Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom Action eAlert!
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
IMPEACH HHS Sec Sebelius Who Wants to Censor Autism/Vaccine Truthers!
Sebelius Tells Press to Stifle Dissent, says “there is no debate”… WRONG!!!
Throw Your Own Money Bomb!
Choose How & Where Your Funds are Spent!
Breaking News:
Dr Rima Interviews the Stop the Shot Lawyers!
This Sunday, 10 PM EDT
Be Part of Dr. Rima’s Rapidly Growing Audience
‘The Dr Rima Reports’ Airs Sunday 10 PM – Midnight EDT
That’s: 9 PM CT, 8 PM MT and 7 PM PT
Have you heard the new theme song for Dr. Rima Reports:
Life and Death under National Health Care: Dr Rima
New Videos from Gen Bert and Dr Rima!
Next Codex Meeting: May
Action Items
Join Health Freedom Forums
Nano Silver
Cognitive Enhancement
The Dr Rima Network
Dr Rima Radio
Good News from the Valley of the Moon
Dr. Rima Reports
Life and Death under National Health Care…
Yesterday my father died at age 97. He entered the Naples Community Hospital in good spirits, fully alert and as contentious as he ever was. Within a few days he was dead. I believe that he was killed by the economics of health care. What happened to my father was, potentially, a crime. But under the new Obama Care plan, it may not be a crime now that the person occupying the White House has signed it into law. Instead, it will be a (perhaps) unspoken public policy to kill off the elderly, the expensive, the disabled, the useless eaters who are an economic drain on a society which rations health care for the productive “useless eaters” (as they call us) over old, tired, sick or disabled ones.
Like worn out disposable machines, if we cost more to repair than we are worth, then we are junked and broken up for scrap. My father was on several medications when he entered the hospital. He believed in them, I do not, but that is beside the point.
Read more…
The Dr. Rima Network …
Are YOU Cognitively Enhanced?
Our Natural Solution Foundation’s own Medical Director, Rima E. Laibow MD, is one of the foremost natural physicians and environmental doctors. She practiced drug-free psychiatry and medicine in New York for decades before devoting herself to the Natural Solutions Foundation,, and the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project,, “full time +”. As the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation she oversees its Natural Solutions Center for Wellness in the temperate, bountiful, beautiful Highlands of Chiriquí Province, in the quaint town of Volcan, Panama.
Through the Dr. Rima Network,, we are distilling her recommendations, presented to you over the past several years in these Health Freedom Action eAlerts. We are collecting them in one place where you can benefit from what Dr. Rima recommends in these difficult times. There, she’ll help you find the high quality nutrients and remedies you need and which may not be easily available otherwise. So we invite you to join in this private expressive association activity by visiting the new site often, watching it grow. If you need a personal consultation with Dr. Rima, just fill in the on-line questionnaire,, and you’ll be on your way to a private medical conversation with Dr. Rima!
The latest news on the Health Freedom front is that FDA has ordered the traditional relaxation remedy Ear Candles off the market! This was done several days ago by determination letters issued, claiming this simple relaxing method is a “medical device!” Check the Dr. Rima Network over the next few days… we will be adding our own Natural Solutions Ear Candles to what you can already find on the site! Even if you’ve never tried an ear candle, we think you should try them now in solidarity with our opposition to the absurd and tyrannical FDA attack on a relaxation remedy which poses no threat to anyone except the manufacturers of tranquilizers!
VALLEY OF THE MOON™ Is Rising and You Are Invited!
You probably know that the Natural Solutions Foundation has created an innovative and globally important project to reclaim the production of food world-wide and establish a community around that activity which will include all of the natural aspects of a healthy community. One of those aspects is a health service system with a facility called the “Natural Solutions Center”.
Three days a week, we will hold seminars at the facility, which is nearing completion. The other four days a week we will practice natural health care for local, ex pat, national and international folks who want to experience, learn or teach, these health care techniques. What will we do there?
Please take a few moments to look at our Outline for Therapeutic Protocol for services, at Dr. Rima’s Natural Solutions Center in Chiriqui, Panama.
You might also want to think about how you would like to use the services of the Natural Solutions Center and contact us for more information:
Your know that health freedom is under steady assault by the FDA and its helpers like McCain, Dorgan, Hatch, Harkin, et. al. You also know that there will be fewer and fewer places in the world where Natural Health can be practiced at a high level. The Valley of the Moon’s Natural Solutions Center is one of them. Find out more.
Action Items – Push Back Works!
- Oppose “Ear Candle” Ban!
- Ban Unproven GMOs
- Health Keepers Oath
- Tell the President to End Unnecessary “National Health Emergency”
- Add to Nearly 3 Million eMails – Protect Us From Compulsory Vaccination, Drugging
- Educating Congress: Do Not Suppress Organic and Small Farmers and Ranchers; Natural Food Products
- Support Parental Consent to Medication or Treatment
- Opposing (sic) ‘Food Safety’ Bills
Cognitive Enhancement…
It’s Mind Control, All Right
…It Lets You Control Your Own Mind!
General Bert and I continue using our Cognitive Enhancement Pack (I am using this one) and Senior Cognitive Enhancement Pack (Gen. Bert’s using this one) and the results are nothing short of astonishing! That’s why we make sure to keep a monthly supply on hand.
When we recently made a quick trip to the US to address a very large international audience, we knew that we were in synch with each other and with the audience. But the feedback we’ve received is absolutely outstanding. Even though we are known as excellent speakers, this one was, apparently, a horse of quite a different color. This kind of presentation requires focus, attention and acuity… apparently even though we have those aplenty, the Cognitive Enhancement systems put us “over the top”– learn more; order product at
I know supplementation and neurological enhancement very, very well. I have never seen (or experienced) anything like this. You know how busy we are; how much we rely on our ability to multitask and react quickly to challenges… Well, now we rely on the Cognitive Enhancement system to keep us where we need to be, without jitters or any sensation of stimulation – just powerful focus, when and where we need it with all the memory enhancement we could ask for.
The name says it all: COGNITIVE. ENHANCEMENT.
That’s the story, in two words.
Here are the other two words to the story: Try Them!
Or visit our new Dr Rima Recommends Network link, for links and more images of these amazing products.
And don’t forget our other important virtual store links: and
Nano Silver… the Silver Lining for Natural Health!
The latest advance in both our understanding of HIV and trust in Nano silver is reported here –
What is says is very simple and very, very important. it documents that Nano Silver prevents the HIV virus from replicating. No replication, no deterioration or degeneration to AIDS. This is lifesaving and very important to anyone with HIV/AIDS. Nano silver is inexpensive, has a very long shelf life, can be given to anyone no matter what their age or physical condition and has been shown to be effective against every organism against which it has been tested.
But that makes Nano silver very dangerous. Not to you, of course, but to the pharmaceutical industry. Why? Because silver is the universal antibiotic and would destroy a vast pharmaceutical market (over used in both animals and people and very, very dangerous!) if enough people knew about it. That’s why it was taken off the market in the EU on Jan. 1, 2010 and why the FDA and EDP want to take it off the market in the US. That’s the Fraud and Death Administration, as far as I can make out. How long will we have Nano silver? I don’t know. But I strongly suggest you make sure you have enough on hand for a long time.
And if you are looking for a home-based business, helping more people to get supplies of this vitally important, side-effect free, tasteless, odorless and easy-to-swallow liquid is a very, very good bet.
After investigation, I personally recommend the Silver Biotics Nano silver available at:
Support your health and your health freedom at the same time with Valley of the Moon Coffee –
Freedom’s Coffee:
GMO Free, Pesticide Free, Herbicide Free
Direct to you from the
Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Volcan, Chiriquí, Panama
An Open Invitation to Join Our
Free Health Freedom Forums
NSF-Panama: A discussion and information group for people interested in participating in the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project, as volunteers, experts, health professionals, Joint Venture Partners, residents or a combination of the above.
Natural Solutions Food And Farming: A discussion, information and action group focused on information and exchange about clean food, how to make, find and produce it, and how to keep it available.
No Forced Vaccinations: A vigorous place for discussion, information exchange, action and mobilization to make sure that vaccinations do not damage your life or your children’s lives unless you want to take that risk.
No Genetically Modified Foods: A group for people who want to learn, share, and take action on the issue of unlabeled GMOs in our food supply and how to stop them from poisoning us and the ecosphere before there is no turning back.
By the way, you’ll need to set up a free email to access these forums if you do not already have one.
All our social networking links, including all our Forums, are here:
And for any of our supporters who are involved in the Tea Party, we’ve started a new forum on the Tea Party web site to help counteract its highjacking. We’d appreciate your comments on the forum, since an active forum will be noticed by others and we hope to show the Tea Party that “Health Freedom is Our First Freedom” since without it, our other freedoms cannot be enjoyed. so, just as we engaged with during the transition between Presidential administrations, we seek to open a dialogue with these people too.
Featured Media
The new theme song for Dr. Rima Reports by Dr. Rima:
Dr Rima and Gen Bert Discuss…
The Valley of the Moon –
The Natural Solutions Center –
Gen Bert on Intentionality and Self Health
How do you turn Push Back into Take Down? You bring millions of people together. How do you do that? One person at a time! The following is a short – and very important – video on Leadership:
If you need a reminder of why Sen. McCain’s S. 3002 (or its replacement, S.510) is such a good ploy to get nutrient restrictions matching Codex into the US, watch this video –
and recall that these Nutrient Reference Values are supposed to tell consumers what they need of a particular nutrient on labels first and then they will become the maximum permissible upper level. How low are they? Low enough to mandate under nutrition which guarantees increased chronic, deadly degenerative diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity just as we have been warning was the next step since 2005.
But just exactly what is Codex? How does it work and what are its vulnerabilities? Watch “Rome Codex Deconstruction”
And where did it come from? If you have not yet seen the video “Nutricide”, now would be a good time to learn where the genocidal Codex program came from. Hint: “From convicted genocidalists, of course!)
You can purchase your own copy here:, along with the Codex eBook.
Brain in a whirl? Does it feel like it is all too much? Is age taking a toll on your memory or that of someone you care about?
You must watch Gen Bert and Dr Rima on “Cognitive Enhancement” –
Then try these amazing products. I personally KNOW how amazing they are. You may find that you are amazed after trying them. Find them at
And, last, but certainly not least, here is the news that you have been waiting for: The exceptional 2010 Health Freedom War Council is now available for download. If you have already paid to attend this webinar, you will be getting your link in just a few days! If you do not want to miss out on this exceptional opportunity, click below, donate $99 and we will send the link to you:
If you have attended or donated to receive the webinar and are still waiting for it, let us know. Write to with WEBINAR as the subject line and let us know the details.
In addition to our amazingly smooth, clean-tasting, and clean, Valley of the Moon Coffee,
, the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project is committed to producing a great many kinds of clean food and teaching farmers and non farmers alike how to produce that same kind of food, all around the world.
To make that happen, of course, we need farmers with passion and expertise who can oversee that aspect of our project. Three days ago we agreed with a scientist and farmer who is just such a person that he would oversee the BeyondOrganic BioDynamic farming we are starting in order to be able to bring our food to Panama and our techniques to the rest of the world. Today he came to our teaching green house (which I must admit I have sorely neglected because of all the other things going on here) and began the process of creating teaching videos for us in Spanish and English. As soon as we get them edited, we will put them up on, our free instructional site.
On another note, we are beginning our food distribution at the next phase this week: we already produce and sell what I think you will agree is the best coffee on the planet, Valley of the Moon Coffee
. No kidding!
We have spent quite some time sourcing sufficient amounts of absolutely clean raw milk and turning it into yogurt which is just as good. We do have to heat it slightly, of course, but its taste is nothing short of stunning. To go with it, we have begun the processing of large amounts of fruit (we got a delivery of about 400 lbs on Thursday). We are making cashew fruit conserves (if you haven’t had these, you are missing something extraordinary), mango, passion fruit, pineapple, cantaloupe preserves (that’s probably a new one for you, too!), all made with the fruit and a native, natural sugar made from sugar cane juice grown without any chemicals. This product, called “raspadura” is just like maple syrup with all of its minerals intact and, in fact, it is produced exactly the same way that maple syrup and maple sugar are: slow boiling in small batches stirred by hand and poured into wooden molds.
Some of the jams have some chemical free ginger and a few have a touch of the hottest pepper I have ever encountered, grown right here in our own greenhouse. How can you get them? Well, we expect to start exporting them soon – IF there is any left after Panama City and the other population centers get their hands on them!
Next come our BeyondOrganic BioDynamic cookies. They are definitely worth waiting for. Veggies will be going into the ground shortly and we are building a seed propagation greenhouse to facilitate dissemination of clean seeds for future planting here and elsewhere in Panama.
Oh, yes, we have lots of people looking at the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project to see if they are interested in becoming participants. There is only so much land so getting in now makes sense. If you want more information, please contact Ralph Fucetola at and go here to read more: or
Is Your IRA Safe from US Government Confiscation? Certainly NOT!
But there is another reason for talking about the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project right now. And that is money. You see, the US Government has announced that it is accepting comments on taking your IRA and 401 retirement funds and converting them to fixed income annuities with a 3% yield “guaranteed” by the failing, flailing US Treasury. Middle-class Americans’ last asset base [since the equity in our homes is gone] will be raided like the Social Security “Trust Fund” has been raided… to fund more government waste!
The Natural Solutions Corp, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Panama Natural Solutions Foundation, is a legitimate offshore investment vehicle for those funds (and any others you might want to have offshore, such as personal funds, trust funds, family investment funds, church or other nonprofit funds). Offshore investment is an option which will not, we believe, be available much longer now that the US economy has been gutted and the last pool of what passes for real money, your retirement funds, is about to be stolen out of your future.
In addition to producing Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, the wonderful, smooth and delightful Valley of the Moon Coffee, we are also entering the process of generating our own BeyondOrganic, BioDynamic food for our use and for the use of our customers here in Panama and elsewhere. We are nearing completion of our Natural Solutions Center (with its wellness and seminar programs): we’ll let you know about our Grand Opening Celebration and our Seminar Schedule as soon as we have firm dates! Meanwhile, I can tell you that I feel much better having invested my own IRA offshore in a project with such a strong future.
If you are interested in any of our many types of participation in changing the face of food and freedom around the world, and living in a sustainable community with like minded people, you are invited to check out at
CodexNext Codex Meeting, May 3-7
Will Discuss Dietary Supplements… and GMOs.
Do You Want Us There For You?
Your recurring donation to send us to this year’s Codex Committee on Food Labeling is 100% tax deductible, and urgently necessary. We have nearly 300,000 supporters. If everyone donated what they could on a monthly basis, we would have the resources we need to wage the battle for your health freedom in what we are calling “the Mother of All Battles” currently being fought at Codex, in the Senate, the House and the White House. Please give generously.
We are getting ready for the next Codex meeting. The Codex Committee on Food Labeling takes place from May 3-7, 2010 in Ottawa, Canada with workshops on organic agriculture the preceding weekend, May 1 and 2. If you want us there, you need to send us there.
Here is what the costs look like:
$630 per person, Economy Class for 3 people = $1890
Accommodations: $ 1509.79 US (simple bed and breakfast 8 blocks from meeting – we walk)
Food: $75.00 per person for each of 3 persons = , does not include hosting delegates for meals $2025
Incidentals like printing (documents we give to delegates, for example) not included $300
Total: $5,724.79. Is that so much when we have nearly 300,000 supporters? Not really. Do your part through recurring small or large donations, to send us to Codex for you. By the way, if you want to come along, you are welcome! Just let us know and we will fill you in on what, when and where.
Can we afford that? Collectively, yes, we can.
Can we afford NOT to afford that? Collectively, no we can not.
Click here to make your tax deductible donation to make sure that your eyes and ears are at this important Codex meeting.
You’ll have a video report each day, and our written reports as well.
The math of activism is pretty simple.
The Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health, Your Way
TUNE IN Every Week!
The Dr Rima Reports Sundays at 10 PM – Midnight EDT
That’s 9 PM CT, 8 PM MT and 7 PM PT
Check out our most recent archives at and our older archives at
Jim Fulsom: Speaking Truth to Corrupt Power Requires More Voices to Shout!
Paul G. King, PhD: Think vaccine schedules are just for children? Think again!
Sarah Schons, MD: European Health Fascism Heading to the US
Justin Plumlee: Health Freedom – Does It Include Medical Marijuana?
Fred van Liew: Health Freedom and Health Freedom Foes
The Dr. Rima Reports brings you information on the issues we must respond to, battles we must win, victories we must achieve.
And remember, please try to attend the American Rally for Personal Rights:
Vaccine Choice, Parental Consent – May 26, 2010, Chicago
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom eJournal
International Decade of Nutrition
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
Virtual Malls Supporting Health Freedom