Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports:
June 25, 2010
Note: the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS, reports 333451 adverse events associated with vaccines. This number is generally acknowledged to represent between 1 and 10% of all adverse events. ttp://
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Stanley Kops….has produced proof positive that the oral polio vaccine has always been contaminated with SV-40, a monkey virus which has been linked by the FDA and other organizations with cancers such as mesothelioma and meduloblastoma. Since 1963, we have been assured that polio vaccines have not contained this deadly contaminant. Stanley Kops shows that not only is this not the case, but that the vaccine regulators who are charged with keeping our families safe, have known all along that SV-40 was never removed from vaccines.
From the CDC: “Inevitable gaps in [Polio] vaccination coverage will give rise to cVDPVs [that is, polio cases caused by the vaccine itself – REL] as long as OPV [Oral Polio Vaccine] use continues”
Polio outbreaks continue to be associated with circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPVs) in areas with low oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) coverage [Emphasis added-REL]. In addition, long-term excretion of neurovirulent immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived polioviruses (iVDPVs) can lead to poliovirus spread to contacts. Overcoming these obstacles is challenging. High rates of OPV coverage will prevent all poliovirus spread, including spread of VDPVs, but will not prevent establishment of prolonged VDPV infections in certain persons with B-cell immunodeficiencies (i.e., having defects in antibody production). Inevitable gaps in vaccination coverage will give rise to cVDPVs as long as OPV use continues.
and then consider that Elswood and Stricker, avid proponents of vaccination, presented evidence in 1994 that HIV was disseminated in polio vaccination by WHO in Africa. This evidence has never been refuted.
First, Blame the Victims!
If you read the article below, from the respected Science Daily, you will note that the vaccine establishment acknowledges that the cause of polio is, in many cases, the virus in the vaccine which was supposed to be so attenuated that it could not cause any disease. But the real reason, they assert, is that the people who get polio from the vaccines (mostly children under 5 years of age.
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Polio is the classic case of “Problem, Solutions, Reaction” favored by those who drive systems, in this case, our nations and our freedom, into chaos to control and destroy them. Take an environmental toxicity which co-factors with a virus, create a vaccine which spreads the disease, vaccinate widely, cause ‘epidemics’ of small numbers of cases, scare the wits out of parents and community decision makers with false information, deny for decades that the vaccine CAUSES the disease it is supposed to prevent and then, when the market is flagging because it is clear that the vaccination program has not worked, BLAME THE VACCINE FOR SPREADING THE DISEASE IN PEOPLE WITH VULNERABLE IMMUNE SYSTEMS AND THEN CONVINCE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY DOCTORS, WHO ARE, IN FACT, THE MOST GULLIBLE OF PEOPLE, THAT THE CURE FOR VACCINE-DISSEMINATED POLIO IS TO VACCINATE MORE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY KIDS!
Oh, wait! While you are doing that, make sure that the vaccine that spreads polio, in this case, ALSO causes another, deferred, more serious disease, in this case ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA! And perhaps just a bit of HIV thrown in for good measure? Sure. People with HIV, in addition to dying, also get lots and lots of cancer!
Cancer is the most wildly financially productive disease ever encountered by humans. The 2008 cost of cancer in the US, according to the American Cancer Society, funded by Big Pharma itself, was a walloping $228.1 Billion. How many of those dollars were expended on children with vaccine induced cancer? And what is the non-fiscal cost of a child’s life? I do not know how to do that mathematical computation. And the vaccine industry does not care to do it.
Please visit to learn more about how this works. Then please come back to this article, keep reading and take action!
Polio vaccination is as great a scam as any other vaccination: there is no scientific evidence -none!- that vaccines work to prevent, mitigate or cure any disease. There is vast evidence that they work to weaken the nervous systems and that they intentionally, yes, intentionally, spread diseases which are vast profit sources and shorten lives and eliminate fertility.
We know, from the personal admission of Maurice Hilleman, PhD, or Merck Pharmaceuticals, that the polio vaccine’s leukemia virus contamination has been known for decades while the vaccine was administered to children around the world. I know of nothing to suggest that current polio AND OTHER vaccines are not contaminated with deadly viruses in addition to seriously toxic constituents like mercury and aluminum, Tween 80, human DNA, animal DNA, viruses, formaldehyde, etc. In fact, there is a great deal to document that they are.
And there is also a good deal to document that it is vaccination itself, not just polio vaccination, that causes diseases for which the vaccine allegedly protects the vaccination victim. [Alexa Traffic Rank for 149579], etc., etc.!
So read the article below and then share it with everyone you know. Ask them to take the action steps here and, just in case you have not already taken these steps, once for every member of your family, please take a few moments to do so now. Riding the freedom mouse can save your life and your freedom, all in the same swift, easy action step!
Thanks for your activism.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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Now, your activism. First take action below for every member of your family and then forward this email to your entire contact list, asking that they do the same:
1. Call for Congressional Hearing on Autism and Other Environmental Illness: Autism and other environmentally caused diseases, including asthma, MS, at least 85% of all cancers (and much more in children), emphysema, etc., are preventable. Preventable, that is, if Congress takes the bull by the horns, carries out the studies and hearing and then passes legislation to protect the population. Click here, , to demand exactly those actions from the Congress that We, the People, elected and which works for US, the most potent special interest group in existence, 310,000 strong!
2. Stop the Food Fascism Bill, S. 510, which masquerades under the title of the “Food Safety” Bill. It makes food profits safe for the multinationals like Monsanto, and guarantees that your food will be contaminated and controlled by those multinationals, not local farmers, including organic farmers. FDA says we do not have the right to decide what we want to eat. Show them they are wrong!
3. End GMO Contamination of Your Food, Your Body, Your Planet. FDA FORBIDS GMO LABELING so you have no idea how much of your food supply is contaminated. Worse yet, GMOs are contagious! The foreign DNA spreads within and between species and the contamination cannot be reversed by any technique we have now short of burning the contaminated material. NO significant safety testing is carried our, or permitted, by government agencies. Ban GMOs and set up a commission to find out how much damage has been done and develop new ways to fix the problem before there IS no fix!
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Polio Research Gives New Insight Into Tackling Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus
ScienceDaily (June 24, 2010) — A vaccine-derived strain of poliovirus that has spread in recent years is serious but it can be tackled with an existing vaccine, according to a new study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Vaccine-derived polioviruses can emerge on rare occasions in under-immunized populations, when the attenuated virus contained in a vaccine mutates and recombines with other viruses, to create a circulating vaccine-derived strain.
The researchers behind today’s study say their findings highlight the importance of completing polio eradication. They also say that should wild-type poliovirus be eradicated, routine vaccination with oral polio vaccines will need to cease, in order to prevent further vaccine-derived strains of the virus from emerging.
The study was carried out by researchers from the Medical Research Council Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling at Imperial College London, working with the Government of Nigeria and the World Health Organization (WHO) research teams.
Poliovirus is highly infectious and primarily affects children under five years of age. Around one in 200 of the people infected with polio develop permanent paralysis, which can be fatal.
Polio was virtually wiped out by the early 2000s following a major vaccination drive by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, but since then the number of cases of paralysis reported has plateaued, remaining roughly constant at between one and two thousand each year from 2003 to 2009, dropping only recently in 2010.
The first reported polio outbreak resulting from a circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, known as a cVDPV, occurred in Hispaniola in 2000. Prior to today’s study, there was little evidence available about the severity and potential impact of this kind of poliovirus.
Although billions of doses of oral vaccine have been distributed in the last decade, just 14 cVDPV outbreaks have been reported, affecting 15 countries. These outbreaks have usually been limited in size.
For the new study, researchers looked at the largest recorded outbreak of a cVDPV to date, which began to circulate in Nigeria in 2005. The authors examined data from 278 children paralyzed by this cVDPV, and compared them with children paralysed by wild-type poliovirus in the country. Their analysis showed that this serotype 2 cVDPV is as easily transmitted and likely to cause severe disease as wild-type poliovirus of the same serotype.
The study also shows that vaccination with trivalent OPV, one of the main types of vaccine currently used to combat polio, is highly effective in preventing paralysis by this serotype 2 cVDPV.
The research shows that it is even more effective against cVDPV than against the wild-type polioviruses that are currently circulating, which can also be targeted with a different vaccine.
The new findings mean that it is particularly vital that efforts to vaccinate children with trivalent OPV continue in Nigeria and neighbouring countries, to protect children against all strains of polio. The scientists hope their findings will help countries to devise the right vaccine strategies to eradicate polio.
Helen Jenkins, the lead author of the study from the Medical Research Council Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling at Imperial College London, said: “Our research shows that vaccine-derived polioviruses must be taken seriously and that we have the right tools to tackle them. We’ve had a lot of success against polio in the past and we’re optimistic that ultimately we should be able to eradicate it completely.
“However, our study shows that we can’t be complacent about the virus. It’s still vital for us to protect children from this dangerous and debilitating disease and we have to make sure we continue to vaccinate as many children as possible in affected countries for as long as wild-type poliovirus continues to circulate,” added Ms Jenkins.
Senior study author Dr Nicholas Grassly, also from the Medical Research Council Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modeling at Imperial College London, added: “There has been some debate about the significance of circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses for the eradication initiative. Our research shows these viruses can be as pathogenic and transmissible as wild-type polioviruses and outbreaks must be responded to with just as much vigour.”
Dr Bruce Aylward, Director of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative at WHO, added: “These new findings suggest that if cVDPVs are allowed to circulate for a long enough time, eventually they can regain a similar capacity to spread and paralyse as wild polioviruses. This means that they should be subject to the same outbreak response measures as wild polioviruses. These results also underscore the need to eventually stop all OPV use in routine immunization programmes after wild polioviruses have been eradicated, to ensure that all children are protected from all possible risks of polio in future.”
This study was funded by the Medical Research Council and the Royal Society.
Citing price as the reason, Alaska authorities backed off requiring – and providing – Gardasil shots to young girls and women.
While it is possible to see this announcement as just another cost-cutting measure, the liklihood is that the serious controversy around this unnecessary, dangerous and ineffective vaccine which actually increases cervical cancer incidence in women by as much as 44.7% is the real cause for this back-off.
Whatever the reason, girls in Alaska whose families cannot pay for this shot are a great deal better off than girls whose families can afford it and do make the much hyped, but dangerous decision to give their daughters Gardasil.
Vaccination is so dangerous, despite the hype and hoopla which supports this very profitable segment of the pharmaceutical industry, that it is a totally uninsurable risk. That means that no insurance company will provide a policy to the manufactures to protect them from the liability law suits that they could be exposed to when their products cause harm.
Who will pay if Gardasil causes death and damage? Surely not Merck, Gardasil’s manufacturer. The FDA, the supposed “regulatory agency” which keeps dangerous products off the market, bowed to pressure and conflict of interest and rushed Gardasil through without adequate trials to establish even short term safety. And it has done something else. It has removed any threat of liability from any drug or vaccine manufacturer who causes harm through their product IF that product has been approved for any thing at all by the FDA.
So who will pay for the death and damage to otherwise healthy girls and women who died or were crippled in the immediate post-vaccination period? Who will pay for the cancers and deaths yet to come in a poorly tested vaccine which was rushed to market to make, literally, a killing without proper evaluation? Who will compensate women who cannot bear children as a consequence of this vaccination for the grief of their infertility, should that be one of the long-term effects of Gardasil injection? Who will pay for the injury to children and husbands who loose their mothers and wives prematurely if Gardasil is a long-term killer?
No one.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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State limits access to 2 free vaccines
SCHOOL PROGRAM: 15 others will still be offered but these were too costly.
Published: November 7th, 2008 02:28 AM
Last Modified: November 7th, 2008 11:16 AM
For the first time in more than 30 years, the State of Alaska will no longer offer all vaccinations free to all Alaska schoolchildren, the state Division of Epidemiology reported this week.
When the new policy begins on Jan. 1, two of the newest and most expensive vaccines — immunizations for girls to prevent cervical cancer and for both boys and girls to prevent meningitis — will only be offered free to low-income, uninsured or Alaska Native and American Indian children.
Other Alaskans will have to rely on health insurance policies to cover the expense, or pay for the vaccines themselves.
Federal funding of the state’s universal immunization program has failed to keep pace with the increasing cost and rising number of recommended vaccines, said Laurel Wood, manager of the Alaska Immunization Program.
For that reason, the state will cut back on two of more than a dozen vaccines it currently distributes to Alaska health care providers at no cost, including:
• Gardasil, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for girls, and
• Menactra, the meningococcal vaccine for boys and girls.
Under provisions of the federally funded Vaccines for Children program, both immunizations will continue to be offered free to young Alaskans who are Medicaid-eligible.
They will also be offered at federally funded health clinics (including the Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center) to “under-insured” children whose family policies don’t cover the cost of vaccines.
Fifteen older vaccines — including immunizations to protect children against hepatitis, diphtheria, polio, tetanus, measles, mumps, chickenpox and influenza — will continue to be offered free to all Alaskans under 18 years of age, regardless of income or insurance.
After the cutback, about 4,000 Alaska girls in need of the HPV vaccine and about 5,500 boys and girls in need of the meningococcal vaccine won’t be covered, Wood said.
The meningococcal vaccine costs the state $76 a dose, Wood said. The HPV vaccine — which requires three doses over a period of six months — costs about $300 per child for the complete series.
Trying to provide those vaccines at no cost to all Alaska school children would require an additional $1.6 million, Wood said.
The number of recommended vaccines has grown along with their costs, the Alaska Epidemiology Bulletin reported this week. In 2000 the entire battery of recommended vaccines cost $219 per child. Today the cost is $1,120 for boys and $1,429 for girls.
The cost of the HPV vaccine is the budget-buster.
Last year the state managed to cover that extra cost by tapping additional funds provided by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Wood said. But that was a one-time fix.
“It was basically a disproportionate amount of money for the size of our population compared with other states,” Wood said.
Since the HPV vaccine was first made available in June 2007, the state has distributed 33,000 free doses to girls between 9 and 18 years of age, Wood said.
The vaccine is recommended for young women up to the age of 26, but it’s not mandatory to attend public schools.
The meningococcal vaccine was first made available in January, 2006. Since then the state has distributed about 36,000 free doses to boys and girls between 11 and 18 years of age,” Wood said.
Persons with questions about the Alaska Immunization Program should contact the state Division of Public Health at 269-8000 or 1-888-430-4321.