Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Dr. Rima’s Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars:
Vaxocrats know the deal: Vaccines are neither safe nor effective, as they must be under the laws governing them in the US. That makes, according to my understanding, EVERY vaccine used in the US an illegal, improperly registered and approved drug. What’s new here is that the unreliability of the DPT vaccine has been confirmed by the CDC itself. … read the whole article below.
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Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM to 1 PM EDT
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Heath Care is the New Nazi State tool for getting rid of the old, ill and vulnerable. No civilized country can allow its health care system to become a death system. That is precisely what could be happening in the US, UK and EU…
REGISTER NOW! Health Freedom USA War Council, 2010 Attend in person or as a virtual participant:
Make your year end tax deductible gift to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Join the other supporters who support the largest, most effective Health Freedom Organization in the world. Click here,, to make your donation now. And thank you for your generosity.
Obamanation: Euthanasia for the Oldest Useless Eaters
Heath Care is the New Nazi State tool for getting rid of the old, ill and vulnerable. No civilized country can allow its health care system to become a death system. That is precisely what could be happening in the US, UK and EU. Take the Health Keeper’s Oath and refuse to become part of that death industry.
Please take the Health Keeper’s Oath while there is still time if your job is in the health industry and share it with others whether you are or are not in that industry.
Oldest “Useless” Eaters To Die First, But It Will Not Stop There
Pastor Martin Niemöller lived in Nazi Germany and was, for a considerable time, an ardent Nazi supporter. Ultimately, he realized that, although a passionate German nationalist, he could not support the Nazi regime any longer because, despite early appearances, it was a dictatorship.
He wrote the following enduring and painfully meaningful lament about apathy and inaction and its devastating consequences:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
We, today, in the United States, the UK, Canada and the EU are watching the intentional repeat of the same policies which characterized one of the most loathsome regimes ever to contaminate the face of the earth. Let Iran deny the Holocaust. The Holocaust occurred. Let Rob Emanuel and his brothers “re-frame” the thinking of doctors so they will comfortably participate in the elimination of the Useless Eaters as ‘conserving resources for the good of society’. Let all the fine sounding “Pathway” palaver of the King’s Society (UK) and Obamacare (US) make its way through the subservient, lapdog mainstream media, the truth is the truth. Killing at the whim of the State is on the march, dressed up this time not as racial purification but as economic stimulus.
Do we in the United States love money so much, and life so little, that we will allow this to happen to our elderly, our ill and our deformed? Are we truly monsters?
For the Germans, national pride was everything. Purity was their obsession. Are we the nation so besotted by gold, goods and gewgaws that we will allow ourselves to go down in history as a nation that committed mass murder to make ourselves wealthier? If so, then only God alone is able to help us.
The Natural Solutions Foundation asks every single person engaged in any aspect of the Health Care Profession, doctors, janitors, bookkeepers, auditors, nurses, clerks, food preparation personnel and dietitians, administrators, psychologists, social workers, every one involved in any activity that touches patients and residents in care facilities, to declare now, before it is too late, that they are not part of, and will not become part of, a system of convenient, State-mediated death.
Here is the web page for the Health Keeper’s Oath.
Please take it now if your job is in the health industry and share it with others whether you are or are not in that industry.
If you want to read how this decline of decency was accomplished in 20th Century Germany (and I believe there is no escaping the parallels any longer), please click here,
I believe fervently that each of us owns, controls and has ultimate authority over our own bodies. Without State interference. Period. For me, that means that the State may not, must not, may never, NEVER, interfere with the right of any person to make the choices which pertain to their own body or that of their children. There is not, must not be, a slippery slope of interference for this or that or the other purpose here. Never.
What other freedom matters if our lives are subject to the whim of the State, no matter what the rationalization.
If you think this is not your issue, then think again. There is no shortage of resources. There is a super abundance of greed and malicious self-serving rationalization. There is a deadly abundance of psychopathic beliefs which is rising, like a tide of deadly algae, to kill everything in its path.
The time has come to say “NO!” and “NO!” again. And the Health Care Profession, along with every allied worker whose activities touch the welfare of patients, must be the bulwark against that tide. Here is your opportunity to make that declaration, and share it with everyone you know what are called “The Helping Professions” To earn that name, we must keep health care free from New Nazi State control.
David Icke is a tireless champion of in-your-face-how-the-elite-are-going-about-their-dirty-work information. Thank you, David, for your hard and persistent work. David’s latest newsletter article, reproduced here, is of massive importance. You may have heard rumblings about legalized, mandated, not-your-choice-but-their-choice euthenasia in the ObamaCare plan.
Those rumblings are accurate. This is the Nazi-fication of medicine. Those who do not serve the State must die to CONSERVE RESOURCES for those whom the State deems more useful.
The old.
The ill.
The deformed and defective.
The marginal
The poor.
The political.
The …..
Who is next?
Who will speak for you when they come for you (or your child, or your parent) if you do not speak now?
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Food Freedom eJournal
International Decade of Nutrition
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
Virtual Malls Supporting Health Freedom
Copyright David Icke, 2009. All Rights Reserved.
The David Icke Newsletter, December 13th, 2009
Hello all …
There is a very clear and emerging policy of seeking to kill people once they get into what we call old age. That is quite a statement, but perfectly supportable by the evidence.
The Control System sees humans as cattle or slaves who are only here to serve their masters, the bloodline families, who have no empathy or compassion whatsoever for the human population.
How the Bloodlines See the Human Population
How the Bloodline Families See Humans.
People are only useful when they are young and well enough to work and serve and once those days are over they want to eliminate them. This is the plan and we are seeing it introduced by stealth and steps all over the world, especially, as usual, in Britain and the United States.
I have mentioned before the story about Dr Richard Day, the head of the Rockefeller-created-and-controlled Planned Parenthood that was founded by eugenicists. Day told a meeting of doctors in Pittsburgh in 1969 to turn off all recording equipment and stop taking notes before detailing a long list of appalling plans to transform human society.
One doctor did take notes and he exposed what was said in a series of taped interviews before he died a few years ago. Today all that Richard Day said in 1969 has either happened or is happening – everything.
Day was an insider closely connected to the Rockefellers and therefore had access to the projected agenda. This is why people like Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and mentor of Barack Obama, could write books 40 years ago that predicted with such accuracy today’s fast-emerging global dictatorship.
One of the predictions that Richard Day made in 1969 was that the elderly would be culled by blocking their health care. ‘Limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating the elderly easier’, as he put it. This is now clearly happening.
Obama’s health policies hand decisions about patient care to presidential appointments who would decide what medical plans covered, what doctors can and cannot do and the extent of treatment allowed for elderly people.
Tom Daschle
There were also laws to this effect hidden away in the Obama ‘stimulus’ package and one of the main people involved in this was Tom Daschle, the former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, who was Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, but he had to withdraw over non-payment of taxes.
Daschle wrote in his book, Critical: What We Can Do About The Health-Care Crisis, that ‘seniors’ should be forced to sacrifice their heath care in favour of younger people by denying them treatment. He added that seniors who receive a ‘hopeless diagnosis’ need to accept their condition and not seek treatment for it.
Obama himself has stressed that ‘the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill’ and when asked how he proposed to deal with this he said ‘ …you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance’.
‘Independent’ group?? Oh yeah, sure. Obama said that various options would be
’emerging out of the various health care conversations that are taking place on the Hill right now’. It is so obvious where this is all meant to go.
One of Obama’s presidential appointees to dictate ‘health care’ for Americans is, well, well … Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. They are both the sons of an operative with the Irgun terrorist group, funded by the Rothschilds, that bombed Israel into being.
Another brother is Ariel ‘Ari’ Zev Emanuel, the Hollywood agent who represents people like Martin Scorsese, Jude Law and film-maker, Michael Moore.
Dr Ezekiel Emanuel was appointed to the key position of health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget to advise Budget Director, Peter Orszag. Emanuel has been quoted as saying the following:
* Cost savings would require changing the way doctors thought about their patients.
* Doctors take their Hippocratic Oath too seriously and treat it as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others.
* Doctors should look beyond the needs of their patients and consider other issues like whether the money could be better spent on somebody else.
* ‘Communitarianism’ should guide decisions on who gets care and it should be reserved for the non-disabled and not given to those ‘who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens’. An example would be not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
He is further quoted as saying:
‘Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds.’
Emanuel says his words were taken out of context, but it’s hard to see how. The theme of removing health care for the elderly is becoming common. A group of experts caring for the terminally ill wrote a letter to the London Daily Telegraph highlighting the way that people, mostly the elderly for obvious reasons, were wrongly being diagnosed as ‘close to death’.
This is extremely important because the UK National ‘Health Service (NHS) is introducing a policy of withdrawing food, fluid and treatment once the close-to-death judgement has been made to put them on what they call the death ‘pathway’. The patient is also fed sedative drugs continually until death which can mask the fact that their state of health has improved.
The letter was signed by, among others, Professor Peter Millard, Emeritus Professor of Geriatrics, University of London, and Dr Peter Hargreaves, a consultant in Palliative Medicine at St Luke’s cancer centre in Guildford.
It said that patients are being diagnosed as being close to death ‘without regard to the fact that the diagnosis could be wrong’. Dr Hargreaves said that some patients were being wrongly put on the ‘pathway’, which created a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ that they would die.
He said that he had personally taken patients off the pathway who went on to live for ‘significant’ amounts of time and warned that many doctors were not checking the progress of patients enough to notice improvement in their condition.
‘I have been practising palliative medicine for more than 20 years and I am getting more concerned about this “death pathway” that is coming in’, he said.
Hazel Fenton, an 80-year-old British grandmother, had her drugs and food stopped under this ‘scheme’ when doctors said she had days to live and yet nine months later she was still alive after her outraged daughter, Christine Ball, fought with doctors for four days to have the drugs and food restored.
Christine and mum Hazel.
A nurse even asked Christine what she wanted to do with her mother’s body. Christine was exactly right when she said: ‘My mother was going to be left to starve and dehydrate to death. It really is a subterfuge for legalised euthanasia of the elderly …’ It is indeed the drip, drip, drip to forced euthanasia.
Age Concern, the British charity for the elderly, called for a government inquiry over claims that health officials are practicing ‘involuntary euthanasia’ on elderly patients to free up beds in overcrowded hospitals. Many societies throughout history have had a policy of the voluntary or involuntary killing of old people and it is covertly being practiced now.
The Dutch introduced legalised euthanasia in 2002, the first country to do so, but this week it was revealed that the law has led to a severe decline in the quality of care for terminally-ill patients. Dr Els Borst, the former Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who guided the legislation through the Dutch parliament, now says it was brought in ‘far too early’ and not properly thought through.
Dr Anne-Marie The, author of a history of euthanasia, Redeemer Under God, says that many old people in the Netherlands now ask to die ‘out of fear’ because of an absence of effective pain relief.
Dr The, who has studied euthanasia for 15 years, said that a crisis had developed and ‘to think that we have neatly arranged everything by adopting the euthanasia law is an illusion’.
A constantly-repeated Illuminati technique to enforce its agenda is to arrange for protest groups to campaign on its behalf while claiming to be righting wrongs and injustices. This is what happened in the Netherlands.
Phyllis Bowman of Right to Life, a British group opposed to euthanasia, said she saw pro-euthanasia campaigners picketing Dutch hospices. ‘People were marching round the building shouting and roaring and were screaming that the hospice was denying people their right to die,’ she said.
‘The pro-euthanasia campaigners set out to smash the hospice movement. People can no longer get palliative care when they need it – they just get an injection.’
She said it was so bad that Amsterdam, with a population of 1.2 million, now has just two tiny hospices. Doctors in the Netherlands have immunity from prosecution if they help to kill patients over the age of 12 who are suffering from ‘unbearable’ pain from incurable illnesses or who repeatedly request euthanasia.
But, of course, the system is open to manipulation. It has been claimed there have been thousands of cases of involuntary euthanasia since the law was introduced and dozens of killings of disabled new born babies.
Patients are normally killed by administering a strong sedative that puts the patient in a coma, followed by a drug to stop breathing, and this is happening to more and more people every year. Assisted deaths in the Netherlands have increased from 1,626 in 2003 to 2,331 in 2008.
As Dr Peter Saunders, from the UK group, Care Not Killing Alliance, said: ‘If you introduce guidelines that help people to avoid prosecution then you will get a huge escalation of cases.’
We are seeing the stepping-stones appearing in many countries for the introduction of Netherlands-type euthanasia laws. Quebec in Canada is now holding ‘roving public consultations’ on the question of euthanasia. The national assembly’s standing committee on health and social services is hearing from ‘experts’ and preparing a consultation document.
Keir Starmer, the UK’s Director of Public Prosecutions, was asked to ‘clarify’ when someone would be prosecuted for assisting suicide and in September he said that prosecution was likely if the ‘victim’ was under 18, had a mental illness or was in good physical health. Anyone involved in more than one case or those paid to do it would also be prosecuted, he said.
But that leaves a wide open door with prosecution unlikely if the person has a ‘grave’ illness or disability and the killer is a close friend or helper motivated by compassion. This is just asking to be abused and it is another step on the road to legalised euthanasia and, the long-term goal, forced euthanasia.
I can see the case of assisted suicide for those in great pain with no hope of recovery, but that is not the motivation for the force that is covertly pressing the euthanasia agenda and we need to be aware of that.
They don’t say ‘we are going to invade Iraq because we want to takeover the country for our own ends’. They say there are weapons of mass destruction that threaten the world and they have to be removed.
In the same way, they don’t say we want to introduce euthanasia or death ‘pathways’ to kill as many old people as we can’. They say we want to do it for compassionate reasons.
So many facets of the Control System have been sold to the public in benevolent terms when a malevolent agenda lie behind them. Euthanasia is another.
General Bert’s Communiqué
Bringing Push Back Home
State by State Victory!
Soldiers fighting on their home territory are filled with vigor and determination which invaders lack. In our struggle for Health Freedom we need to take the push back battle to your state, your job, your home territory.
The next battlefield waiting for a push back victory is where you live. And Natural Solutions Founation is here to help you win that battle.
We are winning the war against our bodies. The forces that believe they can compel us to submit to their idea of medical “care” are retreating.
Twice so far, as we came to the brink of a Federal Law Suit against the vaccine mandates they retreated, claiming illogically that there were insufficient doses of vaccine to carry out their mandate.
Absurd, but telling.
Twice now, once in New York and then in New Jersey, we have seen their tails between the legs of the mandating forces as they take off in disarray. They will regroup, but right now, we hold the high ground. What that means is that we need to take back our health freedom state by state. Every school mandate, every worker’s mandate, every daycare mandate must be pushed back.
And together we can do that. We want you to succeed in Bringing Push Back Home!
We’ll work with you to (1) create a web page, (2) send Action Items that will go to your supporters only and (3) make a free conference bridge line available to you for local conference call participation.
Natural Solutions Foundation will advise you on strategy, legal possibilities, etc., all without charge to your group. Our Organizer’s eBook is being updated to include the latest techniques and tactics.
Why? Because community organization around health freedom issues is near and dear to our heart. We KNOW, we don’t just believe, we KNOW that it is the voice of the People, demanding our rights, that will protect our rights. That is what Dr. Paul G. King’s wonderful essay says and that is what Natural Solutions Foundation says, over and over and over and over.
And you know what? That repetition, the enlarging drum-beat of power, personal power, is turning the tide.
Of course, we have come to the most dangerous part of the game: we are becoming SO powerful that the other side, call them what, or whom you will, could, at a moment’s notice, change the rules of the game and come down on free men and women (and children, remember that part) like a ton of bricks IF they feel both threatened and IF they can get a way with it.
You know they feel threatened: hence the threats to shut down the internet, declare Martial Law, criminalize vaccine refusal, etc. But you also know that our collective power has an immobilizing effect on them: without that immobilizing effect, consider what would already have happened. Why has it not? Why is only the Ukraine under effective Medical Martial Law? Why has the WHO not exercised its treaty-granted powers to take over the governance of every country in the world under the 2005 agreement which went into effect in 2007 now that they have what they have been working toward: a declared “Level Six Pandemic” of their own defining and making?
The answer to all of these questions is the same: because of the People. Because we are alert, active and pushing back with the might of millions – and because evil is always weaker than good, because the entropy of the Universe, its disintegrative force, is balanced by the enthalpy, the constructive force. So knowledge, wisdom, caring accumulates while destruction destroys itself.
Our trick now is to make sure that the integrative forces are equal to, and, indeed, stronger in our time frame, than the disintegrative ones.
That is your job – nourishing the forces of freedom. The Three Vitamin D’s for Activists are –
Vitamin D1: Do – take Action, spread the Action eAlerts as widely as you can. The issues are getting hotter, more dangerous and more absurd with every passing day – people are more and more ready to hear our side now. This is a moment of ripeness for awareness.
Vitamin D2: Disseminate – This is a variant of Vitamin D1: there is no such thing as an overdose of dissemination! It is safe, effective, and stops a multitude of ills in the body politic.
Vitamin D3: Donate – Where do we get the money to assign people to do research? From you. Where do we get the resources to attend meetings you need to know about? From you. Where to we get the ability to create a model for the production of food which has a good chance of giving industrial agriculture the most serious run of its life? From you. And where do we get the resources necessary to tell you and everyone we need to reach about it? From YOU!
Give everyone on your Holiday list Health Freedom’s Own Coffee™, Valley of the Moon Coffee,
As our thank you for your support (besides the sheer joy of what we firmly believe will be the finest coffee you have ever sipped and sighed over, we’ll give you an 80% tax deduction for every bag of our GMO-free, pesticide-free, herbicide-free coffee straight from our educational Valley of the Moon™ Coffee Finca.
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Looking for a good read? How about a book that can help you reverse the most frightening of diseases, cancer, in weeks.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s The Only Answer to Cancer, available from, is a magnificent breakthrough that you MUST read either now or later.
Looking for more? Well, there’s plenty to choose from.
Visit and for outstanding products which you need, the people you care about need and will appreciate and which support YOUR health freedom organization, Natural Solutions Foundation, the Voice of Global Health Freedom™.
Oh, yes, plain vanilla donation now comes in two flavors: Make your recurring donation, large or small, ending in the number 6 and we’ll earmark your donation for our vitally important legal support fund. Not only our Stop the Shot legal case against the FDA, but a host of other cases need attention and support to stop the recurring, and potentially lethal incursion of government agencies into your health, your medicine chest and your life.
You can also make a donation ending in any other number and that donation will be used for everything else we are doing.
Oh, yes, if you are interested in participating, or knowing more about, or visiting, investing in, (with or without IRA/401 funds) or living at the astonishingly beautiful Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project, , you are most welcome to contact us at with “VotM” as the subject.
Whew! So much to do, so much that’s true and so much that’s new! Natural Solutions is there for you. Are you there for us, too?
Yours in health and freedom,
Bert Stubblebine
Foundation President
Keep Health Freedom Free! Donate: |
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Natural Solutions Foundation
While we still have some time, I urge you to add your voice to the nearly 2 1/4 million emails which are flooding the boxes of legislators at the State and Federal levels, secretaries Sebelius of HHS and Napolitano of DHS and the White House. Our voices are loud, and becoming louder. There is not much time to make them heard. Please go to and take action once for every one of your household members, then alert everyone you can reach to do the same. The push back is softening the response of the other side and that is of enormous significance. We need to make the use of these deadly vaccines simply unthinkable. In Germany, the first of the vaccine recipients are beginning to sicken and die from the shot. In Canada, Native Americans have received body bags along with their Swine Flu kits.
There are strong, but as yet unconfirmed, reports that 5 US Navy ships are under quaratine after a 96% flu outbreak rate following vaccination IN APRIL, 2009. Note that the vaccinations for Swine Flu were said to occur 5 months before the “was enough| Swine Flu vaccine, it was ready to test, it had been manufactured and the causative organism was known. We do not yet have information on which vaccine was used, sickening and killing so many healthy young people. But we do know that wherever it is used, it is designed to create the very disease that is being hyped and sold to the world as a fear source, without a shred of solid reason.
Perhaps it was Novartis H1N1 vaccine which the FDA pulled off the market place for labeling inconsistencies in February, 2009. Not enough vaccine? Needs adjuvants to make it go around? Balderdash!
This week coming we will try to make their use illegal, as well. Since the 1964 Keffauver Bill makes it mandatory for the FDA to require that a drug or vaccine be both safe and effective before it can be approved (although we all know how very lax that is), no such testing, lax or otherwise, was carried out before the 4 vaccines approved on September 15, 2009 by Secretary Sebelius were licensed for release into the general public.
Be aware, too, that the nasal mist vaccine by Medimmune is designed to create the flu, leaving immunocompromised people, children, cancer chemotherapy and radiation patients, children and adults on asthma medication, people with eczema and any other type of immune suppression, and babies less than a year old, vulnerable to the disease which will be spread by the nasal mist vaccine. Be aware, too, that this same preparation is to be avoided by pregnant women and the people mentioned above, including young children. Hmmm. How do you do that? How do you vaccinate First Responders, health care workers and pregnant women and children and keep the virus that they are involuntarily shedding from the patients in the hospital and the babies whom this virus will sicken and kill? Clearly, you don’t. Clearly the game is to make very sure that this novel virus, classified as a “Bio weapon” by the US Government, behaves better than SARS, Avian Fly and perhaps the 1976 Swine Flu.
When we enter this case in Washington DC this week, we know that we will likely be facing enormous legal expenses. So far our lawyers have been wonderful about fees BUT we cannot expect that largess forever. An appeal in Federal Court is a huge undertaking. We need two donations from you on a recurring basis, large or small.
The first ends in the number 6 and is thus earmarked for legal funds. The second ends in any other number and will help support us as we move forward on this and both are urgently needed. Click here,, to keep your health freedom team fighting for you.
Of course, you could also purchase our outstanding all natural coffee at It is produced as part of our teaching effort to help reclaim the production of food here at the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Panama. It is free of GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, suicides and it tastes like … well, it tastes like freedom! It is Health Freedom’s own Coffee and every bag you buy not only helps us, but brings you an 80% tax deduction discount as a “Thank you!|
Now would be a great time to select coffee as your personal and corporate gift for the 2009 Holiday Season! Large orders? No problem! Contact Gail Coba at “Gail Coba”
Squalene: Be Afraid, Part I
The following article by Edda West was published in 2005. Given the horrific threat of squalene laced vaccines for a mythical danger concocted in a lab, it is all the more relevant now. Please take time to read and share this post and the one that follows it.
This outstanding article details the mechanism of action, and the enormous dangers, of vaccines which contain squalene in any of its forms. But bare in mind as you read this clear, and enormously important article below, that the adjuvanted vaccine approved by the US Government on September 15, 2009, in the total absence of even a shred of safety testing, will contain 1 million times more squalene than even the deadly Vaccine A.
You may have encountered the squalene story before: how injected squalene, even a few molecules of injected squalene, causes the body to attack itself on a rampage of auto immune destruction like an army gone mad and turned on its country. And that is, in fact, exactly what triggered this onslaught of destruction: the US Department of Defense decided to experiment on its citizens, healthy young men and women who had made the terrible mistake of trusting their country to take care of them while they were willing to give their lives to defend it.
Instead, they were betrayed with unsafe vaccines for (or against, it depends on whom you asked) anthrax. The tragedy was that this was no experimental surprise which was revealed for the first time when the vaccine’s terrible consequences showed up over time. No, this adjuvant, or immune response enhancer molecule was known as “Freund’s Complete Adjuvant” and was used in animal experimentation to produce cataclysmic and lethal auto immune disorders in animals. 100% of the time when they were injected.
Fast forward to today’s news: On September 15, 2009 Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the approval, in the total absence of any safety testing, of 4 new vaccines for the novel A/H1N1 Swine Flu virus which allegedly appeared in Mexico this past April for the very first time in the world’s history.
But wait! Patents for this vaccines “against” this very virus were applied for by Medimmune (parent company to Sanofi Aventis), Novartis and Baxter International. Baxter and Novartis applied for patents using squalene-based adjuvants. Baxter and Novartis’ adjuvant of choice is called MF59, detailed in the article below as a powerful – and highly toxic – squalene compound. GSK’s adjuvant, MLP(AS04) [also identified as AS03 in company statements and, like AS01 and 2, contains MLP, or, in simple terms, squalene] is also a powerful and literally poisonous auto immune stimulant made from squalene.
Baxter knows that, as far as immune enhancement to prevent disease goes, squalene adjuvants do not even work. So we have to wonder if – hard, strong and long, if the introduction of squalene has anything to do, anything at all, with the avowed goal of preventing a pandemic.
Quoting Investigative Report Jane Burgermeister,
“On July 13th, WHO ordered the inclusion of oil-in-water adjuvants in the “swine flu” H1N1 vaccines to be distributed throughout the world this autumn on the recommendation of its vaccine advisory panel, packed with Baxter and pharmaceutical executives, in spite of the fact that clinical studies published by Baxter’s own scientific team that patented the H1N1 vaccine demonstrate that such adjuvants are, at best, useless.
‘SAGE [WHO’s advisory panel on Pandemic Vaccines, on which Baxter and other vaccine manufacturers sit – REL] recommended that promoting production and use of vaccines such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines was important,’ says the WHO pandemic briefing note.
In June 2008, Baxter’s Austrian-based scientists Ehrlich, Kistner and Barret published a clinical trial in the New England Journal of Medicine ((Previous Volume 358:2573-2584 June 12, 2008 Number 24) on the safety of an H5N1 whole-virus vaccine, in which they themselves go on record saying that the use of adjuvants did not improve the antibody response. spite of the evidence that adjuvants are at best useless, vaccine companies such as Baxter and Novartis are rolling out vaccines which contain adjuvants like squalene (MF59), a substance added to the anthrax vaccine given to US soldiers, causing tens of thousands of Iraq Desert Storm soldiers to suffer permanent neurological damage.
Also, WHO is reported to have advised the use of “antigen sparing” protocols which means they are calling for the use of not much virus and lots of adjuvant.
The effects of adjuvants are so destructive to the human body that some people say that adjuvants are part of the next generation of biological or pharmacological warfare.”
In Squalene: Be Afraid, Part II we will discuss what the underlying reason for this adjuvant and document why the greatest danger in this Pandemic may not even be the vaccine we all have so much reason to fear.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon (TM) Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee: Wake Up to Health Freedom! GMO, Pesticide, Toxin Free
A Glimpse into the Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants
By Edda West – Published in VRAN Newsletter – Winter 2005
Adjuvants are formulated compounds, which when combined with vaccine antigens intensify the body’s immune response. They are used to elicit an early, high and long-lasting immune response. “The chemical nature of adjuvants, their mode of action and their reactions (side effect) are highly variable in terms of how they affect the immune system and how serious their adverse effects are due to the resultant hyperactivation of the immune system. While adjuvants enable the use of less *antigen to achieve the desired immune response and reduce vaccine production costs, with few exceptions, adjuvants are foreign to the body and cause adverse reactions”, writes Australian scientist Viera Scheibner Ph.D, (1)
The most common adjuvant for human use is an aluminum salt called alum derived from aluminum hydroxide, or aluminum phosphate. A quick read of the scientific literature reveals that the neurotoxic effects of aluminum were recognized 100 years ago. Aluminum is a neurotoxicant and has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders. Prior to 1980, kidney patients undergoing long term dialysis treatments often suffered dialysis encephalopathy syndrome, the result of acute intoxication by the use of an aluminum-containing dialysate. This is now avoided using modern techniques of water purification. In preterm infants, prolonged intravenous feeding with solutions containing aluminum is associated with impaired neurologic development. Scientists speculate that aluminum neurotoxicity may be related to cell damage via free radical production, impairment of glucose metabolism, and effects on nerve signal transduction. (2) Vaccines which contain both aluminum adjuvants and mercury based preservative, greatly magnify the neurotoxic effects. (3)
Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is a muscle disease first identified in 1993, and has been linked to vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants. Muscle pain is the most frequent symptom which can be localized to the limbs or be more diffuse. Other symptoms include joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, fever, and muscle tenderness. The disorder is associated with an altered immune system in some, but not all patients. A study published in the journal Brain (2001) revealed that 50 out of 50 patients had received vaccines against hepatitis B virus (86%), hepatitis A virus (19%) or tetanus toxoid (58%), 3-96 months (median 36 months) before biopsy. “We conclude that the MMF lesion is secondary to intramuscular injection of aluminum hydroxide-containing vaccines, shows both long-term persistence of aluminum hydroxide and an ongoing local immune reaction, and is detected in patients with systemic symptoms which appeared subsequently to vaccination”, write the authors of the study. (4)
But aluminum’s neurotoxicity is of less concern to the vaccine industry than the fact that it elicits a lesser antibody response to the so called purer recombinant or synthetic antigens used in modern day vaccines than in older style live or killed whole organism vaccines. “This has created a major need for improved and more powerful adjuvants for use in these vaccines.” (5)
For decades, vaccine developers have been tinkering with various substances to trick the body into heightened immune responses. The most effective adjuvants are formulated with oils but have long been considered too reactive for use in humans. Immunologists have known for decades that a microscopic dose of even a few molecules of adjuvant injected into the body can cause disturbances in the immune system and have known since the1930’s that oil based adjuvants are particularly dangerous, which is why their use has been restricted to experiments with animals.
The classic oil based adjuvant called Freund’s Complete Adjuvant can cause permanent organ damage and irreversible disease – specifically autoimmune diseases. When scientists want to induce autoimmune disease in a lab animal, they inject it with Freund’s Complete Adjuvant, which causes great suffering and is considered by some too inhumane to even inject into animals.
Dr. Jules Freund creator of this oil based adjuvant warned in 1956 that animals injected with his formulation developed terrible, incurable conditions: allergic aspermatogenesis (stoppage of sperm production), experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (the animal version of MS), allergic neuritis (inflammation of the nerves that can lead to paralysis) and other severe autoimmune disorders. (6)
Adjuvants can break “tolerance”, meaning they can disable the immune system to the degree that it loses its ability to distinguish what is “self” from what is foreign. Normally, the immune system ignores the constituents of one’s own body. Immunologists call this “tolerance”. But if something happens to break “tolerance”, then the immune system turns relentlessly self-destructive, attacking the body it is supposed to defend. (6)
Scientists theorize that oil based adjuvants have the ability to “hyperactivate” the immune system, and in doing so, create chaos by inducing such an extremely powerful response that the immune system literally goes haywire and starts attacking elements it would normally ignore. (6)
Another theory has to do with “specificity”. One of the great distinguishing characteristics of the immune system is something akin to a highly sensitive innate intelligence that has evolved over eons to be able to respond very precisely to what it deems to be a threat to the body. Because the body contains many types of oily molecules and lipids, it may be that when an oil is injected, the immune system responds to it not only specifically, but with heightened intensity because the oil adjuvant resembles so closely the natural oils found in the body. A “cross reaction” then happens, sending the immune system into chaos destroying any oils found anywhere in the body that resemble the adjuvant oil. Demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis are an example of this destructive autoimmune process. (6)
To deepen one’s understanding of the shadowy world of vaccine development, award winning investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto’s new book is a “must read.” It documents the secret human medical experimentation conducted on American citizens by doctors and scientists working for the U.S. military. It is a book about “betrayal of the most fundamental rules of medical ethics; and betrayal of the basic duty of military and civilian leaders to protect the people they govern.” Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing our Soldiers and Why GI’s are Only the First Victims, is a gripping read into the mad science world of the U.S. military’s biowarfare vaccine development program which, since 1987 has injected tens of thousands of U.S. troops with an experimental unlicensed anthrax vaccine containing squalene. An oil based adjuvant, squalene has been known for decades to cause severe autoimmune diseases in laboratory animals. Writes Matsumoto, “The unethical experiments detailed in this book are ongoing, with little prospect of being self-limiting because they have been shielded from scrutiny and public accountability by national security concerns.” Reading this book, one gets a permanent chill in the spine as we glimpse the “writing on the wall” of what is to come. (6,7)
“When UCLA Medical School’s Michael Whitehouse and Frances Beck injected squalene combined with other materials into rats and guinea pigs back in the 1970’s, few oils were more effective at causing the animal versions of arthritis and multiple sclerosis”, writes Matsumoto. In 1999, Dr. Johnny Lorentzen, an immunologist at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute proved that on injection, “otherwise benign molecules like squalene can stimulate a self-destructive immune response”, even though they occur naturally in the body. Other research institutes have also shown that the immune system makes antibodies to squalene, but only after it is injected (6) We now know that squalene, added to boost immune response in a formulation known as MF59, is the secret ingredient in certain lots of experimental anthrax vaccine that has caused devastating autoimmune diseases and death in countless Gulf War vets (Canadian, British and Australian troops were also injected with squalene laced vaccine), and continues to be used today. There is a “close match between the squalene-induced diseases in animals and those observed in humans injected with this oil: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus”, writes Matsumoto. These three illnesses have been proven to be caused by this oil, but there is an additional long list of autoimmune diseases associated with squalene injection into humans. (6) “There are now data in more than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers, from ten different laboratories in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Australia, documenting that squalene-based adjuvants can induce autoimmune diseases in animals..observed in mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Sweden’s Karolinska Institute has demonstrated that squalene alone can induce the animal version of rheumatoid arthritis. The Polish Academy of Sciences has shown that in animals, squalene alone can produce catastrophic injury to the nervous system and the brain. The University of Florida Medical School has shown that in animals, squalene alone can induce production of antibodies specifically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus”, writes Matsumoto. (6)
Long List of Side Effects Referring to squalene in her extensive article on adjuvants, Dr. Scheibner writes, “This adjuvant contributed to the cascade of reactions called “Gulf War syndrome”, documented in the soldiers involved in the Gulf War. The symptoms they developed included arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhea, night sweats and low-grade fevers. (1)
Matsumoto punctuates his book with poignant interviews of military personnel who suffered many of these extreme and devastating syndromes, all of whom tested positive for anti-squalene antibodies which has become THE definitive marker for people who have been injected with this adjuvant and who have gone on to develop catastrophic diseases.
Immunologist, Dr. Pamela Asa was the first person to recognize that the autoimmune diseases she was seeing in military personnel mirrored those in experimental animals injected with oil formulated adjuvants. When she met a patient with similar autoimmune symptoms who had participated in an experimental herpes vaccine trial, who also knew he had been injected with MF59, a squalene adjuvant being used as a ‘placebo’ in that study, everything began to fall into place. Pam Asa contacted Dr. Robert Garry, a leading virologist at Tulane University Medical School, whose specialty is developing antibody tests and asked him to develop a test for the detection of anti-squalene antibodies – a test that ultimately became the most important forensic and diagnostic tool identifying patients whose autoimmune diseases followed injection with squalene laced anthrax vaccine. (6)
Juxtaposed to heart wrenching testimonies of shattered health and ruined lives is the military’s defiant stonewall and denial that a squalene laced anthrax vaccine was injected into thousands of its people without their informed consent – this despite the fact that the FDA and independent researchers have tested and identified varying amounts of squalene in specific lots of the vaccine.
Even more stunning is the fact that by 1997, hundreds of millions of dollars had already been spent testing vaccines formulated with squalene adjuvants by leading research institutes like NIH (National Institutes of Health) who tested its efficacy in HIV vaccines, the National Cancer Institute who for nearly two decades conducted research with squalene-boosted vaccines, and the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had been testing it in animals since 1988 and began human clinical trials in1991. Nineteen of NIAID’s 23 trials were for prototype HIV vaccines. Writes Matsumoto, ” Squalene adjuvants are a key ingredient in a whole new generation of vaccines intended for mass immunization around the globe.” (6)
Immune System Sees Squalene as an Enemy to Attack Researchers at Tulane Medical School and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research “have both proven that the immune system responds specifically to the squalene molecule. Squalene’s pathway through the body has been tracked with a radioactive tracer in animals by none other than Chiron, (well known flu vaccine manufacturer) and maker of MF59, the squalene-based adjuvant, now also a component of FLUAD, an Italian influenza vaccine. (6)
The immune system does in fact “see” squalene and recognizes it as an oil molecule native to the body. The key is “route of administration”. As Gary Matsumoto says, “Squalene is not just a molecule found in a knee or elbow – it is found throughout the nervous system and the brain.” When it is injected into the body, the immune system sees it as an enemy to be attacked and eliminated.(6)
As any immunologist will tell you, the way an antigen encounters the immune system makes all the difference. You can eat squalene – no problem as it is an oil the body can easily digest. But studies in animals and humans show that injecting squalene will “galvanize the immune system into attacking it, which can produce a self-destructive cross reaction against the same molecule in the places where it occurs naturally in the body – and where it is critical to the health of the nervous system.” (6)
This phenomenon is also known as ‘molecular mimicry’, where the immune system forms antibodies against one of its own structures and will continue to attack the ‘self’ molecule in the body that resembles the one in the germ, or as is the case with squalene, an identical substance that is naturally present in the body. Once this self-destructive process begins, it never stops as the body continues to make the molecule the immune system is now trained to attack.
Another example involving autoimmune ‘molecular mimicry’ is when the immune system has been sensitized to attack myelin, the insulating fatty coating around nerve fibers which insures the smooth relay of nerve signals. The body would continue to make myelin in order to replenish and repair the protective sheath around its nerve endings. But says Matsumoto, “In the act of doing so, the body immunizes itself against itself, administering over and over again what amounts to a booster dose of something that the immune system now wants to get rid of. This vital constituent (myelin) is now the enemy, and the immune system is now programmed to obliterate it in an endless loop of self-destruction” – the process involved in MS (multiple sclerosis), and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease).(6)
Tying molecular mimicry to the autism epidemic, many children have regressed into autism spectrum disorders after injection with the triple live virus MMR (measles,mumps,rubella) vaccine. Dr.Vijendra Singh’s research at Utah State University suggests that auto-antibodies are attacking myelin in these children. He has shown that many autistic children have auto-antibodies to brain myelin basic protein (MBP) as well as elevated levels of measles virus antibodies. “Immunoblotting analysis showed the presence of an unusual MMR antibody in 60% (75 of 125) of autistic children, but none of the 92 normal children had this antibody. In addition, there was a positive correlation (greater than 90%) between MMR antibody and MBP auto-antibody, suggesting a causal association between MMR and brain autoimmunity in autism. This is one of the most important findings in autism to date, which prompted us to link measles virus in the etiology of the disorder”, writes Dr. Singh. (8,9,10)
Immunologist Dr. Bonnie Dunbar has also done extensive research on the mechanisms of injury inflicted by hepatitis B vaccine and has observed similar autoimmune processes involving molecular mimicry in people who developed devastating neuroimmune syndromes after injection with this vaccine. (11)
Molecular Mimicry as a Bio-Weapon Matsumoto reports that Soviet bioweaponeers used the principal of molecular mimicry in the 1980’s to engineer a ‘designer disease’ that would attack myelin. By splicing a fragment of myelin basic protein into legionella bacterium, they created what amounted to a living “nano-bomb”, which they injected into guinea pigs. What they found was that the immune system quickly cleared the legionella bacterium, but the myelin molecule, smuggled in by this microbial “Trojan horse” initiated a second wave of disease which caused experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, the animal version of MS. The Soviets recognized this creation for what it was – a biological time bomb!! (6)
“Squalene is a kind of trigger for the real biological weapon: the immune system. When the immune system’s full repertoire of cells and antibodies start attacking the tissues they are supposed to protect, the results can be catastrophic,” writes Matsumoto. His assessment is seconded by Dr. Pam Asa – “Oil adjuvants are the most insidious chemical weapon ever devised.” (6)
“Molecular mimicry, seen for its diabolical potential as a weapon by the Soviets as far back as the 1980’s, also applies to squalene. But the real problem with using squalene, of course, is not that it mimics a molecule found in the body; it is the same molecule,” writes Matsumoto. “So what American scientists conceived as a vaccine booster was another “nano-bomb”, instigating chronic, unpredictable and debilitating disease. When the NIH (National Institutes of Health) argued that squalene would be safe because it is native to the body, just the opposite was true. Squalene’s natural presence in the body made it one of the most dangerous molecules ever injected into man!” (6)
The main proponents for the use of squalene in vaccines have been the U.S Department of Defense and the NIH. The anti-squalene antibodies in sick American and British military personnel are evidence that military experimentation has caused an unprecedented health catastrophe in tens of thousands of people onto whom the vaccine was forced and who were denied the right to make an informed decision based on existing scientific knowledge of the dangers of injecting squalene. “By adding squalene to their new anthrax vaccine, they did not make a better vaccine, they made a biological weapon.” (6) .
Why , one would obviously ask, would anyone knowingly inject such a dangerous substance into humans? Certainly in terms of the U.S. military’s decision, they chose to turn a blind eye to the existing science, which for decades had documented the immune destructive properties of squalene. They justified its use because they knew they had a weak and ineffective vaccine which needed a serious boost. In the face of weaponized biowarfare agents like anthrax already developed by Russia and fear that it was also possessed by Iraq, they were desperate to increase the vaccine’s effectiveness as they launched into the first Gulf War. Additionally, explains Matsumoto, “scientists in the United States are now literally invested in squalene. Army scientists who developed the second generation anthrax vaccine have reputations to protect and licensing fees to reap for the army..[and] .worldwide rights to develop and commercialize the new recombinant vaccine for anthrax.” (6)
He goes on to explain, “the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been supporting both animal and human research with squalene since the 1980’s. Squalene has become perhaps the most ubiquitous oil adjuvant on the planet, which is something that should concern everyone. Many of the cutting edge vaccines currently in development by the NIH and its corporate partners contain squalene in one formulation or another. There is squalene in the prototype recombinant vaccines for HIV, malaria, herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus. Some of these prototypes like HIV, malaria and influenza are intended for mass immunization around the globe.” (6)
Squalene Adjuvants Enter the Global Market FLUAD, the squalene boosted flu vaccine has been licensed in Italy since 1997. It contains MF59, the squalene adjuvant made by Chiron. Although all the published papers co-authored by Chiron-employed scientists and Italian researchers have reported MF59 to be safe, Gary Matsumoto suggests a flaw in study designs may “prevent researchers from seeing the vaccine’s real risks.” Testing of FLUAD was limited to elderly people in nursing homes – average age was 71.5 which would tend to obscure autoimmune problems that might arise for a number of reasons. If autoimmune symptoms like joint pain and fatigue did occur in geriatric Italians, doctors might not connect these complaints to anything but old age. (6)
“Autoimmunity is notorious for taking years to diagnose because the early symptoms (e.g. headaches, joint and muscle pain and fatigue) are so vague; primary care physicians often fail to recognize it…a large Phase lV trial did not even bother to analyze the “common-post immunization reactions” in study participants, recording only those adverse events severe enough to require a doctor’s visit within 7 days of immunization.” In another study patients were observed for 180 days, but only serious events like “admission to hospital or death” qualified as a reaction – nothing else was recorded. Symptoms of adverse reactions listed in the FLUAD package insert are almost identical to the Air Force case-definition for Gulf War Syndrome, and include rashes, malaise, fever, myalgia, arthralgia, weakness, sweating and various autoimmune reactions and neurologic disturbances. (6)
“The question is whether scientists working for pharmaceutical companies are intentionally designing studies so as to miss adverse reactions that inconvenience their marketing strategy?” asks Matsumoto. “Chiron’s conclusion about squalene’s safety are at odds with recent data from studies in both animals and humans.” (6)
Just in from the newslists on February 9, 2005 is an item informing of the European “debut” of a new adjuvant approved for use in a new high-potency hepatitis B vaccine. Fendrix, the new enhanced hepB vaccine is being launched by pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline for use in people with poor immune responses (like dialysis patients) and those at high risk for developing hepatitis B. It is formulated with a new adjuvant that can “significantly improve the effectiveness of immunizations.” AS04, the ‘proprietary’ adjuvant based on MPL, originally developed by U.S. company Corixa, “increases the immune potency of the new vaccine, allowing two dose administration rather than three. It has been shown clinically to be more effective than alum, the most widely used adjuvant in vaccines.” (12)
So what exactly is this new high potency adjuvant? We’re told by the press release that MPL (AS04), is a “derivative of the lipid A molecule found in Gram-negative bacteria, is extracted from bacterial cell walls and is one of the most potent regulators of the immune response, used by the body to alert itself to bacterial infections.”(12) Full name of the lipid is monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL)
This news should put everyone on high alert because guess what? Lipids are oils/fatty acids and according to Matsumoto, MPL is identified in declassified documents as one of two squalene emulsions used in the Army’s new “recombinant protective antigen anthrax vaccine (rPA) which the FDA, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense fast-tracked into clinical trials in1998. The other squalene adjuvant they used was Chiron’s MF59. (6)
It appears that Fendrix is only the first of a whole new generation of “enhanced potency” vaccines coming down the pipeline using the new high potency lipid adjuvant, MPL. “The adjuvant is also being used in a number of GSK’s developmental vaccines, including one that could be the first effective vaccine for malaria”, says the article. MPL (AS04) adjuvant is also a component of GSK Bio’s genital herpes vaccine, as well as a component in their cervical cancer vaccine and a new tuberculosis vaccine.” (12)
In the unraveling of the squalene story, we find that a squalene emulsion first known as Triple Mix (based on Freund’s adjuvant) was later given the commercial name “Ribi”. Triple Mix (renamed Ribi) was tested by Dutch scientists on rabbits who found it caused “severe effects the largest number and most severe lesions when compared with the other adjuvants.”(6) Then in June 1999, Ribi ImmunoChem its manufacturer was acquired by Corixa Corporation for $56.3 million, who presumably also own the Ribi formulation. Whether MPL(AS04) is a formula related to Ribi is undoubtedly “proprietary” information, but from Matsumoto’s reseasrch, we know they are all squalene based. And it doesn’t end there. MPL, Corixa’s multi-million dollar baby, is slated for inclusion not only in the “enhanced potency” vaccines already mentioned, but will also be a strategic component of new allergy and autoimmune vaccines in development. (13)
From their inception, mass vaccinations have acted as a biological weapon, undermining health, manipulating and crippling the immune system, and instigating cycles of new and debilitating diseases. Monopoly medicine’s solution? Inject us with more powerful, genetically engineered high potency vaccines. Never mind they are seeding us with “nano-bombs” that will further attack our already compromised immune systems.
The concept of stimulating a hyperactive immune response by using oil-based adjuvants has clearly backfired since we now know that the stronger the antigenic response, the more damaging the adjuvant itself is to the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. The precedent for mass medical experimentation via an ever increasing recommended vaccine schedule has been set. We can now predict the grim future of mankind: an epidemic of neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases never before imagined.
Notes & Resources
Adjuvants listed by Scheibner: “Today the most common adjuvants for human use are aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate and calcium phosphate. However, there are a number of other adjuvants based on oil emulsions, products from bacteria (their synthetic derivatives as well as liposomes) or gram-negative bacteria, endotoxins, cholesterol, fatty acids, aliphatic amines, paraffinic and vegetable oils. Recently, monophosphoryl lipid A, ISCOMs with Quil-A, and Syntex adjuvant formulations (SAFs) containing the threonyl derivative or muramyl dipeptide have been under consideration for use in human vaccines
*Definition of Antigen (Scheibner): “Micro-organisms, either bacteria or viruses, thought to be causing certain infectious diseases and which the vaccine is supposed to prevent. These are whole-cell proteins or just the broken-cell protein envelopes, and are called antigens”
1.Viera Scheibner, Ph.D, The Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in Vaccines, Nexus Magazine Dec. 2000 vol.8, No.1
2. Aluminum Toxicity notes from Dr. Boyd Haley Toxic Test Foundation website:
3. Boyd E. Haley, Professor of Chemistry: Thimerosal Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopment Outcomes:
4. Brain, Vol. 124, No. 9, 1821-1831, September 2001, 2001 Oxford University Press
5 Vaccine Adjuvants: current state and future trends, Volume 82: Issue Immunology and Cell Biology ?ref=0818-9641&vid=82&iid=5&aid=5&s=&site=1
6.Gary Matsumoto, Vaccine A-
7.Gary Matsumoto Press Release and biography:
8 Vijendra K Singh, Ph.D, Abnormal Measles Serology and Autoimmunity in Autistic Children – Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunol, 109 (1): S232, January 2002
9. Vijendra Singh – lecture at ATEDM Conference:
10. Institute of Medicine Meeting (IOM) on Vaccines and Autism, February 9, 2004
11.. Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D – articles and research proposal – VRAN website:
12.New adjuvant debuts in new hep B vaccine , February 9, 2005, In-Pharma ?n=57959-new-adjuvant-debuts
13. Corixa weblink to MPL press release on allergy & autoimmune applications: