Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Life and Death under National Health Care…
Yesterday my father died at age 97. He entered the Naples Community Hospital in good spirits, fully alert and as contentious as he ever was. Within a few days he was dead. I believe that he was killed by the economics of health care. What happened to my father was, potentially, a crime. But under the new Obama Care plan, it may not be a crime now that the person occupying the White House has signed it into law. Instead, it will be a (perhaps) unspoken public policy to kill off the elderly, the expensive, the disabled, the useless eaters who are an economic drain on a society which rations health care for the productive “useless eaters” (as they call us) over old, tired, sick or disabled ones.
Like worn out disposable machines, if we cost more to repair than we are worth, then we are junked and broken up for scrap. My father was on several medications when he entered the hospital. He believed in them, I do not, but that is beside the point.
Either because of the drug-drug interactions or because his kidney function was getting worse on its own, he began swelling. The response of his doctors? To stop all 7 medications abruptly, leaving his organs no chemical support whatsoever. Not surprisingly, he became first disoriented and then lethargic. Next, he stopped eating and drinking and began slipping into and out of coma.
Well, yes, that is what happens when your organs begin to fail and you are not given ether water or food. At 97 he was frail and thin. The fluid in his body began to migrate to his tissues as he piled up toxins and went into deeper and deeper dehydration. Oh, did I forget to mention that he was being given more and more sedation, which suppresses mental alertness, breathing, liver function and other organ systems?
I called the hospital and asked why he was receiving no water or nourishment. “Well, you see,” I was told, “He is lethargic and is neither eating nor drinking.” “That is the point! ” I exclaimed. “Of course he is lethargic. He is dehydrated, starving, toxic and you’ve pulled all his medications that were keeping him in some sort of functional state. That is exactly what you can expect when you dehydrate, starve and do not support weakened organs.”
“No,” the nurses and doctor and Physician’s Assistant assured me, “He is in MOSF [Multiple Organ System Failure] because he is old and sick.”. They blamed his declining, then terminal, state on him, not seeing that they had, wittingly or unwittingly, precipitated his decline by their incorrect and neglectful treatment of him. After all, he was just another old man, expensive and unnecessary.
Never mind that he was a painter, an architect, an author, a philosopher, a father and a friend to those who loved him. Even if he had been none of those, he was a human being and no human being deserves to have another make the decision that it is no longer necessary to have him around, to feed him, to clothe him, to care for him.
His doctor, after not getting my messages asking to speak to him for days and days, finally called me to tell me “Actually, I sort of liked your father. He had a significant disease burden which he carried well, but now he will not make it.”
His doctor told me that he had stopped all of his medications “BECAUSE HE WAS SICK.”
What? I thought that allopathic doctors GAVE people medication when they were sick. What logic is that? Then I was told that he was not getting any liquids because his kidneys were still working, but had problems. What? I thought that people with kidney problems were given fluids in direct relationship to the amount that they could excrete and that a careful in/out record was kept to make that calculation possible. No IV, nothing by mouth, just starvation and dehydration while being heavily medicated to suppress consciousness and respiration.
Who asked the doctor to kill my father? Could that decision, which was made without enough underlying pathology to make it a mercy killing, since my father was about to embark on a new phase of his life here in Panama with me, could it have been made because my father was adamant about not wanting heroic (read profitable) measures taken? Could it have been because he and his Health Surrogate has put a DNR in place, a “Do Not Resuscitate” order, meaning that his care would not include intensive care life support with its attendant profits? Or could the opposite have been true: that in the interest of cost savings, the order came down to NOT treat patients whose later years will be expensive in order to save resources for the workers, the young, the robust, the healthy, the elite, the privileged. Who wants a wrinkled 97 year old guy, anyway. He can’t keep up on the forced march to fascism, after all.
Under the Obamacare legislation passed the day before my father died, such disposal of the expensive, the weak, the needy, the wrinkled, will be routine and there will be nothing that can be done about it. We will only have “good Germans” in the New World Order medical system.
My father’s death by medicine, or murder by design, was not yet either law or public policy. Where will this lead? I do not yet know. Will I let it rest here? Well, if you know me, you know that I will pursue truth wherever it leads. Early in the morning tomorrow I will begin a trip to take me directly to the scene of the … what? Crime? Perhaps. Misfortune? Perhaps. Error? Perhaps.
Actuarial medicine is the medicine of the culling of the useless eaters. Are you next? Your mother, father, son, daughter, wife, husband, grandmother, grandfather? Pray God that under the new slaughter of the expensive you never become ill. Take action to protect your supplements, your nutrients, clean food and clean water here — the Action Items are right on the main page, and defeat the bills that will take them away from you because, under this fascist illness management system, you will have no choice but to die when the actuaries decide that you are not serving the state.
It was too late for my elderly father. Will it be too late for you?
I urge every health care giver who reads this blog entry to make a firm personal decision not to be “good Germans” — not to be servants of a sick system. Please sign the Health Keepers Oath now:
As the Oath states:
I am a health care professional, not an agent of State-mediated death and will conduct myself in accord with that identify. I swear, to all future generations, “Never again” will the health care professions be used, as they were in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Empire, to murder and oppress any individual. Never Again! Never here! Never on my watch!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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