AT LAST! Valley of the Moon Coffee™
Certified Organic!
It’s taken us 5 long and difficult years (we WILL NOT pay anyone anything under the table) but Valley of the Moon Coffee™ is now officially Certified Organic by both BioLatina AND the Panama Department of Agriculture! That means we are qualified to be USDA Certified Organic.
I am so excited about this news that I would love, absolutely adore, giving YOU a present to celebrate our Organic Coffee Certification. Keep reading to find out what my gift to you is – I’m saving the best for last with something for every one
You know that EVERY independent international coffee expert (who we do NOT pay!) who has tasted Valley of the Moon Coffee has pronounced Valley of the Moon Coffee™ the best coffee they have ever tasted in their lives.
You know that Natural Solutions Foundation grows magnificent coffee for you in the Highlands of Panama as part of our commitment to teach a farmers how to grow high quality, high yield food without chemicals.
And you know that shade grown, high altitude Panamanian coffee ranks among the finest coffee in the world.
You also know that the Natural Solutions Foundation intentionally bought a totally derelict coffee farm, long abandoned to the coffee-destroying fungus Mycenae tricolor, and rehabilitated it OUR way – with nutrition and probiotics.
And it worked, naturally. Our coffee farm recovered in less than one short year and the plants began to thank us with magnificent coffee.
But, of course, as always, we wanted more. We wanted the coffee farm Certified Organic so there could be no question about how we raised it even though our standards are MUCH higher than organic!
That took us 5 endless years, not because the farm did not quality from day one (it did), but because getting things like this done without paying any graft is not easy. In fact, it is very, very hard. But, WITHOUT EVER BRIBING ANYONE – something we simply will not do, we were certified as an organic coffee farm this past Wednesday!
Our honey, our propolis, our plantains, our lemons, our oranges, and, most important of all, our magnificent Valley of the Moon Coffee, is now Certified Organic not only by BioLatina, but by the Department of Agriculture in Panama. BioLatina is an internationally recognized agency for this certification process which means we now automatically qualify for the familiar USDA logo on our labels and on your tables! So you can expect to see completely new labels soon bringing you the same astonishingly good coffee.
One more thing: we have been told by Panama’s Department of Agriculture that there is only one Certified Organic coffee farm in the entire country of Panama – OURS!
We are, frankly, very proud that we can bring a product of this quality to you and the people you care about.
By the way, this coffee farm will brings you something else: Certified Organic weight control.
You’ve already heard Dr. Oz and a host of others talk about the health benefits of Green Coffee.. Weight loss is devastatingly difficult for many people. As a physician I know the long and short term benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. And as a post-menopausal woman with a life-long tendency to wear more weight than is good for me, believe me, I know how hard it can be!
So we’ll be taking a significant part of our coffee crop and making the WORLD’S ONLY PANAMANIAN ORGANIC GREEN COFFEE SUPPLEMENT to help you control weight and enhance fat loss.
News flash: It works! I can tell you from the scientific angle as well as from my personal experience that this supplement is effective in assisting people to lose unwanted pounds without changing anything else
In fact, Dr. Rima’s Green Gold Coffee is on its way to an eminent laboratory to have its antioxidant potential and other characteristics tested right now. That’s how close we are to getting it into your hands.

Of course, our coffee farm is only 50 acres, of which less than half is growing coffee, so you can see the supply is sharply limited . You can feel what’s coming next: Valley of the Moon Coffee will become even scarcer. Once it is gone, it is gone for the rest of that year. I sincerely hope you were not one of the unlucky ones who ordered their coffee after we had run out – because we have run out of coffee every single year!
Now that we are using beans for Dr. Rima’s Green Gold, there will simply be less Valley of the Moon coffee available. I would urge you to make sure that you have plenty on hand. We won’t have a new crop for many months. Here is a useful hint that coffee experts know: unopened bags of either ground or whole bean coffee keep very well in your freezer for a very long time
Since you want to drink Valley of the Moon Coffee I advise you to make sure you have enough to last you (and the people you’ll definitely want to gift it to)!
Go to and order yours freezer’s supply now.
OK. Time for the very best – YOUR present. I want to give you a 3 month’s supply of Dr. Rima’s Green Gold as soon as it comes off the production line. On us. And I want your feedback on what it does for you. So I would like to invite you to become part of our Clinical Jury and give you a three month supply without charge. I know you’ll agree that’s quite a present!
Of course, I can only do that for a small number of people. The Trustees talked about this today and we decided to bring two important programs together. If you have been reading our Health Freedom Action eAlert, you know that we are all facing a horrific, and, we believe, genetically engineered, pandemic influenza the Chinese H9N7, for which the Chinese are already claiming a 20% kill rate. [ 2013/04/26 China H7N9 Outbreak to Potentially Become Deadliest in History with Over 20% Mortality Rate]
I know you understand without a doubt that fighting off the inevitable pressure for mandatory vaccination “against” this plague will require a major effort. And that requires funds.
So here is what the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation propose: become part of our Clinical Jury and we will send you a complementary 3 month supply of every supplement product we produce (and we have plans for several!) starting with Dr. Rima’s Green Gold. No strings attached.
We’ll send it to you at our expense and asking you only for your response to Dr. Rima’s Green Gold in return. If you want to give it to someone else, it’s yours to do with as you like. AND we’ll through in a ‘Thank You’ bag of our spectacular CERTIFIED ORGANIC Valley of the Moon Coffee, (shipping’s on us for this one, too).
We’ll give you another gift as well: a family membership in the Friendly Food Coop which means you’ll be at the head of the line for our low-radiation Certified Organic food when it arrives from Chile and other places in the Deep South.
Obviously, I’d love to do this for everyone, but it’s impossible: We can only extend this valuable gift to 100 people. We have to reserve this elite program for those who make a tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation of $1000 dollars or more. But we will simply have to cut it off after the first 100 people. Please use this special button to become part of this inner circle. Oh, yes, we’ll also send you 10 discount coupon codes for shopping at a 10% discount at our brand new e-store**
Not Part of the Inner Circle? I Still Want to Give You a Present!
Donate $100 or more and I have persuaded the other Trustees to let me send you a complementary 1 month supply of Dr. Rima’s Green Gold and five 10% discount coupons** for our newly revised e-store, now under construction. You’ll be able to go there and purchase everything you need from, supplements you know you can trust, organic bars, coconut oil, cosmetics, pet nutrients and more. And you’ll see 10% savings the first 5 times you shop there.
That’s our “Thank you” for making your tax deductible donation right now! Here’s the button that will bring you both our thanks and a 1 month supply of our organic green coffee extract as soon as it is produced:
I Want Everyone to Help Us Celebrate!
Our Organic Certification is such good news that I want everyone to have a celebration gift. Make a donation of just $10 or more and I personally will make sure that you receive 2 discount coupons** (10%) at the new store in addition to your full tax deduction. And I am positive that you will love it. I know I do!
OK, Do I Smell Coffee?
When you make your Coffee Donations, each $25 (plus shipping and handling) brings you a ½ lb bag, either whole bean or ground, your choice. For a limited time only, Coffee Donations count toward another gift, too. I will send you a discount coupon** worth 10% off for your next purchase in the new e-store for each bag of coffee to which you treat yourself or your friends.
And, of course, you will be supporting our pushback against the globalist agenda at the same time!
So celebrate with me and let me give you a gift along with my thanks!
Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima |