Imagine a World Where Antibiotic Resistance Did Not Exist! Where Chronic Inflammation did not suppress your immune system; threaten your genome through GDS. That world is waiting for you at:
Antibiotics have been so overused on factory farms and in doctors’ offices that disease causing organisms have become resistant to an increasing number of “last-line-of-defense” FDA-approved antibiotics.
The result? Read what Reuters Health News has to say:
“LONDON (Reuters) Mar 11 – Antibiotic resistance poses a catastrophic threat to medicine and could mean patients having minor surgery risk dying from infections that can no longer be treated, Britain’s top health official said on Monday…”Antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat. If we don’t act now, any one of us could go into hospital in 20 years for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics,” Davies told reporters as she published a report on infectious disease.
“And routine operations like hip replacements or organ transplants could be deadly because of the risk of infection.”
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) alone is estimated to kill around 19,000 people every year in the United States – far more than HIV and AIDS — or even the flu – and a similar number in Europe. And other superbugs are spreading. Cases of totally drug resistant tuberculosis have appeared in recent years and a new wave of “super superbugs” with an NDM-1 mutation which first emerged in India, has now turned up all over the world, from Britain to New Zealand.”
The immune systems of some people are always in a hyperactive state, and of all of us, sometimes over reacting, filling the body with inflammatory processes that sap vitality and degrade genetic integrity. Thus, one of the routes to Genome Disruption Syndrome (GDS) is through immune system-devastating antibiotics. GDS is the expression of multiple systems failures, brought about by the “Genomicidal Technologies” the engender high levels of free radical assaults on normal structure and function. Prescription drug toxins figure strongly in the development of GDS in many cases. Antibiotics thus harm not only by breeding resistant pathogens, but also by damaging the immune system and accelerating genome disruption through free radical attack.
Yes, antibiotics can lead to frightening possibilities. Routine infections or procedures could kill you?
Yes, UNLESS, you have something in your possession that supports the beneficial organisms in – and on – your body while it stimulates the immune functions that rid you of the pathogens, held to be the disease-causing agents.
There is only 1 safe, natural and effective, life-enhancing (as opposed to artificial antibiotics) that lets the body rid itself of the bad guy organisms and leaves the others alone. It is called Silver Sol and it is far more than the best natural support for normal inflammatory function going. It is a revolution in a bottle. Inflammation is, when not excessively stimulated by genomicidal toxins, part of the normal function of a human body; part of its defense system. However, when out-of-balance, the process becomes destructive, and chronic inflammation is one of the clear signs of GDS.
Thus Silver is an essential nutrient, needed for normal function.
But the FDA wants to suppress this amazing technology like so many others. You see, 90% of the world’s antibiotic use is on factory farms. Without antibiotics, the poor tortured animals would not survive. With them, the bacteria they are supposed to kill die off – mostly – but then the survivors have learned how to be antibiotic resistant.
They reproduce and nothing can stop them. Now you have a resistant strain of a disease-causing organism.
Sadly, we are not just dealing with one organism. We are dealing with an exploding number of them and the are not going away!
But there IS a natural solution, literally. A solution of nano sized particles of silver, less than 10 Angstra across, the unit in which light waves are measured. What do they do?
Very simply, they stimulate the capacity of the body to rid itself of the bacteria, viruses and other organisms which cause disease, leaving the ones that do not cause disease intact.
Since beneficial bacteria are essential for your immune, digestive and nutritional systems to function, this is very, very good news.
But not, of course, to the FDA or the antibiotic-makers since, health consequences be damned, antibiotics are gold. We need to keep eating cheap, mass-produced food. The industry shows no signs of eliminating factory farms and 90% of all antibiotic use is in factory farms. And from the farms’ runoff, into our water table. More toxins, more disease.
So even if doctors and patients get smart and start using safe natural methods to deal with infection, the production of both money and antibiotic resistant bacteria looks like it will continue, aided and abetted by the FDA, aka the Fraud and Death Administration.
Nano silver is illegal in Europe. The dots that tell you why are easy to connect. But it is still legal in the US, as a dietary supplement, taken to support normal function, not, heavens forbid, to “treat disease.”
The brand I prefer, and ingest myself, is called Silver Sol and is available here:
I would never be without it.
But the FDA and EPA are pushing hard to follow Europe’s insane restriction. Since there does not seem to be an effective date of meaningful expiration (although bottles are labeled with a 2 year expiration to meet market expectations), I advise people to lay in what they feel is a sufficient supply for a lifetime! This is one Silver investment that will repay dividends of health!
Or, if that is a problem financially, when you buy 1 bottle, buy another for back up and put it aside. Build up a reserve. But whatever you do, protect yourself and your family from what the irresponsible food industry and its reprehensible handmaiden, the FDA, have created: organisms so dangerous that they are listed as a greater threat than terrorism by the government!
Remember, nano silver is NOT colloidal silver. In a pinch, I would use colloidal silver, but what you want when your life is at stake is nano silver.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
To Health Freedom Supporters:
This is Dr. Rima and it is my pleasure to invite you to join me as we learn to use a technology that can save your life — TOGETHER! I sincerely believe it will not come again. If you can take advantage of it, I urge you to do so I have been using Sharry Edward, MEd’s, astonishing Human BioAcoustics in my medical practice since I met her in 1992. Why? Because i t works.Imagine if you could take a 15 second voice sample from yourself or your family and understand completely which nutrients were missing, making your loved one vulnerable to cancer or early death. Imagine if you could find out which nutrients were too abundant, making it hard for the body to use another nutrient. Suppose you could flip a switch and look at your radiation exposure profile early enough to take corrective actions to prevent the heart disease, neurological deterioration and cancer which so often follows radiation poisoning, even low-dose, long-term radiation. And imagine how you would feel if you were able to learn a skill in 2 days which would allow you to provide bio-marker-like information to anyone you chose – and be compensated if you wanted. And the course was free! That’s precisely what I am offering you in exchange for your 3 part support.
First of all, I need you to take the Action Items (our online system that lets you easily educate decision makers) which follow this blog entry. They are massively important and every voice speaks truth to power, trumpeting our demands for clean food and no toxic vaccines will make a Push Back difference! Doing so is on an honor system, of course. Second, I need you to send the two “Action Items” below this message to at least 10 people whom you believe will be willing to easily send email messages to their representatives about Natural Solutions, the way you did. Send a brief note asking them to do so and thanking them in advance for taking the time. The two critical links are: Sharry usually charges $1200 for her two day courses and $900 for the programs, but because of our special relationship, I can offer this course to you in exchange for your help – and nothing more.
People trained in Human BioAcoustics are able to identify and correct a wide array of conditions and situations and many practitioners charge for their services because what they offer is so valuable to their clients. On January 10-11, 2013 Sharry will be teaching a special class in the use of her technology AND giving students who come to the class through their connection with me two free programs. I will be updating my programs and learning to use her new programs by taking this class. I hope you will take it with me! This is a great opportunity to be introduced to Sound Health. This class will focus on identifying radiation exposure and nutritional deficits and requirements for yourself and for others, as you chose.
Given the sorry state of our food and the dangerous continuing Fukushima radiation contamination, I cannot imagine two more relevant and timely areas of focus. Without this special invitation, the cost for this class is $2,100, no exceptions. Offering this class to you, our donors, without charge is our way of saying “thank you” for your donation of $250 or more to the Natural Solutions Foundation. As a student in this remarkable class you will receive: • 2 days of training – 10 am – 4:30 pm EST (includes software, instructions, text, charts and marketing information via download). • Software including: Abacus (indicates points of significance), Nutrition and Muscles plus nanoVoice™ (Personality Profiler) and Radiation Exposure. These programs are worth $900 and are provide to you free. • PreClass instructions, Textbook, materials, videos and marketing information via download.
By the way, space is severely limited so you’ll need to embrace this opportunity to study Human BioAcoustics with me immediately. Yes, your donation of $250 or more will bring you $2,100 worth of free programs and skills which put you squarely in the forefront of advanced health for yourself and your lived ones – and for others if you chose to share it. As I said this course is available to you because of the special relationship that the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation have with Sharry. We are passing that special relationship along to you to say thank you for your loyal and continuing support. Human BioAcoustics is the real thing. All three Trustees of the Foundation have taken courses with Sharry, starting twenty years ago and now we want to share our private secret with you.
You see, it is not fair that we have access to this remarkable, life-saving technology if you, our supporters and community members, do not. That is why the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation decided that this was a perfect opportunity to introduce you to the power and potential of this technology. And I will be taking this course online with you as an update! ; Here are the three easy steps to participate with me:
2. Access instructions to the on-line course with registration material will be emailed to you within two days. 3. The list of programs and equipment (mostly free) as well as computer requirements will be included. Generally, modern computers are fully capable of handling the demands of the HBA programming. This is, quite literally, an amazing opportunity. I am embracing it actively and I hope you will join me and share this with others who might want to participate as well. Please understand, the programs involved in this special class have been specially developed and while compatible with professional work, are primarily for lay-person use. I sincerely believe that nothing like this opportunity will come again, so act now to register for the two day Human BioAcoustics class with Sharry Edwards and me. Act now to reserve your space for an educational gift that will open your mind wider than you thought possible and give you amazing skills, to boot! Yours for health Freedom, Dr Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation |
The Original “I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor” Video
I have treated “Adam Lanza” — male and female, young and old, for decades.
I am a Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist. I did my psychiatric residency at Lincoln Hospital and, along with my child psychology residency, also at St. Luke’s Hospital of Columbia University.
I have worked with Autistic people of all ages, the Asberger’s Syndrome people, Schrizophrenic people, BiPolar people, Multiple Personality Disorder people, OCD, ADD, ADHD, and pretty much every other type of labeled person in my 42+ year career since graduating from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.
And I have never written a prescription for a psychiatric drug. Or any other type of drug, for that matter.
I have, while serving as the Acting Director for a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Ward of a large hospital not very far from Newtown, CT, looked at the drugged, disoriented, drooling and dangerous children in my care ranging from age 4 to 16 and take ALL of them off all psychiatric medication, weaning them carefully, of course, because I simply could not tell what we were dealing with other than drug-damaged brains and bodies of the young and very young kids I had under my care.
The nurses told me I could not do that because they could not contain the children. I asked them how they knew that since the children who were violent, homicidal and suicidal were ALL on drugs known to make them violent, homicidal and suicidal.
They told me that I could not do that and that they would go to the union to prevent me from taking the kids off their meds. I replied that the meds were not the kids’ meds. They were the staff’s meds since they kept the staff comfortable and feeling safe.
They went to the Union. I had my physician’s license in CT, a Union Card that trumped theirs.
The 4 year old on 11 different psychiatric medications who was toe walking (a sign of neurological damage in a 4 year old) and who wanted to die stopped drooling and spinning around in circles when she came off the meds.
I was the first person to ask he why she had plunged a knife into Mommy’s boyfriend’s leg when he was asleep. She told me “He was hurting me down there [pointing to her vagina] every night and Mommy would not stop him”. When the event occurred, she was medicated without a single person taking a moment to ask why the act had taken place.
You see, I am old enough to have learned my craft and art BEFORE the advent of untested, highly profitable, and totally unconscionable psychiatric drugs. I read the literature on these neurological poisons and saw that the long terms studies were absent, that the pediatric studies were absent and that the advertising-supported “impartial” journals were nothing more than paper prostitutes all dressed up in paper dresses and glossy ads.
I watched in horror as younger and younger children were placed on stronger and stronger drugs for less and less indication (although, admittedly, in my mind there is no justification for the use of any psychiatric drug).
I learned orthomolecular medicine and psychiatry. That works. I learned how to listen and move people toward emotional health. That works too. I learned how to employ NeuroBioFeedback to teach the brain how to regulate itself and the body in harmony with its capacity and needs. That works fantastically well. I learned how to use frequency medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicine, intravenous nutrition and a variety of other modalities which actually support healing. They work.
I learned how to use nutrition, diet and detoxification, for which I studied Environmental Medicine. That works.
What does not work is drugging the brain with toxins which create the very symptoms for which the drugs are given in the first place.
I have met and held “Adam Lanza’s” mother in my arms as she wept in fear and exhausted despair. And I have held her in my arms as she wept for the joy of having her child clear eyed and of sound mind not in moments of quick hope, but continually and consistently.
I have held “Adam Lanza’s” mother’s hand in court as we pressured his school to give him the education he needed, not the one that they made money on from destructive State subsidies for the correct diagnosis and another drugged kid.
I have sat with “Adam’s” brothers and sisters helping them to undo the trauma that Adam-on-drugs has brought to their lives.
“Adam Lanza” and I have spent hours together as he climbed out of the pit of his own psychosis, without drugs, confinement or violence, but not necessarily smoothly, either.
And I have attended the funeral of more than 1 “Adam Lanza” whose family pressured his mom, or whose divorced parent pressured the custodial parent through the Court, to put “Adam” on drugs – and then did not even have the good grace or decency to accept responsibility for his death.
We know of absolutely no chemical imbalance to account for mental and emotional illness. We know that genes are disrupted so function is distorted by a host of causes, chief among which are heavy metals like mercury and industrial poisons like formaldehyde, fluoride and foreign DNA and proteins which call forth an auto immune reaction and cause neurological disruption.
This is a type of expression of a larger cause of disability I have called “Genome Disruption Syndrome” or GDS ( It, not a psuedo-science “genetic drift”, accounts for the changes in the human genome which are linked to increased cancer rates, autism, increased diabetes rates and the other chronic, degenerative diseases which were virtually unknown in our grandparents and parents childhoods. The genome is the same. The genomic disruption is by no means the same.
Adam was, according to his uncle, being “treated” with Fantapt, a novel, and highly dangerous anti-psychotic previously rejected by the FDA for its high side effect profile, including aggression and psychosis.*
But he was also vaccinated. So this Adam Lanza was toxic with thimerosol (49.6% mercury by weight), formaldehyde, fluoride, MSG, foreign DNA, diploid cells, foreign protein, Polysorbate 80 (or “TWEEN”) and other systemic toxins injected into his body regardless of their toxicity and regardless of his ability to remove them from his body.
So this Adam was neurotoxic — a victim of Genome Disruption.
His mother, I must also presume, had no intent to harm him when she allowed his genome to be repeatedly overwhelmed with unnecessary and dangerous vaccines and then, similarly, with dangerous and unnecessary psychiatric medications. No, I am sure that she followed the perhaps-well-intentioned advice of experts who themselves have suspended their capacity to evaluate data and instead rely on the herd’s belief that since it is said so often, the safety and efficacy of the drugs and vaccines purveyed so beautifully in the journals and ads, seminars and trainings (complete with pizza and salad during a busy lunch in a windowless conference room in the clinic or hospital) must be safe and effective.
They are neither and the “Adam Lanza’s” and their mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, neighbors and, today, his grieving neighbors in Newton, CT. can testify to that.
There is a time to say NO. That time has arrived. No to psychiatric drugs. There is ALWAYS a better way. More than half of the people who kill themselves are on psychiatric drugs.
No to vaccines. There could not be a worse way. Virtually every modern outbreak and epidemic takes place in the fully vaccinated, to which the vaccine pusher’s retort is, “Well, give people more vaccine doses since 2 (or 3, or 4 or more) did not work. Call them boosters!” I call them Genome Disruption.
No to GMOs which are likewise altering our very genome.
Psychiatric drugs kill both those who take them and those they turn on.
They are unnecessary and dangerous, but oh, so profitable.
See my video, blog and take action here now:
Let your voice be heard by decision makers:
All of our children are Adam Lanzas; all of them are his victims.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS: This is what General Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret.), my husband and the President of our Foundation, had to say:
“Our hearts reach out to all those who suffer at the hands of senseless violence, around the world. It must stop! It is urgent that you share this message with your entire circle of influence. Send them to Dr. Rima’s powerful message about Genome Disruption and the mass killing tragedies that mar our claim to civilized status. Dr. Rima Truth Reports bring you the immediate information you need to meet the challenges of the crises of crony corporatism, to protect yourself and family. Send all your circles of influence to Dr. Rima’s powerful message about Genome Disruption and the mass killing tragedies that mar our claim to civilized status. Send them here:” General Bert
Note: These videos and essay were written in direct response to the brave woman who authored “I am Adam Lanza’s Mother” about her experience with a similar child. Just as she is not literally Adam Lanza’s mother, so I am not claiming to be the physician who treated Adam Lanza. Readers are invited to understand that as a Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist I have treated many patients like Adam Lanza but never met him before the tragic deaths.
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