Difficult Thoughts as We Enter the Holiday Season
Next year will bring yet more preventable and unnecessary death mediated by the health-care system. [1] With our Health Keepers Oath – – and other Health Freedom Programs, Natural Solutions Foundation stands against state-sanctioned death. Your generous donations at this time will help us continue our efforts. We wish you all the joy of this season, in health and freedom.
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Dr. Rima: A Note to Health Care Providers
Counsel Ralph: The Global Elite and the Passing of The Greatest Generation
General Bert: A Special Message
Medical ethics is a serious problem, touching all of our lives. The recent revelation that unethical psychologists and other “health care professionals” took part in government-sanctioned “Rendition Torture” [2] reminds us that it was not only in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that the “healing arts” were perverted by the pernicious doctrine of state-necessity. Natural Solutions Foundation invites all health care providers to stand against standards of care which merely encourage and manage death. Join your colleagues in taking the Health Keepers Oath: .
And all of us can take stands against vaccination, genetically modified foods, environmental toxins, radiation leaks and other assaults on our health and freedom though our Educate Decision Makers online web form Action Items:
As an outside observer to Ralph’s loss and an inside observer to the medical profession, it is my belief that doctors and nurses are instructed (‘conditioned’) to carry-out state-sanctioned murder of vulnerable, potentially expensive, patients. They are directed to suppress both consciousness and the capacity to express hunger and thirst with morphine in vulnerable patients. Then when the patients cannot not express either hunger or thirst, the families are assured that the loved-one is not suffering because they cannot express a wish to be either fed or hydrated in a deadly, downward spiral. Health care professionals push patients into death while deluding themselves that they are rendering compassionate and appropriate care. Neither is true.
Shamefully, medical professional have allowed themselves to go from Ministering Angels they would like to see themselves as to Angels of Death serving the Crony Corporate Grim Reaper.
My message to everyone of my fellow health professionals is that, “Each time you are faced with these decisions you choose honor or shame.”
If you still remember why you went into the health profession, then you will sign the Health Keepers Oath and act upon it with honor:
All modern tyrannies invoke the health professionals to assist them in their evil deeds. Eas health care professional can say Yes or No at each choice point. It is not the State which acts, only individual humans act and each of us can — and must — choose right action.
Here is our co-trustee Ralph Fucetola JD’s moving report on the state-assisted passing of his beloved 94 year-old WWII-veteran father last week.” REL
Last week we buried my Father. There are, according to, about 500 World War II vets dying each day, all in their nineties. The average daily death toll during the war itself was [407,000 deaths in 1247 days] 327 per day. So American medical care is now in charge of the deaths of more of The Greatest Generation per day than the war. Last week my Father, Ralph Fucetola Jr. (1920 – 2014), was one of those who died, assisted by the medical system.
There are innumerable circumstances and conditions that lead to each particular passing. In Dad’s case, he was blessed with generally good health until nearly the end of his life. He had survived the Depression and war and was one of those businessmen who helped build Twentieth Century American prosperity. He hadn’t always succeeded and he didn’t always make the right decision, but he was always a gentleman and generous to those he loved. His wife, three children and six grandchildren miss him greatly.
We all knew for months that he was failing. His passing was helped along by the medical system. A combination of drugs that left his blood thinned and his balance off led to several falls that resulted in blood in the brain leading to an operation (with 4 holes drilled in his head to relieve the pressure). He survived the operation without being put on a ventilator, which Dr. Rima says was a very good indication for recovery.
That was less than three weeks ago. My son, Drew, and I saw him then, when he was conscious after the operation and had just been brought to the rehab center.
That’s where “circumstances and conditions” — the crony corporate agenda — did him in. The staff there didn’t do anything about, nor did they tell us about, Dad’s high fever that first night. We appeared to suffer a stroke overnight. Apparently neither a high fever in a post operative patient nor the typical warning signs of stroke concerned the staff.
The next day, after futilely waiting hours for help from the rehab center, his granddaughters finally called 911. The stroke should have been clear to the health care professionals, from his drooping lip and other signs, as it was to his family.
After a couple days at the hospital the urinary tract infection that had triggered the fever, was brought under control. Late last week, on the 71st anniversary of my parents’ marriage, my dad was sent home for “in-home hospice” which meant we all got to see him once more, semiconscious, before the morphine rendered him comatose. He was surrounded by love and caring. He passed peacefully — with the aid of state-sanctioned medicine.
While he was in the hospital we were told the plan was to insert a feeding tube. That did not happen and we were told “we don’t do that anymore”. Once he was comatose and could not ask for either food or water, he received none. Under the morphine, he expired slowly, apparently not painfully, and in a clean bed. But, why “don’t we do that anymore…”?
They tell us there are no “death committees” under the new “health care” system. Maybe not; but maybe all decisions in the modern illness control system are made on the basis of the political agenda and utilitarian considerations (think “vaccines”). Modern illness control is self-fulfilling and self-propagandizing.
Maybe the “standards of care” have changed so that he was sent home without a feeding tube, heavily sedated for no reason I could see. Under these conditions there was no way he could survive. Without hydration and nutrition, no one can live. This was not his choice. But let me be clear, his loved-ones acted out of love and caring concern. Their options were, though, limited by the propaganda and control system.
He died the day after the 73rd anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. In a sense, I’m here because of that act of war. Mom and Dad were dating in 1943/4. Dad was drafted and sent off for basic training, I believe, to one of the big bases in the middle of the country where soldiers were trained first for WWI and later for WWII (one of those bases where the Great Flu Pandemic was cooked-up in 1918). Mom followed him there and they were married, like many couples, before he went overseas. Fast forward nine months and he was in Europe, entering Germany, when I was born; Dad got the news of my birth from an article in ‘Stars and Stripes’.
With six of his eight brothers serving in America’s military during the era of the Mandatory Draft, when he returned from the war they started Fucetola Brothers and began building homes in northeast New Jersey. The business grew over the years until they were building commercial structures and managing multiple commercial properties throughout the state. He was seen as charming, street-smart and kindly.
We were deeply moved by the recognition of his passing by a group of veterans from later wars who appeared at his funeral to pay respects – apparently Korean and Viet Nam vets are making a point of finding the funerals of WWII veterans to attend. At the burial he was honored for his service by an officer in attendance, a flag-draped coffin and a soldier playing Taps.
The government alone did not kill Dad; doctors and nurses compliantly carrying out the State’s agenda did. It is so very sad that The Greatest Generation is passing and all the medical system does is offer morphine.
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee
A Special Message from General Bert Stubblebine
“As a second-generation West Point officer, I think I know a bit about war and soldiers. My Father, an officer in World War II died decades ago, but I know how Ralph Fucetola JD, my colleague on the Natural Solutions Foundation Board of Trustees feels. Does the government care about the welfare of its soldiers, whether dying on the battlefield or in a hospital bed decades later?
“That’s probably a foolish question, since the purpose of soldiers is to be used for what the governing elites consider higher purposes of state. Just as I was exposed to Agent Orange in Viet Nam, and others have been exposed to ‘depleted’ uranium in later wars, the safety and health of the troops does not figure into the calculus of the elite.
“This is at the root of the continuance of the scourge of war. I personally have been the Escort Officer bringing home a slain only child to his Mother, who died two weeks before his tour of duty in Viet Nam. War should always be the last choice. However, we are in a war declared against all of us by the global elite. And the weaponization of the world, including medical care, against humanity is its weapon of choice.
“The Greatest Generation is dying-out as we watch. I salute them, and mourn with their loved ones. ”
General Bert
[2] The torturer-psychologist involved (a 2014 Mengele Award Dishonoree), and his partners received $81,000,000 in profits for their $181,000,000 US Government torture contract. See: