Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health & Food Freedomâ„¢
President Obama:
Choose Real Natural Healers to Advise You!
We say “Yes!” to Natural Solutions!
And “No!” to Back-Door Codex “HARMonization”!
Below we discuss the President’s new Preventative Health Care Council. We also provide you with an Action Item to tell the President that we want real advanced health care practitioners advising him on these important matters.
Take action here:
On June 10, 2010 President Obama signed an Executive Order establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council (Council). This appears to be yet more meaningless “change” with yet another committee of high govt officials who know nothing –
“with respect to prevention, wellness, and health promotion practices, the public health system, and integrative health care in the United States; (b) develop, after obtaining input from relevant stakeholders, a national prevention, health promotion, public health, and integrative health-care strategy that incorporates the most effective and achievable means of improving the health status of Americans and reducing the incidence of preventable illness and disability in the United States, as further described in section 5 of this order; (c) provide recommendations to the President and the Congress concerning the most pressing health issues confronting the United States and changes in Federal policy to achieve national wellness, health promotion, and public health goals, including the reduction of tobacco use, sedentary behavior, and poor nutrition…”
The Surgeon-General is the Chair of the Council. The bureaucrats who will be determining the future of what we like to call “advanced health care” but which the govt refers to as “CAM — Complementary and Alternative Medicine” will be guided by an advisory board of experts, the Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health (Advisory Group) “composed of not more than 25 members or representatives from outside the Federal Government appointed by the President and shall include a diverse group of licensed health professionals, including integrative health practitioners…”
More information, including our list of Advanced Health Care Professionals we’d like to see on the Advisory Group, and an urgent Action item here:
Yours for Health Freedom,
Ralph FucetolaJD
Natural Solutions Trustee and Counsel
PS – Some are saying the Executive Order will allow Codex Alimentarius (the so-called World Food Code) restrictions on Americans’ access to dietary supplements and natural remedies. We will keep a close watch on this possibility and will alert the public if this danger to our liberty materializes. We firmly reject any attempt to use this new Health Care Council to force “HARMonization” of our health care freedom of choice with international restrictions, such as those embodied in Codex.
And, as we all know, freedom isn’t free: we need your help to be able to continue to assert your health and food freedom concerns. Please give generously at: