Natural Solutions Foundation
Council Index
“The struggle for liberty goes far deeper than either the Republicans or Democrats imagined. Keep on doing what you are doing and don’t give up the struggle.”
Please Donate $9.99 Here and We will Send You the 2012 War Council Highlights
Please remember that your donations to the Natural Solutions Foundation are, quite literally, Health Freedom’s Life Blood. Please Give Generously. End of Year Giving offers an important tax advantage to you and offers vital funding to us! Donate here:
War Has Been Declared Against You, Your Family and Your Future. Genomicide is the Murder of Your Genetic Future. Join us for the 3rd Annual War Counsel as we say, “Stop Genomicide Now!”
3rd Annual War Council
General Bert says, “Our Health, Our Food, Our Freedom and Justice are at stake. So are our lives. By the way, it is that important. Be there.”
Join us live, in person, via Webinar or by Internet Radio. The Choice is Yours
Third Annual War Council: Be Part of the Solution – Naturally!
Please Donate $9.99 Here and We will Send You the 2012 War Council Highlights
Webinar Attendees will receive the Highlights Archive Free.
Hildegard Stanninger, PhD: Global Brain Chip and Mesogens: Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories
Foster Gamble: Making Sure “THRIVE” Is Not Just a Movie!
Tim Bolen: Loosing a Generation: Thank you, CDC, the Center for Deadly Corruption
Luba Diangar, MD: FDA Suppresses Radiation Free Mammography, Killing Women, Protecting Industry
Sharry Edwards, MEd Making Truth Audible: Free BioAcoustics programs for Health & Food Freedom & Justice advocates…
Plus Dr. Rima, General Bert and Counsel Ralph.
As you decide how you are going to attend the 3rd Annual Natural Solutions Foundation War Council,I wanted to share his note I wrote to Dr. Stanninger, a featured speaker at the T3 Annual War Council, and a valued guest on our Internet radio program, heard live (and via archives) every Sunday from 10 AM to noon, Eastern,
Dear Dr. Stanninger,
War has been declared against the people of Earth. But we are not ready to be the Every year for the past few years, Natural Solutions Foundation has brought people together at the beginning of the year for a War Council, to discuss where we have been and where we will be.
It was our pleasure to have you as one of our distinguished presenters at the First Annual War Council in 2010. I know that no one who heard you speak has forgotten your presentation!
This year, the 3rd Annual War Council will take place on January 8, 2012: People can attend live, via Webinar or Internet Radio. We would be honored to have you as one of our guests.
Our Mission is, in sum, “…to discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the impediment surrounding health and food coupled with achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world.”
But first, a bit of history: Gen. Bert (Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III [US Army, Ret.]), our Foundation President and I had been growing increasingly distressed and concerned over the loss of our health freedom, briefly defined as our ability to exercise sovereign control over our own bodies through access to clean, unadulterated food, natural health options, the right to refuse coercive medial or other treatment and the free flow of information about health options.
We saw that the clearly articulated population reduction intentions of the globalists were being expressed through deadly and infertility-inducing drugs and vaccines (e.g., FDA, CDC, WHO, etc.), a degraded world food supply (e.g., USDA, Codex Alimentarius,WTO, WHO, FAO, ETC.), suppression of nutrients and related information (e.g., EFSD, FDA) and other genocidal tools deployed globally at an ever-accelerating pace.
We became so concerned, in fact, by the escalating developments and the fact that the people “on our side” appeared to be incapable of strategic analysis coupled with tactical deployment BEFORE the fact that we decided to close our highly successful medical practice (I was graduated from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970 and have practiced totally drug free medicine and psychiatry since then), create the Natural Solutions Foundation in late 2004 and, quite literally, marshal the forces and resources necessary to derail the genocidal globalist agenda.*
Codex Alimentarius, by the way, was created as an intentionally genocidal tool by the newly-released German genocidalist heads of IG Farben, the gigantic German civilian war machine. See my video, Nutricide, and my detailed article examining its development, The Killing Fields of Codex.
Since I had been watching the steady, and deadly, progress of Codex Alimentarius for more than a decade, and since the wildly destructive Codex Vitamin and Mineral Guideline was due for ratification on July 4, 2005, a mere half year away, one of the first things we did was approach Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, and ask him to solve the Codex Alimentarius problem at the legal level, creating a solution which any nation in the world, including the most nutritionally and economically fragile, could apply without engendering WTO trade sanctions.
He agreed and, with the able participation of Jim Turner, JD, these remarkable gentlemen put together the Codex Two Step Process. I turned it into a book, The Codex Book, which serves as a step by step guide and case study for the development of WTO Trade Sanction-Proof deviation from any of the Codex Standards and Guidelines for every nation which chooses this path for itself. You can download it Here.
The Foundation also produced a video of instruction on this tactic for Codex Delegates, which you can watch for free.
Once the book was complete and the legal strategy was perfected (and nations which have followed our Codex Two Step Process have, indeed, prevailed at the WTO dispute resolution level), Gen. Bert and I took to the road, visiting those countries which had not yet become the practical property of the Uber Cartel: Big Pharma and Big Medica which are Big Agribiz, which is Big Chema, which is Big BioTech, which is Big Pharma and Bigt Medica. We selected those countries which we felt still had a capacity to make their own food autonomy and sovereignty decisions.
We traveled widely in Africa and Asia meeting with heads of State, Ministers of Agriculture, Education and Health. When in India, for example, we had a private meeting with then-president Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalaam through the good offices of our dear friend, Dr. Monapa Hegde, MD in which we informed Dr. Kalaam about the problem, the WTO trade sanctions, etc. In fact, we were invited to help develop the regulations for the new Food Bill passed within a few weeks of our visit.
While traveling, I might add) in those countries which we felt could break away from the stranglehold of Codex and its industrially degraded food supply we realized that the Natural Solutions Foundation needed to create an Eco Demonstration Project which we could use as a school and training center for the BeyondOrganic BioDynamic Zero Emissions™ system of agriculture which can literally feed the world’s population without the use of chemicals, increasing crop yield, decreasing water use, increasing storage life, producing positive energy flow by generating more power than used from inexpensive, safe, intuitive, totally non-contaminating technologies and accomplish two things:
1. create a local inexpensive clean food supply at the highest standards and
2. create an international market for those clean foods at a premium market.We have been gifted by a supportive universe, it would seem, with a number of technologies with which to do exactly that and they are available for deployment at minimal cost, requiring no education, no special machinery, no replacement, but requiring attention to restoration of the fertility and diversity of the microcosm of the soil. Fortunately, we have technologies for that as well to rapidly and safely clean the soil of petrochemical residues and restore high level fertility to it.
We understand, as I know you do, that the health of a populace is directly related to the life sustaining capability and capacities of its food supply, which includes its herbs and nutrients.
We anticipate that not only will the widespread application of this program increase the effective wealth of the society, starting with its farmers, enabling them to stay on the land and earn a decent wage (thus thwarting one of the major thrusts of the globalist genocidal agenda: the industrialization of food and food production) because of the decrease in the cost of seed and supplies, but the actual wealth of the society will be increased by the decline in health care costs and the sale of affordable food on the domestic market and premium food on the international market.
Additionally, through the support of market strategies which provide a ready, and fairly priced, market system for the farmers, and a connection to their customers, the social fabric of the local and larger communities will be strengthened.
And we believe, based on our investigation of the most promising food production regions of the planet, that one of the two most important potential food production areas in the world is the Indus-Ganges Basin, despite the considerable challenges which its sustainable, responsible, clean and socially responsible exploitation presents.
Fine theory, of course, but useless unless put into action. When we established our Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Chiriqui, Panama, we decided to incorporate clean food technologies and techniques, natural health technologies and techniques and social structure support (including farmer education, market strategies, land reclamation, etc.
Since premium Panamanian coffee is a critically important cash crop, heavily sprayed and contaminated to prevent crop loss (and resulting in horrific health problems for workers and consumers alike, to say nothing of the ecological devastation caused by conventional coffee growing techniques), we purchased an abandoned, derelict coffee “finca”or farm and reclaimed it according to our principles, sharing then freely with all interested parties.
Although we did not expect to have a decent crop for 3 years, our first year of harvest of Valley of the Moon™ Friendly Food Certified Coffee (Friendly to the Earth, to the Worker and to the Consumer) was outstanding.
Using more of same as our sole input, we have created a stunningly good coffee. We are now expanding our production to more derelict farms in the area (farmers here cannot afford the chemical sprays so increasing numbers are simply forced to abandon their fields, a situation not unlike many world-wide). Our coffee is seriously under-priced, according to the experts. Our crop has doubled each of the 4 years we have harvested and roasted our coffee.
The possibilities for other food production, animal and plant based, in Panama and around the world, is virtually limitless.
We envision a series of linked classrooms, market structures, health systems and educational inputs which are, literally, globe- and game-changing — and we look forward to discussing all this with you.
Meanwhile, perhaps you would find my new video, Making Genocide Audible, to be of interest.This video, like so much of our work at the Natural Solutions Foundation, is to help people face the unbearable squarely, with clear minded determination born of understanding, to have the information and strength to avert that unbearable reality.
You might also find The Globalist Agenda interesting as well, along with Nutricide, Nutricide and The Genocidal Feast.
Our principle website is Website information about our remarkable Eco Demonstration Project here in Highlands of Panama can be linked from This is the link to our Food Freedom eJournal –
Lastly, this is what we’ve reluctantly concluded:
Weaponized Pathogens —
— like the fake avian & swine flu “pandemics” or the new super-e. coli, plague DNA inserted;
Weaponized “Phude” —
— fake food — dangerous GMOs & degraded organic standards; the “fruit” of Codex Alimentarius;
Weaponized Vaccines (& Other Drugs) —
— with their childhood-destroying toxins, and
Weaponized Environment;
— radioactive & toxic, in a vile synergistic mix.All of this leading to Genocide via Genomicide…
I look forward, as do my fellow Trustees, Gen. Bert and Ralph Fucetola, JD, to your input, planning and of understanding depth to spread the reality, and halt the genocidal march…
For Health & Food Freedom & Justice,
Dr. RimaRima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom & Justice™ –
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning Starting 10 AM Eastern
Listen, chat, archive:
The Slide Presentation used that night has been archived: See it Here.
After the presentation, some of the participants discussed the future of health and food freedom and justice around the table. The video record of that event is posted at this Health Freedom Blog entry.
“Tiny URL” for this web page:
Introductory Video: Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph at the Fund office, describing the Roundtable Discussion and how to learn more about the Fund.
For more information:
We firmly and completely reject the false idea that there are “too many people” – that you, your parents, children, family and friends are “useless eaters” who should just die for the “good” of humanity (which means, in their concept, the globalist elite).
The problem is not, despite the propaganda, that there are too many people. The problem is that there are too many people with too much greed who see everything as theirs to devour, whatever the costs.
Here is my two word suggestion to each and every one of the globalist elite and their limp-brained minions who have become their dupes, believing the statistical lie that there are “too many of us” (which means, of course, that there are not enough of them):
If you really believe that there are too many people on the planet, please, be my guest and exit the environs. You have the right to make that decision for yourself. You do not have that right to make it for me, for mine and for the rest of humanity. Frankly, your decison to make that decision indicates a staggering level of mental illness. Interestingly enough, the psychiatric drugs which you offer so many of us for so many poor “reasons” actually rob those who take them of the ability to discriminate between that level of mental illness, which allows mass murder as if it were a factor or normal decision-making, and the literal, fundamental and most basic descrimination between bedrock right and bedrock wrong.
Dr. Rima tells us about the patient she treated in 2002 who was a head of state (the good doctor refuses to name the person, as all patients have the right to privacy). This head of state told Dr. Rima that the time was nearly here for “The Great Culling” to bein, when the “useless eaters” will be done away with for the good of… whom?
We reply to the globalist agenda by joining the millions around the world who are protesting globalism and demanding respect for their own, and other’s, fundamental human rights.
Whether the protesters are nominally on the “right” (the Tea Party) or nominally on the “left” (Occupy Wall Street) the growing anti-globalist movement is just beginning to understand its power and to refine its demands.
As an independent NGO (nongovernmental organization) with “boots on the ground” in several countries, Natural Solutions Foundation offers our Proclamation of Planetary Solidarity as a statement of the Rights of Humanity in the New Millennium.
We claim the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for every man, woman and child on the planet.
We claim the right to raise the literacy and health standards of every person on the planet.
We claim the right to meaningful participation in a planetary market not manipulated by the powerful through the instrumentalities of the governments of the world; to this end we join with those who call to End the Fed and all central banker cartels, restoring to the people honest money based on real value, not false fiat currencies that rob the future from our children to control our present.
We claim the right to raise the global, regional, national and local capacity of people to feed, cloth and organize themselves as they see fit, without overlords, whether economic, religious or political, making life and death decisions for them.
We claim the right to make our own population decisions on a human scale and basis without chemical, genetic, toxic or political interference and meddling.
We claim the right to access clean, unadulterated food, water and natural health care options without restraint of any kind.
We claim the right to accept or refuse all vaccinations, treatments, procedures and other medical options according to our own beliefs and wishes, without pressure, regulation, interference or threat by any agency or government.
We claim the right to access health, food and other information without restraint so that we can make the informed decisions we have a fundamental, inalienable right to as free men and women; no medical treatment without fully informed consent!
In short, we claim the right to occupy our bodies, our minds and the social, emotional and cognitive space we have the right to, as citizens of Planet Earth, without restraint or manipulation.
We declare a Day of International Solidarity for the uncounted millions, no, the uncounted billions already dead and dying from intentionally chemically and genetically tainted foods, deadly medicines and procedures, information denied and withheld.
We declare a day of International Solidarity for the millions who are in harms way due to warfare across the planet; we say, “No more war; war never again!”
We declare a Day of International Solidarity for the freedoms we, and others around the planet have fought so hard for in order to pass on to their children a life in which liberty and the pursuit of happiness were common realities.
We declare a Day of International Solidarity for the souls, however, demented, of the mad and infinitely corrupt and dangerous men and women who have strayed so far from our common humanity that they dare to presume the diabolical “rightness” of our convenient suffering and deaths.
We declare a Day of International Solidarity for the deluded who are lulled and led by the intentional propaganda of the genocidalists to become their support system and willingly deepen and disseminate the deception that the genocidalists may live while we must sicken and die for them.
We declare a Day of International Solidarity with those who stand tall to oppose the Genomicidal Techologies that are leading to a Weaponized World – weaponized against human suvival, including Nuclear Power, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and the dangerous environmental toxins found in industrial processes, pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.
And we declare a timeless, limitless and dimensionless era of awareness and freedom to live, to live freely, to pursue our own social, community, personal and cultural well-being and survival in our own terms, every man, woman and child, as a part of the community of planetary ownership and stewardship.
Support Health & Food Freedom & Justice
Demand the Right to Raw Milk!
Easily Message Your Representatives here:
All this we declare, on behalf of all humanity and this good Earth, and to these ends, “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor…”
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Start with my co-trustee, counsel Ralph Fucetola JD’s cogent analysis of the new Free Speech about Science bill, HR 1364 (a pretty good bill) and S. 216 (a really, really bad bill). His blog entry is entitled “HR 1364, S.216 and the Struggle for Health and Food Freedom” and it is here:
While cheering for HR 1364 is all the rage in Health Freedom circles at the moment, you won’t see Counsel Fucetola or the Natural Solutions Foundation joining the wild cheering, since, while supporting the bill, we are all too aware of the limits of trying to solve such problems piece-meal. He concludes:
“…FDA has ignored these legal restrictions, prompting Dr Ron Paul to remark that, when the Congress gives more power to FDA, the agency always engages in an “abuse of power…” A couple of years ago it ignored the 2007 restrictions to exceed its power and ban the interstate sale of certain vitamins. Just last year it sought to ban the entire Ear Candling industry and asked the Courts to recognize NO right of Americans to make their own dietary choices.
This is an agency run-amok. An agency that is so incompetent that about half of the dangerous drugs (including vaccines) it approves must be withdrawn from the market, or strictly curtailed, within 5 years of approval, thus proving that the Public has become the final stage in drug company research and development. All the while, supporting drug company exemptions from legal liability for the horrendous harm they cause the Public.
Meanwhile, what we call Sen. Leahy’s Criminalization of Food and Speech bill, which claims to “increase criminal penalties for certain knowing and intentional violations relating to food…” but applies only to SPEECH, has reared its ugly head again, as S.216. While that dangerous bill slid through the Senate, we hope it will stall in the House. But the Senate may have more surprises in store for us, with Sen. Durbin planning on introducing a new Dietary Supplement labeling bill that would, for the first time, subject vitamins to registration with the federal government prior to sale.
While all this is happening, Dr. Ron Paul continues to urge “legalization of freedom” with his recent Raw Milk Freedom bill, HR. 1830. Read more about this Interstate Commerce Bill, see my interview with him, and use the Action Item to support it, here:
Yes, Congress, can pass new laws to protect us from its agents — or subject us to even more harassment.
But better, DIVEST THE FDA OF FOOD AUTHORITY! Let it stick to messing up dangerous drugs and deadly vaccines… FREE US from this bureaucratic nightmare that leads to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths every year!
And that’s our gripe about a bill that’s been introduced with the best intent, but with hardly enough clout to do the job of restoring our Health and Food Freedoms…
We want to see a return to state, local and family food independence…“
That’s why we continue to post important videos and other information at the Food Freedom eJournal,, which can now be accessed through LikeMinded at:
DATA POINT 1 of the World Risk Assessment is, therefore, WATCH YOUR FOOD.
DATA POINT 2 has to do with the devastating, escalating disaster in Japan where and entirely new set of reactors, at Onagawa, Japan have cracked open and are leaking more radiation following a severe aftershock earlier this week.
I am very troubled by this development and urge you to watch Dr. Rima’s three important videos below and take the proactive steps she recommends here,, to protect yourself and family. This horrific threat is not going away anytime soon. The reactors at Fukushima have been classified as a “Chernobyl Level Disaster” but, in reality, the radiation levels are far higher than that at Chernobyl. During a trip to Russia in 1991, scientists there informed Dr. Rima and me that the “accident” at Chernobyl was, in fact, an astoundingly stupid experiment that ran amok. The information I have suggests strongly to me that the “accident” at Fukushima was a HAARP event intended to run amok. The quake that opened 3 additional nuclear reactors at Onagawa appears to have been an aftershock from that event. However they got there, 3 more TEPCO nuclear reactors are leaking radioactive water and ionizing radiation-producing materials into the environment. Once there, it reaches the US in just a few days, then the Atlantic, Europe, Russia and China, then back around.
When will it stop? There is no indication that it will. Radiation WILL go up up, first in the Northern half of the planet, then all over it. That is why we are calling on you to take action to call for a ban on this inherently disastrous technology, along with the other DNA-destroying technology, GMOs here: . More news about these matters is posted below.
DATA POINT 3 is the increasing probability of a financial meltdown in the United States if Congress is unable to hold the line on the Federal Debt Limit. Breaking through the $14+ billion figure may very well trigger the hyperinflation that has been building pressure. Obama Care legislation gave the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sibelius, a $16Billion “Slush Fund” which will only be funded IF the Federal Debt Ceiling is raised.
With that fund, she will find the Food Fascism bill which was sneaked through Congress at the last moment of a lame duck session in 2010. If the Federal Debt ceiling is NOT lifted, then this disastrous blow to health and freedom cannot be funded. Take this Action Item,, to make sure that it is NOT funded so that your food, your farmers and your seed remain yours to choose and use. In Europe, the saving of seeds is being criminalized. In the US, it is being regulated into a crime. This battle is too important to lose!
Another part of Data Point 3 is the steady march of the US government toward your pension, IRA, 401 or other retirement money. Since retirement monies represent sent that last pool of “real money” in the US economy, it is a ripe plum for the picking by the greedy and chaotically faltering US government. If you have dollar-denominated assets (such as 401, IRA, trust ofr similar funds) now is the time to consider safer havens like the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Panama. Please visit to learn more about these options.
Right now, other data points that we have considered in the past, such as weaponized pandemics and dangerous forced vaccine campaigns seem to be in temporary hiatus… but eternal vigilance is still required. Each and every one of these data points could reactivate at any time and, in fact, the WHO and CDC are trying, once again, to beat the drum for a Bird Flu pandemic. It doesn’t seem to be attractive to a stress-weary MMD (Media of Mass Deception), but they are trying, so expect another go-round of “We’re all gonna die if we don’t take the shot RIGHT NOW!!!” in the very near future. We also continue to “keep score” at Codex Alimentarius meetings and, with your generous financial support, expect to have observers at next month’s Codex meeting in Canada; please donate here:
DATA POINT 4 is the continued spread of world-genome (DNA) destroying GMOs while other environmental toxins continue to escalate: Genomicide – the destruction of the world’s natural genome through GMOs, nuclear power and similar toxic risks. Take this vitally important Action Item to ban both of them NOW, and then take it viral. It is our world. Let’s protect it for ourselves and ALL future generations:
We have important Action Items covering each of these risk points, since we know that PUSH BACK works. Please use the Action Items here daily : Our “7 + 1 Action Items:
DATA POINTS 1-4 will, I believe, help you understand the future as it unfolds. More importantly, they will help you focus your PUSH BACK so we can choose the better future we all seek!
And, while we are pushing back, remember to support the Push Back Engine! Make your generous recurring donation, large or small, here, now, while you are thinking of it:
4.20.11 UPDATE: S.216, the bill that would put you in jail for ten years if the FDA later decides your speech about food was intentionally false and put people at risk, has passed the US Senate and has been sent over to the House. The food controllers attempted to include this criminalization of speech about food bill in the so-called FDA “Food Safety” (actually food control) Modernization Act of 2010, but with regard to that provision and other similarly draconian provisions, your PUSH BACK worked… last year. Now it’s a new year and a new Congress up to its old tricks! Please use our revised Health and Food Freedom of Speech Action Item here, daily:
General Bert’s World Risk Assessment: Genomicide Warning #2 is here:
General Bert: Genocidal and Genomicidal Maniacs:
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Most of the photos below were taken during 2011 at the two acre Headquarters Finca which includes the Natural Solutions Center building, the HQ building, a storage facility and the first two of four planned greenhouses. The first greenhouse, made from bamboo has been on the site since Spring, 2009. The second greenhouse is being completed as this page is being posted and the remaining two greenhouses will be documented here as they are built. The Foundation Trustees intend the greenhouses as demonstration facilities that will also provide BeyondOrganic produce to the Valley of the Moon Restaurant.
Original Greenhouse
Building the Metal Greenhouse
The Coffee Finca