4 – 8 PM Eastern — Livestream Link Will Be Posted Here:
“All Nuclear Reactors are at Risk of Terror Attack” – Gen. Bert
ISIS Targeting Reactors Would Be Apocalyptic
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Dr. Rima Recommends Radiation Protection
Mark your Calendars: Special Live Stream Dr. Rima Truth Reports 5th Anniversary Assessment: Fukushima, Where Are We? What Lies Ahead? On Wednesday, March 9, 2016 — 4 PM Eastern, until at least 8 PM.
This is the permanent page for the Marathon: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=27237
Five years have past since Fukushima Daiichi was either destroyed intentionally or accidentally (take your pick). Either way, after the mainstream media finished lying and deceiving us all into being comfortable that Fukushima was over, after the US stopped testing fish for radiation, after the 20,000 unexpected infant deaths on the west coast and the dying pacific creatures faded from view we are supposed to think it’s old news.
I wish it were. Tragically, Fukushima spills forth its poison, with idiots dumping vast amounts of radioactive waste into the Pacific daily and equally idiotic “solutions” like multi billion dollar ice walls failing cataclysmicly, has not gone away.
It is quite clear that conventional nuclear engineering cannot contain or clean Fukushima and that conventional power systems do not want it cleaned.
As dismal as the forgotten disaster looks, it turns out that there is powerful hope and that science may, in fact, save us from nuclear doom.
Listen to the most fascinating discussions on the planet about how to resolve an enormous threat to your life and health during our 4 hour live stream marathon on March 9, 2014.
Special Live Stream Dr. Rima Truth Reports 5th Anniversary Assessment: Fukushima, Where Are We? What Lies Ahead? on Wednesday, March 9, 2016.
We have pre-recorded astounding scientists, researchers and practitioners, to bring together what General Bert [Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine, US Army, Ret., Foundation President] calls “data points” of crucial information to help us understand the disaster and what can be done about it. Fukushaima remediation and amelioration.
Ideas like the use of “slow proton bombardment” to rapidly reduce radiation levels. Possibilities like the use of high-potency nutrition to support normal function. And what about that quarter ton of plutonium that was not supposed to be there? Luminaries like Ambassador Murata will provide us with their estimate of the situation. A round table discussion will conclude the marathon.
Further information posted here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=27237
Subject: Fuku What?
Dr. Chris Busby, Nuclear Risk Expert:
“Current risk models for radiation related cancers are up to 2500 times too low!”
Find out the real risk – and the real hope – for you and your loved ones.
Wednesday 09 March 2016 / 4 PM EST – Be There!
Live Link at: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org
Fukushima. Oh, that old thing? Is that still a problem? Is that still a problem?
Share this Message: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=27988
Also Posted Here: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/2016/03/01/fuku-what/
Dr. Rima Recommends: http://tinyurl.com/RadProtect
Well, yes, and it’s killing you.
Have a little cesium 137, with that tuna, Sir? The plutonium comes with it, too, so there’s no extra charge for that, either.
Welcome to Little Rock, AK, Madam, where the radiation is 1,625 counts per minute, which is 325 times normal. Ah, you just arrived from Miami FL where there are 1,462 counts per minute, only 292.4 times normal. Well, enjoy our local hot springs, and mattresses, too!
Mark your Calendars: Special Live Stream Dr. Rima Truth Reports 5th Anniversary Assessment: Fukushima, Where Are We? What Lies Ahead? On Wednesday, March 9, 2016 — 4 PM Eastern, until at least 8 PM.
This is the permanent page for the Marathon: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=27237
Five years have past since Fukushima Daiichi was either destroyed intentionally or accidentally (take your pick). Either way, after the mainstream media finished lying and deceiving us all into being comfortable that Fukushima was over, after the US stopped testing fist for radiation, after the 20,000 unexpected infant deaths on the west coast and the dying pacific creatures faded from view we are supposed to think it’s old news.
I wish it were. Tragically, Fukushima spills forth its poison, with idiots dumping vast amounts of radioactive waste into the Pacific daily and equally idiotic “solutions” like multi billion dollar ice walls failing cataclysmicly, has not gone away.
It is quite clear that conventional nuclear engineering cannot contain or clean Fukushima and that conventional power systems do not want it cleaned.
As dismal as the forgotten disaster looks, it turns out that there is powerful hope and that science may, in fact, save us from nuclear doom.
Listen to the most fascinating discussions on the planet about how to resolve an enormous threat to your life and health during our 4 hour live stream marathon on March 9, 2014.
Special Live Stream Dr. Rima Truth Reports 5th Anniversary Assessment: Fukushima, Where Are We? What Lies Ahead? on Wednesday, March 9, 2016.
We have pre-recorded astounding scientists, researchers and practitioners, to bring together what General Bert [Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine, US Army, Ret., Foundation President] calls “data points” of crucial information to help us understand the disaster and what can be done about it. Fukushaima remediation and amelioration.
Ideas like the use of “slow proton bombardment” to rapidly reduce radiation levels. Possibilities like the use of high-potency nutrition to support normal function. And what about that quarter ton of plutonium that was not supposed to be there? Luminaries like Ambassador Murata will provide us with their estimate of the situation. A round table discussion will conclude the marathon.
Further information posted here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=27237
A Warning from Japan:
International Community Ignoring Threat
A Special Message from Murata-san to Natural Solutions Associates
eMail Decision Makers Here:
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Ambassador to Switzerland
The whole Japan was shaken by a big earthquake on May 30.
On that day, another leakage of contaminated water at F-I was reported.
Almost 10 per cent of recently inspected containers holding contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi were found to be leaking radioactive water. The leaking containers are at risk of possible hydrogen explosions, according to some experts.
Mega earthquakes are approaching. The eruptions of volcanoes are increasing recently. Even Mt.Hakone and Mt.Fuji are now feared.?Potential threats of Fukushima are seriously surfacing.
Under such circumstances, it is more and more considered irresponsible and immoral to host the Tokyo Olympic Games, hiding all the relevant serious risks.
The initial commitments of the Tokyo Olympic Games are less and less kept. There will be no cover at the New Olympic Stadium. Tokyo alone cannot offer necessary facilities, etc. The Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe publicly blamed the Minister of Education and Science, Hirofumi Shimomura for not assuming full responsibility for the construction of the new Olympic Stadium.
The President of the IOC has not responded to the totally legitimate request of Dr. Caldicott made in January 2014 to reassure the safety by sending neutral scientists to Japan. The morality of the IOC is now being questioned. We are reminded of the meaningful article of the “Economist” (28 February, 2015), severely criticizing the FIFA and the IOC.
The International Community can no longer remain indifferent to what is taking place to the molten fuel rods under the buildings of the Units 1, 2, 3.
The consequences are spreading worldwide, via the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere.
Recent earthquakes and volcano eruptions are reminding us that the presence of nuclear reactors in Japan results from a huge mistake.
Previously from Amb. Murata:
Nuclear Disaster and Global Ethics
Speech Made on March 16, 2015 at the
UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai
It goes without saying that genuine denuclearization, both military and civilian, makes the greatest contribution to disaster risk reduction.
The increased menace of nuclear terrorism has awakened the world to the urgent task of abolishing all nuclear reactors in the world. It is no longer an ideal, but an imperative necessity to realize the vision of President Obama for a “World without Nuclear Weapons” just as soon as possible…
Read the balance of Murata-san’s speech here:
Here are M. Murata’s posting on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports Blog:
03.19.15 – http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-un-world-conference-on-disaster-risk-reduction-in-sendai/
01.22.15 – http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-fukushima-is-now-undeniably-a-global-security-issue/
01.17.15 – http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-abolish-nuclear-power-to-stop-ultimate-terror-attack/
2014 – Dr. Rima Truth Reports Podcast: http://drrimatruthreports.com/fukushima-against-the-will-of-heaven-and-earth/