Index: Overview / Introduction / Preamble / Oath
Help Us Crowd Fund Support for Health Freedom
If you are a Health Care Worker: health care giver, physician, student or in any allied health and wellness profession, take the Health Keepers Oath now to prevent the Medical System from becoming a tool to imprison and kill as happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union… or as is happening now in Chinese-occupied Tibet and elsewhere.
Whether you are a Health Care Worker or not, forward this information to every Health Care Worker you can reach.
Natural Solution Foundation’s President, Maj Gen Bert Stubblebine (US Army Ret.) had this to say about the Oath: “I urge all to support this statement by all Health Care Workers, just like the Oath Keepers’ [] statement* many peace and military officers, including me, have taken to uphold the Constitution against illegal, tyrannical orders, but regarding the “medical orders” honorable health care workers would never obey.”
Some Updated Material Regarding Health Keepers:
Under the Nuremberg Code, each person is:
“to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”
It is no excuse under international law that the doctor or nurse who committed the crime against humanity of Involuntary Medical Intervention was acting under orders from political authority or had been granted legal immunity; the politicians who require or enable the assault and trespass are accomplices in the crime against humanity.
Learning from the unspeakable horrors of history, we know that we, as Health Care Professionals and Allied Workers must not allow this to happen. We must, unlike the silent witnesses and participants of past atrocities, raise our voices saying “Never Again! Never here! Never on my watch!”
Join me in taking the Health Keepers Oath declaring that you will not obey orders which jeopardize the health, freedom or life of patients and others impacted by your actions. Then join me in disseminating this information to every colleague you can reach. Your voice and your caring attention to the lives and freedom of us all is essential to that life, and to that freedom.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
NY State License No. 111813
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
As a Health Care Worker,.
Student, Administrator or Support Person
I Swear My Talents, Skills and Knowledge
Will Not Be Used to Perform Eugenicide or
Destroy the Rule of Legitimate, Ethical and Humane LawI understand my moral obligations under civilized medical ethics to “Do no harm.” I understand my legal obligations under the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association to stand against the abuse of health care by political institutions. I will not administer any substance which I know to be used to harm or kill any person entrusted to my care, nor will I process, record or otherwise facilitate the internment, involuntary medical incarceration, elimination or extermination of any person.
True to this Oath, intention and professional calling, I will defend and guard the life and freedom of those whom I serve or whose lives, records or well-being I touch. I know that medical systems have been used in the past to abduct, detain, experiment upon and kill innocent civilians and I am mindful of the possibility for that unconscionable pattern to be repeated in my time, my facility and my life.
I will follow the path of ethical restraint and honest disclosure rather than follow the path of silent acquiescence. I know that my calling means that I am bound to first “Do no harm.” Therefore, I give my solemn oath that I will not allow harm to be done by either word, silence, deed or inaction, the existence of any political declaration of local, state, national or international medical emergency not withstanding.The Oath As a health care professional I am not an agent
of State-mandated medical coercion, harm or death.
As such, I refuse to cooperate with any violation
of any person’s right of Informed Consent
by any means.I swear to this and all future generations that I
will faithfully uphold the highest ethical standards of my profession.
I swear to this and all future generations that I will
assert my utmost effort to prevent
the health care professions from being used, as they were in
Nazi Germany, the Soviet Empire and are in other tyrannical States,
to coerce, oppress or kill groups and individuals.
Never again! Never by my hand! Never in my land!
* PS – Please note, while the Foundation honors the intent of the Oath Keepers, our Health Keepers Oath is inspired by, but not directly connected with the Oath Keepers organization. ANS