on a kitchen tour of the local restaurants with great kitchens made by the guy we have selected to do our stainless steel work. As with all our efforts, we seek to meet the “Songhai Principles” of Doing What We Do With Passion, Perfection and Profitability”. Our Beyond Organic Cafe will provide a showcase for natural products and procedures.
Today the tiles for that kitchen have been bought. It will, of course, double as a teaching kitchen. Oh, yes, Patricia arranged for approval of our restaurant and kitchen plans by the Board of Health and the Fire Department before we went ahead with construction. We had no idea that such approval was necessary … see what I mean about Patricia? The willingness of people like her from the community to work with us on our Goal of “discovering, developing, demonstrating, documenting and disseminating natural solutions” gives us great hope for the future.
Yesterday was a red letter day for Valley of the Moon in a number of ways. We went over to the Town of Boquete to investigate another source of organic produce (we have stunningly clean raw milk, by the way, and will begin the production of Valley of the Moon yogurt this week with flavors made from organic fruit and organic sugar cane sugar, Raspadura, made in precisely the same natural way that maple syrup is manufactured: extraction of the juice and hand stirring while the excess liquid is evaporated. The result is a cake of sweet, nutrient rich concentrated cane juice. Our Raspadura is grown in clean soil without any chemical inputs whatsoever and extracted in hand driven presses, then boiled in stainless steel vats, strained with leaves to clarify the liquid and formed in wooden molds into the sweet cakes that we use for baking, cooking and, now, yogurt flavoring!
Where are we going to sell it? Many places. Yesterday, we placed our Valley of the Moon Coffee in Organica, the store selling, guess what? Organic products, in Boquete. Our yogurt will go there next week!
Wait! There is more. In the very near future, you will be able to buy our coffee in the United States for $18.95 at by credit card, PayPal,, via the phone OR make a $25 dollar donation and get a tax refund for the total amount PLUS a 1/2 lb bag of our superb coffee. See:
Is our coffee organic? You bet it is, but it is not yet certified. We are in the process of having it certified right this very minute, as a matter of fact! I cannot tell you exactly when we can add that word to our labels and web site, but it is in the works and we are thrilled. We respect the serious consideration given to the “organic” label in Panama and look forward to that addition to our label.
While we were in Boquete we were warmly greeted by some folks who are on our mailing list. They asked us to come to lunch with them and give them an update on the state of Codex. We did so and forged a great alliance with them. They want to be part of our food chain. What does that mean?
Well, neither a restaurant nor a community, nor a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture, program in which people make an investment at the beginning of the growing season, sharing the risk with the farmer and then get a weekly delivery of goods during the harvest) can survive on coffee and yogurt alone, no matter how wonderful they are.
So this afternoon, after the kitchen tour, our Executive Committee (Bert, Gail, Patricia and I) will meet to discuss our plans for actually beginning to grow our food to our standards on land that we already control. To provide food which is truly Beyond Organic for the restaurant and our Community Supported Agriculture programs we must grow our own while we teach farmers how to meet our exacting standards, reclaim their soil, etc.
If you are thinking about coming with organic growing experience (and maybe some heirloom seeds…) in your pocket, now would be a very good time to share that with us! You would be most warmly welcomed, and given responsibility and opportunity to grow and to teach.
Tomorrow we will get 50 organically raised chicks. We will be creating a humane, clean and practical chicken production facility, grazing both milk cattle and beef and getting our seeds into the ground. Our only problem is that we have too many options and need to winnow them down!
We met last week with a group of “Gringos” (Expat North Americans and Europeans) in Panama City who want to work with us on the CSA project because they believe in what we are doing and because they want the food! So that makes Volcan, Boquete and Panama City as potential outlets for our Friendly Food Certified products. If you have the skills necessary to help make this happen, y’all come!
We are welcoming a potential participant tonight and will go to see the land that we would like to purchase for our community tomorrow. On Friday morning, he will visit the local International Baccalaureate k-12 school’s principal to see if that placement is right for his children.
We have already met with him and his delightful wife when we were in NJ for the Webinar and they would be wonderful additions to our community. We really hope they love it here!
Too funny, by the way: while Ralph and I did our weekly 2 hour radio show, the Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health, Your Way,, General Bert took our visitor to the hotel and had dinner with him. I learned when General Bert was on his way home that two men came up to him, introduced themselves and announced that they were looking for me because they had come to Panama to see the land and talk with us about becoming part of the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project. They are coming with us tomorrow to see the land! [We do prefer to hear from people in advance if they want to visit the VotM facilities.]
What truly impresses us are the level of natural-process skills the people interested in participating in the Project possess. We are truly honored that the Health Freedom community is responding so strongly to our effort to preserve and teach the natural skills and methods we all value.
There are several other people whom we met at the War Council event who we will be welcoming soon. Not only that, a participant, his wife and 3 pets are due next week in what we all believe is a permanent move here. He is an IT guy, she is a Certified Raw Chef!!!!!!! WOW! We look forward to their help developing the infrastructure for the Seminar (and Webinar) program we will be sponsoring from the Headquarters. We have a number of world-class experts in all areas of health and food ready to provide a superb educational program.
And, indeed, one of our brilliant friends: scholar, inventor, innovative nutritional provider and War Council presenter and his talented wife, are also coming into the project as full participants – and more, which we cannot talk about yet.
Following our meetings in NJ with potential Clinical Trial clients, we were about to come back to Panama immediately but, because of an opportunity to further the project in some remarkable ways, we changed our plans and went to Denver for a week.
There we met with, spent time with, and got a commitment from a remarkable man who has the potential to bring about large impact soil reclamation impacts with reduced effort.
He agreed to come to Panama to do a field test: we will select 5 farms at various altitudes which are highly contaminated with agricultural chemicals and do laboratory analysis on the quality of the soil, including the level of chemical contamination, the bacteria and other characteristics of the soil.
Following that, we will apply the technology he brings to the project to 1/2 of each of the 5 farms and re-analyze the soil. We will also document the crop growth characteristics on the treated and the untreated halves.
If the technologies prove useful, then we will offer to apply them to the entire country. This is potentially an experiment of global significance. But before we go forward with it on a large scale, we need, of course, to document the effects. I don’t know about you, but being part 0f this level of creative development and exploration is enormously gratifying and satisfying to the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation and everyone else who is involved in what we are doing.
Since dairy is very important here, we will also apply the technologies to 5 cows whose milk output and characteristics are already well document and use another 5 cows as controls. Their output, milk solids, bacterial count and other output characteristics will be carefully documented following this application.
You can assume, and you would be totally correct, that this technology is entirely without negative consequences for humans, animals and the environment. Precisely like the medicine I practice, if it can harm, we would not do it. If it can help, we will. That is why, under the Precautionary Principle, we cannot support the release of GMO “foods” onto the market.
Join us in telling your state and national legislators just that:
Our Valley of the Moon™ brand is now registered here in Panama and we are awaiting the final papers to sign them. This is a major legal step forward and we are very excited about that, too.
Gotta run. Come visit. Come be part of the solution.
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS: Three days ago we were asked if we could help develop an agricultural system to help reorganize Haiti into a functional society. We are flying to the US soon for a full day of discussion on this possibility with concerned Haitians, which is very much up in the air, but which might happen. You remember, of course, that the Valley of the Moon is founded on the principles of reclaiming the production of food to establish health freedom, since that is our first freedom. This kind of project, if properly funded, would be directly in keeping with our mission. Any organic farmers out there speak French? You can see more about our efforts to achieve Food Freedom at: – REL