Dr. Rima Truth Reports
Big Pharma: Afraid of You and Truth!
Vax Madness Reveals Big Pharma Fear
Many doctors are on the take, big time. Pediatricians with “fully vaccinated” patient loads make huge amounts of bonus money from vax makers and more than half of their income is from injecting pus and poison into those young patients.
How are such bribes even legal?
Because Big Pharma campaign contributions (the real interference in the elections) buys government power for drug company profits.
Look what happened in California where millions were spent to support Bad Doctor Pan and his SB277 Forced Vaccine Bill, signed into law by CA Gov. Jerry Brownshirt. Caring parents there are homeschooling or moving to freer states.
Of course, the wisest among them are availing themselves of their right of Informed Consent with the Advance Vaccine Directive, https://NSFMarketplace.com
Other Bad Doctors, like the horrifyingly bad Dr. Paul Offitt, Big Pharma’s favorite “ethicist”, tell us infants [you know, those tiny, vulnerable humans with an immature immune system] could receive “10,000 vaccines without harm.”
It’s not just the vaccine profits, with no risk of law suits from vax harms, but it’s the “downstream” profits from chronic diseases triggered by vax toxins that Big Pharma craves so badly. For example, autism is now becoming even more profitable than cancer. It’s already there in the UK and the US is moving rapidly in that direction.
Then Big Pharma has us stricken with BOTH cancer AND autism at epidemic rates.
It gets worse. The Bad Doctors use Bad Science to force dangerous drugs on an unsuspecting public. Big Pharma loves Bad Doctors, and when one of them achieves nearly 100% “vaccine compliance” they can receive cash rewards in the hundreds of thousands of dollars annually (or more) from the drug makers. Can you spell “KICKBACK”?
However, not all of our medical professionals are Bad Doctors. There are thousands of Good Doctors who know natural means to achieving and maintaining health are what real health care ought to seek.
Those who have not been murdered continue to bring you real health and healing.
We’ve supported the Good Doctors and helped Natural Solutions Supporters learn about them. Here, for example, is a posthumous virtual interview with the very Good Doctor Moulden, created by our friend Richard Sacks — https://youtu.be/_M4EhOe6t9w . Dr Moulden’s highly suspicious death did not stifle the real results he found: every single vaccine dose administered causes real, visible and identifiable damage – to each person who receives any vaccine. And then he showed how to identify that damage. And he died. Mysteriously.
Sometimes it’s really tough to be a Good Doctor. Dr. Suzanne Humphries has received a vile death threat. Dr. Rima and General Bert received them from a supposed “Health Freedom supporter” several times. General Bert, while not a doctor, was a vocal health freedom advocate. His death, on his birthday last year, is highly questionable.
We all know the story of Dr. Andrew Wakefield who blew the whistle on the MMR Vaccine connection to gastrointestinal problems that are frequently associated with autism. He was viciously persecuted and lost his license, even though the “evidence” had been trumped-up by a now defunct fake news newspaper whose owners had a direct financial stake in the vaccine industry. It’s taken him years to be vindicated.
But what is worse, from Big Pharma’s viewpoint, are those Bad Doctors who turn Good like now former medical director of the Cleveland Clinic who was fired for daring to merely question publicly the safety and efficacy of vaccines! He said he chose to use mercury and aluminum free vaccines when available. And then wrote an article horrified that the so-called “preservative free” version of the vaccine contains formaldehyde, a known carcinogen and that he got the flu after the flu shot, as so many do!
That little bit of goodness was enough… “Off with his head!” Let’s remember Good Doctor Neides among the company of heroes. He needs our support as he learns the truth about Vax Madness; as he continues on his journey to honest health care! — http://www.opensourcetruth.com/the-good-doctors/
The number of Good Doctors is beginning to grow. That means that informed patients are listening — and sometimes actually teaching their doctors and helping them in their transformation.
The long nightmare of deadly illness-for-profit is slowly ending. The Truth will win out. It always does. But it wins out only if WE, collectively, and YOU, individually, pay attention, and share that Truth on the social media, in your conversations, in your social settings, by email, etc. Without YOU the Good Doctors will be destroyed by the Big Pharma Deep State — and without the Good Doctors, WE all will be destroyed by the Big Pharma Deep State.
And you and your children will suffer.
Please take the next step for your sake, the sake of the Good Doctors and for the sake of all of us: We need you to share this article on the social media and we need you to help us “grow the list” — your support on Natural Solutions Social Media [Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalSolutionsFoundation/ ] and your presence, along with your Circle of Influence, on our Health Freedom eList [Sign-up link: http://drrimatruthreports.com/action/step1/ ] will make all the difference. The Deep State “email service providers” just chopped another ten thousand addresses from our eList. We need to get the word out; if you do not receive at least weekly emails from Dr. Rima you know you have been chopped and need to sign-up again. It takes some effort to stay in touch, but that effort is worth it, since Natural Solutions is your link to Health Freedom Truth!
That’s how we can make sure the Good Doctors are heard. That’s how we retain our Health Freedom rights. Remember, General Bert said “Informed Consent is the Defining Issue of the 21st Century.” He was right. It is. Let’s make sure that WE define it, not Big Pharma.
Yours in health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutons Trustee
Share this message with this link: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/the-good-doctors/
PS — Yes, you know it. Our own Dr. Rima is one of the Good Doctors. Support her by following what Dr. Rima Recommends™ here: https://NSFmarketplace.com/mainstore
Follow-Up Articles:
And from General Bert:
In response to The Guardian’s article <a “http://www.alternet.org/investigations/seven-dead-premeditated-mass-murder-shooting-near-california-college-campus”> Seven Dead in ‘Premeditated Mass Murder’ Shooting Near California College Campus
Which psychoactive drugs was this young man taking, for how long and in what combination?
Sadly, many people have thoughts like these. Psychoactive medication protentiates their being acted upon through suicide and/or homicide.
Guns rarely kill people. Psychoactive drugs often do, sometimes with a gun as a tool, sometimes not.
I made a video called “I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor” in response to a blog from the mother of a young man like Adam Lanza [the video is a metaphor as I make clear in its opening section]. In it I elaborate on the dangerous use of psychiatric medication and how it is inextricably linked with the epidemic of mass murders and suicides we experience in the US and other heavily medicated societies.
I would be more than a little astonished if Elliot Rodger’s despair and desperate actions were not the result not only of psychiatric illness, but of the drugs mistakenly, but all-too-commonly used as if they actually treated the illness.
There are good and effective means to help those with emotional and psychiatric illnesses which do not involve toxic chemicals. I know.
I have been practicing drug free psychiatry and medicine for nearly 45 years.
Find someone who practices nutritional/orthomolecular psychiatry and medicine and treat the issues, don’t make the worse.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to EmpowHER’s Michelle King Robson’ article Your “Must Have” Annual Health Tests
Dr. Pam did a pretty good job on most of these items, but there are several serious, one might say, glaring, errors that could damage women’s health in major ways.
Let’s start with mammograms: they under diagnose breast cancer AND over diagnose it. That is to say, 30% of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is missed by mammograms (false negative), another 30% is diagnosed when it is absent (false positive) for an accuracy rate of 40%. Not only that, the process itself is harmful since both the radiation and compression can damage tissue.
The harm from a false negative is obvious. The harm from a false positive, highlighted recently in an article in the British Medical Journal (Possible Net Harms of Breast Cancer Screening: Updated Modelling of Forrest Report, British Medical Journal, December 8, 2011: 343; d7627) comes about through lumpectomies, mastectomies and other unnecessary interventions such as chemotherapy and radiation.
Just how good is the diagnostic acumen of pathologists after a mammogram shows DCIS? Not very.
Despite what most people believe, there simply are no diagnostic standards for D.C.I.S. Even if there were such standards, there are no requirements that the pathologists doing the readings have specialized expertise or training in this area. Shahla Masood, MD, is the head of pathology at the University of Florida College of Medicine in Jacksonville. She told the New York Times: “There are studies that show that diagnosing these borderline breast lesions occasionally comes down to the flip of a coin.”
Hmm. I want to bet my life on the flip of a pathologist’s coin and I’ll bet you do, too! Not!
As if that were not bad enough, it turns out that the pre-menopausal breast is particularly sensitive to radiation so that “each 1 rad exposure increasing breast cancer risk by about 1 percent, with a cumulative 10 percent increased risk for each breast over a decade’s screening.” according to renowned environmental physician, Dr. Samuel Epstein.
Actually, it is worse than that: mammograms, despite the super pink ribbons on everything hype, do very little, perhaps nothing at all, to save the lives of the people who get them: “A 10 percent reduction [in death from breast cancer – Dr. Rima] would mean that if 1,000 50-year-old women were screened over a decade, 996 women rather than 995.6 would not die from the cancer — an effect so tiny it may have occurred by chance.” according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (New England Journal of Medicine September 23, 2010; 363(13):1203-10).
Dr. Charles B. Simone, who was a clinical associate in immunology and pharmacology at the National Cancer Institute, says,
Thermography, which detects the heat that a tumor generates (tumors have increased blood flow and metabolic rates compared to normal tissue) on the other hand, accurately identifies cancers years before they become apparent on any other visualization or test. It is safe, inexpensive, quick and accurate. Obviously a good choice if health is the issue, but not if billable services is the point of the exercise.
Diet, exercise, self-examination and high antioxidant intake are vital to prevention of cancer, breast or otherwise. It would be far wiser to have a discussion with your patient, Dr. Pam, about these issues than to write a prescription for a mammogram.
Second, the cholesterol screening is absurd. A very small percentage of people actually have high cholesterol. What they do have is high oxidative stress (free radical damage) plus artificially lowered cholesterol standards.
Dr. Pam, you would be well advised to go back to biochemistry and review where cholesterol comes from and what it does in the body. Drug companies have a huge, and totally disingenuous, interest in making sure that more people, and ever more people, take cholesterol-lowering drugs.
First of all, they are blockbuster money producers. Second of all, they lead to a great many other problems, all of which lead then to the consumption of more, and ever more, medical services and drugs.
For example, every sex hormone is built on a cholesterol scaffold: lower cholesterol and you have just guaranteed the sale of a great deal of medication designed to compensate, for example, in men, for erectile dysfunction and in women, in hormone replacement therapy.
Not only that, lowering cholesterol, which comprises more than 50% of the brain by weight, will result in depression and other emotional and mental illnesses: more drug bounty! And, as we know, once people get on the psychoactive medication drug merry-go-round, they usually stay on it for the rest of their lives. Mmmmm! MMMMoney!
Wait! There’s more! The body actually produces cholesterol for a reason: it acts as a bandage when damage occurs to the living of the walls of the arteries so if the body is making a lot of it, there is probably a need for it. Why not treat that instead of damaging an essential response mechanism that the body is using to protect and heal itself? Well, because that takes time, which doctors have allowed to be ripped from them by agreeing to practice medicine the same way that you build a car: in tiny, disconnected segments, without adequate time to know, and care for, their patients.
The drug companies have been deeply instrumental in artificially and nonsensically lowering “normal” cholesterol levels. Why? so they can sell drugs to younger and therefore more, people, now to include children as young as eight years.
No, Dr. Pam, the issue is not cholesterol level. It is antioxidant level and chronic inflammation.
All of these conditions can be first prevented and then treated with nutrients, life style alterations and detoxification. All of them.
I know, because I have been doing that in my drug-free practice of medicine and psychiatry for more than 40 years as a licensed physician.
Oh, and high quality vitamins and mineral supplements are essential, since they are deficient in modern foods and make believe, processed and poisoned PHUDES. These dangerous imitation pseudo-nutrients are the product of industrial production and are seriously toxic.
How about discussing that with your patients, Dr. Pam?
I do.
Oh, yes, although it was not mentioned in the article, if you are interested in your patient’s well-being as they move through the life cycle, Dr. Pam, I advise you to advise your patients that any vaccine will weaken their immune systems and, in fact, shots like the flu shot, which contains aluminum as well as mercury, will increase their chances of developing neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease by hundreds of percentage points for each time they get vaccinated.
You might also want to be sure to advise against such absurdities as the shingles (Herpes zoster) vaccine which, according to the CDC, seriously harms 1 patient for each 2.8 patients vaccinated with it and does not work in something like, again, according to the CDC, 98-99% of cases.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
In response to SFGate’s Andrew Coffman Smith’s article HPV vaccination bill advances, despite opposition
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
Great marketing, poor science, poorer public policy.
First, the facts: HPV is a self-limiting disease which, despite the hype and distortion surrounding it, has never been shown to be the cause of cancer, nor to predispose to it.
It is a near-ubiquitous condition which resolves on its own in nearly 100% of cases within 2 years. It may reappear, or not. But consider: the HPV virus comes and goes. It might be present when a cancer is discovered. That in no way means that it caused, or predisposed to, the cancer.
Yet that is the bogus correlation which is being sold to us. Why? To sell vaccines.
You may recall that Merck received an award from the main pharmaceutical trade group, PHARMA, for, by promoting Gardasil, “creating a market out of thin air”.
And thin air it is, but the air is poisoned: Gardasil and Cervarix are highly dangerous, fraught with serious and lethal side effect reports and totally unnecessary.
Pap smears detect cancer early, are cheap and safe. Vaccines do not prevent cancer and are neither cheap nor safe.
Merck reported that 1 woman in 981 who received its vaccine would die from it. Compare that with CDC’s statement that in 2010 (the last year for which figures are available) 3,939 women died from cervical cancer in the US. At about 300 million people, or 150 million women, a similar death rate to that admitted by Merck for Gardasil would mean that about 1 in 1000 women died of cervical cancer vaccine, or 37,500 women per year!
Cervarix is more dangerous yet since it contains squalen. Although this is a normal component of the nervous system, when it is allowed to circulate in the blood stream, the body attacks it, creating often-cataclysmic auto immune disease.
In the laboratory, where it is often useful to create autoimmune conditions in lab animals, squalen is known as “Freund’s Complete Adjuvant” because it is so good at creating system-wide auto immune response.
Vaccines with squalen? We’ve seen the results before: it is called “Gulf War Syndrome”.
Then there is the issue of fertility. The US Government holds two patents on the use of squalen as an injectable for the purpose of creating permanent, irreversible infertility in both men and women.
Squalen had never been approved for use in humans until the absurd Swine Flu Level 6 Pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization.
At that point, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebalius announced on September 15, 2009, that the Swine Flu vaccine would be laced with the amount of sqalene described in those patents and the vaccine would be administered to every single person in the US.
Public outcry, led by the Natural Solutions Foundation, www.DrRimaTruthReports.com, forced the government to back down and abandon its squalen, mercury and aluminum laced mandate. But there it was, all shiny new and approved without any human testing, despite clear knowledge that it causes massive and irreversible harm when injected.
More? women who receive the vaccine and have HPV virus (as at least 80% of the female population does at any given time) actually have a 46.7% INCREASED chance of developing cervical cancer!
So why is South Carolina pushing the bill to vaccinate girls in its schools?
Clearly not because of science and clearly not because of common sense. There are not many options left: one is greed and one is stupidity. Another is studied misinformation.
Whatever the reason, the act of vaccinating with Gardasil or Cervarix is, quite literally, unimaginably harmful and should be avoided at all costs.
Become a Vaccine Refuser with Me! Click www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEwofDeUDW0
Yous in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
The Original “I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor” Video
I have treated “Adam Lanza” — male and female, young and old, for decades.
I am a Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist. I did my psychiatric residency at Lincoln Hospital and, along with my child psychology residency, also at St. Luke’s Hospital of Columbia University.
I have worked with Autistic people of all ages, the Asberger’s Syndrome people, Schrizophrenic people, BiPolar people, Multiple Personality Disorder people, OCD, ADD, ADHD, and pretty much every other type of labeled person in my 42+ year career since graduating from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.
And I have never written a prescription for a psychiatric drug. Or any other type of drug, for that matter.
I have, while serving as the Acting Director for a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Ward of a large hospital not very far from Newtown, CT, looked at the drugged, disoriented, drooling and dangerous children in my care ranging from age 4 to 16 and take ALL of them off all psychiatric medication, weaning them carefully, of course, because I simply could not tell what we were dealing with other than drug-damaged brains and bodies of the young and very young kids I had under my care.
The nurses told me I could not do that because they could not contain the children. I asked them how they knew that since the children who were violent, homicidal and suicidal were ALL on drugs known to make them violent, homicidal and suicidal.
They told me that I could not do that and that they would go to the union to prevent me from taking the kids off their meds. I replied that the meds were not the kids’ meds. They were the staff’s meds since they kept the staff comfortable and feeling safe.
They went to the Union. I had my physician’s license in CT, a Union Card that trumped theirs.
The 4 year old on 11 different psychiatric medications who was toe walking (a sign of neurological damage in a 4 year old) and who wanted to die stopped drooling and spinning around in circles when she came off the meds.
I was the first person to ask he why she had plunged a knife into Mommy’s boyfriend’s leg when he was asleep. She told me “He was hurting me down there [pointing to her vagina] every night and Mommy would not stop him”. When the event occurred, she was medicated without a single person taking a moment to ask why the act had taken place.
You see, I am old enough to have learned my craft and art BEFORE the advent of untested, highly profitable, and totally unconscionable psychiatric drugs. I read the literature on these neurological poisons and saw that the long terms studies were absent, that the pediatric studies were absent and that the advertising-supported “impartial” journals were nothing more than paper prostitutes all dressed up in paper dresses and glossy ads.
I watched in horror as younger and younger children were placed on stronger and stronger drugs for less and less indication (although, admittedly, in my mind there is no justification for the use of any psychiatric drug).
I learned orthomolecular medicine and psychiatry. That works. I learned how to listen and move people toward emotional health. That works too. I learned how to employ NeuroBioFeedback to teach the brain how to regulate itself and the body in harmony with its capacity and needs. That works fantastically well. I learned how to use frequency medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicine, intravenous nutrition and a variety of other modalities which actually support healing. They work.
I learned how to use nutrition, diet and detoxification, for which I studied Environmental Medicine. That works.
What does not work is drugging the brain with toxins which create the very symptoms for which the drugs are given in the first place.
I have met and held “Adam Lanza’s” mother in my arms as she wept in fear and exhausted despair. And I have held her in my arms as she wept for the joy of having her child clear eyed and of sound mind not in moments of quick hope, but continually and consistently.
I have held “Adam Lanza’s” mother’s hand in court as we pressured his school to give him the education he needed, not the one that they made money on from destructive State subsidies for the correct diagnosis and another drugged kid.
I have sat with “Adam’s” brothers and sisters helping them to undo the trauma that Adam-on-drugs has brought to their lives.
“Adam Lanza” and I have spent hours together as he climbed out of the pit of his own psychosis, without drugs, confinement or violence, but not necessarily smoothly, either.
And I have attended the funeral of more than 1 “Adam Lanza” whose family pressured his mom, or whose divorced parent pressured the custodial parent through the Court, to put “Adam” on drugs – and then did not even have the good grace or decency to accept responsibility for his death.
We know of absolutely no chemical imbalance to account for mental and emotional illness. We know that genes are disrupted so function is distorted by a host of causes, chief among which are heavy metals like mercury and industrial poisons like formaldehyde, fluoride and foreign DNA and proteins which call forth an auto immune reaction and cause neurological disruption.
This is a type of expression of a larger cause of disability I have called “Genome Disruption Syndrome” or GDS (www.GDS-Therapy.com). It, not a psuedo-science “genetic drift”, accounts for the changes in the human genome which are linked to increased cancer rates, autism, increased diabetes rates and the other chronic, degenerative diseases which were virtually unknown in our grandparents and parents childhoods. The genome is the same. The genomic disruption is by no means the same.
Adam was, according to his uncle, being “treated” with Fantapt, a novel, and highly dangerous anti-psychotic previously rejected by the FDA for its high side effect profile, including aggression and psychosis.*
But he was also vaccinated. So this Adam Lanza was toxic with thimerosol (49.6% mercury by weight), formaldehyde, fluoride, MSG, foreign DNA, diploid cells, foreign protein, Polysorbate 80 (or “TWEEN”) and other systemic toxins injected into his body regardless of their toxicity and regardless of his ability to remove them from his body.
So this Adam was neurotoxic — a victim of Genome Disruption.
His mother, I must also presume, had no intent to harm him when she allowed his genome to be repeatedly overwhelmed with unnecessary and dangerous vaccines and then, similarly, with dangerous and unnecessary psychiatric medications. No, I am sure that she followed the perhaps-well-intentioned advice of experts who themselves have suspended their capacity to evaluate data and instead rely on the herd’s belief that since it is said so often, the safety and efficacy of the drugs and vaccines purveyed so beautifully in the journals and ads, seminars and trainings (complete with pizza and salad during a busy lunch in a windowless conference room in the clinic or hospital) must be safe and effective.
They are neither and the “Adam Lanza’s” and their mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, neighbors and, today, his grieving neighbors in Newton, CT. can testify to that.
There is a time to say NO. That time has arrived. No to psychiatric drugs. There is ALWAYS a better way. More than half of the people who kill themselves are on psychiatric drugs.
No to vaccines. There could not be a worse way. Virtually every modern outbreak and epidemic takes place in the fully vaccinated, to which the vaccine pusher’s retort is, “Well, give people more vaccine doses since 2 (or 3, or 4 or more) did not work. Call them boosters!” I call them Genome Disruption.
No to GMOs which are likewise altering our very genome.
Psychiatric drugs kill both those who take them and those they turn on.
They are unnecessary and dangerous, but oh, so profitable.
See my video, blog and take action here now:
Let your voice be heard by decision makers:
All of our children are Adam Lanzas; all of them are his victims.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS: This is what General Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret.), my husband and the President of our Foundation, had to say:
“Our hearts reach out to all those who suffer at the hands of senseless violence, around the world. It must stop! It is urgent that you share this message with your entire circle of influence. Send them to Dr. Rima’s powerful message about Genome Disruption and the mass killing tragedies that mar our claim to civilized status. Dr. Rima Truth Reports bring you the immediate information you need to meet the challenges of the crises of crony corporatism, to protect yourself and family. Send all your circles of influence to Dr. Rima’s powerful message about Genome Disruption and the mass killing tragedies that mar our claim to civilized status. Send them here: http://tinyurl.com/PsychDrugsKill.” General Bert
Note: These videos and essay were written in direct response to the brave woman who authored “I am Adam Lanza’s Mother” about her experience with a similar child. Just as she is not literally Adam Lanza’s mother, so I am not claiming to be the physician who treated Adam Lanza. Readers are invited to understand that as a Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist I have treated many patients like Adam Lanza but never met him before the tragic deaths.
* http://www.businessinsider.com/adam-lanza-taking-antipsychotic-fanapt-2012-12