The Psychology & Physiology of Change…
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Medical Director
We all learned that Pavlov taught his dogs to salivate at the ringing of a bell which they learned to associate with the appearance of food. But Pavlov taught us – and the masters of mass deception and control – much more than that.
Born in Russia on September 14, 1849, Pavlov, who died in 1936, was so important to Russia’s dictator, Joseph Stalin, that Stalin allowed him to rant and inveigh against the Soviet State without coming to harm. Not many other people escaped the Gulag for the things that Pavlov said about the State and about Stalin. There was a reason.
What did he offer to the Soviet dictatorship which was so important? Not his 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, not his considerable work on the physiology of digestion and the nature of saliva.
No, the contribution which made him so valuable to the State was to establish the scientific basis of brainwashing, allowing ordinary persons to become so altered in their minds and hearts that they would subscribe to absurd, illogical beliefs. Better yet, from the State’s point of view, these absurd beliefs (“We have the best health care system in the world!”, “Our leaders know best and are protecting us.”, “The FDA and USDA can regulate food safely”, “Monsanto ‘s dominance of the food supply does not impact me.” “Despite his appointments of old ‘oparatchniks’ and globalists, Obama really offers us new hope so we should trust him.”) which, once implanted, were nearly impossible to extinguish. And, once implanted, the torturing experimenter (in the case of Pavlov’s dogs) became the object of affection and adoration. That adoration was also nearly impossible to extinguish.
By studying “Transmarginal Inhibition (TMI), which is simply nothing other than the the body’s natural tendency to shut down thought and action completely when exposed to overwhelming stress (including illness), drugs or pain, Pavlov showed how everyone, no matter what their basic tempremental type, could be forced to respond to that stress the same way, He found that individuals with different temprements would respond on a different time table, but, unless certain mental characteristics were present, all would succumb to brainwashing and loose the ability to resist the ideas introduced to control them.
Pavlov noted that, for him, “that the most basic inherited difference. .. was [not whether but – REL] how soon [individulas of different temprements] reached this shutdown point and that the quick-to-shut-down have a fundamentally different type of nervous system.” Rokhin, L, Pavlov, I & Popov, Y. (1963) Psychopathology and Psychiatry, Foreign Languages Publication House: Moscow.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine brought me a book that he thought I would enjoy, Battle for the Mind, William Sargant, first published in 1957, recently republished in 1997. He was more right than he knew. I had found it remarkably interesting when I read it at the time of its first publication, and I found it even more fascinating this time. But on second reading, it was rather horrifyingly appropriate as a paradigm for what is going on in our world today: People who “should” and do “know better” are apathetic, exhausted, complacent, compliant and paralyzed.
Information on the outrages against our health and our freedom is out there. Information on the “False Flag” events of 9/11 is out there. Information on what Chemtrails are and what they are doing to us is out there. Information on the disastrous impact of GMOs, the National Animal Indentification System, Conflicts of Interest in FDA, USDA and other government agencies is out there.
Information on the false science called “Virology” and the deadly, literally deadly, impact of drugs, including psychiatric drugs, is out there. Information on the raids on small, ethical supplements companies is out there. Information on the deadly impact of Codex – the under nutrition and toxicity of which will certainly kill billions of people by design – is out there. I could go on and on and on but you already see the impact: you surely get the point: fear mingled with numb helplessness, paralysis through fear and a sense of isolation, being smaller than the problem and not knowing where to turn first.
This is precisely how Pavlov’s dogs were brainwashed and broken. It is also how the great revivalists of the 18th and 19th and 20th century, including Hitler, controlled and shaped the experience of their converts – stimulation, fear, guilt, helplessness and the dizzying madness of the crowd to carry them along to complete obedience, passivity and affiliation.
Consider: Pavlov showed that:
* Every person has a breaking point, after which everyone would become part of the new psychological order and affiliate with the abusers, showing trust, affection and gratitude toward them
* Strong mingled emotions, especially those of fear and helplessness, would lead to the breaking point sooner rather than later
* Repeated, conflicting instructions or requirements lead to physical and psychological paralysis, hastening the breaking point
* Obedience and affiliation are contagious so that group think quickly and effectively replaces individual thought
* Illness, under nutrition, drugs, glandular trauma or disease all make reaching the breaking point easier and faster.
How does this apply to us? Very well. Recall that in July, 1950 a medical directive was issued in Russia which said that all medicine should be reorganized along Pavlovian lines to make the control of the populace that much easier. All news was controlled. All entertainment was controlled and all contact with real information was strictly prohibited.
Now consider us. We are perhaps the most physically ill “developed” nation in the world. We have a wretched, manipulated, scandalously non-scientific and profitable “illness care system”. We are on drugs for conditions prevented and cured by healthy food and healthy life styles: heart disease, diabetes, obesity, immune failure (including cancer) and auto immune disease, depression, obsessive compulsive, bi-polar and other disorders supposedly caused by disordered brain function. 95% of the world’s Ritalin, a drug so addictive and toxic that the World Health Organization has called for its global ban, is prescribed to US kids. The ever increasing burden of toxins injected into us as vaccines damages our immune and nervous systems at increasing, tragic rates.
Zyprexa, Paxil, Neurontin and a host of other drugs are dangerous, have no real curative impact, but poison our brain function and make us both toxic and suggestible. So does the increasingly widely used barbaric – and totally unjustified – ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT).
The media appears to me to be designed to function as a WMD, a “Weapon of Mass Deception” with a dizzying and confusing, manufactured news and election hype, bloody snippets of structured deception, wildly over sexed, violent “entertainment” wearing out discrimination and leading to a state of helpless paralysis precisely like the “Transmarginal Inhibition” state reached by people and dogs ready to shed their reason for brainwashed ideas. Remember, once shed, these brainwashed ideas are nearly impossible to remove.
Put that together with the neurological toxicity of fluoride, the poison that was introduced by Stalin’s scientists into the political prisoner’s water in the Gulags to make them tractable, complacent and unable to mount any kind of psychological, and therefore physical, resistance, and you have a pretty good description of the fatigue, irrational ideas and paradoxical affiliation with the aggressor that we see in the US today when we look around and ask why people are not making huge changes despite the fact that the knowledge is there.
But then the question arises, “How does one effectively resist brainwashing and is it true that eventually everyone breaks down?”
Joan of Arc was never tortured by the Holy Inquisition, but she “confessed”, none the less, to crimes that she did not commit. Why? She was taken to the dungeon where the instruments of torture were shown to her. After letting her take it all in, she was advised to “make a true answer to her crimes” in order to spare herself the horror of torture since she would ultimately confess and be burned anyway.
Is that so different from the pictures of the foreign-troop-staffed “detention centers” all over the internet and the shadow of the FEMA cars with their shackles? Is that so different from the specter of police brutality, homelessness or imprisonment among the largest prison population in the world if we raise our voices in protest about what is happening to our society, our food, our rights?
Both animals and people who will not cooperate with the experimenter or manipulator have a much better chance of resisting brain washing. Sargant noted that Pavlov had learned “When a dog sullenly refuses to pay any attention to the flashing lights and other food signals intended for his conditioning, his brain remains unaffected.” He goes on to note that any degree of cooperation leads to uncertainty and breakdown but that “the thing they [would-be brainwashers] seemed to dislike was a cold, dignified sort of air, rather expressing a certain amount of contempt for everything….
The degree of psychological ‘cooperation ‘ or ‘transference’ that can be established between the police examiner and the citizen under questioning, or the preacher and his congregation, or the political speaker and his audience, is vital to the problem [of how soon brainwavshing can be accomplished – REL]. Whoever can be roused either to fear or anger by politician, priest or policeman, is more easily led to accept the desired pattern of ‘co-operation’, even thought this may violate his normal judgment. The obstacles that the religious or political proselytizer cannot overcome are … detached, controlled and continued amusement on the part of the subject at the efforts being made to break him down, win him over, or tempt him into argument. The safety of the free world seems therefore to lie in a cultivation not only of outrage, moral virtue and logic, but of humor: humor which produces the well-balanced state in which emotional excel is laughed at as ugly and wasteful.”
I would add that the future of the free world, and the world of freedoms that we need, lies additionally in the cultivation of the realistic perception of how many we are, how powerful our conjoined voices are together and how weak, although well funded and well-placed, the other side is.
Over and over they come at us, wearing us down. Over and over we push back and they back off. Through personal attack, through lies, innuendoes, disinformation, illegal acts and dishonorable ones, they come at us because of our knowledge, and our ability to see through the lies (“Mercury is good for kids and does not cause autism”, “Herd immunity is real and you are endangering people who are already immunized if you are not”, “GMO ‘food’ is harmless and will save the world”, Fluoride is good for your teeth and has no negative side effects”, “Chemtrails are not even real”, “Nano Silver is dangerous to you and the environment”, “Nutrients have no biological impact and you get all that you need from food” and so on and on and on) is the one profound threat that they cannot overcome with their bullying and their distortion.
When we are calm, informed, disdainful of their strategies and remain aware that we are not alone, we are so powerful that we can, literally, back the other side off.
If we become so fatigued that we are paralyzed and have no energy left to resist, then the other side, like Big Brother in George Orwell’s social control, Pavlovian nightmare, will have won.
Don’t ever lose heart! Just this month [January 2009] we’ve a great victory for Health Freedom by getting our issue into the Top Ten on (with 12,062 votes). Then we got Health Freedom on the “official” Obama transition site, Yes, Health Freedom went “toe to toe” with all the “hot-button” social issues and made the grade!
Read our congratulatory press release:
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