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End of Year, Time of Renewal and Reflection, Right?
Janus, who presided over the New Year for the Romans, looked backwards and forwards. So do the rest of us at this time of year.
For you and me, 2020 was a weird and, in many ways, terrible year. For the would-be controllers, it was glorious, simply sublime.
So many of their wishes have begun to come true: people are cowed, terrified , increasingly obedient and compliantly irrational.
They are wearing masks which have significant deleterious health effects as if they promoted health.
They are lining up for a de-humanizing vaccine not caring that it has never been tested against the disease they have been taught to fear, pooh-poohing the very real unknowns and the terrifying knowns of this disastrous nostrum.
They have willingly and irrationally harmed their children, their families and themselves with a disastrous isolation as if isolation and fear had not been shown over decades of studies to damage the immune, physical and emotional well-being of humans, indeed, to imperil their very survival.
Willingly, oh, so willingly.
And we here at Natural Solutions Foundation are asking you to fight alongside us. Why? Why not just mask up and lock down and shut up?
Why fight City Hall and all of its iterations, all over the world?
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, General Bert, my beloved and extraordinary husband, and I were running a drug free medical practice in a little office north of New York City.
Because it was a drug free practice, and because nearly all of the people who came to see us experienced either significant improvement or total correction of whatever the problem was that brought them to see us, people came to our little office from all over the world.
One of those people was a Head of State, a woman whose tiara, when she wore one, signified her royal status.
She shared with me that it was almost time for what she called “the Great Culling” of the “Useless Eaters”, that is, of us. How many were to be culled? 90% of the world’s population.
Clearly, I reasoned, that would take a lot of organization and effort. And I began looking around, researching the term “Useless Eaters” and falling down the deadly rabbit hole of globalist depopulation intention.
It was far worse than I could possibly imagined when I started looking. A great deal worse, and it was very well thought through, if you admire precise and focused murderous insanity.
That took place around this time of year in 2002. By 2004, I had concluded that phase of my research and knew that the game whose prize, for these monsters, was our deaths and enslavement was well and truly afoot.
And I was aware that the people that I hoped could be trusted to safeguard us, “our side”, was deeply penetrated by agents provocateur, and deeply corrupted by ego and personal agendas as well. In short, we were loosing all of our rights and the Health Freedom team was doing a terrible job of countering that forward motion of the other side.
So I walked into General Bert’s office in 2004 and announced that I thought that we had to close the practice.
“Why?”, reasonably asked General Bert, since the practice was how we made our living.
I explained, he looked at me for no more than a heart beat and agreed. Yes, we would close the practice, sell our house to raise the money that we needed to live and take on the would be exterminationists and enslavers, the Globalists.
We knew, clearly, that the most basic right, upon which all others rest, is the right to control your own body, the Right of Informed Consent.
Now, 16 years later, General Bert was taken out of the game, dying on his birthday, February 6, 2017 with the aid of people who were not happy he was not dead, I believe. There were three living Trustees of the Foundation once Counsel Ralph Fucetola joined us in 2005. Now Counsel Ralph and I are the two remaining living Trustees.
And we fight, as General Bert and I did in 2004, for your Health Freedom, for your Right of Informed Consent.
Either you own your body or you are a slave. There really is nothing in the middle.
General Bert stated, presciently, that “the Defining Issue of the 21st Century is Informed Consent.“
Do you have the right to refuse a vaccine designed to alter your functioning as profoundly as the COVID-19 vaccine? You do.
Do you have the right to choose what happens to your children? You do.
Do you have the right to determine what poisons are released in the skies above you? You do.
But do you have to assert those rights diligently and maintain them vigilantly? Yes, you do, or you will no longer have them.
Right now, the FDA has brought suit against Ralph and me, along with the Natural Solutions Foundation, in the Federal Court system, saying that we have made “treatment of disease” claims by telling people what science says about how the nutrient Nano Silver supports the immune system.
That case is so important to your health freedom that we are asking you to help us fight it.
We believe that, properly defended, we can make this case a landmark one in pushing back the corrupt and unlawful suppression and repression of both Free Speech and health information by this corrupt agency.
The government sued us after we filed a formal Petition with the FDA asking them to acknowledge the benefits of Nano Silver. We are being represented by a well-known Constitutional lawyer, Larry Becraft, JD. We are ready to fight the good fight. But we need your support.
You can support us here: https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/product-category/support/
Or, why not make a generous end of year gift to our sister organization, Institute for Health Research, here, http://www.InHeRe.org/donate/ and help free Health Freedom from the chains and restraints placed on it by our globalist would be masters?
You can also help at this Crowd Funding site: https://fundly.com/support-natural-therapies
That’s a good link to share with all holiday well-wishers.
Gifts under $75 help greatly. Gifts over $75 are not only helpful, they are tax deductible!
Thank you and happy holidays, end and beginning of year/
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
February 6, 1930-February 6, 2017
General Bert’s Book
General Bert Stubblebine correctly identified the seminal battle that humankind faces in the 21st Century when he said “Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century.”
That informed consent is about more than medical treatments, vaccinations and the like and the degree to which we surrender our bodies to medical care. It is also very much about whether we live or die and whether we do so on our own terms.
The rampant and intentional destruction of the biosphere, the biocidalists, are intent on taking that inalienable right away from us as much as the mandatory vaccinators are. And both were opposed unceasingly until his wrongful death in 2017, offering us a shining example of both leadership and bravery to help us continue to oppose them.
Informed consent, for us in our bodily integrity and for us in our biosphere integrity, is a right we cannot afford to relinquish. The only other alternative is slavery. And slaves are disposable.
General Bert was the eldest son of a career Army officer who, after graduating from West Point, spent his career in the Quartermaster’s Corps. At age 5, while living on post at West Point while his father directed the building of Stewart Air Field, he decided he, too, would go to West Point and serve in the Army, a decision from which he never wavered.
He was graduated from West Point in 1952 and taught chemistry there during the 1960’s just before seeing active duty in Viet Nam as the Intelligence Officer (G2) for the 25th Infantry Division.
Intelligence work allowed his fertile, and highly independent, way of seeing the world wide scope and eventually his impact on our understanding of the Soviet Union helped to bring about the end of the Cold War and its fall.
As part of that mission, General Bert learned that the Soviets were developing teams of psychic information gatherers whose work was invisible to the target and highly accurate. He reasoned that we had to do the same and, over immense opposition, developed and implemented Remote Viewing, basically the same program in the US, minus the electroshock, torture, drugs, intimidation and other brutalities the Soviets had used.
Highly secret at the time, it was highly successful. Upon his retirement from the Army in 1984 as Commanding General of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), he took the technology public although the targets and tasking remained classified.
General Bert was fiercely loyal to his country but even more loyal to the truth. In 2001, when 9-11 occurred, he studied the data carefully and announced, as the highest-ranking military person to break with the official narrative, that whatever it was that had hit the Pentagon, his analysis showed that it was not a plane and that he believed it to have been a missile.
In 1991, General Bert and I encountered each other and, quite literally, instantly fell into each other’s lives and hearts. We married in 1994 and worked together in my practice of drug free medicine and psychiatry. In addition to his other skills and talents, he was an astonishingly powerful energy healer, an art he performed utterly effortlessly through focused intentionality.
But perhaps General Bert’s greatest contribution came from 2004 onward when he and I closed our practice of Medicine and founded the Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF) to contend directly with the globalist agenda focused on taking away our right of sovereign ownership and use of our own bodies and handing that right to the Corporate State emerging so rapidly.
He believed, and fought for, your right and mine to own our own bodies, breathe fresh, uncontaminated air, eat clean, unadulterated food and drink unpolluted water, have total sovereignty over our own medical and non-medical treatment and that of our minor children and live in a world unmolested by destructive assault, should we so choose.
All of that is covered under the Universal Right of Informed Consent and is worth living – and dying – to protect.
In fact, lack of Informed Consent in a hospital setting, where, for 158 days I fought minute by minute to prevent his destruction, is what finally killed him.
The story is grim, gritty and detailed, but the short version is simple: he was prevented from accessing the treatments that he and I wanted for him (including intravenous Vitamin C) and, in the end, it killed him, slowly, painfully and unnecessarily.
There is a case underway in Federal Court over the medical malpractice and neglect which led, ultimately to his wrongful death.
He remains a brave and beautiful example of what leadership and loyalty to principle, in this case, Informed Consent, means.
I miss him. The world does, too.
Remote “Triage Officials” now have the power to deny care to sick people, COVID-19 or not. They can grant or deny someone medical care, but then take it from that person and give it to another, even if it kills the first person.
Especially if it kills them.
Our warnings are being viciously censored and removed from the Internet —
The Arizona DOH document cited in detail in my new highly censored White Paper makes it clear that these Triage Officer Death Capo procedures do not just apply to COVID-19 patients, real or suspected, but to ALL patients.
They define a new “normal” worthy of Nazi “Doctor Death” Mengele.
History tells us that he and his peers were supported by an army of complicit medical criminals. Every modern tyranny enlists the medical system to carry out it slaughter. We must not be among that army today.
I cannot impress upon you how grave and urgent this situation is and how important it is to spread this information so the three most important words a free person can say WILL be said: “Don’t You Dare!” http://www.HealthKeepersOath.org
“Triage Officers,” remote bureaucrats checking off your “score” on a secret list, now have the power to decide if you live or die – and there is, in reality, no recourse. None. What about Medical Ethics? Gone.
We have the document to prove it. But just 16 minutes after we published a block buster White Paper revealing how Death Capos will now have life and death power over you or anyone else in a hospital (for now, it’s only in the hospitals), our news aggregation site, www.opensourcetruth.com, was skillfully shredded.
The math is simple: depopulation requires that a whole lot of people never get born and that a whole lot of people die. And the carefully constructed and convenient Plandemic through which we are now living (some of us dying) is the perfect PsyOp to train us to allow The Man to do The Work of getting rid of quite a lot of us. And just wait for that gene-editing vaccine!
Sixteen short minutes after my article quoting directly from the Arizona Government document that gives virtually unassailable life and death power to remote Triage Officers was published our entire site became non-functional. It was not just hacked. It was shredded. We are used to attacks when we are doing good work, but this one is rather special in its devastation. We have yet to find a single footprint so whoever is responsible is very professional.
It took us days to return the site to functionality. For now, at least it is up and running.
These Triage Officers, who are NOT supposed to be treating physicians, make their unassailable and arbitrary life and death decisions based on two statistically insignificant and totally unreliable tests added together, making the reliability even worse. We predicted it. This slaughter cannot proceed without the willing participation of health care personnel — which is where the buck must stop:
It is clear that our information, taken directly from Arizona government documents, substantiating another very large part of the depopulation plan, is a secret that our Would Be Masters do not want us to be aware of because no sane person will agree to let this happen, let alone participate once they realize the truth.
But if The Man can keep it hidden as obscure documents in some fusty bureaucratic cave, well, then, once the Triage Death Plan is institutionalized, it will be far too late for us to stop it. They hope.
This is clearly about stifling truth so that our freedom, including the right to LIFE as well as liberty, can be hijacked and their deadly depopulation plans carried out.
If we let them have their way, there will be gene-editing vaccines, likely food shortages, continuing disorder in the streets and who knows what else. And if you have to go to a hospital, you will find that a hideous new reorganization of medicine has taken place while you were not looking.
Or so they wish. We ARE looking.
I urge you to read the White Paper that the Would Be Masters want so urgently to hide from you. And share it. Right now the paper is available here:
In fact, it is likely that your email is one of them.
If it is, we are writing to you again since you did not unsubscribe or opt out. Your ISP may have done that for you in the hopes that they could stop this information flow.
They cannot.
We are disseminating the block-busting 11-page White Paper in as many places as we can to defeat the censorship. You can help by sharing it as widely as you can. Start by reading it before it disappears again! The White Paper is embedded here:
We urge you to take several urgently important steps to stop the installation of “Triage Officer” Death Capos in every hospital in the country.
First, sign up again for our newsletter. We can deal with duplicates, so if you are signed up more than once, you will only receive a single email when we send out an email blast.
Go to https://secure.campaigner.com/CSB/Public/Form.aspx?fid=633242&ac=gafw for the sign-up form.
Second, use the link, https://secure.campaigner.com/CSB/Public/Form.aspx?fid=633242&ac=gafw, to urge everyone you can reach to become a member of our mailing list.
You and they should also “White List” dr.rima@naturalsolutionsfoundation.com, so no one gets ripped off our list again.
Third, help Natural Solutions Foundation afford a higher security system level. We are constantly attacked, but this is the worst it has been in over a decade. Higher level security systems are expensive but essential:
You can also send your support to us through PayPal using NSHpaypaltransfer@gmail.com. Indicate “Security” in the Memo.
Donate by Check? No problem. Make it out to Natural Solutions and mail to Natural Solutions, 3769 E Calle Fernando, Tucson AZ 85716 ,with “Security” on the Memo line.
Fourth, and urgently important: take the Health Keepers Oath. Members of the health professions will be the ones who carry out these crimes against humanity. Everyone in the health professions and allied fields, everyone, needs to take the Health Keepers’ Oath here, http://www.HealthKeepersOath.org, to pledge that you will not use your position or your skills to harm others.
Fifth, support your health and Right of Informed Consent at Natural Solutions Online Store – https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/mainstore
Those who choose to turn a blind eye and ear to the latest forward step of tyranny will help the tyrants succeed. We must not be among them.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Permalink, until it is taken down: http://drrimatruthreports.com/wp-content/uploads/Nightmare.white_.paper_.DRTR_.pdf
Liberty’s Nightmare Opens Its Eyes in Arizona Taking How Many Lives?
How Far Behind is Your State or Country?
What Ever Happened to Informed Consent?
Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation
You were wrong if you thought that the COVID-19 Plannedemic was nightmare enough, with its
Not nearly nightmare enough, as it turns out.
Now, as they say in Courts of Law, Comes the next phase of terrifying medical tyranny in this horrifying and deadly game of Global Monopoly.
On July 2, 2020 I learned from PPJ Gazette that Arizona had become the first state to implement its Crisis Standards of Care, or CSC. It is important to note that while many other states have CSCs, as of today, Arizona is the only State to have implemented them. And they are, to me as a citizen, a physician, a Health Freedom Advocate and a person who, while in robust good health, would be classified, because of my age (76) as far less worthy than others of resources should I become ill and — God Forbid! — require hospital care.
Take the Health Keepers Oath here: www.HealthKeepersOath.org
Read or download the entire White Paper below [three versions, depending on your browser]: