FDA Wants to Restrict the Products
Pharmacies Can Compound for You

Must Post Your Opposition Immediately
Yes, the FDA is at it again. Trying to hide their nefarious activities behind the cover of the holidays. Congress may be home on vacation, and therefore not picking our pockets or hampering our choices, but the FDA never seems to stop. Its overriding purpose: to deny your health care choices. Now they are going after Compounding Pharmacies again.
We need you to step up and tell the FDA, “NO!” Right now.
To make an official submission to the FDA, click on the link below, then click on the green “Submit a Formal Comment” button in the top-right corner of the page.
There you will be able to submit comments as well as additional documents. Please be civil.
Tell FDA that you oppose further restrictions on compounding pharmacies. What FDA wants to do is anti-competitive and against the general administration policy in favor of freedom of choice in health care (for example: the ACA’s Provider Nondiscrimination Provision).
The Deep State FDA doesn’t get it yet — Americans expect freedom of choice and do not want FDA restrictions on their choices.
FDA has to consider citizen comments so let’s make sure they know YOU want your health freedom of choice promoted, not oppressed.
Yours for health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
PS – And don’t forget what Dr. Rima Recommends:
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