Natural Solutions Foundation
Health & Food Freedom Resource:
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
We strongly urge decision makers to consider adopting the Food Freedom Amendment to redress our grievances. This amendment can be added to pending bills, or adopted by the national or state legislatures as a separate law, to protect the people.
Maybe, if Congress wants to criminalize distributing things that are harmful to the public… maybe it should criminalize “knowingly” introducing dangerous drugs (including vaccines) into commerce! Like Vioxx, Avandia, Flu Vaccines, Bextra, for a very few examples, But, then, there might be a lot of drug company executives and maybe even some FDA officials who would face criminal charges… Certainly, we need to continue to oppose S.3767, Sen. Leahy’s bill that could criminalize commercial speech about food (or at least food distributed in interstate commerce), whenever FDA or FTC decides subsequently that the claims about the food were not substantiated to the liking of some bureaucrat. Companion bills like S.510 (the fade “food safety” bill) and S.3002 (the discredited “dietary supplement safety” bill) that would be “enforced” by the criminal sanction bill must also be stopped both in the 2010 lame duck congress and the new congress convening in 2011.
The “serious” harm amendment (HEN10891) added to S.3767 by the Judiciary Committee on September 23, 2010 is not sufficient to protect food distributors from bureaucratic and criminal harassment.
We the People, need protection against over-zealous regulators who will destroy small producers while big companies can afford the legal talent needed to escape penalties.
Instead, our communities need to be protected by law from Federal Government interference in local and natural food production and distribution. We need a Food Freedom Amendment, such as we proposed last year when the House was considering its version of S.510 and which we have continued to urge; the state and federal legislatures need to adopt this language:
Food Freedom Amendment
“No provision of Federal Law giving regulatory oversight to any Federal department or agency shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements, as protected under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”
Food Freedom is part of Health Freedom, and an essential part of the Liberty that all free people have a right to expect. Legislators have a responsibility to protect that freedom from the bureaucracy they foist on us. Local oversight of local food production would be far superior to big govt poking into all our local activities. Reducing central govt power would enhance the overall health of our society.
Action Item to support the Food Freedom Amendment:
Please support this effort by donating here:
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™ –
Saturday, July 3, 2010
In This Issue:
Just Exactly What Do Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert DO At Codex?
Find Out About Our Next Guest on the Dr. Rima Reports
Four Blog Links You MUST Click!
On the Road to Codex
Current ‘Must Take’ Action Items
Dr.Rima Recommends
Dr. Rima Live from Codex:
Wednesday, July 7 2:30 PM , Eastern with Kevin Trudeau at
Thursday, July 8, 10 AM Eastern with Fred van Liew at
Check It Out! and
A Great Way to Support Your Health and Your Health Freedom at the Same Time!
Don’t Forget to Order Your Valley of the Moon Coffee Now. Supplies Are LIMITED!
What Does Attending a Codex Session Mean for Dr. Rima, Gen. Bert and YOU?
US Out of Codex Video
Survey: What Do You Think?
Donate to Defray Costs at Codex:
Your generosity and support sends Natural Solutions Foundation to a variety of Codex meetings around the world. Right now General Bert and I are in Geneva Switzerland. We left our home at the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Panama,, to get on a plane to Panama City, then another one to Madrid and another one to Genva two days ago so that by the time we reached Switzerland we had not slept for about 48 hours. Why didn’t we take a quicker, more direct route? Because neither General Stubblebine nor I am willing to expose our bodies to the radiation hazard of full body scanners and neither Madrid nor Geneva airports use full body scanners.
We got to Geneva and continued our preparation for the meeting. You see, in order bring you intelligent, meaningful and precise information in our daily video and written reports and later create meaningful strategies to deal with Codex and its dangers, we need to do a major amount of planning and preparation.
Codex is designed to be overwhelmingly complex, detail driven and difficult to comprehend because the technical level of the considerations is so enormously demanding if you are going to understand it all. Delegates are just supposed to be so overwhelmed that they simply sink into a lulled position in which whatever the US or EU says is what they go along with, sort of like the courtiers just letting the red queen do what she likes in Alice and Wonderland because it is so much easier and safer.
But at Codex, as in so many other urgently important situations, the devil really IS in the details. Consider:
There are 15 Committee Reports to be studied from major codex Committees ( for the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) session starting on Monday, July 5.
The Report of the Codex Executive Committee has 28 pages
The Committee on Food Labeling has 58 pages
The Committee on Contaminants in Foods has 69 pages
and so on through the 15 committees presenting their items for discussion at the CAC.
Potentially buried in each one of the clauses, phrases, reports and agenda items is a time bomb that can, despite its innocuous language, kill people through the implications and permissions granted via its legalese.
Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) and GMO labeling are excellent, but by no means unique, examples. Both of these issues are highly technical and both, if carried out as the US desires, would lead to highly undesirable outcomes. NRVs are daily intake values of nutrients so low that they actually introduce and make permanent, the under-nutrition which WHO and FAO point out as the primary cause of the non-communicable, preventable, degenerative killer diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Misleading consumers into believing that their processed food provides adequate levels of vital nutrients, the NRVs are both a biochemical absurdity and an atrocity since they will, through their use on labels, lead people to believe that since their food is providing most or all of the NRVs, it provides the nutrients they need for a healthy life.
NRVs have been winding their way through the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) and the Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL). When South Africa was discussing them in 2005 at CCNFSDU, Dr. Grossklaus, the Chairman cut the delegate off at the knees when she mentioned “optimal nutrition” and said “It would be nice if Codex were about nutrition, but it isn’t. It’s about trade!” But most delegates have no idea what biochemical individuality is about, why high potency nutrients save lives, money and misery and the discussions must include the technical issues of the Codex texts and committee which are dealing with NRVs, their status in the CAC, etc. To learn more about where this nutrients as toxins, nutrients as controlled substances, idea in Codex, click here to watch “Nutricide”:
GMO labeling is another example, as is whether Codex should define consensus or a code of ethics for codex participants. In these discussions and decisions, information lies which could, going in one direction, change history and survival for good and, going in the other direction, could do exactly the opposite.
Each Agenda Item rests on a multi-year background with a huge pile of data and debate behind it. Having that perspective is essential to informed, effective dialogue with the delegates at Codex and in their home countries. And that is what we do at Codex! We take your interests, and those of well-nourished, autonomous, food independent people and “bang them against” what Codex is doing. The lives of food producers, food consumers and the planet turn on these tiny nuances since all of the Codex documents are written in such a way as to lull you into a fluorided haze of complacency. There is, however, nothing to be complacent about.
There is also nothing worth participating in at Codex. It is my contention that the United States needs to get out of Codex and do it now. We will lose nothing and grain a great deal, I believe, by loosening the hold that we have allowed the World Trade Organization, WHO, to place on us through trade agreements that can only inevitably degrade our food and our health unless we follow the Codex Two Step Process, as other nations have done successfully. If we were out of Codex, I believe that two things would happen:
First, it would be a great deal easier for interested parties to apply pressure to force the US to deviate from the Codex guidelines and standards since we would not have teams of experts ramming these guidelines and standards through Codex and, second, we would not be twisting and distorting the entire Codex process, making the decisions that the US wants, not the ones that protect the farmers, the consumers and the earth. By the way, the Developed World is one of the major consumers of third world-produced toxic food. Here is the link to my video:
and here is the link to the Survey in which you tell us if you think that the US should get out of Codex:
There are at least a hundred equally vital items before the CAC this week. They would be far better decided by the national competencies of the countries rather than by the “bully of the class” threatening the other kids in the class with the active and vigorous help of the corrupt and self interested “teacher”, WHO, a corrupt and genocidal organization which acknowledges that it wants to see the population of the earth reduced by a minimum of 80%, better 90%!
So what we do is prepare for the topics of greatest interest to you and to the developing world’s delegates, mingle with delegates and share our perspectives on these topics and provide leadership for dissent strategies. Then, very importantly, we offer them information on how they can increase crop yield, decrease food born illness, and, in reality, actually accomplish exactly what Codex says it is about.
And we report. After each day’s meetings, we make sure that you know what the highlights (and low points) of the day’s proceedings have been, what they mean for you, what they mean for the dangerous forward movement of “HARMonization” by the US and how to protect ourselves, our health and our health freedom.
Attending Codex is really hard work. We do it for you, with your support because it is hugely important. At the end of a Codex meeting we are exhausted. Then we fly home to Panama to put the things we are teaching the developing world into practice.
Our Natural Solutions Center will be opening at the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Panama, on August 7/8, 2010. You are invited. Please join us for this important step forward. You can see the health protocols that we plan to offer if you visit And you can be with us for the initiation of what is, in essence, the exact opposite of what Codex is about. We’ll be living, teaching, sharing and creating clean food and vital freedom through education and dissemination, demonstration and direction.
For more information on the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project, how you can participate in it, live there, work there, safeguard your retirement income there and otherwise be a huge part of this innovative freedom project, please visit And if you would like to join our very active NSF-Panama Forum on, please visit to become part of this vital community while you still can.
And, oh, yes, don’t forget that the limited supply of our amazing Valley of the Moon™ Coffee is available for you now. If you want premium Panamanian Highland coffee grown without a single chemical contaminant, you need to place your order before it is all gone. Don’t forget your corporate gifts this holiday season and your personal ones. Order now and we will make sure that your recipients are not left out in the gift-giving cold this year! Make your tax deductible donation and get what we believe you will agree is the best coffee you have ever tasted at
Because of high winds, we had to cut down 80% of our plants to allow them to regrow so this scarce beauty of a coffee is even scarcer. Our harvest is magnificent, but the best coffee in the world, and the cleanest, is even more rare than last year! We have not raised the price of a donation, but make sure you get as much as you need before there is no more left this year.
And, as hard as it is, thanks for sending us to Codex. We still need your donations to finish defraying the cost (Geneva, Switzerland is a very expensive place!)
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima and General Bert
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Listen to the Dr Rima Reports
Sunday Night Starting 9 PM Eastern to Midnight…
1. 9 PM: Dr. Rima and Co-Host Ralph Fuectola address this week’s health freedom news and rumors — We’ll discuss the heath freedom information and sort out the disinformation for you…including
What to Expect from the Codex Meeting in Geneva…
2. 9:15 PM to 11 PM Eastern Time: Dr. Rima interviews Nancy Orlen Weber, healer extraordinare! Nancy will talk with us about the exceptionally gentle and powerful
Raindrop® Technique and share her stories as a successful psychic detective.
Interested in aromatherapy? Visit
3. 11 PM to Midnight Eastern Time: The DR. Is IN! Dr. Rima takes your health and health freedom questions. Ask your questions by
a. Email to (“QUESTION” as the subject line, please)
b. Chat (join chat community at
c. Phone using our call in number, 347.324.3704
Please get as many people as you can to join our chat room since potential supporters monitor the number of people in the chat room. The more, the better!
Details & Listening Instructions here:
Four Blog Links YOU MUST CLICK On and Read!
Please read and forward as widely as you can!
Petrochemical Detox Information – If the Gulf Disaster is Making You Ill, You MUST READ This and Pass It Along!
How to Create a Food Supply 101: Valley of the Moon™ Moves Forward!
Are YOU Making a Difference?
Attention Rotary Clubs! Before You Help Distribute Polio Vaccines, CDC Says Polio Vaccine Causes Polio!
Codex – This Time It’s Geneva
Codex Alimentarius Commission Meets in Geneva July 5-9
We Are Your Eyes and Ears At This Meeting,
Make Your Recurring Tax Deduction Here, Now
US OUT OF CODEX? Dr. Rima Thinks We Should Get Out
Watch the Video
What Do You Think? Take the Survey
Current Action Items
Each of These Action Items is Vitally Important. Please Take Once For EACH MEMBER of your Family, Then Forward to Your Whole Contact List
Include a brief note saying this is important to you and you are sure that it will be to the other person and urge them to take action and forward widely
* President Obama: Allow Natural Solutions!
* Food & Health Freedom Action Items and Video…
* Support Health Freedom of Speech Acts!
* Demand Congress Investigate Autism and Environmental Toxins!
* Stop the Fake Food and Vitamin “Safety” Bill -S.510
* Oppose “Ear Candle” Ban!
* Health Keepers Oath
Dr. Rima Recommends:
The Dr. Rima Network
The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project’s Natural Solutions Institute, which we call the “Dr. Rima Institute” for short, is about to open in the beautiful, bountiful, temperate highlands community of Volcan, Panama on August 7-8, 2010 and you are invited!
You can read more about this long-awaited opening, follow our progress (we will be posting photos and videos!) at the Dr. Rima Network web site: where you will also find a description of many of the natural protocols to be offered at the Institute and some of the products we love
Valley of the Moon™ BeyondOrganic Coffee
Supplies are Limited for this Artisenal, Hand Picked and Roasted Coffee. Place your gift orders now for yourself and friends.
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee make a wonderful corporate gift for friends, colleagues and clients. Gifts say a lot about the giver. Your impeccable taste is revealed when you give GMO-Free, Toxin-Free, Non Toxic Valley of the Moon™ Coffee This Year!
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee:
I Promise You:
You Have Never Had a Better Cup of Coffee! Non Toxic, Clean, Beyond Organic… Powerfully Antioxidant…
Order Yours Now!
Every Bag Valley of the Moon Coffee Supports your Physical Health and supports the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time!
What? You’re Still Drinking Ordinary Chemical Coffee?
You Have No Idea What You Are Missing!
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, Valley of the Moon Coffee, Will Delight You, While You Support the Natural Solutions Foundation With Your Morning Java! Make a donation and get your coffee. Once you taste this exceptional brew, we know you will love it! Write to us at to let us know your experience drinking Valley of the Moon Coffee. We are confident that it will the finest cup of coffee you have ever tasted in your life, bar none!
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products… Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity… “These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Dr. Rima has designed a third, very special Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Pack!
To learn more, or to try the products, go to:
Cognitive Enhancement
“News & Specials” lista the three Dr. Rima Packs For more Details about the Packs:
You know there is a battle going on for your mind (or maybe against it!). Part of the Globalist Agenda to reduce human population and restrict our freedoms goes on in our own heads, as we are subjected to a level of propaganda that can only be termed “mind controlling.” Its success depends on making sure that we are dumb, dull, deluded and distracted….
See the video interview with Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert
Let me quote General Bert, “‘Focus and clarity’ were the words Ralph used to describe the Cognitive Enhancement nutrients, and that is exactly what I experienced. Both my long and short term memory are enhanced by these products and my thinking processes are noticeably sharper. I am very impressed and intend to continue using them.”
There are numerous smart nutrients, but few of them, working synergistically, have the capability of doing what these products actually do. In this battle to take back our food, our health and our freedoms, we must all be as mentally sharp as possible. That is why the genocidal elitists want us under-nourished and unable to think. I was so impressed with these products that I immediately began to study them and their impact. I researched the ingredients and am satisfied that there is no indication of a lack safety when used as directed. That’s when I decided to create combination packs that would support mental function without agitating; would enhance cognition without later let-down. Dr. Rima
If you’ve had problems placing orders for these extraordinary nutrients, we’ve set up a special email address for you to use; just email your contact information and we’ll have you called back right away!
Natural Solutions Foundation has no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our only sponsors, but the goods and services come from companies who believe in what we are doing. Every sale helps to support the Foundation and move our health freedom actions forward. We urge you to patronize these mission-driven malls where you will find outstanding ways to support and be supported as free men and women!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Dr. Rima Institute
Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
Nano Silver: The Universal Antibiotic
StemEnhance: Increase Your Stem Cell Population Naturally
Detox Your Cells Naturally
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™ –
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Eblast Index
The One With the Best Songs Wins!
Turn Dr. Rima’s ‘Song of the Uber-Cartel‘
Into A Music Video and Win $1000 in Organics!
New Action Item URL:
Mr. President, We, the People,
DEMAND Natural Solutions for Our HealthCare!
New Action Item Announced on Dr. Rima Reports Sunday Night! 9PM to Midnight Eastern Standard Time or www.FreedomizerRadio
Action Item URL: Say NO! to GMOs NOW!
GMO Crops are highly vulnerable to mutated, novel diseases and pests
Is This Extensive Crop Damage Caused by GMOs?
Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds of Acres in US
Mono Crop (Single Crop) Farming Simply BEGS for
New Plagues Against Which It Has No Defense
Dr. Rima Reports WOWS BlogTalkRadio!
Because of our astonishing success,
Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health, Your Way!
Now a 3 hour show!
Mark Your Calendar: Every Sunday Night
First two hours, 9-11 PM: issues and guests.
Third hour, 11PM to Midnight: The Doctor is IN!
Dr. Rima takes your health questions!
Call-in line: 347-324-03704
Dr. Rima’s “Truth and Technology Interview with Kevin Trudeau” A Top Show On Internet Radio, 4th Biggest Audience Ever at, biggest show ever on
June13 , 2010: Dr. Andrew Wakefield MD
Autism Truth Researcher Read Dr. Wakefield’s New Book, “Callous Disregard”
Dr. Wakefield is a British gastroenterologist who noted a relationship between digestive problems in autistic children and the persistence of measles virus from vaccines. When he published a study in the Lancet to strong aclaim, a breakthrough in Autism seemed close. Big Pharma took defensive action including Lancet’s nearly unprecedented retraction of Dr. Wakefield’s article, the loss of his medical license and vicious disinformation attacks. Dr. Wakefield will be our guest from 10 to 11 PM. You will want to hear this interview and ask your questions.
Call-in number: 347-324-3704 Health Freedom USA Blog Page for Dr. Rima Reports
If you have, or know anyone who has, an autistic family member, please listen to this show and alert others interested in why we have sacrificed a generation to vaccines tell them about the show and help them tune in.
Don’t Forget: New Time, New Format!
Sundays 9 PM – Midnight (Eastern Standard Time)
Listen at or
Join the Dr. Rima Reports chat community at
Dr. Rima Will Answer Your Questions from 11 PM to Midnight
(Eastern Standard Time)
Here’s the Schedule of Upcoming Show. You won’t want to miss any of them:
June 13: Andrew Wakefield MD: Vaccines,
Autism and the Callous Disregard of Truth over Profit
June 20: Tim Bolen of The Bolen Report:
Should The US Participate In Codex? A Debate
June 27: Betty Martini – Aspartame renamed,
New name, same old Monsanto MS
July 4: Nancy Weber: Essential Oils – Hype or Health Help
July 11: Allan Phillips JD: What to do Until the Lawyer Comes – When Parents Disagree about Vaccinating Their Children
Last Week’s Guest, Ty Bollinger’s Outstanding book “Cancer: Step Ouside the Box”
Dr Rima Reports
Action Items
Dr. Rima Institute
Going to Codex
Action Items
Take The Action Items Once for Each Member of Your Family, Disseminate The Action Items to All of Your Contacts
Should the US Government Continue to Participate in Codex Alimentarius?
Health Freedom Supporter Survey…
Watch Dr. Rima’s Video on US Participation in Codex:
Take ‘US In or Out of Codex’ Survey:
While we are on the subject of food, be sure to watch this featured video by on the Battle for the Food Supply by Raj Patel
Health Freedom Isn’t Free and, Right Now, We Are Fighting For YOUR Health Freedom on a Large Number of Health Freedom Fronts. Natural Solutions Foundation is Litigating, or Preparing, 5 Law Suits Against US Government Agencies. We’re Preparing to Go to Codex. We’re Doing Research, Reclaiming Clean Food, And On and On! We Need Your Recurring Tax Deductible Support For Our Many Health Freedom Activities:
1. Send NSF to the Codex Alimentarius Commission
July 5-9, Geneva, Switzerland
The next Codex meeting we’ll attend is the Codex Alimetarius Commission, which will take place in Geneva from July 5 – 9, 2010. You want us to be there for you so we are prepared to go. That means that we are asking you, once again, to reach into your pockets and pay what you can – that is, donate what you think having our eyes and ears, brains and voices at Codex is worth to you. Every donation is 100% tax deductible. You’ll be donating, too, to support our vitally important litigation program, our research work, our radio show and all of the other work that we do for you.
Did you know that 100% of your donations go to furthering our work? No NGO has a higher ratio of donations to program because that’s as high as you can go! Since the Trustees take no salaries and all overhead is donated, what you are getting for your donation is health freedom fighting, pure and simple. What is that worth? I would say it is priceless, but you can put an affordable price on what your support will be. Please give whatever you can, but give generously when you set up your recurring donation here,
2. Continue the Offensive Litigation and Legal Actions Against Compromised,
Corrupt and Dangerous Federal Agencies (like FDA, EPA, CDC, etc.)
Two self-proclaimed friends of supplements, Senators Harkin and Hatch have introduced a new bill increasing FDA funding! That’s right! Their idea? Give the FDA MORE power to abuse.
This after a record 23% increase in FDA funding last year! We kid you not. This next-in-line bad bill is called the Dietary Supplement Full Implementation and Enforcement Act of 2010 and even “natural products” business groups are supporting it! See:
— we suspect there is some strategy in play here where our friends think that they can stave off harsher regulation by offering their own bill – assuming that they are still our friends, that is. We respectfully disagree. Unbridled Power is never decreased by authorizing more tax funds! As Ludwig Mises said, “Ever government intervention requires another government intervention”. And the history of health-related interventions in the US is that it results in illness and death. We certainly do not need more of that!
Just in case the FDA strikes you as a bunch of good guys, recall that Natural Solutions Foundation is suing them in
1. The Stop the Shot Case to prevent the deployment of ALL influenza vaccines
2. The Ear Candling Case to prevent giving the FDA a precedent to simply kill any and all natural health strategies
and the Natural Solutions Foundation is considering becoming involved in several more.
To support our court actions to restore and safeguard our health and freedom, please make a donation at
And thanks, in advance, for your generosity
Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom!
Read Dr. Rima’s Report New Report on WHO’s Breathtaking Strategy to Deflect Attention From Their Own Deadly Corruption:
3. Inform the Public and Create the Pressure to Make Push Back
Our Most Effective Tool to Protect and Defend Health Freedom
Defeat S. 510, the Fake Food Safety Bill NOW! We’ve pushed this bill to “the back burner” through our advocacy. You know how close the front burner on your stove is to the back burner, though. As soon as we let up on the pressure, the Senate WILL do Monsanto’s bidding and pass this very bad bill to industrialize the entire US food supply.
Protect your right to know the truth about the relationship between food, supplements, the most heavily regulated foods in the world, and health from unconstitutional and illegal FDA censorship to protect the bills before Congress which protect our health freedom of speech and to demand a Health Freedom Constitutional Amendment.
Protect your right to access the natural health options that YOU choose. Push the FDA back from its camel’s-nose-under-the-flap-
Read Congressman Ron Paul’s letter to the FDA demanding to know why this innocuous traditional product is being attacked by the FDA
Please send this blog now to everyone you know asking them to take action and forward it, too.
Action Step Recap:
1. BAN GMOs NOW! Every independent scientific study shows that GMOs cause organ damage, infertility, permanent damage your DNA and your children’s. But the US makes it ILLEGAL to tell you if your food is GMO or not – and more than 90% of all foods contain, or are made from, GMOs. Don’t like being kept in the dark? Click here now:
2. Defeat S. 510, the Fake Food Safety Bill NOW! We’ve pushed this bill to “the back burner” through our advocacy. You know how close the front burner on your stove is to the back burner, though. As soon as we let up on the pressure, the Senate WILL do Monsanto’s bidding and pass this very bad bill to industrialize the entire US food supply.
3. Do you want the US to get out of Codex and degrade our food and the rest of the world’s food, too? Take our Survey now, then forward it to others and let us know what you want the US to do.
4. Protect your right to know the truth about the relationship between food, supplements, the most heavily regulated foods in the world, and health from unconstitutional and illegal FDA censorship to protect the bills before Congress which protect our health freedom of speech and to demand a Health Freedom Constitutional Amendment. Click here,
5. Protect your right to access the natural health options that you choose. Push the FDA back from its camel’s-nose-under-the-flap-of-the-tent attack on ear candles here
Read Congressman Ron Paul’s letter to the FDA demanding to know why this innocuous traditional product is being attacked by the FDA here,
4. New Action Item URL: Mr President, Allow Natural Solutions!
Tune in to Dr. Rima Reports, June 13, 2010, 9PM to Midnight (Eastern Standard Time) this Sunday to find out why this is our window of opportunity to impact the implementation of Obamacare!
5. And please, remember that the Natural Solutions Foundation is 100% supporter supported. Your recurring tax deductible donation is our financial life blood. Donate NOW!
6. Tell Congress you want a Health Freedom Constitutional Amendment. Now!
And a special action item for New Yorkers:
The State Legislature is STILL about to act to compel new vaccines for children…
New Yorkers: URGENT – Must Act Now! Mandatory Meningitis Vax Mandate About to Pass Assembly
Have You Taken the Health Keepers’ Oath Yet?
These are troubled times. What would YOU do if given an order to harm or kill your fellow human beings, your fellow Americans?
Totalitarian regimes enlist medical workers and professionals to “justify” and expedite their dictatorial plans. Say “NO!” to inhuman or illegal orders. Take the Health Keeper’s Oath and share it widely with others in any aspect of the Health Care Industry.
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” And their brains. Are yours ready?
If you’ve had problems placing orders for these extraordinary nutrients, we’ve set up a special email address for you to use; just email your contact information and we’ll call you back right away! We promise.
One Threat After Another:
New “Killer Algae” Discovered
Read Dr. Rima’s Is Nano Silver Under the Gun Because It IS the Magic Bullet?
Cryptococcus gattii appears to be the latest genetically engineered killer organism. It is a killer mold altered to have a kill rate of 50% of those who develop symptoms, usually months after exposure. Conventional medicine has no way to treat the infection once symptoms appear. If this mold responds to Nano Silver as part of its biological terrain as well as we believe that it should, Nano Silver may be a VERY useful nutrient to have on hand!
“…potentially lethal fungus may spread…” – Health Care Industry Today, May 5, 2010
We recommend Silver Biotics Nano Silver, available at
Health Freedom Bike Ride 2010
We are happy to announce that Ryan, a brave Health Freedom supporter (and professional BMX bike rider) from the Chicago area has volunteered to ride from there to the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Valley of the Moon™ Eco Community in Panama,, to raise awareness for Natural Solutions. Learn more about this upcoming event:
Going to Codex
Send NSF to Codex
We attended Codex for you in May in Quebec City, Canada giving you daily video updates. Now, we wonder… should the US get out of Codex and use the Codex Two Step Process,, to correct the many errors of Codex. Of course, we expect that there would be far fewer errors if the US were not there leading Codex into the genocidal degradation of food. By the way, you can find our Codex eBook, which demonstrates how the Codex Two Step Process works here,
The Valley of the Moon Natural Solutions Institute, which we call the “Dr. Rima Institute” for short, is about to open in the beautiful, bountiful, temperate highlands community of Volcan, Panama as early as the end of June. You can read more about this, follow progress (we will be posting photos and videos!) at the Dr. Rima Network web site:
where you will also find a description of many of the natural protocols to be offered at the Institute.
And now a few words from our business supporters…
Valley of the Moon™ Beyond Organic Coffee
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee: I Promise You:
You have Never Had a Better Cup of Coffee!
Non Toxic, Clean, Beyond Organic… Powerfully Antioxidant…
Order Yours Now! Every Bag Valley of the Moon Coffee Supports your Physical Health and supports the Natural Solutions Foundation
What? You’re Still Drinking Ordinary Chemical Coffee?
You Have No Idea What You Are Missing!
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, Valley of the Moon Coffee, Will Delight You, While You Support the Natural Solutions Foundation With Your Morning Java! Make a donation and get your coffee. Once you taste this exceptional brew, we know you will love it! Write to us at to let us know your experience drinking Valley of the Moon Coffee. We are confident that it will the finest cup of coffee you have ever tasted in your life, bar none!
Visit our Other On-line shops, too
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Dr. Rima has designed a third, very special
Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Pack!
To learn more, or to try the products, go to:
Cognitive Enhancement
“News & Specials” list the three Dr. Rima Packs
For more Details about the Packs:
You know there is a battle going on for your mind (or maybe against it!). Part of the Globalist Agenda to reduce human population and restrict our freedoms goes on in our own heads, as we are subjected to a level of propaganda that can only be termed “mind controlling.” Its success depends on making sure that we are dumb, dull, deluded and distracted….
See the video interview with Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert:
Let me quote General Bert, “‘Focus and clarity’ were the words Ralph used to describe the Cognitive Enhancement nutrients, and that is exactly what I experienced. Both my long and short term memory are enhanced by these products and my thinking processes are noticeably sharper. I am very impressed and intend to continue using them.”
There are numerous smart nutrients, but few of them, working synergistically, have the capability of doing what these products actually do. In this battle to take back our food, our health and our freedoms, we must all be as mentally sharp as possible. That is why the genocidal elitists want us under-nourished and unable to think. I was so impressed with these products that I immediately began to study them and their impact. I researched the ingredients and am satisfied that there is no indication of a lack safety when used as directed. That’s when I decided to create combination packs that would support mental function without agitating; would enhance cognition without later let-down. Dr. Rima
If you’ve had problems placing orders for these extraordinary nutrients, we’ve set up a special email address for you to use; just email your contact information and we’ll have you called back right away!
Nano Silver
Detox Products,
Action Items Video
Watch the Video / Take the Actions:
Please watch Dr. Rima’s brief lecture on the Globalist Agenda and then share it with everyone you know:
Take this video viral along with an invitation to everyone you send it to inviting them to join the Health Freedom Action eAlerts to become involved and powerful!
Please read: Insider’s Advice: Keep Pounding! Never Stop!
Remember, Please Set Up Your Recurring Monthly Tax Deductible Donation Now!
100% of Your Donation Goes to Defending YOUR Health Freedom
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™ –
Friday, May 21, 2010
Sen. Scott Brown Supports Enabling FTC
as Senate Votes Cloture…
Dr. Rima Reports – Internet Radio - Sunday Night!
Fast Index:
[1] Dr Rima Reports: Internet Radio, Sunday Night 10 PM – Midnight EST:
Special Guests continue our strategic discussion… URGENT PLEASE JOIN US! Listen or call in at 347-324-3704
How to Listen:
[2] The Health Freedom Bike Ride 2010!
Here’s an Inspiring Story of Someone Who Wants to Make a Difference…
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” And their brains. Are yours ready?
If you’ve had problems placing orders for these extraordinary nutrients, we’ve set up a special email address for you to use; just email your contact information and we’ll have you called back right away!
Read Dr. Rima’s “Is Nano Silver Under the Gun Because It IS the Magic Bullet?“
Cryptococcus gattii appears to be the latest genetically engineered killer organism. It is a killer mold altered to have a kill rate of half of those who develop symptoms, usually months after exposure. Conventional medicine has no way to treat the infection once symptoms appear. If this mold responds to Nano Silver as part of its biological terrain as well as we believe that it should, Nano Silver may be a VERY useful nutrient to have on hand!
“…potentially lethal fungus may spread…“ – Health Care Industry Today, May 5, 2010
We recommend Silver Biotics Nano Silver, available at
We are happy to announce that Ryan, a brave Health Freedom supporter (and professional BMX bike rider) from the Chicago area, has volunteered to ride from there to the Valley of the Moon Eco Community in Panama, to raise awareness for Natural Solutions. Learn more about this upcoming event:
Index: Special Message from Dr. Rima
“Bad News; Urgent Opportunity“
1. Our Strategy Remains Firm…
Magnifying Your PUSH BACK!
2. FTC Power Grab, Threat to Natural Solutions!
Wall Street Reform Act Moves forward “thanks” to Scott Brown
3. Stop Fake “Food Safety” Bill S.510
Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
4. Dr. Rima Reports – Sunday Night Internet Radio
Topic this week: The Strategic Situation
5. Valley of the Moon Eco Community…
6. Dr. Rima Network
Ideas and products recommended by Dr. Rima
New Cognitive Enhancement Pack!
7. Dr. Rima: Globalist Eugenicidal Agenda
This YouTube must go viral… important message!
The Good Bills
H.R.4913 – the Free Speech About Science Act
H.R.3394 – the Freedom of Health Speech Act and
H.R.3395 – the Health Freedom Act
Freedom of Health Speech and Conscience Amendment
The Bad Bills
H.R.2749 – S.510 – the fake Food Safety Bill
H.R.4173 – S.3217 – the Wall Street “Reform” Bill
Those of you who heard DC lobbyist Dan Perin on the Dr. Rima Reports Internet radio program last Sunday learned a bit about how PUSH BACK WORKS! The latest news is that the “financial reform bill” with its dengerous language empowering FTC to interfere with our dietary supplements and natural products won the 60 votes needed in the Senate to force “cloture” and bring it to a vote; this “thanks” to Scott Brown, the 60th vote…
The matter now goes to a Senate/House Conference Committee where the battle must continue!
Even though you may have sent messages to Congress on these matters before, please do so again… regularly! It is only the constant barrage of constituent messages, made possible by our easy-to-use Mouse Warrior system, that is keeping these bad bills from being passed. Take each action for yourself and for each person in your household. Thank you!
Oppose Wall Street “reform” that will hurt health and food freedom by giving uncontrolled power to the FTC to abuse:
Oppose the fake “Food Safety” bill that will hurt health and food freedom by giving more uncontrolled power to the FDA to abuse:
Support Free Speech for Health Claims:
For Counsel Ralph’s video report on our DC Strategy, please continue reading here:
Thursday; Now it’s up to the Senate/House Conference
Waxman’s FTC Clause Still Threatens to Kill Dietary Supplements Through Hostile Regulation. Thousands Have eMailed –
Now We Need Millions!
The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), adopted by the House of Representatives has been initially approved by the Senate as S.3217. Sen. Scott Brown was the 60th vote for cloture. The bill appears to include language giving more power to the Federal Trade Commission to make general rules for interstate commerce that could be used to restrict truthful information about dietary supplements, by requiring expensive, “drug company” level clinical trials before vitamin companies could make claims about their products. This “reform” could hand-over the natural products industry to Big Pharma, which, over the past few years, has bought up most of the larger vitamin companies. The new rules could become a “barrier against entry” driving many smaller companies out of business.
We need to redouble our efforts to have the Senate/House Conference Committee write in protective language for dietary supplements and natural remedies.
We address this issue in an Action Item telling Congress to provide protective language for natural products which do not need the same level of substantiation (called “significant scientific agreement”) that drugs should require for public safety. The existing commercial standard of “competent and reliable scientific evidence” allows natural product marketers to rely on published literature and small-scale clinical studies appropriate for food products. As we have been warning, the attacks on Natural Solutions will continue and will escalate. BUT, YOUR CONTINUED PUSH BACK WILL PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO ACCESS NATURAL SOLUTIONS!
Action Item:
FIVE Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
S.510 STILL has not made it to the floor of the Senate this week! Some were predicting it would pass two weeks ago when certain industry groups began to back it. However, your continued PUSH BACK is still holding it off. Please read below and TAKE THE ACTION ITEM AGAIN! That’s right , AGAIN! We must continue to innudate the Senate with emails to stop this travesty!
Rumor in DC is that the forced-industrialization of food production bill, S.510, will come to a vote in the Senate before the summer break If you value local, natural food production, NOW is the time to act! Please use this Action Item and send the message to the Senate: “NO FAKE FOOD SAFETY BILL”. Demand strong, unequivocal protection for local, natural food production! Please forward this message to everyone you know and ask them to act too!
Two critically important action steps to take:
[1] Send an email to your Senators:
[2] CALL your US Senators’ offices; Just dial 800-828-0498 and make a call registering your strongly negative opinion of S. 510! If not now, when? For 9 “talking points” about why the bill is just as we’ve described it, see -
4. Dr. Rima Reports – Internet Radio Archives
Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health, Your Way! archives are available at
Just go to the “Travenyl1” show at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time and fast forward to hours 2 and 3. That’s when the Dr. Rima Reports is on and you’ll be able to hear our ground-breaking interviews! Enjoy!
5. Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstrtion Community…
S. 510, the Fake Food Safety Bill, and now the “Financial Industry Reform” bill advance the Globalist Agenda by Degrading and Industrializing ALL US Food. That’s Why The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Community Exists: to Reclaim the Production of Food in a Sustainable Community.
New Video Gives You a Quick Tour, with General Bert, of Land We Are Considering!
Interested in Natural Solutions Foundation’s ground-breaking program to reclaim the production of food in a sustainable teaching and living environment in the Highlands of Panama? The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project is a place to live, to support, to practice your healing arts or other skills. It is also a perfect project to use as a qualified offshore vehicle for your tax deferred IRAs or 401s and other funds. Perhaps more than one of these areas interests you. Visit for more information.
If so, or to find out more, please contact Ralph Fucetola, JD, Foundation Trustee and Counsel, at with “VOTM” as the subject –
6. The Dr. Rima Network
All Natural… Powerfully Antioxidant…
What? You’re Still Drinking Ordinary Chemical Coffee?
You Have No Idea What You Are Missing!
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, Valley of the Moon Coffee, Will Delight You, While You Support the Natural Solutions Foundation With Your Morning Java! Make a donation and get your coffee:
Important announcement: Virtual Malls about to reopen! and have been temporarily shut down for new site design testing. In a short time we will be up and running again (when the compuer geniuses tell us we are ready to go!) In the meantime, please continue to purchase the following products from the Natural Solutions Foundation.
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Dr. Rima has designed a third, very special
Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Pack!
To learn more, go to:
You know there is a battle going on for your mind (or maybe against it!). Part of the Globalist Agenda to reduce human population and restrict our freedoms goes on in our own heads, as we are subjected to a level of propaganda that can only be termed “mind controlling.” Its success depends on making sure that we are dumb, dull, deluded and distracted….
See the video interview with Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert:
Let me quote General Bert, “‘Focus and clarity’ were the words Ralph used to describe the Cognitive Enhancement nutrients, and that is exactly what I experienced. Both my long and short term memory are enhanced by these products and my thinking processes are noticeably sharper. I am very impressed and intend to continue using them.”
There are numerous smart nutrients, but few of them, working synergistic ally, have the capability of doing what these products actually do. In this battle to take back our food, our health and our freedoms, we must all be as mentally sharp as possible. That is why the genocidal elitists want us under-nourished and unable to think. I was so impressed with these products that I immediately began to study them and their impact. I researched the ingredients and am satisfied that there is no indicia of a lack safety when used as directed. That’s when I decided to create combination packs that would support mental function without agitating; would enhance cognition without later let-down. Dr. Rima
If you’ve had problems placing orders for these extraordinary nutrients, we’ve set up a special email address for you to use; just email your contact information and we’ll have you called back right away!
A Little Bit of Heaven in a Cup:
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
All Natural, all Wonderful! A 1/2 lb bag of the best coffee you have ever tasted! That’s our gift to you when you make a $25 donation!
Nano Silver
Detox Foot Pads,
Please watch my brief lecture on the Globalist Agenda and then share it with everyone you know:
Now take this video viral along with an invitation to everyone you send it to inviting them to join the Health Freedom Action eAlerts to become involved and powerful!
Four short, hard-hitting video reports from Dr. Rima at Codex meeting:
Report Number 1: Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) Another Codex trick: set nutritional levels so low that everyone will be in chronic nutritional deficit – and think that it is normal. This connects directly to S. 510, the Food Fascism Bill, and S. 3218, the Wall Street Reform Bill that contains language which can kill dietary supplements through hostile regulation. 5 minutes, 7 seconds.
Report Number 2: US wants to prevent labeling of GMOs anywhere in the world! More on health claims and NRVs. 9 minutes, 57 seconds
Report Number 3: Degrading Organic standards. What can you do about it? Plenty. Watch the video and take the Action Steps. 9 minutes, 45 seconds
Reort Number 4: GMOs: US and Big Biotech act to make honest GMO (and GMO-Free) labeling impossible. Summary of the Codex Committee meeting. Ten minutes.
See the videos here:
8. Urgent Action Items: Calling All Mouse Warriors!
Take these Action Items Once for Every Member of Your Family and Then Pass Them On to Every Person in Your Circle of Influence –
[2] Fake “FOOD SAFETY”[SIC] Bill On the Move Again
Protect Your Access to Clean, Non Industrialized Food
Click here,
To beat back the phony “Food Safety”[sic] bill, S. 510, designed to end access to clean, healthy food and “HARMonize” us with Codex by industrializing all food production in the US. This week’s “amendments” are not enough! Now is the time to push even harder!
[3] GMOs are Not Tested for Safety.
Science Shows They Are Dangerous. Ban GMOs Now
Demand a GMO Ban — Now!
Click here,
To demand a total ban on GMO products and strong scientific study to find out just how bad the damage has been and how to correct it.
[4] Resist Tyranny As a HealthKeeper
Tyrannies Enlist the HealthCare System to Enforce Their Tyranny. Stop This Dangerous Trend Which Is Already Being Brought Into Play in the US –
Click here,
To take the Health Keeper’s Oath and make it very clear that you will not be swept up into the misuse of medical and allied personnel in the coming health tyranny, either as uniformed Ready Reserve or as non uniformed health personnel.
[5] Impeach HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
Asked the Press to Violate the First Amendment, Violating Her Oath of Office to Defend the Constitution of the United States. She Should Be Removed Immediately.
Click here:
To demand the removal, through either resignation or impeachment, of HHS Secretary Sebelius, who not only presides over one of the most corrupt federal agencies in history, but asked the press to suppress our constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech concerning vaccines, autism, mercury and damage to ourselves and our children.
[6] FTC Rule Making Authority: Protect Dietary Supplements
and Natural Remedies from enhanced FTC power which may be used to restrict access to truthful information about Natural Solutions!
[7] New Action Item! Ask Congress to Investigate Autism Epidemic!
From Dr. Rima: Bad News; Urgent Opportunity
Today the US Senate made a big mistake according to friends of helath and freedom: The Finance Reform bill has been passed. Now the House and Senate bills go to Conference Committee. That gives us our last chance to get rid of the atrocious Waxman amendment giving the FTC the power to demand drug-level clinical trials costing billions of dollars for safe, effective supplements before they can be marketed.
Small and medium size companies, however, do not have the resources to do this, nor should they have to, given that nutrients are, under color of law, FOODS.
The pitched battle against nutrition, nutrients, freedom, your health and, indeed, your very survivial. Under nutrion is a major cause of premature aging, chronic degernative illness like cancer, needless suffereing and early death. Under nutrition is a life threatening chronic condition best combatted by nutritional sufficiency, and that means not only clean food (which S. 510 threatens directly) but supplements and nutrients.
Supplements cause a serious problem for those who profit from your illness: the problem is called robust health. Supplements also cause a serious problem for those who seek your death through genocide: the problem is called vigorous longevity and accompanying vitality.
The last chance we have to prevent Sen. Waxman’s devastating poison pill for nutrients from becoming law is by flooding Congress with our massive opposition. Take this Action Step once for every member of your family and then send this notice off to everyone on your email list. Virtually every person in the US uses nutrients at some time: Waxman’s language give the government the gift that keeps on giving: Health Fascism. It is really up to us now to rally around this urgently important issue and make sure that the conference version of the Financial Reform Bill does not contain his amendment.
And some good news too…
Dr. Robert Wascher’s Health News and Research
Coffee’s a Lifesaver for Women
“More good news for coffee drinkers: A newly published prospective public health study, from Japan, offered further proof that regular coffee consumption may have long-term health benefits (at least for half of the population).
The results of this large Japanese study appear in the current issue of the “Journal of Nutrition.” In this study, 18,287 men and 19,455 women (between the ages of 40 and 64 years) were prospectively included in the Miyagi Cohort Study, which began in 1990.
All of these volunteers were without any clinical history of cancer, heart disease, or stroke when they entered into the study. After an average of more than 10 years of follow-up, 2,454 of the volunteers died from various causes, including 426 cases of fatal cardiovascular disease and 724 fatal cases of cancer.
These volunteers were categorized and analyzed according to their self-reported daily consumption of coffee: “never-drinkers,” “occasional-drinkers,” one to two cups per day, and three or more cups per day. Other known risk factors for cardiovascular disease (including heart disease and stroke) and cancer were also factored into the analysis of the risk of death associated with coffee consumption for each volunteer.
Among the women in this study, increasing levels of daily coffee consumption were associated with a decreasing risk of death, due to any cause. (This “dose-dependent” relationship between daily coffee consumption and risk of death strongly suggests a direct clinical relationship between increased coffee consumption and a decreased risk of death.)
When compared to the women who did not drink coffee at all, the women who drank three or more cups of java per day were 25 percent less likely to die from any cause during this decade-long public health study. The coffee-associated reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was even more powerful (and also appeared to be “dose-dependent”), as the women who downed three or more cups of coffee per day experienced a whopping 55 percent decrease in the risk of death due to cardiovascular causes!
Finally, there was an apparent modest decrease in the risk of dying from colorectal cancer among the female coffee drinkers, but no other reduction in the risk of dying from cancer was observed in association with regular coffee consumption among these women volunteers.
Unfortunately this study did not identify any apparent beneficial health effects of regular coffee consumption in men. The reason for this gender-related disparity is not clear, although it is well known that there are major differences in both the incidence of cardiovascular disease between men and women, and differences in the way that cardiovascular diseases (and heart disease, in particular) manifest themselves in women versus men.
It is, therefore, possible, that cardiovascular disease factors that are more unique to women are directly impacted upon by regular coffee consumption. (At least no adverse effects of regular coffee consumption on male mortality were observed in this study.)
So, ladies, keep the favorable results of this clinical research study in mind whenever you order that next cuppa Joe!
8 Reasons to Drink Coffee:“
Remember, Health Freedom Isn’t Free.
Please Set Up Your Recurring Tax Deductible Donation Now!
100% of Your Donation Goes to Defending YOUR Health Freedom
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
The Good Bills
H.R.4913 – the Free Speech About Science Act
H.R.3394 – the Freedom of Health Speech Act and
H.R.3395 – the Health Freedom Act
Freedom of Health Speech and Conscience Amendment
The Bad Bills
H.R.2749 – S.510 – the fake Food Safety Bill
H.R.4173 – S.3217 – the Wall Street “Reform” Bill
First, here is what is at stake:
The Good Bills
Foods or dietary supplements that may be of benefit for health conditions are, according to the FDA, unapproved “drugs.” Representatives Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Jared Polis (D-CO) the co-chairs of the Dietary Supplement Caucus, have introduced the Free Speech about Science Act — H.R. 4913. This bill would ensure our basic Free Speech in health matter, end censorship and, according to observers, “enable the natural health products community to share peer-reviewed scientific findings about natural health products with the public…”
We have long urged support for Representative Ron Paul’s bills – HR 3394, the Freedom of Health Speech Act, and HR 3395, the Health Freedom Act. This new bill joins them to offer the possibility of a real turn-around in US law; finally supporting the intent of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) that we have broad freedom to use food for heatlh and fully rejecting the FDA’s discredited public policy of “HARMonizing” especially with international restrictions on our rights.
Additionally, we’ve joined with other health freedom advocates to begin to explore the idea of amending the US Constitution to better protect our health and food freedoms. We firmly believe that the Constitution already protects our freedom, but the Federal courts have made it increasingly difficult for citizens to seek redress of grievances in these matters, often determining that citizens do not have “standing to sue” to protect these rights. Read more about this issue here: The Action Items below address this matter too.
Please use the Action Items below to support these Good Bills.
The Bad Bills
Sometimes a bill that does not seem to address food and health freedom actually contains the potential to harm our freedoms. The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), just adopted by the House of Representatives (and sent to the Senate as S.3217) includes language — offered by Rep. Waxman [D – CA] — giving more power to the Federal Trade Commission to make general rules for interstate commerce that could be used to restrict truthful information about dietary supplements, by requiring expensive, “drug company” level clinical trials before vitamin companies could make claims about their products. This “reform” could hand-over the natural products industry to Big Pharma, which, over the past few years, has bought up most of the larger vitamin companies. The new rules could become a “barrier against entry” driving many smaller companies out of business. Therefore, we oppose this bill.
UPDATE: the Senate approved the “reform” bill and it is now in the hands of the conference committee; we have modified the Action Item to reflect this and to request that the committee take steps to protect DSHEA products. How exactly does the bill threaten natural products:
Additionally, the Obama administration is pushing new farm controls which will drive small and independent farmers off the land, literally leaving the field to Agribiz, (implementing all of Codex through complete HARMonization and allowing the FDA to declare Marshal law) through Congress as fast as possible and have coordinated the House bills so there will be no debate and committee meetings are closed. The story will not be the same in the Senate, if we can generate enough public outrage!
Transparency, change, undoing Bush’s regulations, giving the public time to comment, grassroots anything? None are visible in the current legislative process. Our entire food system, and thus our health, is being given to the last people with any interest in quality or safety: Big Abgribiz. This is going on in the absence of public scrutiny. Those who do know what is happening, of course, have zero access to the process and to the major media. Meanwhile, the media is absent while Congress is moving at warp speed to sew this up.
Our strategy is to strongly oppose both the Wall Street “reform” bill and the Food “safety” bill, expecting that your continued PUSH BACK will continue to delay these bills until the Summer Recess. When Congress comes back into session in the Fall, it will be too preoccupied with the budget and with the elections for either bill to pass…
Please use the Action Items below to oppose these bad bills.
Action Items
Even though you may have sent messages to Congress on these matters before, please do so again… regularly! It is only the constant barrage of constituent messages, made possible by our easy-to-use Mouse Warrior system, that is keeping these bad bills from being passed. Take each action for yourself and for each person in your household. Thank you!
Oppose Wall Street “reform” that will hurt health and food freedom by giving uncontrolled power to the FTC to abuse:
Oppose the fake “Food Safety” bill that will hurt health and food freedom by giving more uncontrolled power to the FDA to abuse:
Support Free Speech for Health Claims:
Thank you for supporting health and food freedom!
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Trustee and Counsel
PS – Remember, freedom is not free. We need your financial support to carry-on this work. Please make your generous donation here: