Murata-san: Symptoms of a Change of Main Stream
Attitudes about Fukushima Changing
In previous messages*, I wrote, “The main stream of the world managed by its leadership, allowing the existence of 440 nuclear reactors, has increasingly been required to change course.”
The Brexit has sown a seed for this change. Symptoms of this change already seem to be surfacing.
The Brexit has sown a seed for this change. Symptoms of this change already seem to be surfacing.
The decision of the new British government to postpone a deal on a nuclear power station, Hinkley Point C nuclear power station, to be built by France with major Chinese investment, has shocked both of those countries. Prime Minister Theresa May had nominated eight female ministers and this has led me to expect the effects of maternal culture. The new decision is, as the New York Times writes, a potentially major step away from the policies of former Prime Minister David Cameron. Moreover, it could lead to accelerating the so-called meltdown of the nuclear industry.
Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, in an interview article published in the weekly magazine “Toyo Keizai” dated 2 August 2016, has called on Prime Minister Abe to adopt a no nuclear reactor policy, reiterating his anti-nuclear position. He referred to the establishment on 5 July 2016 of a fund to support more than 400 American sailors, victims of radiation suffered during Operation Tomodachi immediately after the 3/11 Fukushima nuclear accident. They are suing Tepco for damages. Mr. Koizumi’s humanitarian initiative is being widely supported by conscientious citizens.
The Japanese Government continues to remain quite reserved in coping with Fukushima, as is shown by the recently announced stimulus package amounting to 28.1 trillion yen to boost the Japanese economy. Fukushima is not mentioned at all. No funding for international cooperation is envisaged.
“Nikkan Gendai,” dated 28 July 2016, published an article written by Takashi Takano to the effect that Tepco has admitted the failure of the sole national project of constructing a frozen wall to prevent the release of contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi, and that this denies the infamous “under control” assertion. The article concludes that Japan’s retreat from the Tokyo Olympics 2020 could now be realistically envisaged.
The eminent nuclear expert, Mr. Hiroaki Koide, in a message sent to me on 25 July 2016, reminded me that the State of Nuclear Emergency Law promulgated on 11 March 2011 remains valid, and pointed out that it verges on lunacy to hold the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games under such circumstances.
The supporters for retreating from the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games in favor of Fukushima and Kumamoto are notably increasing.
Please allow me to count on your understanding and support.
With warmest regards,
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