Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima Responds to the “Skeptical” Comments of a Vaccine Proponent…
For all the snide emotionalism of your comment on Dr. Wakefield, you have both obscured and ignored several important issues in your article.
First, no vaccine, including the dangerous (yes, dangerous) MMR vaccine has been tested for either safety or efficacy, despite the fact that US law requires both. Second, adjuvants are never tested for safety, despite the fact that they are immune system irritants and, like squalene and aluminum, are known nervous system and immune system toxins.
Third, the increases in the incidence and prevalence of autism are directly proportional to numbers of vaccinated children and MMR is an unnecessary shot of no medical worth and considerable medical harm. It, like every other vaccine, has never been subjected to a placebo controlled, double blind study to show if there is any beneficial effect on those who take it, making it an untested and therefore, at least in the US, illegal drug, if enforcement were not selective and shamefully economically, not scientifically, applied.
When a corrupt and dangerous regulatory agency like the FDA threatens that it will turn walnuts into an untested, and therefore illegal, drug if the company that markets them does not remove the independent scientific study from its website that shows that walnuts could be good for your health (as it did with the Michigan Cherry Grower’s Association when they posted 6 articles showing that cherries can help with various types of arthritis) but permits dangerous experimental drugs which have never been safety tested to be injected into millions of children, there is neither logic nor science at work here.
I do not know your background, but I know that your nasty tone and irrational defense of vaccines identifies you as an emotional, not a rational, skeptic. Surely you can do better as a skeptic, (“Etymology: Latin or Greek; Latin scepticus, from Greek skeptikos, from skeptikos thoughtful, from skeptesthai to look, consider – Merriam-Webster Dictionary”) since your skeptical credo requires you not just to attack conventional beliefs (which you are failing to do by blindly accepting vaccines as beneficial – a justified cause for real skepticism – but to explore the scientific basis of the belief.
You are, in fact, doing neither. Instead, your knee-jerk defense of an unproven and dangerous medical practice shows your lack of true evaluative, skeptical thought.
Try again.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Published at, a vicious attack on Wakefield
Seven Questions for Vaccine Science Deniers
That is, questions for those people who refuse to examine the simple, but urgently important question, “How do you know (or why do you believe) that vaccines protect against disease” when:
1. No vaccine has ever been evaluated through a double blind, placebo controlled study to determine if it actually has any preventive or mitigating effect on the disease of interest
2. Epidemiologists can successfully predict pandemics, epidemics and outbreaks of any given disease by tracking vaccination programs: the larger the program, the more widespread the outbreak of the disease.
3. Although US law requires all vaccines to be tested for safety and efficacy, no influenza vaccine has ever been so tested
4. Adjuvants like aluminum, squalene and other oil and water adjuvants, etc., are known to be toxic to multiple organ systems but are never tested for safety before they are added to vaccines
5. Preservatives like Polysorbate 80 (also known as “Tween 80”) are associated with infertility
6. Numerous studies show that influenza shots increase chances of dying from any cause by 3 fold, increase the development of serious conditions such as asthma which lead to hospitalization by 6 fold and, if given consecutively for 5 years, increase the chance of developing Alzheimer’s Disease by 600% although they have been shown not to provide any protection against flu whatsoever
7. Virtually all epidemics and outbreaks of communicable diseases in the modern world occur in fully vaccinated populations.
The scientific evidence is clear while the hysteria is, in fact, on the part of the Science Deniers, that is, those who support the untested, unsafe, unnecessary and unsound practice of vaccination.
For further information, please read my article, “The Syringe of Death” which details the fraudulent history of vaccination, starting with Edward Jenner’s publication of articles detailing the results of studies before the studies were complete, continuing through the epidemic of syphilis created by widespread vaccination of healthy babies with the pus of “cow pox” lesions which were, in fact, syphilitic lesions in the UK, but leprosy lesion in the British tropical empire (where a leprosy epidemic ensued), the shameful whitewash of the cause of that epidemic by the British Parliament and the continuation of the deceit to create dangerous and unnecessary, but astonishingly profitable, vaccinations by the dozens today.
[See: The Syringe of Death:]
IF you are interested in science and truth, the conclusion is inevitable: at the very least, one must pause to consider why the science supports the dangers of vaccines while public policy supports its continued and escalating use. The answer is not pretty, but then, greed and callous disregard for the truth rarely are.
Oh, Dr. Wakefield? His article was lauded by the medical and scientific world until the vaccine makers realized that it was having a profound impact on their sales. At that point, suddenly, Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues went from publishing a brilliant and tremendously important article to the authors of “shoddy research” and “quackery”. Amazing how scientific standards shifted upwards so radically and rapidly!
By the way, Dr. Wakefield will be my guest on the Dr. Rima Reports, May 30 at 10 PM to Midnight (Eastern Time).
I do hope you will join us. I have no doubt whatsoever, having read your article, that you will find a great deal of information of which you are clearly unaware in that interview.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Life and Death under National Health Care…
Yesterday my father died at age 97. He entered the Naples Community Hospital in good spirits, fully alert and as contentious as he ever was. Within a few days he was dead. I believe that he was killed by the economics of health care. What happened to my father was, potentially, a crime. But under the new Obama Care plan, it may not be a crime now that the person occupying the White House has signed it into law. Instead, it will be a (perhaps) unspoken public policy to kill off the elderly, the expensive, the disabled, the useless eaters who are an economic drain on a society which rations health care for the productive “useless eaters” (as they call us) over old, tired, sick or disabled ones.
Like worn out disposable machines, if we cost more to repair than we are worth, then we are junked and broken up for scrap. My father was on several medications when he entered the hospital. He believed in them, I do not, but that is beside the point.
Either because of the drug-drug interactions or because his kidney function was getting worse on its own, he began swelling. The response of his doctors? To stop all 7 medications abruptly, leaving his organs no chemical support whatsoever. Not surprisingly, he became first disoriented and then lethargic. Next, he stopped eating and drinking and began slipping into and out of coma.
Well, yes, that is what happens when your organs begin to fail and you are not given ether water or food. At 97 he was frail and thin. The fluid in his body began to migrate to his tissues as he piled up toxins and went into deeper and deeper dehydration. Oh, did I forget to mention that he was being given more and more sedation, which suppresses mental alertness, breathing, liver function and other organ systems?
I called the hospital and asked why he was receiving no water or nourishment. “Well, you see,” I was told, “He is lethargic and is neither eating nor drinking.” “That is the point! ” I exclaimed. “Of course he is lethargic. He is dehydrated, starving, toxic and you’ve pulled all his medications that were keeping him in some sort of functional state. That is exactly what you can expect when you dehydrate, starve and do not support weakened organs.”
“No,” the nurses and doctor and Physician’s Assistant assured me, “He is in MOSF [Multiple Organ System Failure] because he is old and sick.”. They blamed his declining, then terminal, state on him, not seeing that they had, wittingly or unwittingly, precipitated his decline by their incorrect and neglectful treatment of him. After all, he was just another old man, expensive and unnecessary.
Never mind that he was a painter, an architect, an author, a philosopher, a father and a friend to those who loved him. Even if he had been none of those, he was a human being and no human being deserves to have another make the decision that it is no longer necessary to have him around, to feed him, to clothe him, to care for him.
His doctor, after not getting my messages asking to speak to him for days and days, finally called me to tell me “Actually, I sort of liked your father. He had a significant disease burden which he carried well, but now he will not make it.”
His doctor told me that he had stopped all of his medications “BECAUSE HE WAS SICK.”
What? I thought that allopathic doctors GAVE people medication when they were sick. What logic is that? Then I was told that he was not getting any liquids because his kidneys were still working, but had problems. What? I thought that people with kidney problems were given fluids in direct relationship to the amount that they could excrete and that a careful in/out record was kept to make that calculation possible. No IV, nothing by mouth, just starvation and dehydration while being heavily medicated to suppress consciousness and respiration.
Who asked the doctor to kill my father? Could that decision, which was made without enough underlying pathology to make it a mercy killing, since my father was about to embark on a new phase of his life here in Panama with me, could it have been made because my father was adamant about not wanting heroic (read profitable) measures taken? Could it have been because he and his Health Surrogate has put a DNR in place, a “Do Not Resuscitate” order, meaning that his care would not include intensive care life support with its attendant profits? Or could the opposite have been true: that in the interest of cost savings, the order came down to NOT treat patients whose later years will be expensive in order to save resources for the workers, the young, the robust, the healthy, the elite, the privileged. Who wants a wrinkled 97 year old guy, anyway. He can’t keep up on the forced march to fascism, after all.
Under the Obamacare legislation passed the day before my father died, such disposal of the expensive, the weak, the needy, the wrinkled, will be routine and there will be nothing that can be done about it. We will only have “good Germans” in the New World Order medical system.
My father’s death by medicine, or murder by design, was not yet either law or public policy. Where will this lead? I do not yet know. Will I let it rest here? Well, if you know me, you know that I will pursue truth wherever it leads. Early in the morning tomorrow I will begin a trip to take me directly to the scene of the … what? Crime? Perhaps. Misfortune? Perhaps. Error? Perhaps.
Actuarial medicine is the medicine of the culling of the useless eaters. Are you next? Your mother, father, son, daughter, wife, husband, grandmother, grandfather? Pray God that under the new slaughter of the expensive you never become ill. Take action to protect your supplements, your nutrients, clean food and clean water here — the Action Items are right on the main page, and defeat the bills that will take them away from you because, under this fascist illness management system, you will have no choice but to die when the actuaries decide that you are not serving the state.
It was too late for my elderly father. Will it be too late for you?
I urge every health care giver who reads this blog entry to make a firm personal decision not to be “good Germans” — not to be servants of a sick system. Please sign the Health Keepers Oath now:
As the Oath states:
I am a health care professional, not an agent of State-mediated death and will conduct myself in accord with that identify. I swear, to all future generations, “Never again” will the health care professions be used, as they were in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Empire, to murder and oppress any individual. Never Again! Never here! Never on my watch!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Please help support Health Freedom!
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
How to Listen
Dr. Rima’s Guests
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Due to Continual Interference with the Program, we are refraining from announcing guests in advance.
Here are some of our recent guests:
October 31, 2010: General Bert and Tim Bolen — — on What is to be Done? Strategy for Health & Food Freedom in the Months Ahead…
October 24, 2010: Larry Becraft Esq. and Dr. Paul G. King on Recent Vaccine Litigation
October 17, 2010 – Mark Lerner- Opposition to Real ID –
October 10, 2010 – Eileen Dannemann – Vaccine Liberation Army –
October 3, 2010 – Dr. Paul G. King PhD –
September 26, 2010 John D. Crockett –
September 19, 2010 – Mike Adams, the Health Ranger:
September 12, 2010 – Charlotte Gerson- daughter of Dr. Max Gerson
September 5, 2020 – Karma Singh — Karma Healer — discusses healing energies with Dr. Rima
See: for some of Karma’s energy transmissions.
Also, Nicholas Cremato tells us about the Natural Solutions PEL Seminar and Webinar on September 19th in NYC — “Find Yourself, Map Included…” — see:
August 29, 2010 – Dr. I.C. Rose: Changing Mindsets – Workable Solutions…
August 22, 2010 – Inaugural Program.
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Heath Care is the New Nazi State tool for getting rid of the old, ill and vulnerable. No civilized country can allow its health care system to become a death system. That is precisely what could be happening in the US, UK and EU…
REGISTER NOW! Health Freedom USA War Council, 2010 Attend in person or as a virtual participant:
Make your year end tax deductible gift to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Join the other supporters who support the largest, most effective Health Freedom Organization in the world. Click here,, to make your donation now. And thank you for your generosity.
Obamanation: Euthanasia for the Oldest Useless Eaters
Heath Care is the New Nazi State tool for getting rid of the old, ill and vulnerable. No civilized country can allow its health care system to become a death system. That is precisely what could be happening in the US, UK and EU. Take the Health Keeper’s Oath and refuse to become part of that death industry.
Please take the Health Keeper’s Oath while there is still time if your job is in the health industry and share it with others whether you are or are not in that industry.
Oldest “Useless” Eaters To Die First, But It Will Not Stop There
Pastor Martin Niemöller lived in Nazi Germany and was, for a considerable time, an ardent Nazi supporter. Ultimately, he realized that, although a passionate German nationalist, he could not support the Nazi regime any longer because, despite early appearances, it was a dictatorship.
He wrote the following enduring and painfully meaningful lament about apathy and inaction and its devastating consequences:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
We, today, in the United States, the UK, Canada and the EU are watching the intentional repeat of the same policies which characterized one of the most loathsome regimes ever to contaminate the face of the earth. Let Iran deny the Holocaust. The Holocaust occurred. Let Rob Emanuel and his brothers “re-frame” the thinking of doctors so they will comfortably participate in the elimination of the Useless Eaters as ‘conserving resources for the good of society’. Let all the fine sounding “Pathway” palaver of the King’s Society (UK) and Obamacare (US) make its way through the subservient, lapdog mainstream media, the truth is the truth. Killing at the whim of the State is on the march, dressed up this time not as racial purification but as economic stimulus.
Do we in the United States love money so much, and life so little, that we will allow this to happen to our elderly, our ill and our deformed? Are we truly monsters?
For the Germans, national pride was everything. Purity was their obsession. Are we the nation so besotted by gold, goods and gewgaws that we will allow ourselves to go down in history as a nation that committed mass murder to make ourselves wealthier? If so, then only God alone is able to help us.
The Natural Solutions Foundation asks every single person engaged in any aspect of the Health Care Profession, doctors, janitors, bookkeepers, auditors, nurses, clerks, food preparation personnel and dietitians, administrators, psychologists, social workers, every one involved in any activity that touches patients and residents in care facilities, to declare now, before it is too late, that they are not part of, and will not become part of, a system of convenient, State-mediated death.
Here is the web page for the Health Keeper’s Oath.
Please take it now if your job is in the health industry and share it with others whether you are or are not in that industry.
If you want to read how this decline of decency was accomplished in 20th Century Germany (and I believe there is no escaping the parallels any longer), please click here,
I believe fervently that each of us owns, controls and has ultimate authority over our own bodies. Without State interference. Period. For me, that means that the State may not, must not, may never, NEVER, interfere with the right of any person to make the choices which pertain to their own body or that of their children. There is not, must not be, a slippery slope of interference for this or that or the other purpose here. Never.
What other freedom matters if our lives are subject to the whim of the State, no matter what the rationalization.
If you think this is not your issue, then think again. There is no shortage of resources. There is a super abundance of greed and malicious self-serving rationalization. There is a deadly abundance of psychopathic beliefs which is rising, like a tide of deadly algae, to kill everything in its path.
The time has come to say “NO!” and “NO!” again. And the Health Care Profession, along with every allied worker whose activities touch the welfare of patients, must be the bulwark against that tide. Here is your opportunity to make that declaration, and share it with everyone you know what are called “The Helping Professions” To earn that name, we must keep health care free from New Nazi State control.
David Icke is a tireless champion of in-your-face-how-the-elite-are-going-about-their-dirty-work information. Thank you, David, for your hard and persistent work. David’s latest newsletter article, reproduced here, is of massive importance. You may have heard rumblings about legalized, mandated, not-your-choice-but-their-choice euthenasia in the ObamaCare plan.
Those rumblings are accurate. This is the Nazi-fication of medicine. Those who do not serve the State must die to CONSERVE RESOURCES for those whom the State deems more useful.
The old.
The ill.
The deformed and defective.
The marginal
The poor.
The political.
The …..
Who is next?
Who will speak for you when they come for you (or your child, or your parent) if you do not speak now?
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom eJournal
International Decade of Nutrition
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
Virtual Malls Supporting Health Freedom
Copyright David Icke, 2009. All Rights Reserved.
The David Icke Newsletter, December 13th, 2009
Hello all …
There is a very clear and emerging policy of seeking to kill people once they get into what we call old age. That is quite a statement, but perfectly supportable by the evidence.
The Control System sees humans as cattle or slaves who are only here to serve their masters, the bloodline families, who have no empathy or compassion whatsoever for the human population.
How the Bloodlines See the Human Population
How the Bloodline Families See Humans.
People are only useful when they are young and well enough to work and serve and once those days are over they want to eliminate them. This is the plan and we are seeing it introduced by stealth and steps all over the world, especially, as usual, in Britain and the United States.
I have mentioned before the story about Dr Richard Day, the head of the Rockefeller-created-and-controlled Planned Parenthood that was founded by eugenicists. Day told a meeting of doctors in Pittsburgh in 1969 to turn off all recording equipment and stop taking notes before detailing a long list of appalling plans to transform human society.
One doctor did take notes and he exposed what was said in a series of taped interviews before he died a few years ago. Today all that Richard Day said in 1969 has either happened or is happening – everything.
Day was an insider closely connected to the Rockefellers and therefore had access to the projected agenda. This is why people like Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and mentor of Barack Obama, could write books 40 years ago that predicted with such accuracy today’s fast-emerging global dictatorship.
One of the predictions that Richard Day made in 1969 was that the elderly would be culled by blocking their health care. ‘Limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating the elderly easier’, as he put it. This is now clearly happening.
Obama’s health policies hand decisions about patient care to presidential appointments who would decide what medical plans covered, what doctors can and cannot do and the extent of treatment allowed for elderly people.
Tom Daschle
There were also laws to this effect hidden away in the Obama ‘stimulus’ package and one of the main people involved in this was Tom Daschle, the former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, who was Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, but he had to withdraw over non-payment of taxes.
Daschle wrote in his book, Critical: What We Can Do About The Health-Care Crisis, that ‘seniors’ should be forced to sacrifice their heath care in favour of younger people by denying them treatment. He added that seniors who receive a ‘hopeless diagnosis’ need to accept their condition and not seek treatment for it.
Obama himself has stressed that ‘the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill’ and when asked how he proposed to deal with this he said ‘ …you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance’.
‘Independent’ group?? Oh yeah, sure. Obama said that various options would be
’emerging out of the various health care conversations that are taking place on the Hill right now’. It is so obvious where this is all meant to go.
One of Obama’s presidential appointees to dictate ‘health care’ for Americans is, well, well … Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. They are both the sons of an operative with the Irgun terrorist group, funded by the Rothschilds, that bombed Israel into being.
Another brother is Ariel ‘Ari’ Zev Emanuel, the Hollywood agent who represents people like Martin Scorsese, Jude Law and film-maker, Michael Moore.
Dr Ezekiel Emanuel was appointed to the key position of health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget to advise Budget Director, Peter Orszag. Emanuel has been quoted as saying the following:
* Cost savings would require changing the way doctors thought about their patients.
* Doctors take their Hippocratic Oath too seriously and treat it as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others.
* Doctors should look beyond the needs of their patients and consider other issues like whether the money could be better spent on somebody else.
* ‘Communitarianism’ should guide decisions on who gets care and it should be reserved for the non-disabled and not given to those ‘who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens’. An example would be not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
He is further quoted as saying:
‘Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds.’
Emanuel says his words were taken out of context, but it’s hard to see how. The theme of removing health care for the elderly is becoming common. A group of experts caring for the terminally ill wrote a letter to the London Daily Telegraph highlighting the way that people, mostly the elderly for obvious reasons, were wrongly being diagnosed as ‘close to death’.
This is extremely important because the UK National ‘Health Service (NHS) is introducing a policy of withdrawing food, fluid and treatment once the close-to-death judgement has been made to put them on what they call the death ‘pathway’. The patient is also fed sedative drugs continually until death which can mask the fact that their state of health has improved.
The letter was signed by, among others, Professor Peter Millard, Emeritus Professor of Geriatrics, University of London, and Dr Peter Hargreaves, a consultant in Palliative Medicine at St Luke’s cancer centre in Guildford.
It said that patients are being diagnosed as being close to death ‘without regard to the fact that the diagnosis could be wrong’. Dr Hargreaves said that some patients were being wrongly put on the ‘pathway’, which created a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ that they would die.
He said that he had personally taken patients off the pathway who went on to live for ‘significant’ amounts of time and warned that many doctors were not checking the progress of patients enough to notice improvement in their condition.
‘I have been practising palliative medicine for more than 20 years and I am getting more concerned about this “death pathway” that is coming in’, he said.
Hazel Fenton, an 80-year-old British grandmother, had her drugs and food stopped under this ‘scheme’ when doctors said she had days to live and yet nine months later she was still alive after her outraged daughter, Christine Ball, fought with doctors for four days to have the drugs and food restored.
Christine and mum Hazel.
A nurse even asked Christine what she wanted to do with her mother’s body. Christine was exactly right when she said: ‘My mother was going to be left to starve and dehydrate to death. It really is a subterfuge for legalised euthanasia of the elderly …’ It is indeed the drip, drip, drip to forced euthanasia.
Age Concern, the British charity for the elderly, called for a government inquiry over claims that health officials are practicing ‘involuntary euthanasia’ on elderly patients to free up beds in overcrowded hospitals. Many societies throughout history have had a policy of the voluntary or involuntary killing of old people and it is covertly being practiced now.
The Dutch introduced legalised euthanasia in 2002, the first country to do so, but this week it was revealed that the law has led to a severe decline in the quality of care for terminally-ill patients. Dr Els Borst, the former Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who guided the legislation through the Dutch parliament, now says it was brought in ‘far too early’ and not properly thought through.
Dr Anne-Marie The, author of a history of euthanasia, Redeemer Under God, says that many old people in the Netherlands now ask to die ‘out of fear’ because of an absence of effective pain relief.
Dr The, who has studied euthanasia for 15 years, said that a crisis had developed and ‘to think that we have neatly arranged everything by adopting the euthanasia law is an illusion’.
A constantly-repeated Illuminati technique to enforce its agenda is to arrange for protest groups to campaign on its behalf while claiming to be righting wrongs and injustices. This is what happened in the Netherlands.
Phyllis Bowman of Right to Life, a British group opposed to euthanasia, said she saw pro-euthanasia campaigners picketing Dutch hospices. ‘People were marching round the building shouting and roaring and were screaming that the hospice was denying people their right to die,’ she said.
‘The pro-euthanasia campaigners set out to smash the hospice movement. People can no longer get palliative care when they need it – they just get an injection.’
She said it was so bad that Amsterdam, with a population of 1.2 million, now has just two tiny hospices. Doctors in the Netherlands have immunity from prosecution if they help to kill patients over the age of 12 who are suffering from ‘unbearable’ pain from incurable illnesses or who repeatedly request euthanasia.
But, of course, the system is open to manipulation. It has been claimed there have been thousands of cases of involuntary euthanasia since the law was introduced and dozens of killings of disabled new born babies.
Patients are normally killed by administering a strong sedative that puts the patient in a coma, followed by a drug to stop breathing, and this is happening to more and more people every year. Assisted deaths in the Netherlands have increased from 1,626 in 2003 to 2,331 in 2008.
As Dr Peter Saunders, from the UK group, Care Not Killing Alliance, said: ‘If you introduce guidelines that help people to avoid prosecution then you will get a huge escalation of cases.’
We are seeing the stepping-stones appearing in many countries for the introduction of Netherlands-type euthanasia laws. Quebec in Canada is now holding ‘roving public consultations’ on the question of euthanasia. The national assembly’s standing committee on health and social services is hearing from ‘experts’ and preparing a consultation document.
Keir Starmer, the UK’s Director of Public Prosecutions, was asked to ‘clarify’ when someone would be prosecuted for assisting suicide and in September he said that prosecution was likely if the ‘victim’ was under 18, had a mental illness or was in good physical health. Anyone involved in more than one case or those paid to do it would also be prosecuted, he said.
But that leaves a wide open door with prosecution unlikely if the person has a ‘grave’ illness or disability and the killer is a close friend or helper motivated by compassion. This is just asking to be abused and it is another step on the road to legalised euthanasia and, the long-term goal, forced euthanasia.
I can see the case of assisted suicide for those in great pain with no hope of recovery, but that is not the motivation for the force that is covertly pressing the euthanasia agenda and we need to be aware of that.
They don’t say ‘we are going to invade Iraq because we want to takeover the country for our own ends’. They say there are weapons of mass destruction that threaten the world and they have to be removed.
In the same way, they don’t say we want to introduce euthanasia or death ‘pathways’ to kill as many old people as we can’. They say we want to do it for compassionate reasons.
So many facets of the Control System have been sold to the public in benevolent terms when a malevolent agenda lie behind them. Euthanasia is another.
Natural Solutions Foundation,
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It’s a big universe and amazing coincidences do happen.
But the coincidence of the same genes occurring in the “Novel” A/2009/H1N1 virus which supposedly arose without known precedent on a pig farm in Veracruz, Mexico in April, 2009 and
~ Baxter, Novartis and GSK entering patents for the novel virus, which did not yet exist, between 2006 and 2008
~ Novartis’ A/2009/H1N1 vaccine being pulled from the shelves by the FDA in February, 2009 for “labeling inconsistencies”
~ “Lost” pandemic genes from the 1918 “Spanish” Flu (which was not Spanish at all, but born and bred in the good ole’ USA in the heart of Kansas at Ft. Riley) appearing in the “Novel” virus. That means, if we are to believe the official story of the “Novel” virus appearing out of nowhere, that the genetic sequence lost to the world after the end of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic (which killed nearly 50 million people world wide) suddenly reappeared in the “Novel A/2009/H1N1 virus, whole and in tact, by the magic of re-assortment, or natural selection or the roll of the genetic dice or the luck of the viral draw. Oddly, that most deadly of genetic sequences, lost to the world until a frozen Alute woman was exhumed and deprived of some of her contaminated lung tissue, was recreated in 2005 after nearly a decade of painstaking, US Government-sponsored genetic sleuthing to find and then recreate it by Dr. J. K. Taubenberger and associates and now just happens, HAPPENS, mind you, to show up in the brand new, never before seen “Novel” A/2009/H1N1 virus. WOW! Somebody thinks we are collectively dumber than the dumbest rock.
I, for one, take personal offense that anyone would believe that we are that dumb. Come on! Rocks aren’t that dumb!
Well, frankly, this level of “coincidence”, is just too great for me, and for the virologists who have examined the “Novel” A/2009/H1N1 virus, to buy into. They, and I, and probably you, too, are not buying it. Credulity just does not stretch that far. Einstein, in refuting Neils Bohr’s very new quantum mechanics, said, “God does not play dice with the Universe.” No, but perhaps WHO and the globalists think that they do.
Perhaps buying into this unscientific absurdity works for someone whose attention is diverted by economic catastrophy or dulled by fluoride in their water, toothpaste, psychoactive drugs, herbicides and other toxic inputs. Buy you and I both know the level of coincidence here pushes the credibility envelope and the bursts it wide open.
Now we are to believe that the vaccines hastily prepared (unless they were, in fact, prepared at leisure and the “we are working as fast as ever we can to have them ready!” business was simply a marketing ploy as the now-famous recording of a CFR conference,, in which this approach is documented to audience laughter strongly suggests). I must say, I am proud that the Natural Solutions Foundation is such a major part as part of the “anti vaccine” contingent which is having the massive impact which the CFR panel and audience decry.
Thanks for making our ‘Hesitate before you Vaccinate’ message enough of a threat that the mighty CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations, which figures so prominently in the affairs of the globalist elite, created by it, run by it and influencing events and nations, life, death and war, for it, takes us into account is is worried about our push back. Dang! We ARE good!
Thanks for your activism. It is a great cause, health freedom, and we are winning! Health Freedom is, after all, our first freedom.
Oh, by the way, CFR does not have to ask millions of people for small contributions to keep going. We do. Please give generously and give Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee,, Health Freedom’s OWN Coffee, to your friends, family and corporate gift list. There are no GMOs, Pesticides, Herbicides or other toxins in this amazing coffee. We grow it in the Highlands of Panama as part of our Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project to reclaim clean, unadulterated food world wide. 80% of your purchase price is tax deductible! Win, win, win! Thanks!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the MoonTM Eco Demonstration Project