Preview of Presentation to
UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
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Recent Correspondence with Ambassador M. Murata
February 28, 2015
Dear Murata-san,
It is good to hear that others in Japan are joining you in speaking Truth.
Truly a “sea change…”
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee
—— Original Message ——
Received: 10:25 AM EST, 02/28/2015
From: “mitsuhei murata”
To: “Ralph Fucetola JD”
Subject: Re: Speech in Sendai
Dear Fucetola-san,
Please do so.
The telecasters no longer hesitate to point out that Fukushima is not under control.
The weekly magazine “Josei Jishin” (March 10) has published an article
written by a famous playwright Sou Kuramoto that criticizes Prime Minister Abe
for belittling Fukushima in favor of the Tokyo Olympic Games.
It is epoch-making.
Best regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
—— Original Message ——
From: Ralph Fucetola JD
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2015 11:55 PM
To: mitsuhei murata
Cc: Ralph Fucetola ; Rima Laibow
Subject: Re: Speech in Sendai
Dear Murata-san,
Thank you for this important information.
We are all very concerned about the latest revelation of leaks.
May we have your permission to publish the Summary
of your speech at this time, and then publish the transcript
of the speech next month, after you have given it?
—— Original Message ——
Received: 08:57 AM EST, 02/28/2015
From: “mitsuhei murata”
To: “Ralph Fucetola JD”
Subject: Speech in Sendai
Dear Fucetola-san,
Please allow me to send my speech (full text and summary) to be made next month
at the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.
I am making some proposals that may draw attention.
I have attached the letter from UNSG Ban Ki-moon (copy below)
Joint Statement concerning the reform of the IAEA.
The recent revelations of high-level contaminated water leaking into the sea
at Fukushima proves decisively that Fukushima is not under cotrol.
Tepco is being severely criticized both at home and abroad.
The IOC cannot ignore much longer the legitimate request to send to Japan
a team of neutral experts to reassure the safety of Tokyo.
The world will thus be awakened to the existing real and serious dangers
being concealed.
With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata