This Urgent Message from Our Correspondent in Japan
Former Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata
“Re-Criticality” – The Return of a Failed Nuclear Reactor System
To a Critically Dangerous Condition*
Link to List of Previous Messages from Murata-san:
Update from General Stubblebine
—-Original Message—–
From: mitsuhei murata
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2015
To: Ralph Fucetola JD
Subject: re-criticality?
Dear Fucetola-san,
I am sending you a current picture of F1 appearing to emit more radiation
The hiding of the Fukushima disaster has reached the limitations on conscience!
Please have a look at this. – these are all recent images.
Urgently needed is the verification by an international team of experts whether or not it is already a beginning of a global catastrophe beyond Fukushima and Japan.
The restart of the Sendai reactors is to take place on August 11.
Mitsuhei Murata
We must warn the world of the possibility of re-criticality.
ralph …
The term “re-criticality” can refer to a nuclear system that was being shut down (in the process of becoming subcritical) failing to continue under control and instead, becoming “hotter” and less controlled. The term can also refer to a situation in which stored fuel rods become uncontrolled, such as through the loss of cooling water, and become critical again, or even supercritical, leading to a meltdown. These are what concerns Amb. Murata in the email above.