Does Your Food Kill?
You are looking forward to a nice crisp salad with some lovely, ripe tomatoes and a variety of leafy delights. You would rather not have them shut your kidneys down or give you cancer.
Your cup of java from the local coffee shop – mmmmm! great aroma. Savor the moment while your brain moves one step closer to neurological disaster.
Corn flakes! Crunchy, munchy, poison your genetic heritage so you’ll never have a child.
You’re looking for goodness, yet there they are: Roundup(R), the world’s best selling herbicide and 2,4-D, half of Dow Chemical’s amazing Agent Orange defiant, right there in your cereal, bowl, cup, plate.
Roundup(R), the commercial name for glyphosate, is the second deadliest non-radioactive chemical in the world. But 2, 4-D is no slouch. And they are in your food, GMO or not, if it’s not organic. That’s bad enough.
But suppose you are a farm worker in Sri Lanka or Guatemala or India and you are using these chemicals because the GMO crops you tend withstand them and you need to keep your crop protected from the super-weeds that compete with it. The plants can take it, but so can the weeds, so you use more. And more. And more. And then your kidneys give out.
Your feet get swollen, your hands do, too. You have horrible pains in your back and you have increasingly terrible headaches. You keep working until finally you collapse in the field. When you wake us in the hospital, your wife tells you that your kidneys have been destroyed. No one knows why, she says, but the levels of arsenic and cadmium in your body is matched only by the levels of Roundup(R) and 2, 4-D.
You are dying of a special kind of food poisoning: the production of MY food has poisoned you.
Your family buries you with a sorrowful contingent of other families whose husbands, fathers, sons and brothers have died of the same thing, now the largest cause of hospital deaths in your country.
What is this plague of food-borne death? Is it an accident? No. Is it a plot? Not exactly. Is it gross negligence on the part of regulators who put their own self interest ahead of the lives they are employed, and often sworn, to serve and protect? Absolutely!
What can you do about the worker in Guatemala and the genes in your body? Simple. If the FDA won’t help you protect yourself from GMOs and deadly agri-chemical poisons, you can still protect yourself.
If it doesn’t say “Organic” , it isn’t. And if it isn’t organic, don’t eat it. Period.
Kill the GMO market by not buying it from the market. Kill the pestiide/herbicide/fungicide/suicide market by buying only those foods and products that are not raised or made with chemicals.
“Natural” does not count. It has no legal meaning and companies lie.
Organic products are a lot cheaper than in vitro fertilization, cancer, MS, ALS, diabetes, birth defects, lupus and the rest.
And you must “take this Action Item viral!”
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD