Supplements on the Chopping Block!
Protect Your Informed Consent Here
What do you get when Big Pharma mates with the US Congress? PharmaCong. It’s a monster and it’s out to kill your right to dietary supplements. Again.
Look, we have been forced to defend our supplements from PharmaCong, the monster created by Big Pharma’s care, feeding and lobbying of Congress and it’s ‘Deja Vu All Over Again’ because we have to protect our supplements once again.
PharmaCong nearly killed all supplements in 1994 when we forced them to retreat and pass the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) which specified that nutrients are foods, not drugs, and that we can have as much of them as we like without government interference.
Healthcare Trump Style will include Health Savings Accounts which will allow you to choose what your healthcare dollars are spent on. Choose, that is, unless you (along with Dr. Rand Paul, by the way) want to feed your body the nutrients and other natural products that it needs to get healthy and stay that way.
Supplements and other natural health supports like herbs will not be covered so they continue to remain uninsured expenses under the new plan.
It’s time to strong-arm Congress and the White House with an avalanche of emails demanding that our right to include nutritional supplements in our own self-directed health strategies must be protected in this reform healthcare bill.
Tell your Federal representatives to support the Health Savings Account (HSA) Act of 2017, S.403 and H.R.1175, introduced by Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah) and Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minnesota) as part of reforming the (sic) “Affordable Care Act” and to make sure vitamins and other natural remedies remain payable from HSAs.
Click here,, to do that. And when you have finished that action, take a few moments to use the enormous power of social media to enlist your entire circle of influence through social media to do the same and enlist their contacts, too.
Without that, you’ll be able to pay for any pharmaceutical you want! But nutrients to get you well and keep you that way? Nope.
Congress was getting ready to outlaw all supplements in 1994, delivering a massive present to the drug industry a decade after they removed all vaccine liability from their good Pharma buddies.
PharmaCong in action…
We got wind of that rotten deal cooking on the congressional burners and we rose up in outraged millions. We sent more letters to Congress on this than we had on the Viet Nam war and Congress backed down, to the last man and woman and passed DSHEA by unanimous consent. They were that frightened of our power.
They still are.
With good reason.
Dietary supplements, paid for with our own Health Savings Account money MUST be included and protected so that natural, curative medicine is our financial option, at our discretion and choice.
Click here,, to take action and tell that to Congress and the Trump White House and then spread the word as if your life depended upon it.
It does.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
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Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM – Noon Eastern – Listen, chat, archive:
What I prefer to refer to as the “Advanced Health Care Physicians” — the doctors who went beyond their medical school indoctrination and found their way to become real healers — have warned people about the dangers of vaccination literally since the founding of that branch of pseudo-science.
You can read about the sordid history of vaccination in my 2005 essay, The Syringe of Death:
For too long the voices of the good doctors have been drowned out by the persistent pro-vax propaganda from the drug-pushers and their crony cohorts in the CDC and the rest of the medical mega-biz establishment. Any doctors who courageously told the truth about the foreseeable harm to children from the uninsurable risk of vaccination have been viciously attacked by paid hacks for the biggest of the big biz: the Illness Control Industry.
Before I show you how the Vaccine Myth is now exposed as the bad science it is, you need to understand how desperate the medical establishment has become, when it comes to protecting the cash-cow that vaccine has become, since the days of con-man Jenner and his “Cow Pox” lies.
Witness the persecution of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a well-respected British physician with impeccable credentials. In 1998 he wrote a careful article for the Lancet, the British Medical Association journal, which showed the curious connection between vaccination injury and gastrointestinal disease.
Ten years after publication, Dr. Wakefield was targeted by the illness control system and his career was systematically destroyed. The medial establishment went so far as to withdraw his peer-reviewed, published paper claiming fraud on his part. He lost his license and fled to America, where he found friends to defend him.
I was with Dr. Wakefield at the Health Freedom Expo in Long Beach California at the beginning of March, 2012 and heard the news that the persecution is unraveling. It turns out that powerful media interests, with close “board room” links to Big Pharma, concocted the story of “fraud” in Dr. Wakefield’s original paper and it appears that the paid hack who broke the story of the alleged “fraud” himself falsified the records to persecute Dr. Wakefield. The Lancet cooperated in the persecution and now both the Murdock media interests and the Lancet are being sued for libel. The facts are clear: Dr. Wakefield’s name will be cleared and his reputation and license restored.
If the foreseeable harm that the toxic brew of which vaccines consist was not enough to warn everyone about the risks of vaccination; if the history of thousands of children maimed and killed was not enough to remind us of the first Rule of humane medicine — DO NO HARM! — the scientific evidence is now available that shows the “antibody immunity response” claimed for vaccines cannot be verified by science and the opposite is true: recent studies show “antibodies” have little, if anything, to do with immunity!
This just in from Ethan A. Huff, staff writer for Natural News –
“March 27, 2012 (NaturalNews) Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses
Learn more:
While the medical, pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries are busy pushing new vaccines for practically every condition under the sun, a new study published in the journal Immunity completely deconstructs the entire vaccination theory. It turns out that the body’s natural immune systems, comprised of both innate and adaptive components, work together to ward off disease without the need for antibody-producing vaccines.
The theory behind vaccines is that they mimic infection by spurring B cells, one of the two major types of white blood cells in the immune system, to produce antibodies as part of the adaptive immune system. It is widely believed that these vaccine-induced antibodies, which are part of the more specific adaptive immune system, teach the immune system how to directly respond to an infection before the body becomes exposed to it.
But the new research highlights the fact that innate immunity plays a significant role in fighting infections, and is perhaps more important than adaptive immunity at preventing or fighting infections. In tests, adaptive immune system antibodies were shown unable to fight infection by themselves, which in essence debunks the theory that vaccine-induced antibodies serve any legitimate function in preventing or fighting off infection.
“Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity,” said Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School. “It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis.” … as explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock in a recent interview with Mike Adams…”
What does this mean? it means the Myth is Busted!
There is no longer any scientific justification for further use of vaccines. Vaccination has been exposed as voodoo-science. From now on, there is no excuse for any physician who continues to push vaccines.
There is a better medicine than Big Biz Illness Control. There is a medicine that seeks Natural Solutions and that acts humanely, harmlessly. It is this medicine which is the future. The Illness Control system that has heretofore based its false promises on vaccination, on toxic drugs, on invasive techniques, is the pseudo-medicine of the crony coropratists and is now fully exposed for the lie it is.
I call upon all physicians, nurses, all health care practitioners, to take a stand today, against the deadly “medicine” pushed by the big lie of vaccination, I urge you to sign the Health Keepers Oath, swearing that your healing talents will never be used to harm the people who trust you with their health! Sign here:
For health & food freedom & justice,
Dr. Rima
[Watch for live site; coming soon…]
PS – The medicine of the future is based on wholesome food, healthy lifestyles and potent nutritional supplementation. You can find very good sources of wholesome food and good nutrients at the beta site of our new International CSA, Consumer Supported Agriculture,
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom & Justice™ –
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning Starting 10 AM Eastern
Listen, chat, archive:
Oxytocin is the molecule of attachment. It engenders feelings of connection in lovers… it floods the system of even a casual observer, when triggered by auditory, visual and other stimuli… it even causes a nursing mother to experience a “let-down” response or release of milk in her breasts when she hears the distinctive cry of her infant, but not that of other babies. It is the molecular link in the loving mind of all mothers.
Lovers and mothers and others do not love because of oxytocin, but they love through it: its presence creates the changes in our brains and bodies we associate with love, in all its many forms and iterations.
When a child is diagnosed as autistic, one of the hallmarks of that state is the failure to bond, to mold to a parent, to crave affectionate contact, to respond to people with attached interest and behavior. It is as if they lack from the beginning of life, or come to lack after they are vaccinated or otherwise injured, the very molecule of attachment itself, the powerful neurotransmitter oxytocin. assume
We know that the failure to bond, is a behavioral indication of an injury to the nervous system that, as its normal function, mediates attachment, love and caring. This is not unlike the injury to the gastrointestinal system that Dr. Wakefield found in connection with the MNR vaccine. In my view, and that of other physicians not affiliated with government or drug companies, every time a child is vaccinated, there is foreseeable harm to the child. We label those who have been vaccine damaged in a certain way, “autistic” but it is my professional opinion that every child ever vaccinated is injured to a greater or lesser degree. One of the subtle injuries appears to be to the normal function of oxytocin.
In fact, many autistic children do not lack oxytocin, rather, they have far, far too much of it. Autistic children, when we examine their vocal frequency structure, often have extremely high levels of frequencies associated with oxytocin, the very molecule of attachment.
They have so much of this powerful behavior-impacting molecule that the specialized receptors which respond to its presence (similar to the way insulin receptors respond to the excess presence of that vital transmitter) when there is too much most or all of the time: they become “deaf” to it. Just as people with too much insulin develop insulin resistence, I postulate, in this case, oxytocin resistance so that even these elevated levels levels trigger little or no response.
For the child with autism, high levels of oxytocin, as indicated by vocal analysis, are present constantly, leading to receptor fatigue and “deafness”. The child cannot attach to this world, its people, its communications. Lowering these levels through frequency treatment has, in my experience, resulted in phenomenal positive changes in autistic people with elevated oxytocin frequency markers.
Could it be, could it possibly be, that the introduction of high levels of a synthetic oxytocin drug, known as “pitocin” in obstetric practice, could so distort the neurotransmitter environment that this critical molecule could be over-produced following damage to brain that its introduction induced? Of course it could be.
The neurotransmitter and receptor systems of the fetus’ and infant’s brain are highly influenced by the environmental circumstances in which the fetus or baby finds itself. We know conclusively, for example, through the work of Bruce Perry! PhD, and others, that when infants are stressed, the ratio of stress transmitter receptors to pleasure transmitter receptors is dramatically altered permanently, priming the infant to grow into a person who experiences stress readily and pleasure or no stress with more difficulty. The impact on the life of the baby is incalculable.
What of the impact of a distorted ability to bond, to attach and to love? There is almost no way to capture the enormity of this impact on a life, on family and on society. No way, perhaps, except to examine the energy, money, heartache and loss engendered by an autistic family member. When I started practicing medicine in 1970 (always without the use of drugs, of course) not more than one in ten thousand children were diagnosed as autistic. Today in some highly toxic areas the ratio is far more than one in one hundred! This preventable epidemic of neurological injury can be stopped if the environmental toxins are stopped, starting with toxic vaccine, which means all vaccines!
Under normal, not hospital-make-believe-normal, circumstances, babies determine the time of their own birth. Through elegant and highly complex mechanisms they decide when it is time to stimulate the secretion of oxytocin and offer their mother’s uterus the information it has been waiting for: It is now time to contract in order to expel the baby from its warm, wet and magical container.
But hospital births take place when busy schedules allow, obstetrician’s schedules, parent’s schedules, anesthesiologist’s schedules. The baby is not consulted and, at least in any meaningful way, is not even a member of the team, just the endpoint of the exercise. (Unless, of course, the child has parents aware enough to work with midwives and physicians who can provide the type of supportive environment the child naturally needs.)
Babies who do not bond with mothers and babies with mothers who do not bond with them do not thrive. In fact, there is a potentially lethal condition called “Failure to Thrive” which can literally kill children who have not bonded because they are incapable of absorbing nutrients from their food – the GI tract does not mature without love.
Neurological development at the physical level depends on attachment between a baby and someone who loves it and consistently present in its world – brains do not mature without love. Kidney function in lambs does not begin unless the mother licks it and while human mothers do not lick their babies, they do stoke and fondle them, enhancing a huge number of functions in the baby, and in the mother.
Oxytocin impacts every organ and tissue on which it has been studied.
And while pitocin, synthetic oxytocin, might be identical atom for atom to the biological neurotransmitter, its artificial introduction is not. This is hardly a natural approach to child birth, and guarantees, from the very start, a sequence of traumatic events, adding to the trauma of circumcision and vaccination assaults on the fragile psyche and neurological system of the developing newborn.
As adults we can nourish normal oxytocin function (in ourselves and children) by offering the body what it needs: sun, pure water, radiation and toxin freed food, enough sleep, an environment free of the trespasses of what General Bert calls “the genomicidal technologies weaponizing the world against human survival…” and effective nutritional supplementation. I will be posting more information about precursor nutrients and how you can nourish love.
[Note: Those genomicidal technologies are: the uninsurable risk of nuclear power (with continuing radiation from Fukushima the worst environmental disaster in human history); the uninsurable risks of vaccination and the toxins this unproven procedure introduces into especially vulnerable children, coupled with all other drug toxins; the unpredictable risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) with their “novel” proteins; and the increasing level of industrial chemical toxins in the environment.]
Perhaps, just perhaps, the industry of medical birth needs to back off, restricting itself to support and enhancement of the most normal and magical of all human processes: the biological reality of love made manifest, the birth of a child. Truly, “Without love I am become as sounding brass.”
Yours, for Health and Food Freedom and Justice,
Dr. Rima
Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD
PS – I have recently been referring to what we need to do to make the future safe for coming generations as the “Battle of all Mothers.” And so it is. We have powerful biological urges on our side in this battle. And we invite all women and all men to stand with all Mothers against these clear and present dangers to our future.
Here are just a few things you can do to help us counter the “Globalist Genocidal Agenda” with our Planetary Life Vision about how we cannot just survive, but rather, thrive on this wonderful world.
1. Join the Health Freedom Email List, CLICK HERE.
2. Donate to help us spread the word, CLICK HERE
3. Learn more about Natural Solutions, CLICK HERE
4. Join us for an important Radiation Rescue Class on April 1, 2012, CLICK HERE
Another in the Natural Solutions Foundation’s White Paper Series
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Original War Council web page:
3rd Annual War Council (January 8, 2012)Index:
Course of Action
Action Items
Our Mission
“…to discover, document, develop,
demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions…”
We the people are under multiple economic, political, health and food attacks, mobilized and supported by certain globalist elements in the government(s) and powerful policy-setting multinational corporations which are designed to reduce the population by up to 90 percent; this is the Globalist Genocidal Agenda.
We address this EoS to all the people of the world — knowledge is power! This document is especially addressed to all of you who know there are increasing risks of a genomicidal nature that must be addressed. We acknowledge you and ask you to join us in this effort! Please share this EoS widely! #OWS #TeaParty #C4L
The Facts Bearing on the Problem were Presented at the Natural Solutions Foundation’s 3rd Annual War Councils. We heard from Judge Napolitano, the morning before the meeting, and at the meeting from Foster Gamble, producer of the movie Thrive, Tim Bolen, Dr. Hildy Staninger MD, Sharry Edwards, MEd, Jordan Rubin and various members of the public attending the meeting and simultaneous webinar.
1) GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) have been declared by the US Government in the absence of any scientific justification or substantiation to be “substantially equivalent” to organisms’ with their natural DNA. Therefore, according to the US FDA, no GMO label or identification is necessary; and, in fact, in the US it is illegal to label GMO products, including “GMO-Free” products. As a result, NO safety testing is required or permitted by the FDA even though, in fact, the modified and unmodified DNA are in no way truly equivalents. In addition, at least one GMO modification of corn has a gene (“Epicyte gene) added to it, which is explicitly designed to create sterility in both men and women through induction of antibodies to sperm. ALL independent scientific data makes it clear that GMOs are dangerous for the biosphere, the individual and future generations and are incompatible with non GMO life forms since their aberrant DNA is contagious and induces permanent, trans-generational mutations.
2) Multiple vaccines have been created and deployed to cope with such diseases as the swine and avian flu strains (H5N1, H1N1 viruses, also created in the laboratory and then made more virulent). These vaccines have then been made mandatory for increasing numbers of individuals. No vaccine, however, has ever been proven tto be either safe or effective. Mandatory application to the public at large in the absense of such proof is both irrational and illegal since both are required by US law before a vaccine can be approved and marketed. Evidence exists indicating that rather than preventing the disease they are supposed to address, vaccines actually cause disease and precipitate the pandemic or epidemic. Vaccines are an uninsurable risk known to cause foreseeable harm and are permitted in commerce only by special Act of Congress denying our common law right to redress for that foreseeable harm.
3) Radiation levels from Fukashima Daiichi continue to rise throughout the Northern Hemisphere, including the United State, but are not being monitored, at leastfor public dissemination. Measured levels, however, far exceed safelevels. Food, water and air are increasingly contaminated.
4) ChemTrails continue crossing the skies in many parts of the world dispersing toxic levels of metals such as (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc). In addition, reports exist of even more dangerous items like meson ‘brain chips’, genetically engineered mycoplasma, bacteria, viruses and self-replicating forms which can cause serious illnesses such as Morgellens Disease.
5) Unending war involvement described as “Anti-Terrorism” actually disguises the actual purpose of “protecting” oil resources. The real cost of this war is the loss of Constitutionally guaranteed rights (such as First Amendment, Fourth Amendment and other fundamental legal rights).
6) The “Principles of War” apply and provide the keys for developing proper strategies to correct the problems related to us at the 2010, 2011 and 2012 War Council meetings.
1. Disseminate the information regarding the systematic multiple thrust attacks supported by the globalists in the government and their partner corporations, which are designed to create illness in the entire population.
2. Provide simple, effective and replicable ACTIONS that every person can take to demand “Cease and Desist” orders from their elected officials at every level of government and impact corporate policy through citizen actions and choices which support sustainable citizen values and beliefs such as autonomy, reproductive and health rights, no involuntary experimentation, personal sovereignty, etc
3. Organize independent virtual social networking “Centers of Truth” whereby verified critical information and necessary “Action Items” sorted and stratified by subject matter can electronically reach vast numbers of the activated public in order to go on the offense and make sure that their elected official at all levels of Government hear the outcry, and withdraw their collusion with, and support for, genocidal programs and policies. This process has begun, with our creation of the Free World Network:
4. Identify projects and initiatives which will enhance local autonomy, reproductive autonomy, improvement of health status for entire populations and similar efforts running counter to the globalist genocidal agenda
5. Raise necessary funding to support COAs #s 1, 2 & 3. Donate HERE.
The US government has declared GMOs to be “equivalent” to natural genetic materials. Therefore, GMO product safety is assumed absent any long or short term safety testing. Because of this assumed “equivalency” between unmodified and GMO products, information/labeling is not required on labels, and is, In fact, forbidden in the US. This unjustified and highly biased (and dangerous) assumption has also been accepted by CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, the international organization responsible for setting guide lines and standards for everything that goes into your mouth except drugs. GMOs created to enhance nutrient contents of foods have been approved by CODEX even though, as stated in Appendix III of the BioEngineerd Foods Guidelines, these foods may contain substances which are ineffective as nutrients, may be toxic and may be anti-nutrients. Appendix III states that large-scale human experiments are necessary to determine the impact of these GMOs despite the fact that experimentation without informed consent violates international law and principles.
Mounting evidence indicates that GMOs do not meet reasonable safety guidelines and in fact create serious health problems associated with the production of novel proteins when foreign DNA enters the nucleus of the cell. These problems include, but are not limited to, infertility, sterility, cancer, auto immune diseases, multiple organ system failure, spontaneous abortion across species, crop failure and famine, super pests and super weeds, loss of genetic diversity, trans-generational reproductive failure and more.
This raises serious suspicions regarding the US government’s initiative to prevent labeling of GMOs world-wide, since any gene could easily be introduced into the DNA of a GMO For instance, at least one GMO corn modification has the Epicyte gene added to its DNA structure which creates sterility in both men and women and is, like all other GMOs in the US, totally unlabeled. The acceptance of presumed substantial equivalence violates the common law’s “strict liability in tort” for offering products that can cause harm, and various legal codes’ “Precautionary Principle” that those who support the introduction of novel products bear the burden of proving safety. The FDA, instead of protecting the population, accepts statements of equivalence from manufactures without any investigation or testing.
Consumers can enjoy the GMO sweet corn and then regret every kernel since they may have been irreversibly sterilized without informed (or any other) consent. Since corn forms the raw material substrate for a vast array of food components, and since all such substrates and substances are unlabeled, there is literally no way for the consumer to protect him/herself from this threat.
Additionally, corn is hardly the only GMO in the food supply: soy, beets, papaya, wheat and a rapidly increasing array of crops and animals are GMO.
Animals consumed by humans who have consumed GMO feed are also GMOs, passing their genetic taint on to those who consume them, just as plants do.
Unlabeled GMO materials are found in nearly all processed and an increasing amount of unprocessed food.
Vaccines allegedly exist only to provide protection for the population against diseases that have the potential to become epidemic and spread through the population rapidly and devastatingly. This concept sells easily to the general public despite a total lack of scientific evidence or support for it. However, suddenly we find ourselves confronted by a flurry of new diseases such as Avian Flu, Swine Flu, SARS, et al that require vaccinations for the entire US population (plus many other countries). Increasingly, “diseases” like cancer, smoking, depression, anxiety, diabetes, aggression, anxiety and many others are the object of “preventive” and “therapeutic” vaccines now in development.
Mounting evidence indicates that Avian Flu, Swine Flu, SARS were created in laboratories for the express purpose of providing an excuse to vaccinate large populations with vaccines that include such dangerous ingredients as genetically engineered viruses, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, human DNA from aborted fetuses, cancer viruses like SMV40 and antibiotics for example. In addition to injecting known toxins into vulnerable systems (including fetues, infants and young children) , vaccines actually cause the diseases they are supposedly targeted against instead of preventing them.
In addition, because vaccines cause and potentiate the later development of serious (and highly profitable) chronic diseases such as autism, cancer, diabetes, neurological diseases, as well as infertility, the “after-market effect” of vaccine is very powerful and well-understood by the crony corporatists and their allies in the regulatory agencies.
Avian Flu strains were created when a benign commensal virus was intentionally mutated in a 6 year program funded by the National Institutes of Health by adding the lethal 4-gene sequence which gave the 1918 flu pandemic its enormous lethality. This highly lethal GMO virus was, however, not easily transmissible until its recent re-engineering in two labs (US and Netherlands). These well-funded successful efforts to re-engineer the Avian Flu virus for both high transmissibility and high lethality, correcting the “problem” of the earlier version’s lack of high transmissibility, bring the existence of a genocidal intent into stark focus.
When the new Avian Flu is re-engineered and released (under a new name) another mandatory vaccine will follow close behind creating vast genocidal harm.
Radiation from the Fukashima nuclear reactor disaster continues to contaminate the entire globe with no indication of any controls in the foreseeable future. The stark reality is continuing, and continually increasing, radiation poisoning for not only all animal life (including human life), but also for all plant life. This means that ALL the food we eat and ALL water we drink either does or will contain radiation poisons that vary with location and weather conditions and will continue to get worse over time for eons. It would appear that governments do not want the public to know how bad the situation really is. Otherwise, they would continue to monitor the situation and report the conditions similar to weather reporting. In broad terms, however, the Northern Hemisphere is in more serious jeopardy than the Southern Hemisphere. The Western and Northwestern US is more radioactive than the Southeastern US although this distinction is rather meaningless since a vast proportion of the food supply of the entire US comes from the West and Northwest of the US. A personal Geiger-Counter can help with individual selection of foods with minimal radiation to put on your personal table if it is an advanced model capable of determining the presence of the trans-uranium elements plutonium, americium, etc. Conventional Geiger Counters are not able to do this.
All food grown and consumed in the US is grown in increasingly contaminated areas and then shipped long distances to the consumer. Since the adoption of the misnamed FDA “Food Safety” Modernization Act by the 111th Congress, agency attacks on local and natural food sources has escalated. Examples include the coordinated raids during 2011 on the Amish Raw Milk Dairies and the California Rawsome Co-Op.
In addition, strong documentary evidence indicates that the US HAARP system was pulsing 2.5 Hz into the Fukashima earthquake epicenter for four days prior to the earthquake that resulted in the destruction of the multi-reactor nuclear plant there. The frequency most associated with earthquakes is 2.5 Hz. Earthquakes can be induced through such pulsation of sufficient energy. HAARP operates at sufficient energy levels to produce such large-scale effects.
Nuclear power is alleged to have provided a major contribution to fulfilling the energy needs for many different populations, despite serious questions about that allegation. However, not even the most ardent proponents of nuclear power can deny its many safety problems, including the absolute lack of any safe way of dealing with the nuclear waste, most of it radioactive over vast time periods. Safe, clean, non-fossil fuel, non-nuclear energy alternatives exist. These alternatives (including, but not limited to, Zero Point Energy – ZPE) can provide huge energy resources. Research will reveal whether the ZPE can match the nuclear capabilities or not. Research to determine the necessary improvements to the long-suppressed ZPE technologies must be made to the ZPE modernization effort to compete with and replace nuclear and fossil fuel use. Nuclear power, like vaccines, is an uninsurable economic risk.
Chemtrails may, if we do not recognize them for what they are, appear innocent and of no consequence in the skies above us … nothing more than the contrails from any high flying airplane under certain weather conditions. That is the myth. The facts, however, are very different.
High flying planes are loaded with substances (allegedly for weather modification) designed to poison large populations, and vast amounts of soil and water, around the world. Analysis by various laboratories in various location before and after Chemtrail spraying show that many toxic metals such as aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc are included in the Chemtrail mixtures which ultimately fall to earth. We breathe and ingest the toxic particles into our body. Self-replicating materials, mesons and nano communicators are also part of the toxic brew sprayed on us without our consent or agreement. Conditions like Morgellon’s Diseases are among the results. Meson penetration can lead to cancer and other immune-related diseases.
Aluminum is highly toxic to the body. Arsenic is a deadly poison. Lead, likewise, is a poison, as are beryllium, nickel, cadmium and other components of Chemtrails. On the assumption that they are being sprayed for weather modification, hat makes any of these metals acceptable as environmental contaminates for weather modification vs human destruction? When Chemtrail spraying is intense, emergency room admissions go up in urban areas by approximately 14%. Deaths from respiratory and cardiac causes rise by a similar rate of increase. The lethality of Chemtrails is far from theoretical.
Another interesting data bit is that Monsanto is developing GMO crops that grow in soils with high aluminum content. That fact points strongly to a cabal directly related to the Chetrail menace.
In addition to the metals mentioned above, evidence now indicates that there are also tiny mesogen brain chips included in the Chemtrails. These can lodge in the ears, the nasal cavity, the brain or in the skin. Over 100 persons analyzed for these chips had symptoms similar to Morgellens disease. Nano communicators or “smart dust” is likewise included in the toxic brew of Chemtrails as well as biologically novel organisms (bacteria, mycoplasma and viruses).
Some of the mesogen chips contain a silicone side chain with a NH4 ion capable of creating an electrical charge, apparently involved in the nano-communication capacities of the mesogens. When the body rejects these foreign materials, cancers are sometimes the result. Other results are, according to the presenters at the War council, as yet, uncharacterized.
Unending involvement in endless WAR provides an unending excuse for suppression of information and constitutional rights. Since the failed 9/11 cover-up with its improbable and obviously false official story, increasing suppression of rights has taken place, with repeated assaults on protection of the citizens from the intrusion of the government.
The extension of public safety to public suppression with indefinite “preventive detention”, cancellation of citizenship and rights to legal protections upon vaguely stated “suspicion of terrorist sympathy” or “material support of terrorism” rips away even the pretense of justice as a framework for our society.
1) Numerous Government-supported thrusts target the population to create illness first, followed by “social apoptosis”, programmed large-scale death, consistent with the globalist depopulation/genocidal agenda as suggested in Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200, November 10, 1974.
2) Most of the population does not know (or believe) that “its own government” would attack its own population. Certain groups in the population on both the right and the left [identified with both #Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party, for example] do not trust Government not to take such actions and the number of people who distrust Government appears to be at an historical high level. This means that the possibility of mobilization for change on a peaceful, productive basis is enormous if properly motivated.
3) Responses to complex, interconnected problems must, none the less, offer effective, comprehensible and simple solutions which will make a major difference in the situation. Such solutions can then be turned into effective and easily multiplied “Action Items” sent via email and other easily used means so that huge numbers of respondents can easily and quickly “Take the Action” and become part of the millions of voices needed to create the “Mass” that the Government will hear to compel policy change.
The Foundation has proven repeatedly that mass Push Back by an aroused population will force the globalists to reverse course, at least temporarily. Our 2009 success with the Swine Flu Vaccine Panic, where over 3.5 million messages to decision makers, coupled with mass vaccine refusal, stopped the planned pandemic, is an example that was discussed at the War Council.
The following list contains the essential aspects for each individual’s actions. Each respondent can select those “Action Items” that they agree with and support and push the appropriate button(s) …OR… (as we develop the capacity) they can select the “ALL” button and complete the action in a single stroke.
Current Action Items can be found at:
1) Demand an immediate Government moratorium on all foods or other products containing any GMO ingredients sold in the US or abroad until independent, non-industry-related safety testing proves that each GMO product and GMO-derived product is, in fact, safe for human consumption.
2) Demand similar changes for labeling requirements accepted by CODEX.
3) Demand a reevaluation of national and international organic standards to bring them into meaningful conformity with public expectations., while protecting local and organic food sources from stifling Federal Regulations:
4) Demand that FDA leave our supplements alone! –
5) Demand an end to Federal Food Control. Support the Raw Milk Freedom bill; the FDA raw milk ban is a symbol and a symptom of all that is wrong with Federal Food Control:
6) Demand a Government reevaluation of public policy on vaccines in any form and reject all forms of forced drugging and treatment: .
7) Demand a total Government moratorium on ALL current and future vaccines until completion of the Government reevaluation of vaccine public policy …AND… until each and every vaccine has passed both safety and effectiveness testing; without using the population as human Guinea Pigs.
8) Demand that the Government set up selective radiation monitoring stations (a minimum of 1 per state) around the country and advise the public of the present and growing dangers as Fukashima continues to emit radiation with no immediate end in sight.
9) Demand that the Government eliminate all nuclear power and permit major research into “Zero Point Energy”, which provides a safe and effective alternative. End all government subsidy to fossil fuel programs. End all offshore oil drilling immediately.
10) Demand an immediate “Cease and Desist” order for ALL “Chemtrail spraying /releasing and make full disclosure on the ingredients contained in the effluent public.
11) Demand a total moratorium on Chemtrail spraying.
12) Organize “Centers of Truth” designed to bring true facts to the widest possible public attention (electronically by subject) regarding various government and corporate genocidal programs. .
13) Demand the continued Constitutional protections of “Free Speech” and other Bill of Rights protections.
14) Support the Natural Solutions’ Fund for Natural Solutions. This investment opportunity allows us to support all of the efforts to keep us healthy, alive and aware by creating an opportunity to make a profit on these critically important investment opportunities. (See
Initial Estimate of Situation Video:
Prepared by Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army, Ret)
President, Natural Solutions Foundation
January 31, 2012
Dr. Rima, Judge Napolitano, Counsel Ralph & Gen. Bert the morning before the War Council
Judge Napolitano’s Message to the War Council:
“The struggle for liberty goes far deeper than either the Republicans or Democrats imagined. Keep on doing what you are doing and don’t give up the struggle.”
Natural Solutions Foundation
Council Index
“The struggle for liberty goes far deeper than either the Republicans or Democrats imagined. Keep on doing what you are doing and don’t give up the struggle.”
Please Donate $9.99 Here and We will Send You the 2012 War Council Highlights
Please remember that your donations to the Natural Solutions Foundation are, quite literally, Health Freedom’s Life Blood. Please Give Generously. End of Year Giving offers an important tax advantage to you and offers vital funding to us! Donate here:
War Has Been Declared Against You, Your Family and Your Future. Genomicide is the Murder of Your Genetic Future. Join us for the 3rd Annual War Counsel as we say, “Stop Genomicide Now!”
3rd Annual War Council
General Bert says, “Our Health, Our Food, Our Freedom and Justice are at stake. So are our lives. By the way, it is that important. Be there.”
Join us live, in person, via Webinar or by Internet Radio. The Choice is Yours
Third Annual War Council: Be Part of the Solution – Naturally!
Please Donate $9.99 Here and We will Send You the 2012 War Council Highlights
Webinar Attendees will receive the Highlights Archive Free.
Hildegard Stanninger, PhD: Global Brain Chip and Mesogens: Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories
Foster Gamble: Making Sure “THRIVE” Is Not Just a Movie!
Tim Bolen: Loosing a Generation: Thank you, CDC, the Center for Deadly Corruption
Luba Diangar, MD: FDA Suppresses Radiation Free Mammography, Killing Women, Protecting Industry
Sharry Edwards, MEd Making Truth Audible: Free BioAcoustics programs for Health & Food Freedom & Justice advocates…
Plus Dr. Rima, General Bert and Counsel Ralph.
As you decide how you are going to attend the 3rd Annual Natural Solutions Foundation War Council,I wanted to share his note I wrote to Dr. Stanninger, a featured speaker at the T3 Annual War Council, and a valued guest on our Internet radio program, heard live (and via archives) every Sunday from 10 AM to noon, Eastern,
Dear Dr. Stanninger,
War has been declared against the people of Earth. But we are not ready to be the Every year for the past few years, Natural Solutions Foundation has brought people together at the beginning of the year for a War Council, to discuss where we have been and where we will be.
It was our pleasure to have you as one of our distinguished presenters at the First Annual War Council in 2010. I know that no one who heard you speak has forgotten your presentation!
This year, the 3rd Annual War Council will take place on January 8, 2012: People can attend live, via Webinar or Internet Radio. We would be honored to have you as one of our guests.
Our Mission is, in sum, “…to discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the impediment surrounding health and food coupled with achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world.”
But first, a bit of history: Gen. Bert (Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III [US Army, Ret.]), our Foundation President and I had been growing increasingly distressed and concerned over the loss of our health freedom, briefly defined as our ability to exercise sovereign control over our own bodies through access to clean, unadulterated food, natural health options, the right to refuse coercive medial or other treatment and the free flow of information about health options.
We saw that the clearly articulated population reduction intentions of the globalists were being expressed through deadly and infertility-inducing drugs and vaccines (e.g., FDA, CDC, WHO, etc.), a degraded world food supply (e.g., USDA, Codex Alimentarius,WTO, WHO, FAO, ETC.), suppression of nutrients and related information (e.g., EFSD, FDA) and other genocidal tools deployed globally at an ever-accelerating pace.
We became so concerned, in fact, by the escalating developments and the fact that the people “on our side” appeared to be incapable of strategic analysis coupled with tactical deployment BEFORE the fact that we decided to close our highly successful medical practice (I was graduated from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970 and have practiced totally drug free medicine and psychiatry since then), create the Natural Solutions Foundation in late 2004 and, quite literally, marshal the forces and resources necessary to derail the genocidal globalist agenda.*
Codex Alimentarius, by the way, was created as an intentionally genocidal tool by the newly-released German genocidalist heads of IG Farben, the gigantic German civilian war machine. See my video, Nutricide, and my detailed article examining its development, The Killing Fields of Codex.
Since I had been watching the steady, and deadly, progress of Codex Alimentarius for more than a decade, and since the wildly destructive Codex Vitamin and Mineral Guideline was due for ratification on July 4, 2005, a mere half year away, one of the first things we did was approach Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, and ask him to solve the Codex Alimentarius problem at the legal level, creating a solution which any nation in the world, including the most nutritionally and economically fragile, could apply without engendering WTO trade sanctions.
He agreed and, with the able participation of Jim Turner, JD, these remarkable gentlemen put together the Codex Two Step Process. I turned it into a book, The Codex Book, which serves as a step by step guide and case study for the development of WTO Trade Sanction-Proof deviation from any of the Codex Standards and Guidelines for every nation which chooses this path for itself. You can download it Here.
The Foundation also produced a video of instruction on this tactic for Codex Delegates, which you can watch for free.
Once the book was complete and the legal strategy was perfected (and nations which have followed our Codex Two Step Process have, indeed, prevailed at the WTO dispute resolution level), Gen. Bert and I took to the road, visiting those countries which had not yet become the practical property of the Uber Cartel: Big Pharma and Big Medica which are Big Agribiz, which is Big Chema, which is Big BioTech, which is Big Pharma and Bigt Medica. We selected those countries which we felt still had a capacity to make their own food autonomy and sovereignty decisions.
We traveled widely in Africa and Asia meeting with heads of State, Ministers of Agriculture, Education and Health. When in India, for example, we had a private meeting with then-president Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalaam through the good offices of our dear friend, Dr. Monapa Hegde, MD in which we informed Dr. Kalaam about the problem, the WTO trade sanctions, etc. In fact, we were invited to help develop the regulations for the new Food Bill passed within a few weeks of our visit.
While traveling, I might add) in those countries which we felt could break away from the stranglehold of Codex and its industrially degraded food supply we realized that the Natural Solutions Foundation needed to create an Eco Demonstration Project which we could use as a school and training center for the BeyondOrganic BioDynamic Zero Emissions™ system of agriculture which can literally feed the world’s population without the use of chemicals, increasing crop yield, decreasing water use, increasing storage life, producing positive energy flow by generating more power than used from inexpensive, safe, intuitive, totally non-contaminating technologies and accomplish two things:
1. create a local inexpensive clean food supply at the highest standards and
2. create an international market for those clean foods at a premium market.We have been gifted by a supportive universe, it would seem, with a number of technologies with which to do exactly that and they are available for deployment at minimal cost, requiring no education, no special machinery, no replacement, but requiring attention to restoration of the fertility and diversity of the microcosm of the soil. Fortunately, we have technologies for that as well to rapidly and safely clean the soil of petrochemical residues and restore high level fertility to it.
We understand, as I know you do, that the health of a populace is directly related to the life sustaining capability and capacities of its food supply, which includes its herbs and nutrients.
We anticipate that not only will the widespread application of this program increase the effective wealth of the society, starting with its farmers, enabling them to stay on the land and earn a decent wage (thus thwarting one of the major thrusts of the globalist genocidal agenda: the industrialization of food and food production) because of the decrease in the cost of seed and supplies, but the actual wealth of the society will be increased by the decline in health care costs and the sale of affordable food on the domestic market and premium food on the international market.
Additionally, through the support of market strategies which provide a ready, and fairly priced, market system for the farmers, and a connection to their customers, the social fabric of the local and larger communities will be strengthened.
And we believe, based on our investigation of the most promising food production regions of the planet, that one of the two most important potential food production areas in the world is the Indus-Ganges Basin, despite the considerable challenges which its sustainable, responsible, clean and socially responsible exploitation presents.
Fine theory, of course, but useless unless put into action. When we established our Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Chiriqui, Panama, we decided to incorporate clean food technologies and techniques, natural health technologies and techniques and social structure support (including farmer education, market strategies, land reclamation, etc.
Since premium Panamanian coffee is a critically important cash crop, heavily sprayed and contaminated to prevent crop loss (and resulting in horrific health problems for workers and consumers alike, to say nothing of the ecological devastation caused by conventional coffee growing techniques), we purchased an abandoned, derelict coffee “finca”or farm and reclaimed it according to our principles, sharing then freely with all interested parties.
Although we did not expect to have a decent crop for 3 years, our first year of harvest of Valley of the Moon™ Friendly Food Certified Coffee (Friendly to the Earth, to the Worker and to the Consumer) was outstanding.
Using more of same as our sole input, we have created a stunningly good coffee. We are now expanding our production to more derelict farms in the area (farmers here cannot afford the chemical sprays so increasing numbers are simply forced to abandon their fields, a situation not unlike many world-wide). Our coffee is seriously under-priced, according to the experts. Our crop has doubled each of the 4 years we have harvested and roasted our coffee.
The possibilities for other food production, animal and plant based, in Panama and around the world, is virtually limitless.
We envision a series of linked classrooms, market structures, health systems and educational inputs which are, literally, globe- and game-changing — and we look forward to discussing all this with you.
Meanwhile, perhaps you would find my new video, Making Genocide Audible, to be of interest.This video, like so much of our work at the Natural Solutions Foundation, is to help people face the unbearable squarely, with clear minded determination born of understanding, to have the information and strength to avert that unbearable reality.
You might also find The Globalist Agenda interesting as well, along with Nutricide, Nutricide and The Genocidal Feast.
Our principle website is Website information about our remarkable Eco Demonstration Project here in Highlands of Panama can be linked from This is the link to our Food Freedom eJournal –
Lastly, this is what we’ve reluctantly concluded:
Weaponized Pathogens —
— like the fake avian & swine flu “pandemics” or the new super-e. coli, plague DNA inserted;
Weaponized “Phude” —
— fake food — dangerous GMOs & degraded organic standards; the “fruit” of Codex Alimentarius;
Weaponized Vaccines (& Other Drugs) —
— with their childhood-destroying toxins, and
Weaponized Environment;
— radioactive & toxic, in a vile synergistic mix.All of this leading to Genocide via Genomicide…
I look forward, as do my fellow Trustees, Gen. Bert and Ralph Fucetola, JD, to your input, planning and of understanding depth to spread the reality, and halt the genocidal march…
For Health & Food Freedom & Justice,
Dr. RimaRima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation