Fukushima Hope: http://tinyurl.com/FukushimaHope
Dear Friends,
I am sending you the text of my speech made at the Fuji Declaration Symposium held at the UN University on 12 May.
I have attached some photos taken on that occasion.
It is encouraging to note that newly established maternal organizations like “Rising Wemen, Rising World” of Ms. Scilla Elworthty and “the Soul of Wemen” of Ms. Masami Saionji allow us to witness the commenced shift from the current paternal civilization to a maternal one. Wemen will be playing a major role in achieving the shift of priority from economy to life,the very lesson of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland
Share on social media: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-speech-at-un-university/
Speech made at the FUJI DECLARATION SYMPOSIUM of May 12, 2017
(Questions by the presenters of the Session 1.)
Which qualities typically characterized as “feminine,” and which typically characterized as “masculine,” will be most useful for those seeking to ignite the divine spark?
– How can we notice when the masculine and feminine are in balance?
– How did you find this balance in yourself?
– How can we join love and power?
– How can the masculine and feminine principles be balanced in leadership?
– How might the power of the Divine Feminine and the strength of the Divine masculine harmonize to create a higher order of human expression?)
In answering your questions, the importance of sensibility needs to be stressed as a feminine quality.
We are enlightened by Charlie Chaplin’s following words expressed in his film “Dictator”: We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.
As for masculine qualities, reason and intelligence are to be mentioned.
We need to bear in mind that these masculine qualities, if not controlled by sensibility could easily lead to egoism.
The frontal lobe of the brain has much to do with sensibility. How can we develop it ? In this connection, we are reminded of the traditional Japanese advices to the effect that cherished children should be encouraged to travel alone and that while young, we should even purchase troubles. I surmise that using thus our brains could develop sensibility.
This applies not only to children or the young. We know the effect of setbacks in one’s life. We obtain caring capacity or sensibility. It is through sharing
with four children’s problems that I came to find the balance between the masculine and the feminine.
We can be fully persuaded of the Fuji Declaration pleading for a more spiritual and harmonious civilization when we face the sad fact that millions of people are on the brink of dying of hunger in this apparently wealthy but troubled world.
It is in this spirit that I have long been asserting that it is time to build a new civilization based on ethics and solidarity, respectful of the environment and the interests of future generations.
Today’s material civilization is based on greed, which is now threatening the future of mankind and the globe. The prevailing supremacy of the economy has eroded the ethics of the present generation. Here we are reminded of the importance of “contentment.” This is in line with the teaching advocated by spiritual leaders that happiness equals wealth divided by desire. In this numerical formula, desire is a denominator and wealth a nominator.
In this connection, we are enlightened by Mahatma Gandhi’s words to the effect that the earth can provide for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed.
The co-existence of diverse cultures and civilizations as well as various religions has become a problem of great challenge for the world. Cultural exchanges could be the key to resolving conflicts. Human happiness cannot be considered without culture. The counterattack of culture against the supremacy of economy to restore humanity is badly needed.
In this process, we should note the striking difference between paternal and maternal cultures. The former values competition and strength, whereas the latter attaches importance to harmony and compassion for the weak. There is a need to strike a balance between the two cultures. Maternal way of thinking is indispensable to secure world peace. It is encouraging to note that the shift from the current paternal civilization to a maternal one has already started.
In this respect, Japan, having conserved maternal culture, and having experienced Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima, has the historic mission to contribute to the realization of true denuclearization.?It is in this spirit
that the holding of a UN Ethics Summit that will create an International Day for Global Ethics is ardently awaited. The World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations?WFUCA?decided in March, 2013 to make 3/11, an International Day for Global Ethics.
Plato of Ancient Greece said “All kings should be philosophers, otherwise the miseries of mankind will not disappear”. I believe in the will of heavens and the earth. It is the law of history researched by philosophy.
It has witnessed the rise and fall of numerous civilizations. It does not allow immorality to last long. It puts an end to all dictatorships. It sees to it that the end of the arrogant is inevitable. It allows us to have hope for the future of humankind and the planet earth.
Let your voice be heard for Fukushima: http://tinyurl.com/FukushimaHope
While Fukushima continues to leak radioactivity into the environment, over five years after the earthquake and tsumani that destroyed the reactors, the United Nations continues to play the Resolution Game.
The UN General Assembly’s First Committee voted on a Resolution* about beginning negotiations in 2017 to finally outlaw nuclear weapons. 123 Nations voted for the Resolution. Japan joined the “nuclear powers” and voted against the Resolution.
At the same time, the UN’s Fourth Committee voted to continue to study radiation injuries, but barely mentioned Fukushima and basically denied any problem; this Resolution was sponsored by Japan.**
Here are Murata-san’s comments:
Subject: UN Resolutions of 28 October
Date: 05:54 AM EDT, 10/30/16
From: “mitsu”
To: “Ralph Fucetola JD”
Dear Fucetola-san,
* The UN General Assembly First Committee Resolution “Agenda item 98 (kk) General and complete disarmament: taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations…”
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/28/un-votes-to-start-negotiating-treaty-to-ban-nuclear-weapons and
** The UN Fourth Committee approved a Resolution introduced by the Japanese delegation:
“By the terms of that draft resolution “The Effects of Atomic Radiation” (document A/C.4/71/L.5), approved without a vote, the General Assembly would support the intentions and plans of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation for the conduct of its programme of work, in particular its next periodic global surveys of radiation exposure…
On the Scientific Committee’s 2013 report on exposure to and effects due to the nuclear accident following the 2011 great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, [the Japanese representative] said the expert group continuously reviewed new literature published since the report. While a white paper consolidating updates to the report would be formally presented in Japan in November, the findings from the 2013 report remained valid, he said, adding that there was no evidence of thyroid cancer rates attributable to exposure. The Scientific Committee had been focusing on outreach in order to share the report’s findings with those to whom they were of most value….” [emphasis added; Dr. Rima considers the conclusion of “no evidence” to be a false finding and unscientific result.]
*** Murata-san has called for “honorable retreat” from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics due to the radiation risk to the athletes.
Links to Updates and Previous Murata-san Postings
Special Offer
See the Telethon YouTube Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa8PDHFQHoS5TenGF9zi1pOL9YFuV6o3G
Telethon Links: http://drrimatruthreports.com/fifth-anniversary-of-fukushima-disaster-approaches/
October 20, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-fukushima-update-no-new-reactors/
September 15, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-fukushima-update-the-will-of-heaven-and-earth/
August 6, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/symptomschangefukushima/
April 20, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-speaking-truth-to-power-in-japan/
February 12, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-conscience-of-fukushima/
http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-horrors-of-fukushima/ – with further links
Murata-san: Symptoms of a Change of Main Stream
Attitudes about Fukushima Changing
Letters from Murata-san
Special Offer: Fifth Anniversary eBook
August 2016 Update:
Mitsuhei Murata, “The Conscience of Fukushima” is a regular contributor to the Dr. Rima Truth Reports Blog [1] and participated in our Fukushima Fifth Anniversary Telethon[2]. In this letter to the Japanese Minister of the Economy Murata-san continues to press for honorable retreat from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Recent reports of increased level of birth defects in parts of Japan near the stricken nuclear power plants at Fukushima make Amb. Murata’s plea all the more urgent.[3]
Join in his plea here: http://tinyurl.com/fukushimahope.
We reproduce several of his recent letters here:
05 May 2016: Sendai Nuclear Reactors
10 March 2016: Fukushima 5th Anniversary Marathon
18 April 2016: Message to Economics Minister
Murata-san has written us, “The main stream of the world managed by its leadership, allowing the existence of 440 nuclear reactors, has increasingly been required to change course.”
—— Original Message ——
Received: 02:37 AM EDT, 05/05/2016
From: “mitsu”
Subject: Sendai nuclear reactors
Dear Friends,
.On 1st May, I received a phone call from an outstanding nuclear expert working at the Fukushima Daiichi. He told me that a number of foreign journalists asked him recently why the Japanese Government allows the restarted Sendai nuclear reactors to continue their operations despite the unceasing earthquakes and why mass media do not take up this critical issue.
He himself wonders why and he said he could only reply he didn’t know. He expressed his serious fear that the containment vessels will be destroyed if an earthquake with a vertical shock of 400~500 Gal takes place at the site, causing pipes ruptures. He added that he was proposing the competent authorities to reduce the generating power by 60%, if the temporary ceasing of operations is not possible. He asked for my support.Having felt the serious sense of crisis of the expert, I immediately sent a message to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, informing him of the contents of the telephone call. I reminded him of my message addressed to him of 1 March, 2016 in which I pointed out that the international community was increasingly critical of Japan for damaging the global environment by radioactive contamination, reiterating my warning that the destiny of the world is dependent on electric companies if the lessons of Fukushima are forgotten.
I concluded the message by stressing that the crisis confronting Japan is not that of the management of electric companies, but that of Japan as a nation. I asked for his rapid decision to halt the operations of the Sendai reactors..In this message Abe, I referred to former Prime Minister Koizumi’s visit to the States and its probable global impact and to the Ise-shima Summit that could not but unofficially take up the Sendai reactors issue..The crisis confronting Japan calls for global attention. Please allow me to count on your understanding and support..With warmest regards,Mitsuhei Murata
Special Offer: Fifth Anniversary eBook
Subject: Re: Our Livestream Fukushima Event — Thank You!
Date: 10:36 PM EST, 03/10/16
From: “mitsu”
To: “Ralph Fucetola JD”
Dear Fucetola-san,
Thank you very much for the great efforts to realize the memorable project.
I am glad that the will of heaven and earth, the term I created, is so well presented.
A change seems to have started worldwide after the elapse of 5 years
after the 3/11.The ceasing of operations of Takahama No.4 reactors,
realized yesterday by a court order is an eloquent symptom.
Please convey my warmest greetings to Dr. Rima and President Stubblebine.
Best regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
April 18, 2016: Message to Economics Minister
Dear [Japanese Economics] Minister Mikio Hayashi,
Please allow me to send this message by FAX.
I am former Ambassador to Switzerland. While in office, I asked for staging in Japan a nuclear accident simulation. 14 years ago, I published a book entitled “Nuclear Energy and the Sickness of Japan”, which, for having foreseen the severe accident of Fukushima, has been nominated for the prestigious “Ishibashi Tanzan Prize”.
I am pleading for the retreat from the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020, in order for Japan to concentrate maximum efforts to bring Fukushima under control.[4]
I am sending you my message sent to Chairman Shunichi Hayashi of the Nuclear Security Authority.
The actual situation allows us to feel the presence of the will of heaven and earth.
We have reached the time when the top priority should be given to safeguarding the lives of the populations and to avoiding an irreparable accident to happen.
I wish to remind that I have repeatedly asked for the closing down of the Rokkasho reprocessing plant that could cause a disaster equivalent to the one emanating from 1000 nuclear reactors in the worst case. It is extremely sinful to allow the presence of such dreadful source of calamity.
Recently, Mr. Mycle Schneider, famous nuclear expert has published an article “After the Paris-Agreement: Corporate Meltdown in the Nuclear Industry”(Asahi WebRonza). He describes lucidly the possible meltdown of the nuclear industries. The article lets us foresee the beginning of their end.
On the other hand, Dr. Andreas Nidecker, former Director of the IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear Wars. Laureate of Nobel Peace Prize 1985. 200 thousand
members from 83 countries) has sent the attached letter to Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, proposing the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games until 2024 or 2028.
The International Community has started taking concrete steps on this matter.
Japan faces a crisis of its existence.
Please allow me to ask for your leadership and your contribution.
With highest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Ambassador to Switzerland
Special Offer: Fifth Anniversary eBook
[1] A list of his recent blog contributions is here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-update-from-tokyo-honorable-retreat-from-2020-olympics/#links
[2] See the Telethon YouTube Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa8PDHFQHoS5TenGF9zi1pOL9YFuV6o3G
[3] http://www.naturalnews.com/053731_Fukushima_radiation_birth_defects.html
[4] See Amb. Murata’s call for Honorable Retreat here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-conscience-of-fukushima/
Links to Updates and Previous Murata-san Postings
Special Offer
See the Telethon YouTube Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?
April 20, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-speaking-truth-to-power-in-japan/
August 6, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/symptomschangefukushima/
February 12, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-conscience-of-fukushima/
http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-horrors-of-fukushima/ – with further links
Four Hour Livestream Webinar and 3.5 Hours Bonus Videos
With Updated Radiation in America Report
“Let us remember the terrible tragedies of March 11, 2011 and resolve to address successfully the continuing radiation crisis using modern means to solve a problem old methods are impotent against.”
General Bert
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Links to Updates and Previous Murata-san Postings
Special Offer
See the Telethon YouTube Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?
April 20, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-speaking-truth-to-power-in-japan/
August 6, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/symptomschangefukushima/
February 12, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-conscience-of-fukushima/
http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-horrors-of-fukushima/ – with further links